Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 280: Deception

Chapter 280: Deception

"How do we use the acceleration of dark matter to support the superweapon and the planet it is carrying?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"Once again, you're viewing this from the narrow perspective of a planet-level civilization. Supporting the planet with the acceleration of dark matter is akin to hitting a bug with a cannon. In both the superweapon and Black King, dark matter transmitters are installed. By constantly cycling the dark matter inside the two with the dark matter in space, they will be able to move smoothly and leap across vast distances," explained Temo, but we were completely unable to understand what he was talking about.

"Temo, let's not talk about all that. How do I meet Violetvoid?" I asked, ending the conversation on the fabric of the universe.

"To meet Violetvoid, you have to first enter the brain area," replied Temo.

"Then let's think of a way to enter the brain area," I said, urging Temo.

Suddenly, I noticed that all of us were in the command room. Nobody was piloting the ship.

"Temo, is this ship being piloted automatically?" I asked in astonishment.

"Yes. Markus is capable of identifying all obstacles in its path. We only need to provide it with a destination. Of course, there are unique situations where manual piloting is required. Since I knew that you had wanted to enter the brain area, I had prepared all the documents necessary," said Temo smugly.

Our ship was currently already heading toward the superweapon. The nearer we got to the huge monster, the more shocked we were at the sight in front of us.

"Temo, if we can instantly reach outer space, why can't we instantly move to the brain area?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"Instantaneous movement can only happen within the same facility or building. The movement needs the support of a receiver to work. Markus can perform instant movements within the skyscraper itself but not out here in space," explained Temo.

When we got close enough to the superweapon, several battleships immediately separated from the fleet surrounding the superweapon and flew toward us.

"Imperial battleships. Are they manned by Eternals or smart robots?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"Don't worry. I have prepared for the inspection," said Temo calmly.

As the ship directly in front of us verified our identity, a ray of green light shot out and scanned our ship. A few minutes later, the ships actually turned around to leave. Not a single word was exchanged between us.

"Can't the Divine Empire detect our genes with its technology?" asked Dodo in confusion.

"I have long prepared to fool the genetic scanner. As far as their scanner is concerned, we are all Sacred Wings and Eternals. Who would offend the Sacred Wing race for no reason?" said Temo, once again showcasing the technological prowess of our ship.

"I see," said Dodo in realization.

Just like that, Markus easily went through the strict security checks surrounding the superweapon and went inside the weapon through its lower shoulder. After entering the superweapon, I found to my astonishment that the superweapon's various components were actually kept together by some transparent substance that looked like light.

The transparent substance was even showing the sight of the superweapon's surroundings, which once again stunned us. There were numerous smart robots busy at work in the super robot. A weapon of this scale required the cooperation of numerous individuals for it to operate smoothly.

"Dwarf, do you know the way to the worm colony brain?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"We'll enter the head of the superweapon. The security there is strict. We will need to park our ship at the designated spot and proceed on foot," said Temo.

"Heading over on foot? In that case, we will need to remain disguised as Eternal soldiers," said Old Du.

"Of course. Why? Are you actually thinking of getting into your Interstellar League's morph-capable suits? Just stay in your current Eternal guard disguise. You will most definitely be exposed after this mission. There is no returning after proceeding with it. I can help hide your identities and get you into the brain area, but the system will only give us 30 minutes before seeing through our disguise. Thus, it is imperative that we actually obtain the assistance of the worm colony brain," said Temo.

"If we're captured, what will happen to you?" asked Zhang Bao'er, who was unhappy that unlike us, there was no risk whatsoever for Temo.

"If we're captured this time, even I won't be able to escape the fate of having my mind harvested and fed into a smart robot," replied Temo. I couldn't help but be touched by his willingness to help us upon hearing that.

"What will happen if we can get the help of the worm colony brain?" I asked.

"The worm colony brain is the core of the superweapon. With its help, we can take on any identity we want within the superweapon's range. Nobody will be able to see through our disguise. Therefore, you must complete the mission in 30 minutes," said Temo.

"There are so many worms in the worm colony brain. How are we supposed to find Violetvoid in only 30 minutes?" asked Old Du.

"We will have to improvise as we go. I'll take Bulu with me. Hopefully, that will attract Violetvoid's attention," I decided.

As we spoke, Markus arrived at the designated parking space. We hurriedly got ready for the operation. The moment we left the ship, I noticed a large number of robotic guards around us. Among them, there was a type of robot that stood out from the rest. They were large and bulky, each equipped with a pair of drill-like arms. They looked exceptionally ferocious and were likely to be robots with enhanced defensive capabilities.

