
Chapter 2: I’m Not a Member of Your Harem

Chapter 2: I'm Not a Member of Your Harem

Waking up, it is already passed three days.

He Gu opened his eyes, the sun was shining on his face and he felt a heavy arm on his waist. He grabbed the arm and quietly placed it in his heart, then turned to look at the man on the pillow.

Song Ju Han slept very soundly and the chaotic hair hanged on his face, the long eyelashes cast a fan-shaped shadow on the face and the nose fluttered gently. A quarter of the Aryan ancestry makes Song Ju Han's good looks have both the savageness of Caucasians and the mystery of the Asian races. This is a face that can easily make people's hearts go crazy.

He Gu took a long time to think of the reasons why he loved Song Ju Han, is it because of this face, He Gu is an engineer, he is good at thinking, using systematic ways of solving things but also use various examples and assumptions to proof his thinking. Later, he came to the conclusion that even if Song Ju Han didn't have this face, his origin, status, talent, rich experience and mature communicative wrists he could easily attract He Gu. The Song Ju Han back in high school that could be cast out from the bones. Out of the extravagance and high-ranking people, came such a arrogant son, he is very attractive enough to be worshipped, if you change to the present, He Gu may been able to resist Song Ju Han's words and smile, but he couldn't do it when he was young.

Only after he truly understood Song Ju Han, he knew that He Gu is a smart and complete self-immersed person. He Gu understanding of Song Ju Han is probably second only to the Song Ju Han's parents because Song Ju Han never pretends to be a gentleman in front of him and does not bother to fake anything.

He Gu looked at him and watched the sleeping guy for a long time, because he was tired of the stiff posture, so he moved.

This time, Song Ju Han woke up and yawned at his eyes: "What time is it?"


Song Ju Han slammed his eyes openly: "Fuck, why didn't Xiao Song call me!"

Xiao Song is Song Ju Han's assistant.

Song Ju Han looked around and looked forward, his grim face said: "Where is my mobile phone?"

He Gu got out of bed and went straight to the living room. After a while, he returned with Song Ju Han's phone.

Song Ju Han took the phone and saw that it was dead. He dropped the phone on the quilt and turned to He Gu: "Give me your phone."

He Gu handed him the phone, Song Ju Han dialed Xiao Song's phone: "Hey, yes, why am I here... How? OK, I missed it anyway, change it, you can explain it to them." After the phone call, Song Ju Han remanded himself back to the bed.

He Gu asked: "What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

"Yeah." Song Ju Han said uncomfortably: "Go get me something to eat."

He Gu put clothes on, first he put Song Ju Han's mobile phone in the charger, then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

When Song Ju Han washed his face, the breakfast was already on the table. Song Ju Han sat down and ate it without saying a word. He did not see He Gu who was still busy in the kitchen.

When He Gu put the fried eggs on the table, Song Ju Han has already eaten almost everything left on the table and then he reached out and said: "Give me my mobile phone."

He Gu went to take the phone and turned it on and to him.

Song Ju Han pressed on the screen and a WeChat call came out. A very nice female voice which sounded spoiled said, "Why haven't you come back to mine, I am so sad."

Song Ju Han ate while talking with even a drop of shame: "I have been busy recently."

He Gu hand which was holding the chopsticks clenched unconsciously, his throat twitched up and down, silently bowing his head and eating his porridge.

The two of you came to me to the ground for two words, the woman's voice is very pretty, Song Ju Han spoke with a faceless expression when he spoke the words, that made He Gu feel perverted.

Song Ju Han ate a porridge and said carelessly: "Did you hear recognize this voice?"

He Gu shook his head.

"Oh, I forgot, you don't listen to upcoming songs very much. This is a newcomer who has just been trending in the entertainment scene, she is entangled with me and she is making me write songs for her."

"Are you sleeping with her?" He Gu carelessly asked. In fact, he does not like listening to songs very much, but Song Ju Han's songs, he has heard them countless times in every place, he just does not listen to other people's songs.

Song Ju Han shook his head and said contemptuously: "Who knows?.... that it is not clear."

"Then you still care about her."

"My dad wants to hold on to her, her style is very unique, but why would I even want to write songs for her?" Song Ju Han said with a smile: "How much money can I make writing song lyrics."

He Gu didn't talk.

When Song Ju Han looked at He Gu, he smiled mockingly: "Hey... anyone who approaches me always wants to show me something, right?"

