It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



For a moment, Lyle just stood there, watching the little girl's back and for a moment, he seemed to see Kia's back when she was ten years old, walking away from him when he said that he couldn't go to the speech contest she was participating in because at the same time there was a futsal competition that Daniel was participating in.         


Or when he couldn't come to a race Kia was competing in because they were busy at work.     

He watched Kia walk away with her shoulders drooping in disappointment.     

And it wasn't just her childhood but several other incidents flashed back into Lyle's mind and this made him frown, as his chest ached with the feelings he was trying to suppress.     

All the memories he thought he had forgotten or the events where he thought he did right, felt so unfair.     

It was as if all those memories had come back to him and he could now see more clearly what kind of parent he was to Kia and how he had treated her so unfairly.     

The last time Daniel told them that he met Kia, he said that his sister did not want to go home and would not agree to apologize to them.     

When he heard this, Lyle felt embarrassed. He knew he was the one who should apologize, but he was too embarrassed and selfish to admit this.     

Lyle didn't make any comments while hearing  Daniel's side of the story, but then he said coldly; If she didn't want to come back home, there was no need to come back at all.     

That was what Lyle said after hearing Daniel's story, walking away.     

However, that wasn't how he actually felt. If he could be honest and exercise more courage, then Lyle would admit that he missed Kia.     

When she was at home, her presence wasn't really felt. And when she was gone, even though a lot had changed, they tried not to say anything. They could only harbor all those feelings.     

And also because they were constantly under the assumption that Kia would come home one day, that she would apologize and she would come home, because they were family.     

But, the question was; had they treated Kia like a family all along?     

Lyle wasn't sure if the answer was; yes, considering how Kia was so adamant about not coming back to them.     

"What exactly have I done?" Lyle muttered to himself and when he looked down, he was surprised to notice that there were tears flowing from his eyes.     

It was funny now that he thought he would even apologize to Kia as long as she came back, whereas a few months ago, he didn't even think about this at all.     

Although actually there was always a feeling that was stuck in his heart and he couldn't really feel happy.     


"Ssh!" Lexus put his finger to his lips when Candice walked into Mika's room. She knew that she would definitely be able to find her husband in this room if she couldn't find him anywhere. "Don't make any noise, she is sleeping," said Lexus in a very low voice, glaring fiercely at Candice.     

On the other hand, Candice just frowned, Lexus had spent the whole day with Mika and he even took the time to read a storybook to the child.     

And because he knew that Mika liked picture stories, he didn't hesitate to buy so many illustrated story books that now filled the big bookshelf attached to one of the walls of this room, not to mention the new toys he bought.     

Only Candice could stop Lexus's madness, because she knew this man's habit of spending money.     

If you were his favorite person, you'd be bathed in whatever you wanted, Candice knew because she'd experienced that, Lexus could get to the level of being annoying if she could say so.     

"I am going to put her to sleep on the bed, she will fall sick if she sleeps like that" Candice said as she took Mika from Lexus's chest, while the man frowned disapprovingly, but he couldn't do anything when Candice took Mika into her arms and cuddled up to her in bed.     

It was late at night and they had been in this house for several days and tomorrow was Mika's first scheduled visit to meet with Kia.         


Of course, this little girl looked so excited and talked about it all day long, she even prepared a little gift of a painting of herself and Kia.     

Even though they were a bit disappointed that they weren't in the frame, they understood. Not even Misha had a place in it.     

"What will Misha do to the Lyrants?" Lexus asked Candice as they came out of Mika's room.     

Because Misha had been spending a lot of time at home and he would be leaving tomorrow for the day with Mika to meet Kia, he was cleaning up pending work, so tomorrow he wouldn't be disturbed.     

"Misha said he wouldn't do anything to their family, because he doesn't think Kia would be happy if that happened, after all, they are still her family," Candice said and this made Lexus sigh in annoyance, but they couldn't do anything about it. Whatever. If that was Misha's final decision, then they should respect it, he must have his own thoughts.     

"If it's up to me, then I will destroy that family," said Lexus furiously.     

"Relax, this is not your problem, so you don't need to get involved in this matter." Candice tapped her husband on the shoulder.     


The next morning, Mika was up very early, even before any of her three babysitters came to wake her up.     

The little girl looked at her room's window and saw that the sun had not yet risen, but she couldn't wait to see her mother.     

Thus, she got off the bed and walked out of her room. She knew that Misha's room was the room across from hers and opened the door.     


Mika was afraid to go in, but then she worked up the courage to walk into the darkness and left the door open, so that it would let in a bit of light and she wouldn't trip.     

Inside the room there was a large bed, much bigger than hers and there, Kia found Misha still soundly asleep.     

Misha returned past midnight and had only slept for about three hours, therefore, he didn't notice that his little daughter was creeping up on his bed and looking into his face, because he was too tired to notice.     

"Uncle…" Mika called out to Misha softly, which of course wouldn't be able to wake Misha up. "Uncle wake up, I want to meet mama." Mika then nudged Misha's cheek with her index finger while whispering, trying to wake him up. "Wake up..." she whispered. "I want to meet mom. Wake up, uncle."     

However, there was no reaction from Misha and this frustrated the little girl, but at the same time, the temperature in this room was much colder than hers and she quickly felt cold.     

"Mika is cold, get up, we are going to meet mama, right?" Mika then snuggled into Misha's blanket, but it was still cold and the little girl tried to get closer to Misha looking for warmth. "Uncle, come on, get up." Mika tried to shake Misha's body, but her strength wasn't even enough to make him budge.     

Instead, the little girl snuggled closer toward Misha because it was too cold for her.     

"Wake up," Mika said in a low voice, then she yawned, because of the cold and also because of the warm feeling she got from her father's body.     

And slowly, her eyes closed and she fell back asleep, after all, it was still too early for her to wake up.     

Especially when Misha moved and hugged her back, she smiled because she felt warm and went back to sleep again. She even forgot her little mission to wake Misha up.     


"What is it?" asked Candice to one of the babysitters who approached her early in the morning. She looked panicked and this made her think that something had happened to Mika. "Did something happen to Mika?" she asked frantically. "Is she sick again?"     

"No, it's not that," said the baby sitter hesitantly.         


"So what is it? Say it fast?" Candice just didn't have the patience to deal with people who spoke hesitantly and she got very annoyed with people who spoke half-heartedly like this.     

Couldn't they get straight to the point?     

Impatient, Candice immediately headed to Mika's room to see what had actually happened, the maid followed Candice from behind in a hurry.     

"Mika, Mika is missing." Finally she got the word out and she had to stop abruptly if she didn't want to bump into Candice who stopped walking fast and turned to face her with anger in her eyes.     

"What did you say? Don't joke around so early in the morning like this. How could a three year old child disappear from her room on her own?" Candice asked fiercely. "Explain to me quickly!"     

The babysitter nodded in fright and explained what had happened. One of them wanted to go to Mika's room and check on her, but she wasn't in the room, not in the bathroom or anywhere else.     

"Have you searched around the house?" Candice felt her heart almost stop. This was impossible, Mika couldn't suddenly disappear from this house just like that.     

"Yes, even now all the servants were still trying to look for her around the house, but we can't find her anywhere."     

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