
Chapter 3 General Manager Gu Qing Pei

Chapter 3 General Manager Gu Qing Pei

He Gu was somewhat annoyed. After being annoyed for a while, he was absent-minded. His mind was thinking about Song Ju Han's departure. He was afraid that he will not come to him for a long time and He Gu is not a person who will leave problem without trying to resolve it. He really didn't know what to do. He once tried to reconcile after Song Ju Han's anger explosion and that only caused Song Ju Han to become even more furious.

Thinking about it he decided to go to the company, he had intended to give himself a day off, because yesterday was too tiring, but now he needs work to distract his attention.

Before going out, he suddenly found a mobile phone on the sofa. When he walked and turned over, it turned out to be Song Ju Han's. Song Ju Han, this person is not worried about most things and often loses three or four phones on regular basis

He sent a message to Xiao Song: [Xiao Song, Ju Han mobile phone is here - He Gu]

Then he turned the phone off.

When he arrived at the company, assistant Chen Shan saw him very surprised: "He, are you well enough to come in today?"

"Little tired but don't worry."

"He Gu, you are dressed very handsome today." Chen Shan looked at him up and down and complimented: "I think your taste in clothing is getting better and better."

He Gu looked at his clothes. This is what Song Ju Han brought the last time he put his clothes from the sponsors here. The pants are too long for him to wear and the shirts are still fit. The taste of this thing is like a man piled up with money.

" He Gu you are always in good shape, handsome and pretty, what is not good for you to wear and not come out looking handsome.... is your vision too high, my niece has just graduated from Oxford and does not look like you." The executive secretary is a middle-aged big sister with a straightforward personality. Few people in the company dare to joke with him, she is one of them.

He Gu pretend not to hear: "Get on with work." After that, he went to communicate with the subordinates about the progress of the project.

As soon as He Gu graduated, he entered the state owned enterprise and worked hard for six years. He was mixed with the middle-level leaders. He knew that his career had almost stopped here because he was not good at communication and the sweet words to charm leaders he could not manage to utter them. What will one do with their own profession. He is satisfied with his current position and income, but the workload is large.

After checking the project report from his subordinates, he picked up a bunch of problems, he was in a bad mood and especially harsh today.

It happened that Chen Shan came in at this time: "He Gu, Mr. Gu is looking for you."

"General Manager Gu?"

"Well, he wants to meet you in the office, when you have time."

The subordinates were relieved.

"Got it." He Gu spoke a few words and left for the office.

Chen Shan's "General Manager Gu" is called Gu Qing Pei. He is the high-level manager of their company. He started at company production. Later, he managed company personnel. Now he is in charge of company bidding and purchasing, but he is only three or four years older than him. The man has strong ability and fast career development. It is hard to beat. Gu Qing Pei is the number one person in the company. The ability, knowledge and eloquence are only seen in one aspect, but mainly because he is too handsome.

He Gu and Gu Qing Pei had more business contacts in his usual life and Gu always looked after him and their relationship was not bad.

Taking the elevator upstairs, He Gu went through the long corridor, knocking on the old solid wood door in front of him

The ninth floor and above are the offices for senior executives. They have just been refurbished years ago. The renovation has cost the company more than two million. It is completely enviable and hypocritical, but it is known that he He Gu will never move into such an office.

"Please come in." There was a steady magnetic voice from the office.

He Gu pushed the door going in

In the spacious and luxurious director's office, a tall man in a white shirt was standing near his desk, behind him he held his right hand a brush and a white rice paper was on the table.

"General Manager Gu."

"He Gu, you are here." Gu Qing Pei looked up and smiled. In his early thirties, the man had an impeccably handsome face with narrow cheeks and a sharp chin. Two thick eyebrows flew up and curled up at the end of the face. There were those deep eyes in his narrow eyes. He had a Phnom Penh glasses, his hair is meticulously pulled behind the head, the collar of the white shirt is as sharp as a knife and here is a finely crafted elite man. He lifted his chin and said, "Sit."

He Gu sat down on the sofa.

