King of Classical Music

Chapter 68

Europeans have always been the type to be calm and enjoy thesilence, to dislike disturbing the peace and quiet. This manifested even inParisians. Paris was quiet and empty in the night. Only the rustle of leavescould be heard after dark, making the entire city melodious.

From the college to Qi Mu's apartment, it was only twoblocks. It was pretty close, but right now, Qi Mu felt it was a long ways away.He walked side by side with this man who, for some reason, suddenly appeared inParis, and it slowed his pace.

Qi Mu wanted to ask why he was here, but he remembered. . . intheir texts the past few days, he had mentioned he didn't need to be present atthe next two concerts.

So. . . if he wanted to travel Europe, he was free to do sonow?

Qi Mu didn't know what to say, so he looked ahead at the roadlit by the moon.

The first rain of spring had fallen a few days ago, and thetemperature wasn't that low in the evenings, but Qi Mu still wore an extrascarf——

He had always been afraid of the cold.

"Spring in Paris has always been good," The man's voice rangout in the quiet street, and Qi Mu turned to look at him in surprise. Min Chentilted his head up a little to look at the dim moon and whispered, "I like thespring in here, it's quieter than in Berlin."

This kind of conversation confused Qi Mu. After thinking fora while, he came to an epiphany, "So. . . you came to Paris for this?"

Min Chen calmly nodded in affirmation: "Yes."

Qi Mu laughed, "I've never seen spring in Berlin, I don'tknow what it's like."

Although there was a faint smile on his face, Qi Mu thoughtinwardly: So he came to Paris for spring.For a second there. . . I thought he came looking for me.

There was a smile in Min Chen's dark eyes. He nodded andblackened his industrial city without hesitation, "In Berlin, the air isterrible this time of year. Un. . . not as good as Paris."

Qi Mu had never been to Berlin during spring before, so henodded along, "I see. . ."

Min Chen nodded, "That's right."

. . . You're going toget slaughtered by all the Berliners!

"I think spring inLondon is too. Right, speaking of London, I heard Bai Ai's concert was asuccess. I saw 《ClassicalParis》'sreview and the special introduction by the 《Voice of France》. . ."

Once he changed the topic, the awkward atmosphere faded abit.

When they arrived downstairs at Qi Mu's apartment, he feltas if the time had passed too quickly and he hadn't gotten the chance to talkmuch. But, looking at the time, it was quite late. He laughed and waved hishand, "Since we're both in Paris, we can contact each other more."

Min Chen tucked both hands into the pockets of his trench coatand nodded, "yeah, good night."

Qi Mu smiled, "Be careful on your way back."

The bright moon overhead was slowly covered by a dark cloud,and only two or three pedestrians walked the narrow street. The beautiful youngman smiled and after saying a few more words turned and went into the building.The other man watched him go upstairs but still didn't leave right away.

Min Chen tilted his head up and watched the window of Qi Mu'sroom in silence. The lights flickered on inside, and the darkness just outsidewas lit up as well.

He himself didn't know why. . . he had suddenly come toParis.

He remembered wanting to know what Qi Mu had been doing allthis time, so he rushed over to find the answer. But in that dark corridor,when he saw the youth's slender back, he felt as if "finding the answer" was nolonger important.

At first, he had found the younger man's violin a littlefamiliar, so he paid special attention to him.

Later, he found out Qi Mu's sound was identical to that man,so he devoted all his attention to this strange anomaly.

When, in fact, before last year, Min Chen didn't even knowthe person he had spent years looking for. . . was called Lu Zi Wen.

The seemingly insignificant help he received from thatperson in his childhood was engraved deeply in his heart. When he finally foundhim, he was surprised to learn the other man had already become the deputy concertmasterfor the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. So Min Chen decided to——

Give him a hand.

He recommended Lu Zi Wen to Mr. Dorenza and helped him withthat grand performance with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.

But before he could even think of what to say when they met,it became impossible. Then, he met someone with the exact same violin as Lu Zi Wen.. .

Qi Mu.

