Life Drain System

Chapter 46 - Mission Complete?

"Thank you for the lesson, you are right. I was too focused on the fast results. It seems your is already farther than mine went." Yue said accepting his results, and lesson quite gratefully, as he was not able to study magic every day yet, so he had to learn from those around him. The two continued to watch as they soldiers, and knights left once more, still all accounted for.

The two spoke for a while about magic, thus educating Yue, and enhancing Yin's knowledge in some of his basics. ​​

---- A Hour And A Quarter Later ----

Everyone had once more arrived, and Yue having accounted for everything brought, then counted the people. Seeing that there was one shy, he asked. "Where is the missing soldier?"

"Right by your feet sir." One of the soldiers said while pointing at what appeared to be a corpse.

Hearing this, Yue examined the body to make sure he was not killed by others. Then coming to his conclusion he spoke. "I am alive." The man said interrupting Yue, and coughing while trying to speak.

"I guess, I should have made sure he was alive first. However good job for bringing him back, plus 1 extra point to you." Yue said while he marked it down, then healed the soldier that was lying on the ground coughing.

Upon being healed the man stood up, although still partially wounded, said while bowing. "Thank you sir for healing me, and you for bringing me back." Then the man got in line with the rest.

"Alright I have made a few necklaces for each of you while you are out. To make things faster, you will be going by your numbers in the future, except for Lancelot, who as a knight should be addressed by name at minimum." Yue said while passing out numbered necklaces to each. Then continuing. "I have labeled you by number on here, however there are some rules that I will add now. Firstly no killing or scheming against your fellows. Secondly, if you cheat on your competitions as I mentioned before you will be sent back immediately. Not just one but all of you, that also means no magic, armor, or weapons, without my permission. Understood?" Yue asked the men.

"Understood" They all replied in somewhat unison.

"Great, you have all completed, your first mission together. Well not really together I guess. Either way, number 8 is first place, number 4 is second, and Lancelot in third. The fourth place is 6, then 7 is fifth, and 1 is sixth. The rest of you have not placed, so head to the pens for the night, 6, 7, and 1, join them, however your rewards will be food and water. First through third place get to stay in an inn, food and water. Then for first and second you each get 20 silver coins. These are all the rewards as you have done an easy mission today. Now come collect your rewards then rest up for tomorrow."

The soldiers and knights did as they were told, then Yue and Yin started heading to return to their own inn after watching the losers, sulk back to their pens, and the winners, look back sadly at the others.

Yin then said. "What should we have them do for tomorrow? It should at least be something worth the expense you are paying out to them right?"

About to reply, the two then noticed a mana fluctuation, and turned to face it. Seeing a sky orc teleporting, the two felt at ease. The Sky Orc then stood up and said. "My King, please let us know how we should respond, there is a Regiment, or in other words, 5 battalions of 400 strong each. There appear to be 2, 000 in total so far. Although we do not see more coming, they will be arriving soon. They are giving a slow approach, however there are many archers, mages, spearmen, swordsmen, shield warriors, healers, and a few other combat types. However we have yet to see the leaders."

"I see, thank you for the report, please notify Xue and her father Laohu to report to me immediately on the ramparts. Also, have people head to the ramparts in preparation for their approach, however do not yet fire upon them, as I need to make sure they are enemies first." Yue said then quickly ran to the walls, then jumped off to the other side onto the drawbridge as it was raising and then jumped to the other side.

Yue continued running towards the incoming regiment a few kilometers from the town still. Soon he arrived within 100 meters and was fired upon before he could even get a word out. However that was enough for him to judge whether they were friend or foe. Thus he swiftly teleported to one of the guards on the ramparts.

Seeing Xue and Laohu nearby, Yue quickly said. "Xue, I know there is much to talk about although there is a small army on its way. Thus I need you to please look for their leader if you can find them, however do not engage and stay hidden, whether or not you find them return swiftly, in the mean time Laohu, I need your assistance in guarding the others. you will stay on the inner ramparts in case we are breached. Next, you." Yue pointed at one of the sky orcs and called her over saying. "Go find Fashi, his granddaughter, and have them come here immediately as we need all the magic we can use."

After the sky orc and Laohu left, Xue left for her mission as well. Then Yueliang continued by saying. "Alright, everyone man the ballista's and trebuchet's, aim for that regiment, and fire once in range and on counts of 8 in unison as that should be long enough to reload. Next those just arriving, man the oil and start heating it up. Make sure to pass the order around the wall swiftly. Those of you who are not manning heavy weaponry or oil, grab guns, bows, anything we have in the storage on the walls and once they are in range fire on counts of 2 in unison."

Having given the instruction to all of those on the wall, he saw Fashi, and his granddaughter arriving, and then Yue summoned Yin. He then gave his command. "Utilize your magic to fight off the enemy there are at least 2, 000 strong, so do your best. I will be fighting them by sword and magic once they are closer to us." Now that everyone has their orders, Yue just waited until they were in range, and for Xue to return.

However what he saw next surprised him quite heavily. A cross was floating behind the regiment now, that was not there before. This cross bore a person tied to it with rope. Yue could not quite make them out from the distance yet, however figured it could only be one person, Xue. Keeping himself calm, he said to his men. "Fire your arrows and boulders."

The Sky Orcs, did not question him, as they new it was a tough call even for their leader. Heading towards the incoming regiment, one could only see a sea of arrows and boulders flying through the sky. Upon nearly landing on them, the mages, rose a wall of earth, to block all the incoming projectiles.

Seeing this, Yue knew instantly. 'This will be much more difficult than I imagined.' Then he commanded. "Everyone continue firing at your set intervals, however every other trebuchet and ballista aim higher to have them have to spread their defense. I will now meet the enemy, keep fighting, even if I am gone. Understood?"

Swiftly as they reloaded their weapons, the Sky Orcs replied. "Understood."

Yue quickly jumped off the ramparts, and landed on the edge of the moat, almost falling in. He activated sprint and then dash, as he sped towards the enemy, pulling his sword out of his inventory and preparing, his most powerful fireball.

Once the fireball was ready, he launched it forward, knowing, either he would end up killing himself and them, or they would block it and he would have his entrance. Thus he quickly summoned a mana shield while he was at it, then layered it while running, as he had yet to modify it. So it could only take a set amount of damage.

Upon the fireball being blocked by another earth wall, the pressure made a hole in it, and Yue dashed through, before they could notice that is. As they looked for him on the field before them, he started silently killing those at the back of the regiment. Slicing their throats. He killed 4 before they noticed and turned and tried to reposition themselves to deal with their enemy on both sides. Although this regiment only had to fight one enemy on the one side, he was clearly skilled enough to take out a few of them before they even noticed, and got past them.

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