Life Drain System

Chapter 12 - Magic Lessons And Contract?

After seeing the price he nearly fainted. The cost was only 8 million credits, and for such a building and property, such a price was unheard of. Normally it would have at least 2 more zeros behind it. Seeing this, he immediately had yang transfer 9 hundred of his shop credits to credits, then bought it. Seeing as he still had 1 million left over he figured he would save it for now and use it later. However now he needed to see if he could actually summon workers yet.

'Let's see, I wonder if I can summon humans or humanoid like creatures. However if I summon anything that does not look human, I have to be careful that others do not see them. It is just worrisome. Well if I never start how can this ever get started.' He thought to himself as he decided to cast this spell in his dorm for the first time. ​​

He started connecting one node to the next, and eventually 'one more node it seems'. Yueliang thought and failed the moment he got the wrong node. 'Urgh, this really hurts. I guess I should be happy the basic version is only a level 1 spell.' After a few short deep breaths he continued again.

'I completed it, yes.' He was very happy at his success. Then he saw what appeared to be a infant forming in front of him. Then continued to think about where he went wrong. 'What is this? Well, it is not like my first attempt would be perfect. Hmm, where did I go wrong. Firstly, it seems that the spell manifests whatever you are thinking of the moment the spell is cast. Second, it seems to require more mana for more complex beings. Third, it seems I am missing something because although I summoned this infant looking creature, it is not alive. Then lastly, how exactly do I desummon things. I guess there would be a few options. One would be to dispel magic, another would be to make a desummoning spell model, and the last that I can think of would be to wait out the timer.'

'It seems like if I want to continue my magic research I need to do this at my new building.' After thinking about this, he left the room to head to his new property. While heading there he sent the information about the property to Tiankong Ji. Shortly after he both received the documentation, license, etcetera, and arrived at his new building. 'Wow it looks even better in person.' Yueliang thought as he entered the new building he bought.

'It seems the 5th floor would be good for practice for now. However I will later have to create a custom room that is designed perfectly for spell testing.' He thought to himself as he walked through the beautifully constructed Base floor to the spacious elevator. This building was constructed with a victorian appearance while being built with modern structural designs for structural integrity and a perfect blend of old and new to make a beautiful spacious building.

Although it was not a sky scraper, it had a massive base and looked great. However the design looked perfect for anther reason as well, if Yueliang could either raise his summoning abiltiy, or build a building, he wanted to make it float above the current structure to make it look like two halves of a whole making it complete. At the same time It would look beautiful as a floating island. Anyways, seeing as teleportation was discovered about a century ago, transportation would be relatively easy.

A moment later Yueliang arrived on the fifth floor, then walked into one of the rooms saying. "Time to get started. However it seems as though rather than summoning humans for now, I should focus on orcs for strength and endurance for now." After saying this he focused his mind then quickly and efficiently tried to complete the spell model.


"Rrrhu, hello master. My name is Rei." The orc stated as he quickly knelt before his summoner.

"Please get up Rei. Also, seeing the intellect you possess, tell me did I summon you or create you?"

"Master, you summoned me. Although my horde are some of the more intelligent orcs, we are very strong as well and will be of use. Please let us serve you."

"Tell me, why are you so submissive to someone you just met?" Yue asked exceedingly curious.

"Well, that would be because to us orcs, mages, more specifically summoners are very rare and important. We keep them as leaders and revere them heavily. As for why we would want to serve you, that would be because a horde without a summoner or at least a mage, is not going to have a good life. Also there are many things to consider such as but not limited to the strength and intellect of the summoner or mage."

"So why do you not seem to be worried about that with me?" Yue asked growing more curious with the more he learned, even starting to think of making journals of all his findings making a library.

"Firstly it seems that you are new to magic and this world. See when first summoned, the summoned gains a certain amount of the summoners knowledge. This is to make communication and understanding easier between the two, among other reasons such as to allow the summoned an opportunity to see if the summoner is worthy to be their master. Thus leading to the second point. Although you may not be the strongest, you are certainly growing at a rapid pace, and the fact that you are not some pacifist, these points among many others are why you are a prime leader.

Third, if you took us as your subordinates, according to what I have obtained of your memory, it seems we would be able to help you level up, grow, learn, and so much more. Not to be rude, but master, you really have not even begun to scratch the surface of your system not to mention your abilities and powers." The orc said matter of factly as though he was a marketer selling something by listing the pros and cons.

"Just curious how much of my memory did you obtain?" Yueliang asked the orc.

"Well considering you are young, and have just started expanding your knowledge base. I have gotten it all. You see, when I mentioned that we the summoned get a portion of the summoners memory, it is a set limit, thus if the summoner in question has a knowledge base lower than that everything gets transferred. Also, in many cases summoners need to have someone by their side as whatever they summon will often times attack them if they do not submit, or the summoner have some sort of method to counter that.

One such way to counter it would be to use calming, hypnosis, brainwashing, etcetera spells. Or to demonstrate their strength to the summoned in some way, even making deals that are mutually beneficial. However in your case where you are overwhelmingly amazing, the summoned will often times make the offer for the deal. Just remember magic contracts are in most cases absolute. There are only a few ways to break such a contract. Such as going to a magic god of sufficient strength and asking them to break it. However contracts are normally only ever broken if their is abuse of said party whether party a or b is the abused. However if a contract is broken in order to harm the other contracted party, there will be a magic backlash which will often times kill said party.

I can continue giving you magic lessons if you would like, however there is not much time before this summoning timer runs out unless we make a contract first. So will you take us as your subordinates or no, do not worry you can make as many contracts as you have magic, and supplies to spare, or any of the other factors." The orc spoke quickly hoping that he could bring his horde this summoner to help them.

"Alright, however what exactly will this contract be?" Yueliang asked.

"Focus deeply inwardly, then start taking some of the magic you have and form it into a sheet of paper and a quill. Clasp my hand and then we can begin."

"Alright let us begin then." Yueliang said as he clasped the orcs muscular and calloused hand.

They started pushing their mana together very gently and forming the piece of paper that will then be their contract. After forming the paper, they formed the quill. Once the quill was formed, they started communicating about the terms of the contract using the mental power used for spell casting. Then as each letter was written forming each word thus forming sentances, they turned into runes, like those used for enchanting, but ones Yueliang had never seen before. Then Yueliang started trying to memorize everything so that he could decipher and learn these new runes.

The contract was created and formed once they released each others grasp.


A bright light appeared and kept getting brighter until it encompassed the entire room....

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