Life Drain System

Chapter 38 - Amazement Or Disappointment?

"You are quick to the point it seems. Alright, then I shall get to it as well. We can make extremely fast means of transportation for you, without the need for mages or wagons. We are able to produce weapons beyond your imagining, and much more. What we make can be either made with or without magic, however the cost varies.

Either way, what I desire is simply to trade freely in the capital. Also, although we will provide you first offers before others on our products, we do not want to be disturbed. We want to work in peace, as we have much to do. However to give you a taste of what we can provide let me show you this." Yueliang said as he stood telling the tigers to stay with his thoughts... ​​

As Yueliang stood, the king also got up having his knights stay in place, and asked. "What are you going to show me? Do we need to go somewhere?"

While the king spoke, Yue said to Yang in his mind. 'I need a motorcycle from my old world.' Then he replied to the king. "No need to get your horse. I just figured it would be better if you and I stood up while doing this."

Yang said. "They are in your inventory, and 100 Shop credits have been deducted."

The king then responded curiously. "Alright?"

"Just so that you know, the product I will be showing you is not magic made or enchanted, however that does not mean we cannot make it so. Our mana products are much better. I hope this does not disappoint, however please hop on behind me." Yueliang said as he materialized the hover motorcycle from his inventory. The king was shocked as he felt no mana fluctuations from what he presumed was a spell.

Either way, slightly confused the king did as instructed. He hopped on the back of the silent yet hovering motorcycle, then asked. "Now what?

Yue then with a smirk across his face said. "Just hold on." Then went full speed on the bike, and went all the way around the town that was 2,000 meters across in any direction. While they were riding the two spoke.

Yue then asked while they were traveling at an extreme speed. "What do you think, fast, smooth, and fun right? This is one of our transportation products. There are many things we can produce, if you are curious just ask. It does not matter if it requires magic, enchanting, alchemy, or anything else. Either way, if you can dream it, we can probably make it."

"This mount is wonderful, however the question is how does it work?"

Yueliang slowed to a halt, and parked on the drawbridge once he made it all the way around and replied saying. "This particular one uses electricity, however they can be made to run on gas, mana, or otherwise. Or if you meant how to ride it, you just use the key, then twist the handle, then move the handles in the direction you want. Why do you ask?"

"Gas ..... Electricity ..... Power.... ?" Then it hit him. "Where are you from?"

"We came from another world, however we need materials to build one of our products, and trade seems like the fastest way. However I am guessing since you are asking about such things, your world focuses on magic, and martial arts. Where I come from, magic, and martial arts are just a few of many fields of practice, even technology is broken into many fields of practice."

"I see, many from our planet, once reaching a certain grasp in their field go to other planets as they are to strong for this place. They can get to the point of crushing mountains, splitting rivers with one swing, or for mages, wiping out whole cities in one strike. Thus they head to planets where everything is a lot stronger." The king stated.

"Hmm, interesting. Well, back to the matter at hand, we have many products that basically fall in line with if you can dream it, we can probably make it. Either way, we will not build weapons for you. However even skills, classes, and techniques are for sale if the price is right. Maybe you are more interested in potions and alchemy. However, our partner ship is based on if we remain on good terms. As long as everything goes well we will get along just fine. So the big question, are we in business?" Yue asked hopingly.

"Before that, I must ask, those tigers. Are they your pets? Are you a tamer?"

"Hahaha, yes actually, it is just one of the many skills for sale if you are interested. However as I am sure you know, creatures, even those unable to communicate the way we do, still have their own personalities. You will be able to talk to them with this skill. By the way, now that I think about it, I do not think I caught your name." Yueliang stated curiously.

"Ah you are right, it seems I have made a blunder. My name is Uther, and I am a martial artist for the most part, just learning magic as a pass time."

"I see, well it is a pleasure to meet you. However I think I have kept both you and your men in suspense enough."

"Suspense, how so?" King Uther asked.

"Well, you and your men came to see my town, and if I am a threat right? Also, sorry if the tigers gave you a fright, they are quite friendly once you get to know them. Either way, please follow me." Yueliang said as he started walking towards the gate, and said loudly. "Raise the gate, our visitors are coming for a visit."

Yue started walking in as the gate was raised leading the way for Uther and the others. Everyone came in, and Yue said. "Do not worry there is a stable area right as we come in, leave the horses in there. There are also some inns for you all to stay in, and get cleaned up. Try not to wander to much, there are a few places such as the wolf pen where you most likely will not survive. Either way, I hope everything is to your liking. As you can see there are farms on the left, and animals on the right, there are also other places on the other side. However this is the outer ring of the town, the inner ring is were we have everything else for day to day work and living."

