King of Classical Music

Chapter 69

Thespring rain was fresh and pleasant. Its smell permeated the soil and gave offthe feeling of vitality. Several students talked amongst themselves. More,still, were concentrated on the various musical instruments in their hands,eyes closed.

As an old college, the Paris'National Conservatory of Music had over 200 years of history. After manyrenovations, every single piece of their music equipment was world-class. Thepractice rooms had perfect insulation, and there were no sounds from outside,only the beautiful sound of the musical instruments.

Paganini's 《Caprice No. 24》 was notthat elegant nor full of aesthetic. Sometimes, it could also be regarded as anetude. This was the case for amateur violinists. Professionals and skilledviolinists, however, could play such a complicated piece and make it trulyunforgettable.

Musicians like Akkad, for example.

Paganini's 《No. 24》 not only tested theaudience's aesthetic appreciation but also the violinist's skill. Only a goodmusician could perfect such a difficult piece, and only a strong musician couldcontrol their momentum when playing Paganini's works.

Min Chen had listened to Qi Mu playPaganini’s work before. It was that 《Bell》, at midnight on Christmas' Eve. Three or four months had passedsince then.

Despite feeling it was the same asLu Zi Wen's violin, Min Chen had also been amazed by Qi Mu. Such a uniqueperformance was first-class even when placed it on the world stage.

But that's it. It was just amazing.

If Daniel asked Min Chen to bringQi Mu into Bai Ai, he would hesitate but answer: "No, he still falls a bitshort."

Qi Mu was extraordinarily talented.His absolute pitch made Min Chen think of taking Qi Mu as his student. He couldteach him to be the world's top conductor.

But, if he wanted to be Bai Ai'sconcertmaster. . . Qi Mu still lacked compared to Christole.

Min Chen's skill with the violinwas middle-tier, at best. If he evaluated himself, Min Chen would considerhimself passable as concertmaster or deputy concertmaster for a second-classorchestra. But to evaluate anyone else, he could do just fine.

The difference between Christole'sand Qi Mu's violin was too small for Min Chen to describe.

However, it is precisely becausethe difference was so small that Min Chen couldn't tell what is wrong——

After all, he wasn't thatproficient with the violin.

When Min Chen made the move, hehoped that Akkad would take Qi Mu as his student. What he couldn't hear, Akkadmight be able to spot. Perhaps he was the teacher Qi Mu needed?

Although Min Chen was prepared forthis outcome, when he heard Qi Mu's violin again, he was utterly stunned. Thepure, decisive sound played from that violin made him breathless with shock.

. . .Qi Mu had changed.

The song had a lot of beautiful andgorgeous techniques, not to mention how it changes between several octaves,requiring the left hand to maneuver across the strings. Between the variousways the bow needed to be used, the plucking of the strings, it was enough togive the average violinist a headache.

Under the bright sunshine, theyoung man stood with his head tilted sideways, and his left hand danced acrossthe strings. The speed of his fingers exceeded what human eyes could capture,leaving behind only an afterimage.

His right hand slid the bow gentlyacross the strings.

In this section, musicians neededto demonstrate the piece's progressiveness with the right hand holding the bowin a spiccato while the left hand danced over the strings. This was the most challengingpart, but Qi Mu seemed to have no difficulty with it.

What surprised Min Chen was not thedisplay of these difficult techniques but instead. . . the qualitative changein the sound itself.

It was like a veil had beenremoved. No, more like a layer of mist shrouding the sound lingered at theedges, almost ready to clear.

The sound of the joyful violinreverberated in the music room. Each friction of the strings and the bow letout a high-pitched sound as if singing the upbeat notes.

At the end, Qi Mu finally heaved asigh. He turned to look at Min Chen off to the side.

Flashing a beautiful smile, Qi Muspoke, "You've heard it, then. . . Mr. Min, can you give me some advice? Ihaven't found an answer yet."

Roused from his stupor by Qi Mu'svoice, Min Chen looked up at him for a while then said, "Qi Mu, I don't know ifyou noticed but..there has been a fundamental change in your violin. I don'tknow how Reed did it but. . . now, I think I know how you will have to change."