"I also figured that."He Gu wiped his mouth and looked at him faintly: "Figured that from your face."

Song Ju Han laughed heartily.

He Gu laughed ending with a smiled. Song Ju Han thought that he was not much different from other people. He Gu looked at his face, his name, his money and why he never explained anything, because the relationship of "mutual benefit" is all what Song Ju Han wanted.

What's more, He Gu feelings are just a cumbersome joke for Song Ju Han and he does not want to show his own shame.

He Gu doesn't have much to say, he had no entanglement, made no trouble, he made no resistance, so Song Ju Han is not bored with him, unless Song Ju Han gets tired of him one day, but before that day gets here they should be able to maintain this relationship for a while, if they even fuckbuddies.... They are not friends, if this fuckbuddy title breaks then in He Gu life he is afraid there will be no chance to touch this man again.

After dinner, Song Ju Han called someone again and it seemed he was calling the driver.

After cleaning up the kitchen, He Gu opened the tablet and first purchased a batch of the latest genuine games. He spent more than a thousand yuans and then started watching TV.

His 48-inch TV was bought two years ago, even now, it is also same as the size of the TV in Song Ju Han home. He Gu is very busy at work, usually does not even look at it. Only Song Ju Han will come to play games, so this TV was bought just for Song Ju Han. In fact, it is not just TV. He Gu comes from a small family and his family isn't rich. But things must be prepared by Song Ju Han who will come to visit him from time to time. Now that the 65-inch TV has just appeared on the market, it looks quite stylish, but it is very expensive. It costs more than 40,000 yuans. He Gu pondered the computer for a while then placed an order.

With a tap of a finger, the salary worth of two months is gone.

He Gu felt a bit of a pain, but if you think about it, there is nothing to it. One has to make money for nothing more than spending it. This is nothing but for his own happiness. As long as he can see Song Ju Han, he will be happy. Besides, he is a lonely man. He usually spends a little amount of money. He is not likely to get married in the future. It is even more impossible to have children with no wife so why keep the money.

Song Ju Han came back after the phone call and stretched his waist hard, lying on the sofa lazily: " He Gu, come and massage me."

He Gu put down the tablet and went to seat next to him, he put Ju Han head on his lap and gave his head a massage with a moderate pressure.

Song Ju Han closed his eyes and sighed softly. He looked very comfortable.

He Gu can't bear the ups and downs sighs from Song Ju Han mouth, there is a desire to bow down and kiss the white forehead. He whispered: "Are you preparing for the concert?"

"Well, I will try to do it as little as possible in the future. The money is money, but its energy taxing and every afterwards I'm always tired."

Song Ju Han is a very talented singer and he is a very talented creative performer. He is very good at dancing and singing. He can also write good songs. There are only a few Chinese song writer in the music circles. None knows how many people are rushing to ask him for a song? Because if one can sing the song written by Song Ju Han, it means that he has a place in his circle and that is what gold owners are willing to pay for.

He Gu fingers gently combed his hair: "I know you prefer to write songs."

Song Ju Han scoffed and yawned. He suddenly remembered something. He said, "Hey, guess who I saw today."


"Your college boyfriend, he had returned home."

After a moment, He Gu hand stopped and he concealed his emotions: "Feng Zheng? You know that he is not my boyfriend."

"Oh, what is that? Fuck buddy?" Song Ju Han smiled: "No, you are still with me."

He Gu voice was plain: "I said that we are only friends."

Song Ju Han sat up from the sofa and stared at him with a squinting look: "He is very well mixed now. After returning to China, he did not go to his own company. Instead, he started a Venture Capital (Like an Investment Company). When the company was producing new film group, he came to me. He said that he has simmered down and is not as impulsive as he was at the time... Yes, he still asked about you."


"You are not curious about what he asked?"

He Gu shook his head, he felt upset. An elegant and noble face appeared in his mind. If it wasn't for Song Ju Han, he and Feng Zheng might have...

"He asked if we were still together." Song Ju Han raised He Gu chin and stared at the eyes with a sigh of relief. His eyes had a subtle expression: "Guess how I answered him?"

He Gu tone was flat: "....Not interested."

Song Ju Han smiled: "I said that you were still in my harem and his facial expression was really wonderfully grim at the time."

He Gu frowned and got up and went to the study.

Song Ju Han grabbed his wrist, his strength was bruising, his expression was very arrogant: "What's wrong? Are you not happy?"

"No, just not interested."

