Inventors system

Chapter 83: Nightmare Caves of Montague 2

Chapter 83: Nightmare Caves of Montague 2

About minutes later instead of a loud screech, they heard a series of different screeches that sent shivers down Emir's and Zoel's spines.

Finally, Emir couldn't hold it back anymore and asked.

"What do you think is going on there?"

Zoel didn't know what to say and the next second they heard a voice from below.


When they looked down they saw that Leonard was awake, but their shock was overshadowed by the scratches.

"What's going on?" Asked Leonard once again.

"Long story. How are you feeling? Do you know who we are?" Zoel rained down a series of questions as he started checking Leonard for any injuries.

"I am fine. And yes, I know who all of you are. I remember everything." Said Leonard.


"Did you forget what my abilities are?" Asked Leonard back.

After exchanging all the pleasantries the trio decided not to waste any more time and headed towards Morana, where all the sounds were coming from.

The closer they got, the more intense were the voices.




"Ahhh. This Is killing me. What the hell is going on in there?" Muttered Emir, who didn't dare to speak too loud in fear of attracting the things that were making these noises.

And for the first time in a while, his thoughts were totally in sync with the other two.

Leonard, who has already confronted the ghost once before, was even tenser. Though it wasn't too obvious because of his quiet and calm nature.

Finally, they managed to get to the entrance where Morana and the ghosts were.

"We need a plan. We can't just go in there blind." Said Zoel, who still managed to keep it cool even though he was worried sick about his sister.

"The moment we walk in, they are going to feel it and we are going to be exposed." Said Leonard.

"So we will use the element of a surprise we will barge in with our strongest attacks and take out as many as we can." Said Zoel

"Okay, but we need to confirm our attacks beforehand so that our attacks won't clash." Said Emir.

"Okay so, what attack do you want to use?" Asked Zoel.

After deciding what attacks they were going to use the trio finally got ready for the ambush, and as they jumped into the cave where Morana is and are about to use their powers they couldn't help but stumble at the sight.

The trio simultaneously blinks a few times in disbelief to check if they are hallucinating but each time the picture in front of them is the same.

"W...What the Fu*k" Exclaimed Emir in confusion.

They expected some kind of something else, anything else but not this.

"Oh, you guys are also here?" Asked Morana with a smile as if what was happening was not weird at all.

"What is going on?" Asked Zoel as he looked at his sister sitting on a comfy couch surrounded by the ghost.

"Ah right. Let me introduce my new friends, this is Stacy, this is Mike, we have Jakie, here is" As Morana happily started introducing all the ghosts who by the way also didn't forget to wave their huge, black hands at the trio when their names were called up. Even their eyeless and noseless faces that only had mouths showed something like a smile.

The guys still stood motionless not knowing how to react to the situation, but Morana and ghost couldn't be bothered as they continued their previous conversation, well it was mostly Morana talking and them screeching unknown things.

Surprisingly she understood everything they said.

Trio finally managed to come to terms with reality only to be sent back to the corner of the room to draw circles after Morana started laughing and the ghosts started giving off even scarier, and louder but rhythmic screeches like



Over and over.

Finally, as if angels looked upon them, Morana remembered their existence and started explaining everything.

As it turns out the ghosts are not some prisoners thrown in here they are, children, ghosts. They were unjustly killed and used as a sacrifice for a ritual by the "Dark One" as they call him. 

So, they became ghosts grunting this part of the caves and when once in a while someone ends up here they trap him/her in a nightmare, eating their life force slowly.

And because of Morana's necromancer powers, she managed to understand what they were talking and as the ghosts still had a childs' mentality despite everything they became buddies.

Hearing everything Leonard's brows couldn't help but furrow, after all, it was a well-known fact that this place was used hundreds of years ago as a prison, not as child sacrificial ground, and if someone did make use of this to cover up their dirty deeds and after so many years used Montague family as a shield god knows how many innocent children were sacrificed.

What's worse is that it could be someone from the family of someone from the outside who could use this matter to harm his family so he couldn't help but worry.

Noticing Leonard's situation Zoel tried to comfort him.

"Don't worry, it will be fine. The most important thing is to get out of here first."

"Hmm." Leonard also calmed down after hearing his words after all he knew that his friend was right.

And after seeing Morana's interaction with the ghosts and knowing the whole truth, his long-time trauma didn't feel so scary anymore.

Though it should be noted that he did receive a new trauma because of Morana and joined the club with Zoel and Emir.

Meanwhile in Morana's head

Jolly who noticed the trio's situation couldn't help speaking

[Master you are supposed to help them get over their traumas, not give them one.]

'What are you talking about? Everything is going great, isn't it? Also, if I wanted to help people get over their traumas I would have become a marriage counselor, not a mad scientist.'

Jolly, who received his masters' answer couldn't help feeling speechless, but couldn't argue with her logic either, so, he just stayed quiet.


Don't forget to leave many-many comments.

Also, follow me on Insta I post some sneak peeks there before uploading the chapters as well as some cations and character designs.@lazy-wanderer666 

Don't forget to check out my second book "Spider lily."


This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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