Everyone following Yue, practically dropped their jaws. Although magic was the basis for everything on this world, because they did not focus as much on technological advancement, everything looked beautiful. Stone shingles on the houses, enchantments every where they looked, and such an organized place. The whole place looked like the highest form of luxury for them. Then King Uther asked. "Is this not extremely expensive to set everything up like this? I mean you need soul gems for the enchantments right, and how did you get such wonderful creations without magic?"

"Wow, it seems you really do focus on the magic casting aspect more than the rest. As you can tell there is no magical residue because everything was made by hand. Either way, for enchanting you do not need soul gems. There are loads of ways. I will be setting up some book stores later, if you want to learn some of these skills or other ones." Yueliang said as they were walking to the city center that had a beautiful water fountain.

Then said as he summoned a few Sky Orcs. "My men will guide you to some inns, please enjoy your stay, tomorrow you may go shopping, or exploring, however it has gotten late. There are showers, cooking supplies, and everything you might need in each room. However if you damage the place or harass my people I will come for you, and let you be my tigers toys." At this statement the tigers had what could only look like a sinister smile as everyone looked at them.

As everyone was leaving with the guides to each inn, Yue walked off with the tigers. The male tiger asking. "We have been doing as you ask, however not to sound impatient, but when will you keep up your end of the deal?"

"That is where we are going now, it is alright. I just did not want to do this in front of them." Yue said as they were walking to a small garden that is designated for some basic alchemy. While walking Yue thought to himself. 'Yang how much is it to purify their bloodlines?'

Yang replied. "There are a few different cost, and methods, however if you want it to be the fastest and best method, then there is the cultivator pill type. There is a complete purification, half, and small. In order as listed, they will be 100,000 each, 50,000 each, or 10,000 each?"

'Hmm, I guess there are two ways, hold it over them slowly or do the complete and gain their trust. I will gain their trust and do the complete one. I will take two then, one for each, as I am a man of my word.' Yue thought then said. "As I am a man of my word, I will not just purify your bloodlines, I will do a complete purification." He said as the arrived at the garden.

Both the male and female tigers in unison said. "Complete?!"

Yue responded saying. "This will get rid of the impurities, and allow you to grow farther, however if you want all of the abilities of your ancestors, since yours has been muddled out through the ages, that will require some else. Of course I can help with that as well later if you want."

They both nodded very happy, as Yueliang tossed the two pills in the air and the two tigers jumped up catching the pills. Yue then said. "It will take about an hour for your body to get through the major purification, after that it will finish over the course of a week. Thus, please rest here, I will stay with you as well. However, as I really want us to be friends and be together in the future I have a favor to ask."

The female tiger laid down and went to sleep as she was tired and just waited for the pill to do its effects. The male tiger laid down as well, and just replied. "Ask away, as you did not have us do anything much, and still kept your word, even going beyond that I will hear you out, and trust you."

"Thank you for trusting me, and hearing me out. Look I want you to be happy, thus I hope we can still become friends or family. Either way, please let me finish before you say anything. I would like for us to have a master/ subordination contract with each other. I treat my people very well, and I will do the same with you, even letting you obtain your ancestors bloodline if you so wish. There is much to gain by following me, but even you choose to not do the contract, I hope we can be friends. What do you say?"

"I will have to think about it, however thank you for asking. In the mean time, we will uphold our end and follow you. As you seem to be a good and honorable person, we will probably be friends, but as for the contract matter, please give us some time to think it over."

"Of course, I am sure you do not want to risk a big change in your life. Take as much time as you need. Let me know when you decide. In the mean time, I still have to make a place for you two, and your cub once it is born. Although if you want to have it on your mountain I will not force you." Yue said caringly, as he was trying to gain their friendship and trust first by showing his softer side. Also, they were so fluffy and cute to Yue making it difficult to not treat them as such. However to others they looked terrifying thinking they were going to be eaten.

The male tiger spoke up once more asking. "Why do you treat us and your people so well? Also, why do you even want us around? Another matter is, if you are a tamer, why have you not tried using the skills that come with that on us?"

"You both seem intelligent, and rather than tame you, I figured why not try treating you as I do others first? Also, I treat others well, because that is how I want to be treated. Plus fear and tyranny only work temporarily, same with the other methods. Reward and punishment with logic, works best, as long as you have the strength to carry it out that is. As for why I want you around. You seem fun, and interesting, thus I figured we could become great friends or family. By the way, I never caught your names, may I know them?"

"Hmm, I see. As for names, we have not been named."

"May I name you?"

Stunned the tiger asked. "You would do that?"

"Of course, my words are not empty you know. I want us to be together but if you want to leave that is your choice as well. I will not hold names or other things over you."

"We will agree to that contract, so long as you name us and our child."

"Really, I would love to do that. However I do not think I can name the child until it is born but I will try." Yueliang said.

"Then please bestow names on us then, my king." The male tiger said as he bowed.

"I name you..." Yue said as he fell over and passed out.

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