Gu Qing Pei touched the ink and continued to write on the white rice paper. He said: "I have been practicing calligraphy words and writing and my mood are always particularly calm afterwards which will help to think and decompress. If you have time, you can try it."


Gu Qing Pei wrote using a brush, then gently put the paper of the lobular rosewood to the side, he took the paper up and faced it towards He Gu with a smile, said: "How is that?"

There are two lines of words on the paper: History books customs damaging wave breaking through the clear sky to the Ninth heaven.

The word is vigorous and free, such as the wave and water.

He Gu heart was clear. It seems that the rumor that Gu Qing Pei wanted to change jobs is true. He can probably guess the purpose of Gu Qing Pei's calling him. He nodded: "Gu, your words are very well written."

Gu Qing Pei smiled: "If someone else praises me so much, I listen and it sounds like a flattering, but hearing it from your mouth. I feel like it comes from the heart."

He Gu said the truth: "It's really good."

Gu Qing Pei rolled the word into the building plans tube hold and walked over. The tailor-made suit just rightly set off his long and straight figure.

He Gu stood up

Gu Qing Pei said: "Sit, sit." He sat next to him and handed the word to him: "This one I'm giving it to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu." He Gu accepted it politely.

Gu Qing Pei looked at He Gu: "Did you work late again? Aren't you tired?"

"Well, there are projects pressing on me."

"Money is for the company, the body has its own needs, you have to find a balance between them, people have limited energy, don't be too stubborn."

"I'm still good."

Gu Qing Pei picked up the purple teapot and gave him tea.

He Gu said: "Gu, I can do it myself."

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "Don't mention it." He poured two cups of tea: "Try it."

He Gu took a sip and he couldn't taste a reason he could only say, "This is good tea."

Gu Qing Pei smiled: "He Gu, you are really interesting."

He Gu didn't know what Gu Qing Pei's meaning was, but he knows that it's not right to let the leader pour tea for the underlings. For so many years, he often saw a lot of his own personal deficiencies in the little details.

"Don't be nervous, let's talk casually."


"He Gu, haven't you been in the company for a few years?"

"Six years."

"You are also an old employee. I remember that when I was in charge of Personnel for the past two years, I given you an assessment every year. Do you know what's my assessment today? Let's talk about your views on the status quo, position, work intensity, salary, environment, anything."

He Gu hesitated with worry.

Gu Qing Pei asked about his recent project. He was asked about his satisfaction with his position, workload and salary. He Gu was just not sociable, not stupid and he could only avoid with the light answer.

The two of them had been idle for ten minutes, Gu Qing Pei said the topic: "You probably heard about it, I am working on the handover and I will leave my job in next month."

He Gu nodded: "I only heard that Gu is leaving.... But where?"

"A friend's company, they're mainly doing real estate." Gu Qing Pei leaned on the sofa and looked around: "I have used this new office for half a year, but I am really reluctant to leave it."

"You have been working here for ten years. With such a big change, you must have a lot of determination."

"Yeah, my friend had been asking me since two years ago. I have evaluated his company for more than two years. In fact, I don't have any dissatisfaction with our unit here. The leadership is easy and the subordinates are strong with a great sense of responsibility and after sitting in my position, the work is very leisurely, most of the time I just spend it bragging and drinking, but..."

Gu Qing Pei smiled: "It is because of this, it made me feel that there is no passion in my working days. I am still young, I still love a challenging life, If I stay here, joining the managing board will be the end of my career, but I think I am can do far more useful things than that."

He Gu has always admired Gu Qing Pei, Gu Qing Pei is not only a beautiful appearance man and dresses well, the man has a resolute and clear focused leadership style, but he is also a gracious, a gentleman with a temperament, he is more rigorous professionally, He Gu is not the picky academic man and Gu Qing Pei like him, is also an engineer, but the development progress between the two of them is very different.

When He Gu was a few years younger, he had the idea of ??climbing up and trying to communicate and pull relationships. After leaving the campus and stepping into the society, he realized that the gap between himself and Song Ju Han was a bigger gap. He once thought that he could work hard to shorten the distance, but he just opened his thoughts and every time he reassessed himself, he saw that he was lacking in lots of things. Gu Qing Pei is like a mirror. If he takes a photo, he will dispel those tireless thoughts and work on the project with peace of mind. As he gets older, he knows more clearly what he can and can't do, just like that. Brother Gu has a life that never sleeps and nothings to fill the gap.

