Law of Shadows

Chapter 25: ~Relationship~

Chapter 25: ~Relationship~

First break the jaw, then pull out the tongue. Once thats out of the way, you reach down the throat and pull out the heart.

- How to cook a fae, A memory of the Old Ones.



...and that's the story. We were lucky to end up with Magnus. I finish the explanation. There is no need to rescue us, because we are quite happy to be here. At least I am. How about you, Annia?

Annia nods. I also want to stay here. The mansion is just cool and I've made a ton of friends in the city. All of them are my age!

I turn my attention to Cecilia and Tina. The both of them listened patiently to our story. Occasionally they asked questions to clarify things, but otherwise they gave no indication of their thoughts.

By now I can tell that Cecilia has no memory of us. None at all. I have no idea what kind of person she is now, but she didn't seem to like our view of her. Especially not the part about her behaviour towards us. The entire time she wore a fake smile. I can only imagine how it must be for her. It's like travelling in time, learning that someone else piloted your body during your absence.

Cecilia rubs her thighs, her gaze focused on the horizon. I see. I must admit that I had a very different picture of the situation in my mind. Maybe I've to be grateful for the little things.

Annia smiles, an idea forming in her mind. But why don't you stay here while you learn about this age? It'll take a while to get up to date and we could use the time to reconnect. She clasps her hands together, intrigued by the thought.

It's almost as if the light returns to Mom's eyes. That could work. And it's not like you guys couldn't need a few more people in your territory. I don't have any responsibilities, so I can do as I wish.

But what about me!? Tina whines, clearly shocked by her sister's rash decision.

Cecilia dismisses her sister's protest. You did fine without me. And it's not like you don't know where to find me. Maybe we can even open a door between this reality marble and ours. You would be just one step away.

No! Magnus crosses his arms in front of his chest and shakes his head. No! I permitted you to visit us. I don't want even more outsiders on my property. And I don't trust you. What comes next? A bunch of servants? First the sisters, then her. He jabs his finger at Kath, who is still clueless and playing between the flowers. And now Cecilia? Where does it end?

Tina growls. Be glad that my sister is considering to grant you her protection. From what I see, your little territory lacks the manpower to protect it.

Magnus's eyes flash red and I realize that I've to do something. Otherwise this will end in a bloodbath. I shimmy closer to him and hug him from the side, making sure to push my boobs against him. Please? What difference makes one more woman?

He growls. Thats the other point. My territory somehow turned from a paradise to some kind of asylum for females in need.

This isn't working as well as I hoped it would, so I kiss his cheek. Maybe redirecting his wrath works better. Don't you think that there is something else that warrants more attention? Like killing my husband?

He grinds his teeth so loud that everyone can hear it. Yeah. That one. Maybe I should break into a Russian facility and fire one of their nukes on England. That would take care of the Baucheaux. Suddenly he gets up and walks away. I've to prepare. Halfway to the mansion he turns around and points at me. And don't think that I don't realize what you are trying to do. The last word in this matter isn't spoken.

I smile and turn back to Cecilia and Tina. He has anger management issues. Probably, I should follow him to make sure that he doesn't put the idea with the nuke into action.

Cecilia furrows her forehead and looks at me. What do you see in him? Is it just about having a place to live? You can have that with us too.

I purse my lips. To be honest. We haven't been together for long enough to form a real bond. But he adores me and simply being with him feels right for me. I've already seen enough of his good and his bad sides to say that he is decent enough to fulfil my expectations of a relationship.

And then there is the most important point. Just how should I say it? Aw, why should I pussyfoot around. And the sex is just mind-blowing. I am almost two hundred years old, and I never had a stud like him! It feels like we were made for each other. With that curse on me I had already lost hope that I would ever warm up to a man. If you'll excuse me.



Sely gets up and follows her 'stud' to make sure that he doesn't do something stupid. There are worse reasons for being with a partner. As long as she is happy. I sigh warily and return my attention to Annia. I hoped for more, but my daughters act and feel like strangers to me. It seems that I simply have to work for it. Do you have any hobbies? I like reading books.

My daughter furrows her forehead. Books? Yeah, I do read them, but just because my friends are in a club. They read all sorts of books. I myself am much more into computers. Do you know computers? They didn't have any two hundred years ago. Come to think of it, we can start your reintroduction to modern civilisation with a computer course. Being unable to use a computer is the same thing as being illiterate in this day and age. We'll start with the easy stuff, like surfing the web. Then we work ourselves up to programming. Don't worry. I am sure that I am an excellent tutor. During my time in the compound I had more than enough time on my hands, so I earned two degrees in IT and telecommunication.

