Life Drain System

Chapter 47 - Can I Win?

Upon the fireball being blocked by another earth wall, the pressure made a hole in it, and Yue dashed through, before they could notice that is. As they looked for him on the field before them, he started silently killing those at the back of the regiment. Slicing their throats. He killed 4 before they noticed and turned and tried to reposition themselves to deal with their enemy on both sides.

Although this regiment only had to fight one enemy on the one side, he was clearly skilled enough to take out a few of them before they even noticed, and got past them. ​​

As they were repositioning themselves, Yue before continuing his assult on these troops, looked up and saw the next volley of the ballista arrows, and trebuchets heading his way. He even saw a few spells, and decided to run in the opposite direction temporarily. As he ran, he looked back occasionally to see if they were following him.

What Yue saw was surprising to say the least. Due to him making them change their formation, their casting was subpar and could not block everything, but they could at least block the spells. Thus many died from the arrows and flying boulders that made it through. Seeing this, Yue went to charge back in, however saw Xue still on the cross, being lifted into the air towards a portal. Intending to cancel out the portal, Yue began casting, and thinking. 'Just a little more, come on, faster.' He thought whilst preparing his spell.

Just as she was about to pass through the portal, Yue finished his spell, he cast it quickly towards the portal. The spell flew speedily towards the portal, and hit just as the portal closed. Sadly it was too late, however knowing he still had to protect his people, Yue quickly went back to fight with the soldiers beside him. There were only about 1, 200 left.

Yue dashed back into combat, and using his cultivation technique, he slashed through them. Forgetting about the next volley, he looked to the side, and saw it coming. He thought to himself. 'There is no way I am escaping this, might as well take the least damage possible.' So Yue ran to the area without boulders or ballista arrows, not even any spells. Trying his best to avoid the regular arrows, he go shot in the back of his left arm all the way through. One when into his chest cavity, barely missing any vitals. Then the third went straight through his thigh in the middle of his leg, and barely missed the femoral artery.

Having three arrows sticking out of him, he only had one thought. 'I need to finish this quickly, however at least it hurts less than I imagined.' Finishing this thought, he broke the tips and backs off of two of the arrows swiftly, and broke off the back of he one in his chest cavity. As he finished breaking off the last arrow he reached down to pick up his sword, and felt a breeze above him.

Noticing he almost got decapitated, he quickly stabbed the enemy through the throat, and out the back then continued to fight thinking. 'Well I certainly was fortunate there. Haha, either way, at least I was not stupid enough to pull out the arrows, lest I bleed to death while trying to fight.' He finished his thought while decapitating another enemy. Having counted this time, he jumped back and let the volley come in missing him this time.

---- About Half A Hour Later ----

Yin came running to the battlefield as quickly as he could to check on Yue. The moment he arrived he picked up Yue, and started carrying him back to the town, while saying. "Wow, you really are reckless, but at the same time selfless, and brave. You have intelligence yet your wisdom seems lacking. Either way, you did great. I do not think we could have asked for a better leader than you, Yue."

Yue replied kind of quietly, as he felt kind of exhausted from fighting while injured. "You know I can hear you, but still, thank you. You know, it was kind of nice this battle, I learned a lot, and the name is kind of beautiful."

"Name?" Yin asked clearly confused.

"The Battle at Midnight, of course." Yue replied as though it was obvious with his eyes closed. Thinking back on it, it is a beautiful name for such a blood filled event.

"I see, either way. We are still clearly lacking in many areas. We need more skilled people in this town, not just scientists, a few mages, and a few other miss matched people like the goblins. You do realize this right?" Yin felt he needed to inform Yue of such ideas just in case.

"Hush my friend. My plan will work, we shall get others, but also train our own. Patience." Yue whispered as he dozed off to sleep.

Yin then aloud, said to himself. "We do not even have healers, except for you and I. Yet I can only heal the undead without hurting myself...." Pondering on how he should continue he lay down Yue at the corner of an alley on his stomach. Then pulled out each of the shafts of the three arrows. Once this was done, he went to the other side of the corner, and cast a healing light spell. His own hand and arm getting charred as each second passed, he eventually stopped and said. "That should be enough for now." Seeing that his wounds have closed that is.

Covering his arm, Yin picked up Yue once more, then continued to his house, and seeing a Sky Orc along the way, he said. "Go to the battlefield with a couple hundred of the others, and start looting their corpses for anything of use or value. The bodies, feed to the wolves. The extras, smoke them, then throw them in storage for the wolves later. Understood?"

"Understood sir." The Sky Orc said as he left to fulfill his orders.

A little while later, the two arrived at Yue's house, and Yin layed him down on his bed then sat on a chair in a corner of the room at a desk to watch over him.

Time passed slowly for Yin at this time. Second by second, minute by minute, until about half an hour passed and the young man finally awoke saying. "Wow, I feel great, a little sore, but great. Thank you for helping me all the time."

"Of course, I could not leave my best friend to suffer, while bleeding out slowly."

"Either way, thank you for healing me as well, now show me your arm." Yue said quite seriously holding his hand out.

Yin semi reluctantly held out his injured arm as he did not want Yue to worry, even saying. "I will be able to heal it soon, do not worry too much."

Yue examined his arm with sadness in his expression. "You and I both know that is not true. However to think you would do such a thing to yourself just to heal me, I truly owe you a debt of gratitude. Let me heal you really quick."

"Thank you both." Yin said as he knew it would take Yue's system to heal him.

Yue then thought to himself. 'Yang, would you please heal him?'

"Of course, it will be 400 experience this time. Regardless please check your notifications and stats as soon as you can." Yang replied, while a shadow like light came from Yue's hand and shrouded Yin's body until even injuries Yin did not know of were healed.

"Wow, this is amazing." Yin said as he got up and felt wonderful.

"I am glad that you feel better." Yue said as he healed himself next for 200 experience.

Yue then continued again. "I must admit, it feels terrible knowing that Xue has been taken, because I ordered her to investigate. Then again, I should have expected as much, considering our old world was one that people did not train much, yet this one the people are many times stronger."

"Yue, I understand that you are worried and all, however like you said she did not have the skill to keep herself safe. Do not try taking everything upon yourself. Also, who knows, there may be a chance that she is still alive. However if she is, we should not expect that she will still be the same as she was before, personality wise that is."

"It is as you say, although, the thing is, I do not even know where to begin. Also, as you said, she may go through something or spelled in any number of ways to change. I really hate to think about her going through such filthy and cruel means, but at least there is a chance." Yue said with a small glimmer of hope. What is keeping him going is mainly the fact that he has responsibilities, there are more than just one person he has to take care of.

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