Life Drain System

Chapter 45 - A Deal...

"Well if they like it half as much as you did, it will certainly be a reward. Go ahead." Yin replied happy that he could share his cooking with others.

Yue then went back to check on them, and seeing that they had already started the first round, he decided to wait. Pulling out a table and chairs, then setting them up, Yue called Yin over. ​​

Curious Yin asked. "So what are we going to do now?" He asked as he saw Yue pulling out some water and snacks.

"Of course kill the time." Yue replied as he pulled out the go board.

A twinkle appeared in Yin's eyes as he had grown quite fond of the game since they last played, quickly saying. "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

As Yue finished setting up the game, the two quickly began. Of course, they would take the occasional glance to see if everyone was doing well. The game went by quickly and as did the snacks. The two enjoyed their game very much and Yin actually came quite close to winning this time around.

Seeing that they had finished just as the game ended Yue then walked to the center of the pens and said. "Since you listened this time, and are actually doing your training, I have a reward for you."

The soldiers worn out were still kind of excited saying. "Yay" In an exhausted tone.

Yue asked jokingly. "Are you interested in your reward?"

They swiftly responded while still feeling like they would pass out at any moment. "Of course we are."

"Great, then I have a number of delicious foods for you all, as well as some water or tea to go with it."

Feeling as though they have been revived or gotten their energy back the moment they heard the word 'food' they jumped up and ran to the fence for their reward.

Yueliang passed it out evenly among them, even providing some to Lancelot, while saying. "I know you have not yet tried your best, but so long as you all work hard, you all shall be rewarded."

Lancelot gave a look of embarrassment, as he tried to hide it so things would be easier on both himself and the soldiers. After that, they all ate happily and although the soldiers were not accustomed to such delicious foods, as they were mainly poor people who went to become soldiers to feed their families, they still ate and drank, and did not utter a word of complaint for fear of losing their rewards."

Yue then announced to them. "I have gotten tired of constantly trying to motivate you, thus if you do not start picking yourselves up and taking this seriously, I shall return you early. Hence this is my final try, if this does not work then you may answer to your king. So hence forth, you all shall take part in competitions daily. Those who do well will get food, and other rewards such as money or items, maybe even getting to sleep on a bed again. Those who fare poorly shall go the day without food, and there will be no rewards."

The soldiers and knight upon hearing the word 'money' had their focus drawn. As they all had families that relied on their income, and if they could bring home even 1 copper more a day that would be enough. Although the night made a lot more, his expenses increased as he had to maintain his armor, buy noble's attire, and many more such expenses. However Yue did not miss this, and smirked, seeing what they wanted, and what motivated them.

Lancelot, speaking for everyone then asked. "What sort of competitions will these be? Also, how much will we make?"

Yue swiftly continued. "I am glad you asked, as I was just getting to that. First off the rewards each day shall be different but always worth while. However that being said, I will only award the first, and second place with money of 20 silver coins or more. Second, the competition each day will be different. Today's shall be easier, just because I feel generous. Thus todays challenge shall be to go into the forest and bring back as many wolves as you can. Of course, as per your training no armor, weapons, or spells. They must be alive, and the ones returning with the most into the wolf pen, shall be rewarded. There are only 6 reward slots, the other 4 must suffer their punishment."

Both Yin and Yue, watched the soldiers, over flowing with determination, as if nothing in the world could stop them, the same for the knight. This delighted them, at least that they would not fail the king and lose his trust, or friendship. Yue then continued once more. "You have two hours beginning .... NOW!"

They all rushed out of their pens, of course with the assistance of Yue, and Yin, since they could not do it themselves. Yin then asked as he watched them stampede out of the town. "You do not think we created monsters do you?"

"Probably not, I am sure they can maintain their sanity, if for nothing else, then for their families back home."

"Well that may be true, however as you did not set rules, they might kill each other for the top place."

"Hmm, you are right, I wonder why I did not think of that. Either way, I will set rules when they come back. For now, let them learn how to deal with one thing at a time. I do not imagine they will kill each other just yet as the rewards are not high enough. However it seems I should have made it slightly lower than what I did." As Yue finished saying this, he heard a horse riding in and towards him.

The two then both subtly prepared spells in case the rider was an enemy. Upon arriving before them moments later, the rider asked. "Are you Yueliang, the owner of this town?"

"Yes, why do you ask" Yue felt a little uneasy that this person was looking for him, yet they did not know each other.

"I am a messenger of the king, he has asked me to prepare this letter and pouch of gold." The messenger said passing the items to Yue then quickly riding out, as if he was never there.

Yue walked back to his chair and sat down, with Yin following, and he opened the letter. Reading aloud. "To Yueliang, you have been busy, and I am sure you still are, there are currently 20 gold coins for the month, as this should be enough for taking care of their training and everything. I will provide you the rest of the gold later. In the mean time, take care, and do well. I look forward to seeing your progress soon. If there is money left over, then think of it as a gift. Upon the completion of their training, I shall pay you, your fee. Thank you once again for doing this. From King Uther."

Upon finishing the letter, Yue threw the bag into his inventory and saw that it said bag of 20 gold coins. Then commented in a surprised tone. "What an honest messenger."

Yin then commented as well and said. "It must be due to the early era for this world. They have not developed the massive sense of greed yet. They are still more family oriented, and care for the more important things in life."

"Hmm, quite right you are Yin. Hopefully all turns out well."

Upon finishing his piece, Yue then picked up the table and moved it to the side. After which he did the same with the chairs and Yin asked. "Why are you moving everything right now?"

Rather than answering such a question, Yue simply pointed to his ears, and at the ground.

Yin understood, that Yue was saying he heard something, then he heard it himself, and looked to his right. "Oh no." Was all that came out of his mouth as he quickly ran towards Yue who was already sitting down counting and accounting for who brought what and how many. Of course there was still about a hour and a quarter's time left.

Yue casually asked while watching the stampede of wolves rushing towards them. "What would you like to do while we wait Yin?"

"For now, I do not know. There is not much yet for me to do." Yin replied calmly.

"Hmm, then how about we see who can shoot a fireball farther?" Yue asked kind of feeling that it would be fun to compete a little as well.

"Are you sure about this?" Yin replied.

"Yes, the target will be that cloud." He pointed towards it and continued. "I will go first." Then Yueliang quickly cast a fireball that focused on distance and speed rather than damage.

After the fireball went about 200 meters, it dissipated. Yin went next and his traveled quite slowly. Then he said. "My friend, it is not about speed but distance like you said. Thus if you were not in a rush, you would have made it farther. However the fact still remains that because I am a high class mage than you, yours would not outclass mine in distance so long as I am not an idiot or put too little mana into it."

"Thank you for the lesson, you are right. I was too focused on the fast results. It seems your is already farther than mine went." Yue said accepting his results, and lesson quite gratefully, as he was not able to study magic every day yet, so he had to learn from those around him. The two continued to watch as they soldiers, and knights left once more, still all accounted for.

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