Law of Shadows

Chapter 24: ~Visitors~

Chapter 24: ~Visitors~

The others make their tools because they are weak. The others hide in cloth because they are fragile. The others gather in groups because it's safe. What will they do without tools, cloth, or numbers?

- A memory of the Old Ones.



By the gods! Sely nervously kneads her fingers, alternating between both hands. I guess denial doesn't work any longer. Let's just hope that she isn't too unhinged. Annia wouldn't take it very well. She is at an age where she still has hope to have a real relationship with her mother.

I place my hands in my pockets, making a point of being in no hurry.

A few minutes ago, someone irritated the Veil. The place was close to one of the many doorways in my territory, so Sely and I took the doorway instead of a car. From the door it takes just a short hike through the mountains to reach the Veil. Our path is filled with bushes and plants. It's the undergrowth that takes over at heights where trees don't grow.

What do we do if they insist that we let them in? Sely asks.

I can't kill them? I answer with a question.

She hesitates. Depends...

On what? I ask.

On how reasonable they are? Sely takes my hand. Can we fight them if we let just Cecilia and Tina through the Veil? They don't get weakened if you let them through intentionally.

I scratch my chin, considering the scenario. Most likely. If you can take one of them, or stall for long enough. I am much more worried about a fight back at the reality marble. Annia and Kath would be added to the mix. We would have Fiacre's assistance, but the kids are easy to manipulate. One word from Cecilia and Annia is at our throats. It would mean chaos.

Do you think they would do that!? Sely sounds shocked. If she is really concerned about us, then she won't use Annia like that.

Maybe. It would be a good way to test her intentions. I shrug. I don't know. You knew her when she was spelled. That's more than I ever heard or saw of her during the negotiations with Gavin. I guess you will have to make a judgement call. Both Kath and Annia have two spirit guardians trailing them. I can't do much more than that.

You have Kath on surveillance? But I've read the research and found out the scientist's claims are true.

Sure I have. Let's be honest. Those research papers may claim that the girl's DNA is now exactly like the original's. The scientists may have told us the truth, as far as they knew it. But fact is, neither you nor I are biologists. We can't do more than read their research diaries. We can't verify their claims or find mistakes. What if they made a mistake? The girl is a complete unknown as far as I am concerned. She triggers the protective instinct towards children, but there is only one way in which I'll believe that she is a genuine Old One.

And that's when her eyes flash red when she becomes an adult. And when she isn't an old hag in eighty years. We can give her the time to grow up. It doesn't bother me. But she doesn't get to move freely within the reality marble.

Sely sighs. I guess it can't hurt to have them guarded. I've started to read up on biology, but I quickly realized that I need to learn a lot more about chemistry and physics too. Otherwise I can't even attempt to understand the research papers. Even if I use magic to learn quicker, it would take years of study. It's a little annoying that I focused all my studies on methods of mind control. Though that might help me in accelerating the learning process.

Is she thinking about spelling herself to learn faster?

Without it, you wouldn't be here now. I grunt and check our surroundings. The Veil is close. We allow the humans to flourish. Without their inventions we wouldn't have all the luxury which we are so fond of. But I've a feeling that they take it a little too far in some areas. It might be time for another ice age.

Sely doesn't get the chance to answer me. We arrive at a large clearing. The ground is made up of large stones and moss. Several people are waiting for us, but two women are right at the Veil. I recognize one as Cecilia. She has a completely different expression and holds herself with a lot more confidence than when I saw her the last time.

The other woman is larger and more impressive, but I can see the similarities between the two. She must be Tina, the Rhondu clan-head. I approach them and cross my arms in front of my chest. Like that I've my hands closer to the weapons in my shoulder holsters. Greetings.

Sely catches up to me and studies her mother. Cecilia doesn't seem to recognize her own daughter. She looks a little lost on what to say. Finally Cecilia finds her voice. Are you Sely?

Sely's eyebrows shoot up. Wow. The spell really did a number on you if you don't even recognize me.

Cecilia smiles. Oh, you have no idea. But if you allow me to, I want to rectify that. Please come with us. You belong with the Rhondu, since you are of my blood.

I am afraid that Annia and I would rather stay here, than to try our luck in a new home. And I've found someone who is dear to me, which I certainly won't give up after over a hundred years of being alone. She reaches out and hooks arms with me.

That raises more than a few eyebrows and the people behind the sisters exchange insecure glances. Tina turns her attention to me. And who are you?

I am Magnus. This is my territory. I introduce myself.

She studies me. Apparently she doesn't think much of my appearance. You are at least as young as Sely. How did you become the clan-head?

I smile, showing my teeth. I am the strongest.

She looks at me as if a kitten just bared its teeth. I don't like it. I don't like her attitude, her behaviour.

Sely steps in. Why don't we calm down. As far as I understand it, all you want is to know that Annia and I are safe. Well, we are, and quite happy on top of that. We managed our whole lives to look out for ourselves. Right now, we are in the process of building up a life in this territory. We won't give that up, but you can visit us any time you want, Mom. The last word came out a little forced.