Song Ju Han stood up and pinched his chin and chuckled: "Don't pretend, your eyes changed when you heard his name. That kid left because we were together..."

"We aren't been together."He Gu looked up at Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han was stunned.

He Gu smiled, pointing his finger at himself and pointed it to Song Ju Han: "This thing, don't call it...We are together thing, I am not a member of your harem. Do you really want to discuss our relationship with me? Do you really need to discuss it with me?"

Song Ju Han released his hand and his tone cooled down: "No need."

He Gu nodded: "I still have some work to deal with, you can go to play games, call me if you need anything."

He Gu didn't went back to the study room, he just sat down and took a breath and he heard the door slamming and silence fell. He sighed heavily and pulled his hair irritably.

Why bother for it, he is hard to come by once a while, what is the point of arguing for the mutual benefits? After so many years, he doesn't even know what kind of person Song Ju Han is.

Somehow annoyed, from the bottom of the drawer, He Gu pulled out the cigarette covered by the notebook. Song Ju Han wants to protect his skin he never smokes and does not like the smell of smoke, but He Gu often stays up late for the project, sometimes he does not smoke, sometimes he can not hold it back and smoke, but he tries to smoke less, at Song Ju Han home, there is almost no smoking allowed, and most important he can not let Song Ju Han know about his smoking habits.

Taking a puff, the taste of tobacco was poured into the lungs along the nasal cavity. In fact, he never liked the taste of smoke, but this rough, primitive stimulation is really refreshing.

He went to the window and saw Song Ju Han sitting in the car. He had not waited for the driver to close the door. He himself opened the door and pushed the driver back.

It seems that Song Ju Han is really angry today. He Gu felt quite funny? In the past, He Gu humiliated Feng Zheng and teased Song Ju Han. It is clearly he is the one that wins the game. No, Song Ju Han is always the one who wins. From the beginning of his birth, he is destined to be a bigger man in life. It was raining, He Gu was standing at a high place, enjoying the good things that ordinary people struggle for a lifetime and may not be able to get a little bit of it.

So, Why did he mention the things of the past year make Song Ju Han upset.

Probably his own attitude, Song Ju Han used to be a sigh of relief. In Just Han conscious, only people who are weaker than him are matched him and only pulled his eyebrows. He Gu has always been obedient but occasionally he did not restrain himself and he really provoked Song Ju Han

Really he should not.

After smoking, he returned to his desk and turned on the computer to work. He is a construction engineer, his work is quite cumbersome and his responsibilities in the project are great. He heads a team of nine people and he has worked hard for six or seven years in state-owned enterprise. If he counts salary, project bonus and year-end award he can get five or six hundred thousand yuans a year. That is also a small achievement. But staying up late for a long time, working overtime, at the age of nearly 30, it began to make him a little tired.

He stared at the complicated building structure map, feeling a little tired, suddenly he remembered Song Ju Han's words, that he should do small business or something.

He Gu is a very introverted person, does not like to talk and does not like communication, so he never thought about changing careers before. There is a building for a Middle School. It needs serious and meticulous data and calculations to support it. These things have formed a fixed science in the continuous learning and practice of mankind for thousands of years. If he is cautious and professional enough, his private life will not be a big leak, he knows that he is suitable for such a boring, disciplined work and can not do the work that requires creativity, because the less the change to his life structure, the more he feels safe.

But people will change, whether active or passive, he really began to consider switching work in the past two years. Mainly because he is too tired, he can not afford to suffer, but if a person is too tired as he grows older, He Gu is not afraid of old age he is afraid... is afraid that Song Ju Han will not want him anymore. Working hard and insist on fitness, work overtime to dizziness, he dares not eat late at night, a dry winter skin will only darken which is the big treasure of engineering men. Its so hard for outdoor men to understand skin care products or wear those brand names that even he can not even pronounce the name, These are all because of Song Ju Han. After seven years of work, he has almost no money in deposits. Unconsciously, he seems to be living for another person.

If he wants to change career, Song Ju Han will definitely help him, Song Ju Han is very generous, in terms of money. The Land Rover that He Gu is now driving, the third-ring house, were all given by Song Ju Han. He never refused this, he received it and Song Ju Han was not suspicious. He often comforts himself that even if Song Ju Han choose to give his feelings to anyone else He Gu is not a loss. He loved Song Ju Han for ten years. After someone sleeps with someone for six years, he still earned a luxury car. He has no one to blame and to try and change to being a good person, he only dreamed of it and smile

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