"This is the superweapon's core area, so security is strict. Do not say anything. Let me handle all the talking. Remember, do not do anything rash. Do not speak no matter what happens," said Temo. It was rare to see Temo acting all nervous like this.

Affected by Temo's mood, we grew nervous as well. And sure enough, a smart robot started leading one of the drill-robots toward us.

"Hold! Who are you? No Eternal soldiers are allowed here without permission. Only those with the emperor's special permission can be here. Do you idiots have His Majesty's special permission?" questioned the leading smart robot.

"Why are you creating such a ruckus? We are His Majesty's special envoys. The mutation within the worm colony brain has reached a grave level. According to the emperor's edict, we need to perform some tests on the worm colony brain of each superweapon. Anyone standing in our way is to be executed," replied Temo fiercely.

"Stop bluffing. If you want to enter, you need to show me the relevant documentation," said the smart robot. It was probably on strict orders to perform its duties and was unafraid of even the Sacred Wing race.

"Here. Take a good look," said Temo as he handed over a crystal command token with a look of disdain.

'Looks like Temo is really well prepared,' I praised inwardly.

"This isn't right. Something is wrong with your token. The emperor's 3D seal can't be seen on it," said the smart robot after a few minutes. The drill-robot behind it immediately raised its arms. The surrounding smart robots also hurriedly raised their weapons and surrounded us.

'Damn it! Did Temo not prepare the seal?' I cursed inwardly even though I had just praised Temo not long ago.

I was not the only one feeling nervous. I could see Zhang Bao'er instinctively reaching for his gun.

"Are you blind, you insignificant robot soldier? Do you not see the seal of the Sacred Wing race's master of ceremony on it? Emperor Fille has personally headed over to the Solar System while we came from Eternal. Without the emperor around, we are carrying out our mission in accordance with the edict he left behind before leaving. How are we supposed to get his seal? According to our laws, in the absence of the emperor during wartime, the seal of the Sacred Wing's master of ceremony will be treated as the emperor's seal," said Temo imposingly, crushing the smart robots confidence with his sheer presence.

"Th-th-this is right, there is such a law. But according to the law, we also need to verify this seal with the master of ceremony," said the smart robot meekly, its confidence wavering.

"Piss off and get it done then. We'll only be here for 60 minutes. If your delay affects the important mission of the Sacred Wing race, I'll have you disassembled," threatened Temo.

"Superiors, please wait a moment. I'll perform the verification immediately," said the smart robot before running toward the command center in a panic.

We were absolutely dumbstruck by Temo's performance, not knowing what he was doing. I was sure that the Sacred Wing's master of ceremony would not help Temo with this lie. Zhang Bao'er, Old Du, and Anxashe had probably reached the same conclusion as me. I signaled at the three with my eyes, telling them to be ready for combat.

The mood was tense as the smart robots were feeling panicky while we were extremely anxious. Temo, on the other hand, appeared completely indifferent. Dodo was also so nervous they didn't dare to make a sound. Even Dolby, Temo's drone, was slowly approaching Temo after sensing an impending battle. A few minutes later, I saw the previous smart robot running back hastily.

"My apologies for wasting your precious time, superior. I have verified the token. The seal is valid. Please enter. There will be a guide showing you the way to the brain," said the smart robot as it handed the token back respectfully.

One ought to admit that Temo had successfully stunned us yet again. We stayed calm and showed no emotions. Suppressing our curiosity, we followed the guide to the brain. The guide was a small robot shaped like a beetle. It brought us to a massive door. It flew to the center of the door and shot out a blue ray from its mouth, which seemed to be the key to unlock the door. Shortly after, the door slowly slid open. Done with its work, the guide turned around and left.

"Temo, have you communicated with the master of ceremony before this? Is the master of ceremony your relative? Why is he helping you?" Unsurprisingly, Zhang Bao'er was the one to lose his patience and bombard Temo with a series of questions.

"Hmph. Of course not. I had not communicated with anyone," said Temo, stunning us with his answer.

"Then why did you have the smart robot verify the token? Are you trying to get us killed?" questioned Zhang Bao'er.

"I was betting on the fact that those machines won't have the guts to waste our time. I was also betting on the master of ceremony being too busy to be bothered with something so trivial," said Temo, his answer causing me to break out in cold sweat.

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