Suddenly, He Gu suddenly realized that he was in a daze and he immediately returned to reality. Just like the eyes of the younger brother who smiled and laughed, he nodded. "Gu's ability indeed has more room for showing his abilities."

Gu Qing Pei laughed and said: "He Gu, I didn't say anything to anyone in the company. I think people are very accurate. We both experienced similar things. Every time I saw you, I felt like I saw my previous self, just that we have different personalities, you are inclining to more stable life I'm more into challenges."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu." He Gu thinks that he can talk but can't ask for progress and can only say "stable". Every time he finished talking with Gu Qing Pei, he ends up learning oneorr two things.

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "Oh, I know that you are busy with work and I am not going to keep you around. You have always been smart. You should also be able to guess what I want to say. He Gu, would you like to go with me to the new company?"

He Gu has thought about moving to a new company for a long time, he originally wanted to reject it outright, but he just thought in his mind, remembering the tiredness he experienced these days, working overtime for a long time, he suddenly changed his mind. It's better to listen to Gu Qing Pei's words and give yourself one more choice. So he asked about the situation carefully.

Gu Qing Pei briefly explained the situation of the company he was about to go work for..... giving a good prospect. However, after listening to it, He Gu found that it was not in line with his expectations. Although the annual salary was much higher, the independent project would only be more tiring and stressful than what he is handling now and the private enterprise would not be better than the state-owned enterprise. Of course, he is not good at directly rejecting Gu Qing Pei... he can only said that he needed time to consider.

Gu Qing Pei naturally understood that he had a lot of concerns and then he chatted about something else and said that he would invite him to dinner.

From Gu Qing Pei's office, when the elevator went downstairs, the mobile phone suddenly rang, because the ringtone was a bit strange, he didn't react at all, but he was alone in the elevator. He immediately realized that it was Song Ju Han's mobile phone.

He quickly connected the phone: "Hey, Xiao Song."

"He Gu.... Will you send my mobile phone." Song Ju Han's lazy voice sounded on the phone.

"Okay.... Address."

Song Ju Han did not speak, He Gu voice "feedback" two times, only to find that the signal in the elevator was too bad, the line was broken and he dialed the phone after he got out of the elevator.

As soon as the phone was connected, Song Ju Han yelled at him: "You dared to hang up my phone!"

He Gu was calm: "I was in the elevator, the signal was not good."

Song Ju Han sighed a relieving breath and after a murmur, the voice changed to became Xiao Song: "He Gu, brother, we are in Dasheng Studios, I am so busy that I can't really leave today. When can you send it?"

"Nothing, I will let the assistant send it now."

"Well, you have to call me before your assistant arrives. I will send her a work card..."

"Tell him to bring it! He is thinking about giving my phone to a strange assistant, are you kidding!" Song Ju Han was apparently not in a good mood on the phone.

Xiao Song smiled bitterly: "Brother He Gu..."

"Well, I'm used to it" Hanging up the phone, He Gu shook his head helplessly, Dasheng Studios was in the North Sixth Ring Road and he rushed over to cross the entire capital, just hoping that there would not be any traffic jam.

He told the subordinates a few words, then He Gu took the cell phone and left, thinking of Song Ju Han's teeth and claws, he couldn't help but want to laugh. Song Ju Han is more elegant in front of the media. In private, there are many violent screams from his face. He and Song Ju Han have known each other for so many years. The number of assistant Song Ju Han has changed is now four. The clever and good-tempered Xiao Song is the longest one to stay on the job

Of course, no one has insisted on him for a long time. In various senses, he can still tolerate Song Ju Han more than Song Just Han parents.

In fact, it is not difficult to get along with Song Ju Han. After all, Song Ju Han does not eat people. He just does what he wants following his heart.

Others can't stand him and will not go near him, thats because they are not afraid of losing him like He Gu.

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