Life Drain System

Chapter 25 - Learning To Use My Strength

"Great, I will have it brought to your room then." Rei said, then left quickly to get back to work.

"Well, at least now I will be able to train at lot better and maybe more." Yue said to himself, then continued to his forging room. He spent a couple hours making a metal bow, many arrows, and a bunch of other weapons for himself. As for armor he could not decide yet, however he knew he needed to be a lot more prepared if he did not want to nearly die next time like with the Rakshasa. And to think that was the weakest one in existence, Yue really had a wake up call. ​​

After those few hours were up, he went into his room, and saw a tube that was slanted and hooked up to monitors and other things. It was filled with a clear jell, and had a needle in the tube dangling down.

Yue thought to himself. 'I wonder what that needle is for, although if I had to guess it would probably be what sends the electrical signals into my body to stimulate it. The jell is probably to keep me safe or for nutrients. But what about air? Well I guess only one way to find out.' Thinking this, he quickly ran to the tube, climbed up the small ladder, and slid right in shutting the lid behind himself with a thud.

'So it seems I can breathe in this jell.... Well that is interesting. I guess what else can you expect from a civilization that is more advanced than our own. Anyway how does the needle oof... I see, it inserts itself into ones spinal cord. I guess that means I will be in the game like simulator soon.' Yue thought to himself excitedly.

---- A Few Moments Later ----

Yue opened his eyes, waking from his sleep, then heard. "Recruit, get up immediately! Time for training then off to war with you!" A beautiful but intimidating sky orc said then walked out of the military style tent.

Yue quickly hopped off his cot, not really thinking about much, even forgetting he was in a simulator. Half thinking that he was actually in war time, not caring how he got there. Yue quickly made his cot, got dress quickly then ran out, and followed the Sky Orc who guided him to the gear selection area. Yue grabbed a sword only, as there was no armor to pick from. Then he was quickly brought to the training area.

"Recruit, your first part of training is to fight this Ogre. Now go." She said.

Yue noticed that he felt about the same strength as before he arrived here, although there was something in the air or around him that made him feel stronger now. However thinking it was war time, he quickly focused his mind, and cultivated his sword art while getting ready to fight.

As soon as Yue entered the small fenced in arena, the ogre charged at him with its fists. It had a sword on its back, however considering it did not draw it, Yue felt that the ogre did not place him in its eyes. The ogre only .3 meters taller than Yue still looked intimidating as could be. Yue readied his sword hoping to block rather than dodge the ogre's attack.

The ogre threw a single punch, and Yueliang blocked it with his sword. However the impact sent him flying into the fenced wall with just sheer strength. Yue was in severe pain, however got back up just as the ogre sent him flying into the air. Then just as he was about to land, he was punched into the ground. Clearly Yue was nothing but a toy for this ogre. A few moments later, he died and woke up on the cot again.

He repeated this, just thinking deja vu, because of the simulator, however he did not notice this and continued. Yueliang kept on repeating this countless times, until he woke up. He felt well rested, then noticed he was not in the war field anymore, climbing out of the tube, he thought. 'Man that was realistic, seriously I feel like whoever made that is one sadistic person. Although at least it works well and is effective, I certainly have a better grasp on my attributes than I did before.'

Yue went over to his phone thinking days passed and he missed his birthday. He checked his phone then noticed the date, July first. Upon noticing this he quickly checked the time, and noticed that the party was starting in just one hour. He quickly took a shower and got ready. Then right as he was about to leave, he heard his phone 'Ring, Ring, Ring' and quickly picked it up.

"Hello son, it has been a little while. Come up to the roof and we can head out." Zuzhang said.

"First, I should ask, do you have the equipment set up or do I need to bring my own?" Yueliang asked.

"We have everything set up, however if you feel like we missed something feel free to bring your own gear." Zuzhang relpied.

"Alright, thank you, be up momentarily." Yueliang said as he ran up to the roof.

Upon reaching the roof, Zuzhang asked. "Got everything you need?"

"I trust you prepared everything, so I am ready." Yue replied then hoped into the jump jet from before, then continued asking. "Is there anything I should know before we arrive?" Yueliang asked.

