Life Drain System

Chapter 44 - Legend Has It ...

Once the two arrived, Yue pulled out a go set, that he threw in his inventory a while back when he was testing it out. Yin took about 10 minutes to have a good grasp on the game, and the two played for about an hour afterward while talking about random things. They enjoyed their time together, that was not just filled with labor of some kind or fighting.

Eventually, the two got tired and just went to bed, Yin just stayed in the spare room. ​​

---- About 6 Hours Later ----

"Yawn, that was some good sleep." Yue spoke aloud. Soon after getting up, he made his bed, got ready for the day, then went down stairs and smelled something profoundly delicious smelling. After following the wonderous smell, he found Yin in the kitchen and said. "What could possibly smell so delicious?"

Surprised, and a little startled, Yin replied. "I am glad you think so, however this attempt turned out a little bad. For the food I made: cinnamon French toast, some omelets, some coffee cake, blueberry scones, apple cinnamon pancakes, and a few other basic breakfast items. Then for the drinks, there are two types of herbal tea, one is licorice and fennel, the other is peppermint."

"Woah, that sounds amazing. How long have you been up? I mean to make all this from scratch must have been a lot of work." Yue asked.

"It only took about two hours, and the undead do not really sleep much, it is mainly for mana regeneration. Either way, in your old world I got all the ingredients for a lot of different things as I wanted to get better at cooking before I am no longer undead. Everything is made all natural, and organic, even the wheat flour which was difficult to find."

"Wow, this is the best, correction you are the best." Yue responded without thinking.

"Haha, you are too kind. Either way, the healthier you eat, the healthier you will be, and I cannot have my friend dying off in the first one or two hundred years." Yin replied.

"Thank you for caring about my health. Sorry I cannot give you the technique just yet, however soon I promise. Not just the one to turn you living again, but also the one to allow you to grow stronger in any way you want. I am sorry I have taken so long, there has been so much to do. Please forgive me."

"Do not worry about it, I know you have been busy. Plus, the time that you and I have spent together so far has been a lot of fun. I am sure your people feel the same way, we all know, that not everything is instant, and that the best things come over time. That is probably the reason they have been trying to solve things themselves as they know you have a lot to do yourself."

"I feel terrible, I have made these promises, yet I still have a long way to go before they can all be fulfilled. I mean there are ways to make everything faster, however at what cost. I even spent my life quite literally just to give my people a home and comfortabilities. Being a leader certainly is much more difficult than I imagined, not that I ever figured it was easy." Yue said kind of saddened while setting the table with the silverware, plates, cups, and everything else.

"You will grow better with time, I know there is much you have yet to do, however if anyone expects perfection they are insane. Just give it time, even if someone gets upset if they just think about what you have done so far, they would see that you have already made the impossible possible just for them. You are a great leader that cares for your people, however you must know that if you do not take care of yourself as well then you fail over all. I am not saying to sacrifice your people for yourself as that would be bad, but just to not over work yourself like you have been doing." Yin explained while setting out the food onto the table.

"So basically, it is okay for me to let my people go through some hardships, although I need to just help where I can. Instead of focusing on making the impossible possible, I just need to focus on what to do in the moment to better our lives as a whole."

"You certainly learn quickly Yue. Just remember we are under you, not just as an army or anything else, but as your friends, and helpers. Let us help out more where we can, you do not need to worry about offending us so much."

"I see, and ..... WOW, THIS FOOD IS PERFECT!!!!" Yue replied as he took his first bite of the food. Then took another... and another... until he finally finished his wonderful meal.

Yin exceedingly happy said. "I am glad you liked it all, if you would like more, there is plenty more. Even if that should not be the case I would gladly make more since you seem to enjoy it so much."

"There is no need, I am almost full, and it is wonderful. I will just get some coffee cake really quick." Yue replied.

Shortly after the two finished eating, they cleaned up the table and Yin cast a spell, more specifically a cleaning spell. The two, then head for the animal pens where they left the people they were training. Then came across the sleeping soldiers, and the knight who apparently already woke up and was on his knees, seemingly praying. However it seems the soldiers finally killed all the zombies, so that was good.

Yue then then spoke up, just loud enough for everyone to hear but not to disturb Lancelot saying. "Wake up everyone, it is morning. ... Today is another day of training, and I am happy that you at least killed the zombies, I was worried that might be too much for your pathetic selves. Now that you all have had a chance to loosen up, and and rest, are you finally ready for some real training?"

The soldiers hearing what Yue had to say, and seeing that Lancelot had it easier the day before after he completed his trial thought and pondered before finally answering. "If it means we can end this torture and torment, yes we are ready."

"Oh, torture, and torment you say? It seems you would like me to raise the difficulty, and here I was thinking that you all had learned your lesson. Going too easy on you lot seems to make you think you are entitled, thus I shall start giving you your full course." Yue said, since it seems they have no respect for anyone not their king or otherwise.

"No sir, please no. I am sorry, I meant to say this blessing and wonderful training." One of the soldiers said stepping forward.

"Really, hmm, maybe I heard wrong. Can you convince me that I did?" Yue asked, with a sly smile saying pay up either with training or with payment.

Seeing this another soldier stepped forward seeing this, and knew just what he wanted. "Sir, I have just thing."

"Please continue."

"In my family we pass this down, that one of our decendents will be fortunate enough, however it seems this is what it was for. Legend has it, there is an ancient civilization in the mountain mine behind your town. Although, it has not been found, evidence shows they are extremely advanced, and used precious metals and gems, for their streets. They used divine treasure to build their houses and other productions. The whole place is a treasure hoard, however it is also said, that if one with greed walks in, they will die. One in search of home will live, and prosper."

"I see, that is interesting, it seems I heard wrong. One small problem, you know the longer you have me put off your real training the harder it will be later right? Oh well, it is your choice. Today you will face an army of skeletons."

After summoning them for the soldiers in one pen while Yin did the other, then watched over them. Yue walked over to the knight and said "Are you ready for day two?"

"Yes" Lancelot nodded, knowing full well, the more they try to get out of it, the worse it gets.

"Great, at least you are learning and getting better. Good luck." Yue said as he brought two wolves into the pen for him. Yue then announced as he walked away with Yin. "Although I may not be certain how strong your king wants you, I will make it so each of you alone can handle a small army by themselves by the end of training. So enjoy."

Yin asked. "Will they really be alright by themselves? Because they are not too dedicated to doing this I worry their laziness will get them killed."

"As you said if they were not lazy they would be fine. Thus they will be fine, either they live or they day, as is the way of the world. Even more so for this world that mainly follows the law of the jungle." Yue replied.

"I see, that is true. So what should we do while we wait for them? Also, when will we feed them?"

"We could do a quest or two, so that I can get you those techniques and manuals faster. As for feeding them, since Lancelot is being good he should be rewarded. The others until they behave and earn their keep, let them starve. Of course I will keep them from dying, lest they die during a fight."

"Alright, well in order to get them to obey you better you should bring it yourself."

"Sounds good, he should be done shortly anyways. Thus do you mind if I give him some of your coffee cake and other left overs? I mean they are still fresh and warm in my inventory."

"Well if they like it half as much as you did, it will certainly be a reward. Go ahead." Yin replied happy that he could share his cooking with others.

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