Life Drain System

Chapter 37 - The King Arrives....

"Wait, one more thing. If you find any strong creatures, please try to drive them here as well. I have a great idea for them." Yueliang said then walked away to get building. Then thought 'Status'.

[Character Sheet ​​

Name: Yueliang Haizi

Title: Dark Horse

Race: Draconic Human

Age: 21

Life Expectancy: 48 More years

Level: 10 -> 15 {3,200 / 6,400 next level}

Health: 28,400/28,400

Strength: 99

Agility: 99

Endurance: 99

Intelligence: 99

Soul: 99


Luck: 99

Charm: 75

Mana: 85 -> 90

Chi: 75 -> 99

Aura: 21 -> 25

Customizable stat points: 0 -> 60]

[Shop Coins: 410,000 -> 620,000]

Yue then thought. 'Phew, I am glad I have enough life expectancy to do this. Maybe Yin is right about this. Should I really spend my life just to speed up our comfortability? As long as there are evil doers to get rid of, I guess I can refill it. Either way, to get back to what I wanted to do.' Yue then thought. 'Yang, please pull up taming, and if there is animal communication that would be great unless it is included.'

"I can do that, however there is one matter first. If you have taming you can communicate as you grow closer, you will be able to speak through your souls rather than verbal or through the mind. However if you get animal communication you can do that straight from the beginning. You will communicate from your souls, however you would need taming if you want them to become as you want them to do." Yang replied.

'Then I will gladly take both' Yue responded as he saw the screens appear before him.

[ Shop ]

{ Taming Beginner } { Taming Intermediate } {Taming Advanced}

{ SC: 10,000 } { SC: 100,000 } { SC: 250,000 }

{ Soul Communication }

{ SC: 10,000 }

'I will take Taming Advanced and Soul Communication.'

"Understood, minus 260,000 Shop Credits, and they will be downloaded momentarily."

'Thank you, ahh, I love this feeling.' Yueliang thought as he felt it getting downloaded and feeling as though a whole new world opened before him. This time, Yue was even surprised to find that he did not pass out like last time which was great. Then he asked Yang. 'How much do logs, and other materials cost?'

"Well, it does not cost much, hmm. However is this for crafting or what is it for? The reason is, different types of materials are for different bundles or packs to buy. Although they do have similar prices you will get different resources."

'For now, just for building the town and some enchanted items. Also thank you for letting me know.'

"Alright, well for the town, there is a bundle that can build a small city that should suit your needs I take it that costs 500. As for the enchanting, I am guessing you are referring to the showers, and plumbing that moves it to a location for farming. Then for the cooking, and everything. If that is the case I will just sell you the finished items, as I have a feeling you are going to waste your life, so the cost will be more to compensate. 10,000 shop coin for all the items. Thus a grand total of 10,500, what do you think?"

'Sounds perfect, thank you, I will take it.' Then Yueliang thought. 'Next to build everything, I need another wall built around the city this time with engravings on the inside, ballista's, and other defensive on the wall, with a moat and drawbridge in each direction, an irons gates to cover them. Then 6 farms inside that wall, as well as a 4 pens to place animals. Place an enchantment on the pens so nothing can go out without an Illusion Arm Band. A couple containers by the farms for the supplies with enchantments, to process it to kill anything harmful, and to compact it.

One bath house in the town center area, and one in the outer town area. Also, under the town center at three chamber, one with lava, and the head leading to the forge, another with water that will fill itself, and supply the water needs of the town. Thirdly, a mana crystal chamber that supplies the array formations and enchantments, while absorbing and filling itself. After that, then finally a lot of housing, inns, taverns, shops, etcetera to house new comers, merchants, and etc. Also a few warehouses to hold items. Now what is the cost of my life?'

"That is quite a lot, and more than we built before, the total will be 28 years. It is amazing, haha, I think you are the first that I know of, of your decent to actually use your life in such a way..." Yang said and kind of laughed at the thought of it.

'Maybe, however at least I am getting things done quickly. Either way, please begin.'

"Not a problem, it will be done momentarily. Regardless, you do realize, when you get stronger if you do not have a high enough life expectancy you will die, right?"

'You said cultivating can grow my life expectancy right? Not to mention pills, and etc.'

"*Sigh* You really do not understand do you? Cultivating only boosts your life at certain points. The pills and other items, can help raise you too those points. However the only steady way you can keep gaining life, is by taking it from others. You are not even to the point where you can just take some while letting them live either. Thus you can only take from those you kill for now."

'Hmm, I will be more careful in the future. Thank you for the warning. I guess it is better to learn now rather than later.' Yueliang thought, then went up to the ramparts, and saw as the next part of the city expansion was falling into place, yet landing with shaking the land in the slightest. It was a beautiful sight to behold. He even saw wolves running from Yin and and army of the undead, as well as Yin being chased by two tigers.

Yin kept running skillfully while casting agility, strength, and other buffs on himself. He lead the wolves to a pen before the wall came down, and once they were in, he ran into another, an waited for the tigers to follow. Unbeknownst to Yin and Yue, the tigers here were different, they were smart, and walked the perimeter of the pen. Yin just laid down, and taunted them by taking out some raw wolf meat he had, and acted as though he was about to eat it.

Yue, seeing that the tigers had not fallen for neither the taunt, nor the trap, cast a small fireball and sent it behind them to push them into the boundaries then hid behind the wall so they would not see him.

