It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



Keira had absolutely no sympathy for Kia's family who came to see her, especially her mother, even though she looked like she was about to cry when she saw the place Kia had been living all this time, Keira didn't have the slightest sympathy for her.         


How could a mother behave like that to her own child? She didn't even think twice when she kicked Kia out of the house while she was pregnant.     

"When you're done looking around, I have to leave immediately, there are people from the moving service waiting for me," said Keira without any feelings at all.     

"Did… did Kia and the child live in this small room all this time?" Amber asked in a hoarse voice. Her eyes were glazed over with tears.     

"Yeah," Keira answered curtly, she looked Amber straight in the eyes and didn't say anything else. She folded her arms across her chest, showing an expression of impatience for them to get out of this place, so she could leave.     

"Can you tell us where Kia is now?" asked Anthony, he walked closer to Keira, while Amber still felt very sorry seeing the small place occupied by her daughter and granddaughter.     

"I told you earlier, that I can't tell you where Kia is now."     

"But, we are her family, at least her family should know where she is now, right?" asked Amber, she then turned her attention to Keira. "Please, I'm her mother, you can't separate a mother and her daughter, right?"     

Keira took a step back before Amber could touch her.     

"Mrs. Lyrant, precisely because you are her family, I can't tell you this," Keira said firmly. "Kia herself said that she didn't want to have anything to do with her family anymore, so I have to respect her decision."     

"No no, this is all just a misunderstanding, I have come to clear up this misunderstanding." Amber looked hurt when Keira didn't want to tell her. She wouldn't let her go until she told her where Kia was at the moment. "I'll talk to Kia, she'll understand."     

"How could this be a misunderstanding? If I were Kia, I too would think that my family abandoned me four years ago and none of them ever tried to find me," said Keira fiercely. It seemed she was starting to run out of patience.     

Therefore, before that happened, Keira decided to get out of this room, but Amber pulled her hand back and looked at her with pleading eyes.     

"Please, I am her mother, you don't know her like I know my own daughter, she will definitely understand after we both talk, we will just clear up this misunderstanding." Amber looked at Keira with hope while holding her hand, preventing her from leaving the room.     

"Yes, you are her mother but I was the one who stayed beside her when she gave birth and I had also been the one by her side when she went through the baby blues and all kinds of hardships she had to go through." Keira then struggled out of Amber's hand. "So, I want to ask. Where was her family back then? Hasn't it ever occurred to you that something bad might happen to her and now you should be grateful that she's still alive and stop bothering her."     

Amber gasped when she heard Keira's sharp words and started crying.     

"Go home and stop looking for Kia, because your presence will only add to her troubles." Keira then walked out of the flat and waited for the two of them to come out too, so she could lock the room and get out of there as soon as possible.     

But, only Anthony came out of there, while Amber was still inside, wailing with deep anguish.     

"Keira, I know that you are very close to Kia and you have helped her through many things and have always been by her side," Anthony said softly, he couldn't blame Keira's attitude. She must have felt the same anger when she was with Kia, knowing what she had to put up with all this time. "But, please, tell me where Kia is now. I think this is a good time for the two of them to talk. If later Kia does not want to meet her family again, that is entirely her choice."     

Keira stared at Anthony for a moment, she didn't hear any stories about Anthony from Kia, it seemed like he was just a distant relative, but how he responded to the current situation made Keira reconsider that.     

"If you want to know, you can ask Mr. Tordoff. That's all I can say, now please get out of this apartment, because I have to leave immediately," said Keira impatiently.     

Anthony wanted to argue and persuade her again, but after a moment he nodded. He couldn't force Keira any more than this.     

"Okay, I understand." Anthony nodded, then went inside to pick up Amber who was still crying bitterly.     

Keira didn't even look at Amber when she locked her apartment door and walked away.     


"Stop it, Dad," Misha said while taking the cellphone from his father's hand and making Lexus growl in annoyance at his son.         


"What am I going to do?" said Lexus, directing fierce eyes at Misha, but his son didn't pay attention to such fierce stares.     

If there was someone he was afraid of, then it was his mother, no matter how fierce Lexus was, he still wouldn't do anything in front of Candice.     

"You want to hire someone to turn the back garden into a play area?" Misha narrowed his eyes at Lexus.     

"What's wrong with that?" asked Lexus, but this time he avoided Misha's gaze and tried to look anywhere but at his son.     

"With a mini roller coaster, arcade and some other games?" Misha narrowed his eyes even more and this made Lexus feel uncomfortable.     

"What's wrong with that? Isn't it okay to spoil my granddaughter? I have already lost three precious years of her life because of your foolishness," Lexus replied to Misha.     

"You can't spoil her like that, Dad," Misha said with a sigh and gave Lexus's phone back. He knew that Kia would not want their only daughter to live such a pampered life and that was not a good way of educating her.     

"What's wrong with her being pampered? She is the granddaughter of the Tordoff family," said Lexus excitedly.     

"That's not good for educating children." Misha then walked away from Lexus. "Tell me first if you want to buy something for her."     

After that Misha walked away, leaving his father in the living room, who was grumbling in displeasure, because his plan to buy 'play things' for Mika just got disrupted.     

"You, annoying kid," grumbled Lexus. "Why aren't you sportive at all?"     

But then Lexus's sullen face brightened up as he walked toward Mika's room, even though he didn't manage to build his first grandchild a playground, at least he had bought lots of toys for her.     


Lyle was walking along the shopping area where he met Kia, Mika and the geeky Misha. Even he himself didn't think of what he expected by walking around here.     

"Yes, Alia?" said Lyle as he picked up a call from Alia. "Dad is at the shopping area, is there anything you want to buy? Dad will buy it."     

From the other side of the phone, came Alia's cheerful voice. "I want chocolate. Can you buy me the strawberry flavored one that I like?"     

Lyle smiled, his mood seemed much better when he heard his daughter's voice. "Of course. The usual ones, right?"     


After that, the call was disconnected and Lyle immediately headed to the aisle where they stocked up the chocolate that Alia liked.     

"Could you help me?"     

Lyle felt someone tugging at his sleeve and a small voice beside him startled him as he grabbed the chocolate Alia asked for.     

"Yes, sweet girl, what can I do for you?" asked Lyle kindly. Next to him was a little girl about nine or ten years old. She was trying to grab one of the chocolates on the top shelf, but she couldn't reach it.     

"I want the same chocolate as the one you are holding," said the little girl, blinking her eyes.     

"Oh, how many do you want?" asked Lyle in a cheerful voice. He was getting ready to get her some more chocolates.     

"I need three," said the little girl.         


"Oh, you shouldn't eat this much chocolate, sweet girl, you will get toothache if you eat too much of these," Lyle said in a fatherly tone.     

However, the little girl only frowned. "The chocolates aren't for me, they are for my brother and sister, I don't like that chocolate."     

"Then which chocolate do you like?" asked Lyle again because the little girl only pointed at one type of chocolate, so he could help her again if she couldn't reach it.     

The girl fell silent. "I can't buy the chocolate I like, because mom doesn't have the money."     

"But, your brother and sister get chocolate, why don't you get chocolate too?" Lyle looked at the little girl in confusion.     

"Because my brother will be angry if she doesn't get the chocolate and I have to give into my younger siblings," she replied in a matter of fact tone.     

And then she left with three pieces of chocolate she didn't like, away from Lyle.     

For a moment, Lyle just stood there, watching the little girl's back and for a moment, he seemed to see Kia's back when she was ten years old, walking away from him.     

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