Inventors system

Chapter 84: One last time

Chapter 84: One last time

After leaving Leonard's nightmare the group once again appeared in a new place, but differently this time the group didn't have to look for anyone as she stood right next to them.

"Hey." Said Anna as she looked at the four and smiled with her usual smile.

"Do you know who we are and what's going on?" Asked Emir.

"Hmm." Nodded Anna.

"Well, that was easy."

But contrary to what Emir thought, Morana wasn't so optimistic. She knew it couldn't be this easy, she knew something was wrong.

And sure enough

"I don't want to go." Said Anna and everyone's expressions turned grim.

"What do you mean you don't want to go?" Asked Zoel.

"I mean I don't want to go."

"Why?" Asked Morana this time.

"Because even if it is my worst nightmare, this is the only place I can still see her." Anna calmly answered.

"See who?" Asked Emir but before he managed to receive the answer everything in front of them changed.

The next second they appeared in a luxurious bedroom full of people, but like in Zoel's nightmare they were all like ghosts and no one could see, hear, or feel them and they could only observe.

But this time Anna was also with them just like a ghost.

Soon their attention was distracted by the crying.

"Waah, Waah" 

"It's a girl, It a beautiful baby girl" 

Said the middle-aged midwife in the room

"Let's go to mommy beautiful."

When the group saw who was lying on the bed and holding a newborn baby who just cried, they couldn't help but be surprised. It was Anna.

"You have a daughter?" Asked Emir as he looked at the first Anna who stood next to them.

But Anna didn't answer this time. She just looked at her baby girl with fascination and excitement.

A few minutes later she started talking.

"I was very young back then and very naive. I got pregnant way earlier than I was ready. The baby's father didn't give a damn and disappeared right after he found out and my family well they didn't look forward to her birth either."

Sure enough right after she finished her words they once again reappeared in a new place.

This time they were standing in the halls of a luxurious Victorian mansion. It was night and the halls were dark but light could be seen coming from one of the rooms as the sounds of an argument could be heard.

Anna, who just gave birth in the room, now stood near the door listening to the conversation of a woman and a man in the room.

"I should have never let this happen, I should have never let that child be born." Said the man

"What are you saying? That's your granddaughter, moreover, it was already too late to do anything when we found out." Argued woman.

"Yeah, my granddaughter. Can't you see that if anyone finds out about the child we will be humiliated and laughed at? Anna will never be able to marry into a good family. We need to get rid of the baby at all costs."

"And how do you plan that? Anna will never give up the child."

"Then I will take it by force."

"She will never forgive you for this, you know that right."

"One day she will understand that I did everything for her." Said the man and ended the conversation.

Anna who heard them hastily ran back to her room and started packing, then she went into her baby's room, picked the sleeping newborn up, and went out of the mansion through the secret passage.

For the next few days, the group together followed Anna and her baby as they tried to survive while Anna's father used every means to search for them and so 3 years have passed in hiding.

At one point Morana looked at Anna, who stood next to her and couldn't help but ask

"What about Jake?"

"He was younger than me back then. My parents sent him to a faraway institute to study and he could do nothing to help me, but he was very happy when he found out he was going to be an uncle." Answered Anna.

In these few years, the life quality of the mother-daughter pair seriously deteriorated but Anna didn't regret it for even a second.

She loved her baby daughter whom she named Lucy.

The girl was a cute and cheerful child despite the circumstances.

But one day When Anna returned home the whole place was ransacked and Lucy was nowhere to be seen.

She searched everywhere and finally, a kind granny in the village who often helped them out told Anna that lots of well-dressed people came into the village and took Lucy.

She was crying and apologizing that she couldn't help.

Anna immediately knew that her father took her child and she decided to chase after the people he sent.

Unfortunately, she was too late.

When she caught up to them, all the people were dead, split bodies everywhere, the fire was burning carriages they used.

The body of her 3-year-old daughter lay there on the cold and dirty ground mutilated and unrecognizable.

A dirty bandit stood over her body trying to take the only valuable necklace she gifted her daughter. 

Blinded with rage and anger she killed every living being on her way and turned them into a pile of flesh and blood.

Covered in blood she held her daughter's cold body on the ground, hugging her as the heart-wrenching wails and cries left her lips.

She spent three days and nights in this state and became a spectacle for the passersby before her father's man found her and dragged Lucy's body from her hands.

Looking at this Anna who stood next to the group couldn't help crying silently and everyone near her felt her heartache and the next second they were back to where it all started back to that room where Lucy was born and the cycle continued.

They watch the child's birth, growth, and death again and again.

In the end, they couldn't take it anymore and tried to stop Anna from torturing herself and them but only Morana didn't say anything, she just stood there and accompanied her again and again quietly.

Finally, Anna's curiosity won over and she asked

"They all have tried to persuade me to stop, but you have not said anything, Why?"

Morana looked at Anna and said

"Will it matter if I say anything?"

Anna didn't say anything more after all, she already knew the answer.

"But Anna..."


"Did you forget why you continued to live after her death?" Asked Morana and this time Anna couldn't help but be caught off guard.

Yes, she has already once been through it all. The truth is after Lucy's death Anna wasn't much on the sane side, so, she already tried various ways to leave these few years that she had with her daughter again and again. It had all happened before.

After a second of doubt, a surprising calmness appeared in Anna's eyes and she knew and Morana also knew

"Then One last time"



Don't forget to leave many-many comments.

Also, follow me on Insta I post some sneak peeks there before uploading the chapters as well as some cations and character designs.@lazy-wanderer666 

Don't forget to check out my second book "Spider lily."


This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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