The two tigers both white and black striped with blue eyes, saw the fireball. However before they could get out of the way, the explosion's force pushed them just one meter and that was enough. The pen then was put in place and they were locked in, and Yin ran out hoping they would not follow him, not knowing about the enchantment.

Yueliang, then got down from the wall, and ran down to Yin, while things were still falling in place, and the moat was being 'built' beyond them. Yin, still running from the pen, almost ran into Yue.

"Seriously, I do not want to do that again. Those tigers are insanely fast, strong, and kind of terrifying when you are not allowed to fight back. If it was not for me not wanting to harm them, I would have just killed them." Yin said still trying to catch his breath a little.

"They seemed pretty strong, even able to notice mana fluctuations, as they saw my fireball. It seems they will make great partners and hopefully friends for me. Thank you so much, I have set up all the places now. There is plumbing, showers, bath houses, cooking stations, and etcetera." Yue replied.

"That is great and all but, you just said partner and friend. Tell me you are not going to try taming them please." Yin exhaled feeling no surprise.

"I cannot say that, as I have the taming skill. Also, do you not agree that they would be great for defending this place? Either way, look over there." Yue pointed into the distance and said. "It seems we have our first visitors. Hopefully friendlies."

Yueliang then summoned 500 of the Sky Orcs, and said while walking towards one of the pens. "I need you to man the ramparts, there are ballista's and other weapons up there ready for your use. Do not harm the guests unless they attack first. Also try not to make them feel to intimidated, just walk the ramparts as if you are just watching."

The Orcs followed the orders and quickly went up especially when once they heard there were people coming. This was a new world and everyone except Yue and a few others were feeling quite on edge.

Yue quickly arrived at the pen and heard in an Australian like male accented voice. "I am annoyed that we got forced into this trap following that dead smelling human. What do you think we should do love?"

"If we kill them, we may kill our exit, however if we comply with them for a while we may be able to escape and kill them for this. We need to escape soon because of your pregnancy dear. Oh look another human has come." The male said interested in what would come next, also quite curious what the odd feeling was that he could feel emanating from the human.

Yue felt surprised and kind of amused at their conversation, however was very pleased to hear there was a cub on the way and said. "Wow, two beautiful tigers, this is wonderful. I hope we can become good friends, and have lots of fun."

The female tiger said. "Wow this human has a silver tongue, it seems your plan might come sooner than we thought." The male tiger just nodded in acknowledgment, but focused on the human trying to see what was going on.

"I wonder what you two would think if you knew I could hear you talking. By the way, I hope your baby is alright." Yueliang said sounding very caring and kind.

"Just a lucky guess." The female said.

"Not luck, I can genuinely hear you, as well as your plan of escape. However if you were to follow me rather than escape I can promise you wonderful things. For instance, what do you think of purifying that white tiger bloodline?"

The male tiger finally spoke once more and said. "If you can truly do such a thing that would be wonderful, and we will follow you. However if you cannot we shall tear you limb from limb. First before that, say the words 'Divine White Tiger Bloodline, Divine Dragon King Bloodline' to prove you can hear us."

"Divine White Tiger Bloodline, Divine Dragon King Bloodline. Now what do you say? Shall we be friends, or what?"

The male spoke once more and said. "I make no promises that we become friends, however if you speak true, we will follow you."

"Great, then let me help you both out of there." Yueliang said as he opened the gate, and petted each one as they came out to allow the effect of the illusion arm band to let them out and said. "Such soft beautiful fur. Either way, please follow me, before I purify your bloodlines, we must do a few things." Yue said as he walked towards the gate where the guests should be arriving soon.

As Yueliang arrived, he said loudly. "Drop the drawbridge and lift the gate, then close it behind me." Yue walked through the gated, and just sat down on the middle of the draw bridge with the two tigers lying on either side of him waiting for them to arrive.

---- A few moments later ----

The knights, and king got off their horses, then walked onto the draw bridge while they had the rest stay behind. Everyone of them shuddered in fear except the king and his knights at the sight of the tigers. The King and the four knights, just felt that it should be safe if they have not made a move yet.

Yue then spoke up. "Please take a seat, I would invite you in, however we have yet to know if you are friend or foe. Also, please do not mind my friends, we are just bonding."

The knight Lancelot then said to the king. "This is the leader I spoke of. Also, I think those are the same tigers we saw before."

The king nodded in response, then sat and had his knights do the same behind him. This being a sign of trust, that one would not normally receive from someone of the kings status.

"I am glad that you decided to trust me. My name is Yueliang." Yue said as he reached out his hand to have the king shake it. "I see Lancelot has notified you of our arrival here."

The king guessed this was some sort of greeting and decided to clasp Yue's hand and Yue shook his firmly yet friendly. The king felt a little weird at this and just acknowledged. "Yes, he has, although he said you where skilled craftsmen, I have seen the prior town here. It is amazing that you can work so fast, and have such skilled craftsmen. However I am curious about what you said of being able to produce better things than we are able to."

"You are quick to the point it seems. Alright, then I shall get to it as well. We can make extremely fast means of transportation for you, without the need for mages or wagons. We are able to produce weapons beyond your imagining, and much more. What we make can be either made with or without magic, however the cost varies.

Either way, what I desire is simply to trade freely in the capital. Also, although we will provide you first offers before others on our products, we do not want to be disturbed. We want to work in peace, as we have much to do. However to give you a taste of what we can provide let me show you this." Yueliang said as he stood telling the tigers to stay with his thoughts...

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