"Well, let's see, first off make sure you are confident, yet not arrogant. Arrogance gets people killed, and we are looking for leaders, not more annoying grunts who are 'frogs in a well' (think they know everything...). Also, as long as you perform well, I am sure everyone will come to like you very much, as a rare talent that is. Also, if you cannot talk about something because you do not understand, do not try to sound like you do. If you misunderstand ask. We prefer people who are actually trying to become more intelligent as it means we will be more successful in the future." Zuzhang said caringly.

"Then, basically be myself and all will go well. If I do not, then this will fail. Good to know, however is there anyone I should keep an eye out for, either malicious or that should be entertained specifically?" Yueliang asked.

"Not really, I mean most of these people are ambitious which is dangerous, however they are smart enough to keep the relations with us good. As for entertaining, well, let's just see where the night takes us first." Zuzhang replied while noticing they were about half way there, then continued asking. "So has anything new happened lately? I mean you have not really been calling for or about anything."

"Not much, as I am sure you know, I have started my own business 'Rongyu wu'. I have also gotten engaged, finished university. Also had to take care of some people as self defense required. I have also gotten much better at my classes." Yueliang replied kind of cheerfully.

"Well I certainly knew of the business, and of those you killed. Although it was self defense, and you are a noble, who do you think kept it from going in the news and ruining your reputation, or causing you any other problems?" Zuzhang commented.

"Well I must thank you very much." Yueliang said while giving a partial bow.

"Either way, congratulations on the graduation, and engagement, I hope it is someone that will bring you lots of happiness." Zuzhang congratulated Yueliang.

"Thank you father, it is actually Xue." Yueliang replied.

The jump jet stopped in mid air, then Zuzhang asked. "Lady Xue, as in the daughter of the family just below yours that is the richest family below the king? If so, be extremely careful."

"Yes, that is her. However why should I be careful?" Yueliang grew exceedingly curious.

"Well first off, you are lucky her father did not kill you on the spot. He is a very strong martial artist. I am guessing you told him of what you can do which made him hold back a lot. Then there is his daughter, who is a cultivator among other things. She is involved in, well a lot, as I am sure you will soon or eventually figure out." Zuzhang warned as he slowly started going forward again.

"Yes, her father did try at first, however I caught his fist then we talked and everything. It turned out well and he became alright with me over time. As for Xue, she is so kind and we spend lots of time together. Oh also, I forgot to tell you I summoned my own personal army of 6,000, each about triple my current strength. Anyways, Xue is always happy around me, and we love each other. Is she really dangerous?" Yue asked as the plain nearly fell out of the air when Zuzhang heard this. Then Yue asked. "Father are you sure you are ok to fly? Are you ill?"

"No, I am not ill, you are the cause for nearly giving me a heart attack at every turn. You really conquered Lady Xue. She never smiles around anyone let alone speaking to other people. Yet she actually told you she loves you. I am starting to wonder if we are speaking of different people or if she really has fallen for someone." Zuzhang checked out the window saying. "It does not seem the sun rose in the west."

"Hahaha, surely you jest. I will introduce her to you later when there is a chance." Yueliang replied.

"That opportunity will arise sooner than you think, she will be at the party." Zuzhang said

Yue quickly replied. "That is wonderful, however is she really involved in underworld affairs?"

Zuzhang felt ill at the thought of that question then said. "More so than you know. She is the top assassin in the world, as well as many other things. Her family also deals in a lot of illegal things, unlike yours. Where as your family is like yang, good and honorable, hers is like yin, evil and terrifying, and before you say anything, no, I am not trying to criticize your fiancé or her family."

"Wow, how wonderful, I got to learn more about her. Although it is kind of sad that she does such things, at least we can take care of each other better and live happily." Yue said thinking to himself.

"To think I got such a hopeless romantic for a son. I really hope this does not come to bite me later." Zuzhang said under his breath.

In a calm but serious manner, Yue said. "Do not worry, I can definitely control myself. I will not let my mistakes come to harm you so long as I can help it."

"Well, I will trust you. However what you said about that summoning. You have not told others right? This is something you should keep secret you know."

"Of course, I know it should be a secret that is. I have only told the two people who it will affect the most anyway. My fiancé of course, and then now you. However I have no plans to tell anyone else, even if I am tortured. If you want you can meet them later, just make sure you ready yourself before then." Yue said.

"Well, we have arrived. We can talk about such matters later for now, just try to make a good impression." Zuzhang said as he landed the jet.

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