Life Drain System

Chapter 26 - Party

"Well, we have arrived. We can talk about such matters later for now, just try to make a good impression." Zuzhang said as he landed the jet.

The two of them hopped out of the jet, then walked into the elegant looking castle. As the big doors opened, everyone turned their heads to see if it was the host and his son. Then to their surprise they saw two extremely handsome men in suits walking in standing tall and confident. They had this look of being able to conquer the world. All the ladies blushed at the sight of them, and the men looked as though they respected that they were clearly their better and servile. ​​

The two men walking in were Zuzhang, and Yueliang. They walked straight into the ballroom, not looking around the room at anyone. Upon almost reaching the end of the room, they each walked in opposite directions to stairs on either side of them. Then met back up in the middle, looking down at the rest, Zuzhang clapped his hands once to draw the attention and silence the room not that it was needed with such a display.

Expressionless, and suave, Zuzhang then said. "Thank you all for coming to my sons birthday and debut into this world. I am sure you all are curious so let me introduce my adoptive son, Yueliang Haizi." He confidently paused for a moment to let everyone take it in. While this was said Yueliang bowed ever so slightly as to not seem servile but to just acknowledge what was said and identify himself.

The room burst into quiet whispers, as the crowd was amazed and surprised at such a development. However, they quickly silenced themselves in order to hear what was next.

Zuzhang then continued. "Now that he has been introduced, he will demonstrate some of his skill. Then you will each have an opportunity to meet him."

Upon this being said, Yueliang then spoke. "Everybody, follow me out side, as the indoors are not suitable for the first part of the demonstration."

Hearing this, almost everyone thought he was boasting through the roof, however still wanted to see what he could do, thus they followed him. After everyone was outside, he spoke once more before continuing. "As I do not want to put everyone in danger, I will be doing this slightly different to reduce my power slightly." Yue then cast the puppet spell, a whitish blue almost mirror image of Yue then appeared, then Yue used his puppet as a medium and cast the fireball spell, which turned out about a quarter the size of a foot ball field. Everyone gasped upon seeing this, then the puppet sent it into the sky.

Everyone watched the fireball continue flying up higher and higher until it was about half the size, then exploded covering the whole sky within their sights and lighting up the night sky. The heat was immense, and almost everyone thought they would die. Then they all realized Yueliang's control over magic was immense.

Then Yue spoke once more apologetically. "I apologize for not showing my full power, however seeing as this is a demonstration and I do not want to harm you all currently I have only produced about 40% of my power. I hope this was not to little."

Hearing this, the crowd and including Zuzhang all either fell to the floor or fainted. As if the pressure from the fireball was not enough, by bringing them to their knees, hearing this was practically the finishing blow.

---- About 10 minutes later ----

When they all finally got up, Zuzhang despite his surprise, then said. "Alright everyone, that is his mage class. As I am sure you all are surprised, there is more to add yet, if you would now follow me to the next location." He then led them all back the ballroom. A criminal for death row was standing in the middle, with an explosive collar around his neck to decapitate him if he tried escaping.

Then Zuzhang spoke again to explain the current situation as he noticed everybody whispering. "Everybody, this is a criminal up for the death penalty, as he is a martial artist who has killed a few thousand in the capital city before he was caught and subdued. My son also is of the martial artist class, and since he claims to be very strong, this is to show his strength."

Everyone gasped as they all knew this criminal was so strong they had to literally suffocate him in a room in order to knock him out, as nothing else was working to subdue him short of a large bomb. However they did not want to wipe out the capital city over one criminal.

Yueliang noticed everybody crowding all around as if this was a casual street fight. However he still walked forward confidently then said. "Wow, and I thought I would need my sword. For you, I am sure a light push from me will be enough." He said while dusting off his coat.

Everyone in the room was worried that this was the death of Yueliang, or something. I mean seriously who taunts someone that strong like that or even at all.

The enraged criminal said. "Big words coming from a child. You think you can avoid killing me and actually subdue me with all these people around. Ha, you are hilarious. Come at me, if you can actually deal damage to me, I will bow down and call you master, actually, I will even follow you and be your student." The criminal stood their cockily as though he knew the world could not kill him without casualties.

Yue then walked up to him before the criminal could even notice, all anyone saw was an after shadow. Upon arriving in front of the criminal, Yue flicked him in the head and the man took two steps back to recover from the impact, while saying. "Are you worthy to be my student? I favor the sword but can use any weapon. Just using a flick of the fingers is a favor to you. However since you seem to believe that I am weak tell me what you think of this."

Yue put his left arm behind his back, took his pointer finger and lifted the man into the air, then pulled back and then pushed with the palm of his hand with about half strength. The man then flew across the room through the doors and fell sliding on the ground for a few meters. When he tried to get back up, he noticed many of his ribs were broken. Then Yue said apologetically. "Sorry everybody, my opponent seems to have run away, let me go get him." Then everyone in the hall had their jaws drop wondering if Yueliang was even human, and still seeing the after shadows.