Min Chen's tone was serious andsolemn. Qi Mu's expression shifted to concern, and he asked, "You. . . noticedthat?"

Min Chen nodded slightly. "You onlychanged a few notes, and there was a slight altering of the beats. It's stillthe recognizable 《No. 24》. However, your violin is quite different than before, you'vechanged. I can see exactly where the problem is. It's quite hard to explain but.. ."

After a pause, Min Chen looked upat Qi Mu, "Is there a piano?"

Ten minutes later, a tall Swiss manexcitedly lent them his music room.

The brunet was called Dylan. Hestudied the piano for more than ten years, so a Fazioli grand piano resided inhis room. With it, he could practice any time he wished.

"Little Seven, I never knew youknew Mr. Bertram! I'm so excited! God, is he going to borrow my room to play mypiano? God, I won't even play this Fazioli again, I must preserve it!"

It was natural for Dylan to beexcited at meeting his idol. Grateful, Qi Mu said, "Thank you very much, Dylan.My room doesn't have a piano, so I can only borrow yours. If you need topractice, you can go to my room, it has good lighting."

Despite not completing the taskgiven by his mentor, Dylan shook his head without hesitation. "No, Seven! Iwant to stay and listen to Mr. Bertram play the piano. I want to remember thisscene well and imprint it in my heart!"

Qi Mu: ". . ."

Min Chen played a few notes tofamiliarize himself with the piano, then he looked up at Qi Mu, who had hisviolin rested on his shoulder.

Min Chen smiled, "Play as usual.I'll keep up with you."

Qi Mu nodded and lifted his bow.

He had no doubt that Min Chen wouldbe able to keep up with him nor that he would have any trouble despite notrehearsing first. If Min Chen couldn't play it. . . no one in the world could.

When the elegant piano resounded,Qi Mu's eyes widened.

It. . . wasn't an ensemble!

It was an accompaniment!

The piano was like a river'sstream, and the sound flowed slowly in the room. Although Qi Mu was shocked,his bow didn't stutter, nor did his fingers on the strings. He remembered MinChen's words from earlier, "Don't worry about me, just play as usual." So, hedid. Qi Mu stopped thinking about it and concentrated on playing.

Only the sound of the violin andpiano resonated in the quiet room.

The sole audience, Dylan, was takenaback. He never expected that Mr. Bertram would accompany Little Seven! Thiswas simply too amazing!

And this piece, Dylan couldrecognize from a single note. It was the piece Little Seven had been practicingso intently, Paganini's 《No. 24》. Dylan's own syllabus hadn't yet reached it, so he knew howdifficult it must be. Qi Mu played it well, but he couldn't say much.

Today, however, he felt that thissong. . . could be adapted so pleasantly?

What Dylan didn't know was that QiMu was also surprised.

Min Chen only acted as theaccompaniment, but Qi Mu felt that he was being led by the man. While beingpulled wasn't obvious, he could still detect the slight traces.

Qi Mu didn't intend to ask Min Chenhis intention, but when he entered the song's second section, he found——

He grabbed hold of that inspiration!

The echo of freedom released themelody and let the sound of the violin dance.

Every time he practiced, he wouldtry to find that flash of inspiration Mr. Akkad once described. Qi Mu hadoccasionally seen a glimpse of this wonderful feeling before, now. . . heactually had it.

Even after the 6 to 7 minutes, whenthe piece had ended, the echoes of a violin and piano still lingered in theroom.

It took a long time for the soleaudience to recover and applaud. Qi Mu set down his violin and turned to lookat the man by the piano. Min Chen looked back at him.

The two gazed at each other for amoment then Min Chen revealed a rare smile and asked quietly:

"Do you. . . get the feeling now?"

Translator(s): Kuro

Editor(s): AyN, Empress, Bet


This one is all my fault. I’m so sorry! I’m still adjusting to juggling work, family, and editing. And this one just.


. completely slipped my mind. But here it is!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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