She's a monster. I smile. From where did she get the sudden talkativeness? Is it because her sister is gone? I could also teach you magic... if you want to. I surely know some ancient spells you've never heard of.

No. Getting you familiar with the modern world is much more important. What if you have to go out alone? You would get hurt just from trying to cross the street. Annia gets up and runs around the table, taking my hand. We will use the rig at the apartment. Magnus has the latest equipment. I think a few hours of theoretic study are enough. Then we'll visit the city to get you acquainted with everything.

What are computers? Why is she so enthusiastic about it? What if it turns out that I've no talent? I want to make a shining first impression as a mother. Be someone she can be proud of! I am not sure that I am into this computer-thing. I look for Tina, searching for help.

But my sister has her own problems. Kath stopped her investigation of the flowers and now the child is offering Tina a hand-picked bouquet, captivating Tina with an innocence which only children have.

Realizing that I'll get no help from her, I turn my hopes to Fiacre. But the cute, little child I once knew is gone. Now there is just a woman who seems to take devilish delight in my predicament. I give up and allow Annia to pull me to my feet.



I bite into the apple and chew in delight, not caring that some of the sweet fruit falls back out of my mouth. It's difficult to eat properly with these hard, beak-like lips. The correct medical term is acrokeratosis. Certain parts of the skin turn so thick and hard that they are like horn. It's not troubling me. The hard skin is actually quite useful. I don't have to be afraid of cuts and scrapes.

Gardener, please. Don't slobber your food all over the table when we are having an important discussion. Summer looks at me with a disgusted expression.

I inspect the mess I made. Admittedly, it looks a little disgusting. Using the back of my hand, I wipe the apple pieces off the table and onto the ground.

Why is this lunatic even here? Shouldn't he be tending to his trees? And why are we here? Autumn gestures at the surrounding forest.

Winter leans back in his seat. He looks very bored. Maybe even a little tired. That's something I am not used to seeing from a fae. He must've been very busy. Busy indeed.

He is as old as us. And we all know that he isn't stupid. Sometimes he just behaves like a lunatic, Spring complains. She throws back a lock of her long, wavy hair which fell into her face.

Yes, yes. Like a lunatic. Not like an idiot. It's important to see the difference. But if they would think about it, then they would realize that I simply don't care what they think about me. Why should I hide myself while I eat such a delicious apple? It's not fair. To me, or the apple.

Just get this done. I've an appointment. Autumn uses his knuckles to knock onto the table.

I used my mediocre magic to grow a mushroom into a table. Just to accommodate the four of them. They wished for my presence at their meeting, but I refused to come to their conference hall. I don't leave my woods. What if one of my charges wakes up? I can't have that. Better that they sleep.

So I've to accommodate the four of them.

Summer snorts. I've contacted all our supporters. They are ready. We could start today if there wasn't one person who still doesn't agree.

Yes! Autumn slams his open palm onto the table. His pupils widen to dark, black orbs. I think that you guys are mad. Right now the other supernaturals, most importantly the Old Ones, are ignoring us-

Winter raises a finger. I would hardly say that they ignore us. When they find one of our trees, they attack and destroy it without hesitation. That's an act of war.

Hardly surprising. Autumn shrugs. What I mean is, that they don't actively search for a way to attack Fairy! If we escalate things, they might unify against us. Again! There is no way that we could stand against all the other supernatural species.

That's exactly why we will utilize the humans. Once our campaign starts, the other races will have other problems than to fight a war, Summer explains with a forcibly calm voice.

I can hear her irritation. She is hiding it well, but I can sense it.

She continues. Once we have the humans on our side and discredited all the others, all we have to do, is wait. The humans will start the war on their own. They fear what they don't understand. And what they fear, they kill.

Autumn shakes his head. What if they turn against us? What if the Old Ones decide to act?

I shrug. It's not like they can reach us here in fairy. And the last war was fought in ancient times. It was fae against Old Ones. The humans weren't so numerous in their little villages. And if Summer's campaign is as good as she says, then the humans will even want to protect the poor, suppressed fae.

Autumn grunts, but Spring finally turns the tables. If you don't want to fight, then you and your court can stay in Fairy. It would hardly make any difference to the plan.

What about the recent attack? The one that blew up Alantgrove? He asks.

Summer shrugs. A stupid half-fae broke the protocols. He thought that he managed to outwit an Old One. Our representatives in the human world won't be so stupid, or weak in their commitment. They were chosen for their skills.

Autumn sighs and gestures to go on. You'll do it anyway sooner or later. Then he glares at me. Why are you even on their side? You never support aggressive strategies.

I bite into my half eaten apple. Sometimes you have to jump into the cold water in order to learn to swim. And sometimes you drown in the process.

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