I suppose that Sely isn't comfortable with calling Cecilia 'Mom'.

Cecilia's eyes wander to me. Then I would request your hospitality. I promise that I won't misbehave while I am in your territory.

I look at Sely, but she doesn't object. So I focus my attention on her mother. I grant you a visitor's rights, Cecilia. The Veil immediately responds to my words. Cecilia is now able to enter and leave my territory once, without repercussions.

Cecilia steps forward, but is held back by her sister. I won't allow you to go alone. I just got you back. She looks at me. Invite us too.

I smile and quickly count their group. There is no way that I'll take my chances with eighteen unknown Old Ones. Especially not if they get through the Veil without being weakened. No. I won't play watchdog for eighteen people.

Tina's expression turns smug. Does that mean that you are short on personnel?

It means that I've better things to do. And that's true. Though I guess that I could give Lindwurm a little free-range. She'll be happy about all the little morsels.

Cecilia takes Tina's hand. How about one guard? My sister surely also wants to meet her nieces.

I consider it. In the end we already suspected that we would have to accommodate both of them. I grant you a visitor's rights, Tina.

That seems to satisfy them and they step through the Veil. Tina gestures for the others to retreat, while Cecilia faces Sely. Would you walk with me?

Sely smiles at me to ensure that I am okay, then gestures towards the path which we took to get here. It's that way.

I am much more concerned with Tina, who stares me down with an intensity I only knew from my father. She doesn't move an inch while Sely and her mother walk down the narrow path. Apparently she wants to give them enough time to get out of earshot.

So? What are your intentions towards her? This territory was a black hole for years. Then she appears and you restart communications. Just like that. She snaps her fingers to emphasize her point.

I gesture for her to follow Sely. I had no motivation to waste my time with others. But Sely is a very forceful and beautiful woman. She can also be very persuasive if she wants to. She negotiated for a place in my territory and paid me with a few very rare and interesting items. It would be a shame if I have to give them back because I can't fulfil my side of the deal.

And what's this deal? Tina asks.

To keep her safe. And since we ended up as lovers I am doubly motivated not to let her go. I throw the facts into her face. How she deals with it is her problem.

Tina stays silent while we follow Sely and Cecilia. So how did you end up in isolating your territory from everyone else?

I consider the answer, but decide that the truth is the best path. She'll find out soon enough that I don't have a lot of manpower. The clan's branch family rebelled and killed off the main family. So half the clan was wiped out over night.

She raises an eyebrow. So why are you standing here? Aren't you of the main family?

Yeah. But killing off half the clan was also just half the story. You see, they did a bad job of it and left me alive. So I killed off the traitors to take revenge, I explain.

You alone against half the clan? She sounds surprised.

Let's say that I was very angry.

We walk the rest of the way until we catch up to Sely and Cecilia. They waited for us at the doorway, which is hidden inside an old oak. I touch the bark and use my energy to activate the magic. The old tree splits open, revealing the door which leads back to the mansion. As soon as we are through, the tree will knit itself back together.

It's a very nifty trick of magic. One which was in place since before I was born.

One by one, we walk through the door. I go last and close the door behind me. Oilell is the one who greets us. She dashes up to Cecilia and shakes her hand. It's so nice to meet the mistress's mother! We've prepared a garden party for everyone. Why don't you eat first and talk about business later.

Then she dashes up to me and Tina, greeting Tina in the same manner. I allow our two visitors to lead the way in order to catch a few private words with Sely. How did it go?

About as awkward as it can get! Sely answers, a frustrated expression on her face.

Oilell interrupts us with something completely different. Master, I wanted to ask if you've seen Oink? He isn't in his barn.

I huff. I told you many times to lock up your livestock. Especially that pig. He always escapes and roams the area. The last time he destroyed one of the gravestones.

Yes, I know. I thought you forgave him. I have to find him before he wanders too far. Mumu and Snuffler are surely worried sick about him. Then she dashes off.

Nope. I never forgave him. He destroyed the carpets, dug up the lawn, and ate the weed I grew. Digging up Mom's gravestone was the last nail in his coffin. I just waited for an acceptable reason to feed him to Lindwurm.

Then I notice that Sely is looking at me accusingly. It seemed as if Oilell likes her livestock like pets. She even gives them names.

Believe me. He deserved it. And maybe she'll build a better barn now.

We guide our two guests outside and into the garden. Annia and Fiacre are already waiting at a large table. A little further away, Kath is playing with the flowers. The child is completely clueless, not sensing the tense situation.

I decide to introduce our guests. These are Cecilia and Tina. And here we have Fiacre and Annia. The little one over there is Kath.

Tina looks at the child, then at me. Her eyes wander to Sely, then to Fiacre. She is too young. Is she-

I realize how this must look like. By the gods! She thinks that Kath is Fiacre's and my child. Not my daughter! We found her in a human facility. Someone gave the humans the means to experiment on Old Ones. It was either killing Kath, or taking her in.

Everyone looks at me and I realize that Ive made a fool of myself. Though I couldn't care less. Having them assume that I am doing my aunt is much worse.

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