Life Drain System

Chapter 11 - Where To Live?

Then Yueliang quietly spoke to himself while walking. "It seems what I really need right now is my own place, as it is getting increasingly difficult to do what I want without causing people to get suspicious. Also, maybe I should take the final now and finish school while I am at it. If I do this, then I will have more free time for a few months until I have to go to war. Which means I can grow a lot more. Also, I only have a couple weeks until my party bringing me out into the underworld, and at the same time celebrate my birthday."

'Now that I think about it, rather than finish school today, I will need money. Starting my own company seems like the best way, and I could just live there for now.' Yueliang then thought to himself as he arrived at the door to his dorm. He walked in, then said 'Shop' in his mind to browse for something. ​​


{Potions} {Weapons} {Armor} {Techniques} {Abilities} {Skills} {Commodities} {Miscellaneous}

[Shop Coin: 200,000]

'business related'

{Art of Business Advanced} {Art of Business Intermediate} {Art of Business Basics} {More}

{SC: 20,000} {SC: 10,000} {SC: 5,000}

'Art of business Advanced purchase, then search for summoning techniques, skills, abilities, etc.'

"Master, there are many summoning types, could you specify what you want?" Yang asked.

'Hmm... I will need two different ones, one to summon anything I want or imagine. The next is to summon many creatures that will do my bidding, and can understand commands, complex or not.' Yueliang thought to himself.

{Creation Summoning Advanced} {Creation Summoning Intermediate} {Creation Summoning Basics}

{SC: 4,000,000} {SC: 2,000,000} {SC: 100,000}

'Why is this one so cheap Yang? I mean I get that it is lower in the amount of knowledge, but also why it the advanced so expensive.' Yue asked Yang.

"Well master, this fulfills both your desires, allowing you to summon anything you can come up with, however it also allows you to fully customize everything. Also, to answer your questions. The basics, gives you the ability to summon what you want but no customizing until you grow your level in it, and they are only temporary. Next is Intermediate, having longer summon time, and can do minor customizations. Finally there is advanced, your mind is the limit does not even begin to describe the capabilities of this. However for the most basic of basic explination, you have permanent summons, full customization, and so much more. If you want to summon your own private universe you could, and be able to fully modify it as you please. Anyways, these are just the basics, you could literally summon 'anything' with this!!!!

However seeing as master does not have enough Shop Credits at this point in time, you can only get the basics. However this is useful as well, just not as great. As much as I would love to say level this up to the max, I feel you should do missions and eventually get the advanced as trying to level this up to the max could get you killed. Also you need to get stronger fast. You unlocking the system has only given you protection for a short two months. Your daily quest will come into full affect once that time is up. At that time any time you fail to complete your daily quest you will be teleported to a dangerous location where you will have to fend for your life until a timer runs out. However there will be rare exceptions, and if you choose to, you could go there of your free will to level up as well, however I really do not recommend that at your current state." Yang said kind of worriedly.

When Yueliang heard this he suddenly felt a very strong chill all over his body. Thinking about it all he could imagine was fighting hordes of creatures while never being able to hide. Anyways after a few seconds he said in his mind. 'I will buy the Creation summoning basics.'

Both abilities will be loaded into your mind in 4 seconds...

'Still feels so good, and here it goes again....' He thought

---- 2 minutes later ----

'Well this was shorter than last time' Yue thought as he woke up. Then he realised he was still in the hall way and heard someone coming so quickly tried pulling himself up then ran into his dorm. Once inside he took a deep breath to relax, then went to his laptop. Although most people use their watches, phones, and etcetera, laptops where still in circulation, however main just because the rich felt it easier and faster to use once they got used to it.

After he pressed the on key, a laser looking keyboard showed up on the slab of metal, then a holographic screen appeared above it. He went to the private browser that the high nobility had access to in order to contact the king, or those they needed in a short time. Searching through the page he quickly found what he needed. A department of the Chamber of commerce, he sent a message to the person at the head of it immediately. A few short seconds later he got a reply that that he was now there. After hearing that he took out his phone and made a call to him.

Dring, Dring, dring, beep...

"Hello, Ji, Tiankong, head of the chamber of commerce speaking, is this Yueliang Haizi, last living descendant of the Haizi lineage?" The recipient caller said.

"Yes, this is Yueliang Haizi, Mr. Ji. It certainly has been a while, however to get to the point, I require a business license and registration as I am starting my own company." Yueliang spoke calmly and quickly as he knew to Tiankong time and respect are gold.

"Of course Mr. Haizi, however if I may, why not just utilize your family business?" Tiankong asked curiously.

"Surely you jest Mr. Ji. Certainly you of all people know that my inheritance does not come into play until my time in the spatial wars is over. Also, even if that was not the case, although I will take care of and grow it, I want to start from nothing and grow through hard work and perseverance just as you did when you where younger. You know, I have always admired you Mr. Ji since my youth."

"Hahah, you are a funny child. Flattery is a cheap excuse from the truth, however seeing as you are a Haizi, I will choose to believe you. Anyways, what kind of business are you starting, so that I may prepare the appropriate documentation?"

"I will need platinum documents, as it will be working in all fields." Yueliang said matter of factly.

"Of course, I will have..... WAIT!!!! Did you just say you need platinum documentation. Why even take over your family business if you are able to do that? Well, seeing as we have been close, I am curious to see what sort of things you are planning. It will be sent over momentarily, in the mean time please prepare a building to be registered as its base, and remember it has to be a platinum building. Seeing as you are starting before your service, I take it you need a starter fund?"

"Thank you very much for everything, however I already have the funds. Either way, I hope we can see each other again soon." Yueliang said, then politely got off of the phone.

"Yang, I am fairly certain I can change Shop Credits into Credits right?" Yue asked hurriedly.

"Yes, although it is not recommended, nor is it even worth while."

"What is the exchange rate?"

"1 Shop Credit is 10,000 Credits, however I really do not recommend this."

"Why do you not recommend it?"

"Well for one, if you are asked where the money came from? Then two, although you can earn more, it is not always going to be so easy."

"Hmm, I will think about it. Also, do not worry too much, I am sure this will all work out." Yue said trying to convince not just Yang but also himself.

Yueliang then pulled out his phone, called his girlfriend Xue, then asked if she new of any properties of platinum quality for sale, and if she did to please send over a list. After about half an hour, a list was sent over, and when he opened it only one caught his eye. It was the most expensive, however also the perfect one. The previous owner died their making it slight cheaper as well, and when he saw the 3d scale model he knew it was perfect in design and anything that needed modification could be changed by him later.

After seeing the price he nearly fainted. The cost was only 8 million credits, and for such a building and property, such a price was unheard of. Normally it would have at least 2 more zeros behind it. Seeing this, he immediately had yang transfer 9 hundred of his shop credits to credits, then bought it. Seeing as he still had 1 million left over he figured he would save it for now and use it later. However now he needed to see if he could actually summon workers yet.

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