There were a lot of thoughts in Min Chen's head, but on thesurface, he still wore an indifferent expression. He looked at the brightwindow overhead and wondered how long it had been, then abruptly turned and disappearedinto the dark alley.

When Qi Mu woke up the next day, he went downstairs with hisviolin and saw a familiar figure. He froze for a moment then walked over and smiled,"Min Chen? What a coincidence?"

Min Chen shook his head under the warm sunshine of thatspring morning, "Unfortunately not, I was waiting for you."

Qi Mu: ". . ."

Min Chen didn't seem to notice his speechlessness and raisedhis left hand to look at his watch. "It'll be 8 o'clock in thirty minutes. Ifyou don't go now. . . won't you be late?"

Qi Mu still didn't know why he was at his apartment, but he didknow he needed to get going. He walked while he spoke, "It's alright. ProfessorAkkad is in the United States for an event. He won't be back for another fewdays. It doesn't matter if I'm a little late."

It only took ten minutes to get to the conservatory, but QiMu had to get breakfast, so it naturally took more time. His pace was quick ashe went, but he didn't expect Min Chen to follow him all the way there.

Qi Mu smiled as he received the bread from the baker unclethen walked alongside the German conductor. "Min Chen, did you come to find mefor something today? I've been busy with the assignment Teacher gave me, so Idon't have much time." Qi Mu suddenly remembered, "That's right, have you hadbreakfast yet? Want some?"

Min Chen self-consciously took a croissant from the box inQi Mu's hand and took a bite. "It's still Paganini's 《No. 24》?"

Qi Mu nodded, "Yes. Teacher gave me two weeks, but. . . it'salready been a week, and I haven't gotten the whole song down."

As they talked, they passed a flower shop. The blondeflorist handed a sunflower she had cut just that morning to Qi Mu and glancedat Min Chen. In a furtive whisper, she asked, "Seven. . . who is this? Yourfriend?"

Qi Mu turned the sunflower to one side, and his lips quirkedup into a gentle smile, "Yes, he's my friend, Vina."

The young girl looked at Min Chen shyly for a few momentsthen smiled and handed him another sunflower, one that had just bloomed.

Min Chen took the flower in surprise, but Qi Mu had alreadyexchanged a few words with the girl and stepped away towards the college. He explained,"Vina has the mentality of a seven-year-old girl, but she's very kind."

"Un, she's cute."

Qi Mu smiled, "She will only give flowers to the people shelikes. It looks like she likes you a lot."

This stunned Min Chen, and his steps halted. "Then she. . .also likes you a lot."

Qi Mu laughed and didn't continue chasing the topic. "By theway, do you have business with the college? I might be busy, but if you needsomeone to show you the way, I can ask Dylan. Dylan is a Swiss violinist who practicesnext door. He's studying now, but he practiced the piano for a long time. You'rehis idol."

The piano department was well known throughout the world. Andmost of these privileged people respected Auston Bertram highly, in other words.. . Min Chen.

Min Chen, who was only 31 this year, already stood at thetop of the piano world. When he served as a judge at Xiao Sai several yearsago, countless young pianists jumped at the chance to sign up, and it madequite the splash.

"I have nothing to do. I just wanted to come take a look. Ican listen to your 《No. 24》. . . at the same time."

Min Chen's plain tone made Qi Mu turn to look at him again. Theman stared straight ahead, calm, like the man really was just going to wanderaround and listen to him play.

A strange thought flashed through Qi Mu's mind, but beforehe could discern what it was, it disappeared without a trace.

He didn't think too much about it. Qi Mu smiled, his eyesforming into crescents. "Oh? You want to hear. . . my 《No. 24》?”

Min Chen raised an eyebrow when he saw the young man's "bad"smile. "Um? Yes?"

"Well. . . then you must give me more advice!"

Min Chen: ". . . ?"

Qi Mu was not stupid.

Since he wanted to listen to his violin so much, then. . . hecan also give a few pointers.

Really, it's killing two birds with one stone.


(s): Kuro


(s): Bet

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