After saying what he did, Yue briskly walked over to the man saying just loud enough for him to hear. "You work for me now, nod if you understand. You follow my orders and you will be rewarded, if not, well I will give you back to the government to be killed. Understand?"

The man quickly nodded and was just hopping to learn from this man, as all he ever wanted was to become the strongest and live a happy care free life.

"Alright since you agree let me heal you real quick." Yue said and then thought. 'Yang heal him please.'

"Right away, by the way it cost 1000 experience." Yang said then a light flashed dimly and the man was healed.

Upon seeing this the crowd was thinking, he can heal, he can wipe out armies, with either magic or martial arts. How did Zuzhang get this child they all wondered, let alone how he could have grown up to be such a super power. However Zuzhang walked forth and said proudly. "I am glad that everyone thinks so highly of my son, however we are not done. Their are still two more surprises left.

Everyone felt that they could no longer stand to live if their was such an insane person in existence. However because of curiosity they still went to see what happened. First they were brought to a blacksmithing area. However they all wondered why would he want to debut such an old profession? However after thirty minutes, they all understood. Yueliang had forged a sword, then enchanted it with ice magic to freeze anything it touches except the user. Yue would have used a second enchantment however did not feel that it was a good idea to risk it during this party.

Everybody was cheering and feeling exasperated as they knew they could never measure up to this person, however they also knew they could do nothing to him, so they just wanted to finish this debut, and see if they could get anything out of this. If not, it seemed as though they just came to make themselves feel worthless.

They all went to the alchemy area and then figured. 'So he is an alchemist as well, is there anything this young monster... ahem man cannot do?' They all thought hoping he would at least fail at this, considering although there were not many alchemists, there were even fewer skilled ones.

Yue then made a health potion, and a mana potion, then he enchanted the drinks to fortify the user's health and strength for the health potion and magic for the magic one. However he had to enchant them using soul stones as there were not many other ways to enchant a liquid. Even doing this was a waste as they would eventually urinate it out.

Then Yueliang said. "As the finally here is a gift to two fortunate people. Hmm, I hear Xue, and Laohu are here. If Laohu is here I will give this health potion for you to try out now. It will make you stronger, and healthier so long as you have the potion in your system, it will also heal you as that was the potions original effect. As for any mage out there please come up. This will empower your magic, and before you ask, no I did not use this potion on myself, as I do not like relying on external things to strengthen myself."

Everybody in the crowd looked around, and eventually Laohu came up to the stage, then an old mage came up.

Laohu said cheerfully yet seriously. "Well child, it seems you are much stronger than you let on when my daughter introduced you. It seems she will marry well if you have such strength. However if you ever treat her bad I will find a way to come for you."

"Alright, alright, let me see your arm really quickly." Yueliang said then gently held Laohu's arm while he carefully sliced it open, but not to deep as he just wanted to show the effects.

Laohu then said. "What are you doing child?"

Yue replied saying. "Calm down father in law Laohu", Yue then poured part of the potion into the wound and the rest down Laohu's throat saying. "I poured part into your wound to make the potion last longer for you, as it takes longer to get it out of the blood stream, however I had you drink the rest because it is too shallow of a wound. See it is already almost healed."

Laohu was shocked at the speed, as was the crowed. Then Yueliang went to the mage and asked. "Sir mage, would you prefer this in your blood, or in your stomach?"

The old man replied. "You are quiet the easy going child, I will take it in the blood. It is nice to meet you, I am Fashi. We should talk later, I would love to hear about your fireball and puppet spells. Here is my number and we should meet later to discuss different things." Fashi said as he sent a mental transmission to Yueliang.

"Alright, well in order to show the people the effects cast a spell now, and you can do one after." Yue said then got out a needle.

The old man cast a healing light spell over everyone in the room, then said. "Alright, now as for the potion, child let me. As a mage there is no need for the needle."

"Hahah, right you are." Yueliang said as he saw the man teleport it into his bodies blood stream.

The old man Fashi, then cast the same spell again and it was multiplied in strength by 40% and his mana was regenerated due to the potions original effects. "Wow, you are great in many fields child, you must have worked hard. I hope we can be good friends in the future." Fashi said as he teleported the impurities and used up part of the potion out of his system.

"Of course Fashi, I look forward to meeting you again sometime. If you want to hang out and talk sometime come to 'my' business 'Rongyu Wu' later, and tell them you are looking for me. Also if you do not want to come there, then here is my number." Yueliang replied as he handed a piece of paper with his name and number on it to the old man. Then he continued by saying. "This concludes the small and basic demonstration of my main abilities, I hope you all enjoyed it. I look forward to talking to all of you after the party. However for now, we should all enjoy the dance and wonderful feast put out by my father."

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