Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

121 – The Stellar Baby Sister and her Knack for Coincidences

121 – The Stellar Baby Sister and her Knack for Coincidences

Part 1

About a week had passed since Onii-chan's ero elf girlfriend arrived. Since that time, he was mostly out of the house and taking Sylphy on a trip throughout the kingdom.

Stella wasn't jealous at all. It wasn't like she wanted to show off to Onii-chan and talk to him about magic or go see the kingdom with him either.

Besides, she had someone else who was willing to take her around.

"How nostalgic." Mister Ruijerd smiled as he carried Stella in a baby sling and said, "It's been quite some time since I carried an infant around like this."

"Thanky Mista Rui."

Ruijerd smiled and said, "You're welcome, Stella."

A stroll around the kingdom of Arcadia that Onii-chan founded.

Since Onii-chan was busy with his girlfriend, and since both Eos nee-chan and Ena nee-chan were busy preparing fixing up the port, the only ones available to watch Stella were Ruijerd, Roland, Astolfo, and Rika.

While Stella was fine with all of them 'watching' her, in terms of actually babysitting, the only one she trusted was Mister Ruijerd.

Thankfully, it seemed like he was free since he happily took Stella out for a walk.

Wata flew over to Stella's right side, grooming his white fur. After that, he looked up at Ruijerd and said, "You're a nice person for helping Stella out, Mister Ruijerd."

Fai floated by Stella's left side and then nodded. "Yeah! You look scary, but you're really nice, aren't you?"



Wata sighed and placed a palm on his head. "Is this why the other elementals say fire spirits are dumb?"

"I'm not dumb! You're dumb!"

Stella pursed her lips and said, "Fai. Wata. No fite."

"...Kay." Fai sighed and then shrank down to a glowing red orb before resting on Stella's shoulder. "I'll just nap like Wyn then. Meanie Wata."

Wata rolled his eyes and kept a watch on the surroundings.

Ruijerd chuckled and looked down at Stella. "You have some talkative friends, Stella."


They were kind of dumb, but they were cute in their own way. Wata was an adorable and smart kitty who looked out for Stella, so she appreciated it. Fai was a bit air-headed and dumb, but she was also super optimistic, so that was nice. And Win... Wyn? Wyn. Wyn was quiet and didn't talk much, but she listened to Stella and was really calming to be with.

"That's good. Cherish your friends while you have them. There may come a time when you part."

Fai flew off Stella's shoulder and turned back to normal size. After that, she shook her head and said, "I'll never leave Stella's side!"

Wata nodded and said, "I won't either! Even if I have to turn the whole world to ice!"

Wyn sleepily opened an eye from her spot on Stella's head. After yawning, she said, "I'll stay too. Stella is nice."

Ruijerd smiled. "Good. Although I believe that Rudy would be upset with you freezing the world."

Wata flinched and said, "W-Well... if I have to fight him to protect Stella, I'll do it!"

Ruijerd paused and then walked over to a tree before knocking on it.

Stella looked up at Ruijerd. "Mista Rui?"

Ruijerd lowered his hand and said, "Just a superstition to ward off bad luck. Now, is there anywhere you want to go, Stella? Or should I take you on a normal patrol?"

Stella hummed and looked around.

At the moment, they were on the main road leading out from the courtyard of Onii-chan's tower.

A pretty cobblestone path, lined with flowerbeds and lush trees. Floating railways up above transporting people and goods to and fro.

...Stella had never realized it, but was her Onii-chan a science fiction buff too? A few of those looked like super hi-tech...

But anyway, looking around...

The village housing all the adventurers and the guild hall were up ahead on the road.

From the maps Stella had borrowed from Onii-chan's desk, that meant that they were facing south and that the marketplace and residential district should be behind them, to the north.

To their right would be west, meaning that the Church of Rudras would be there. And then to the left would be east, which should have the schools and other educational facilities like the libraries.

...Directions were confusing, but that should be the gist of it.


"Ca we see venchurs?"

Another slurred sentence.

Stella pouted.

She couldn't wait until the rest of her baby teeth grew in so she could talk properly.

"Venchurs... You mean adventurers?"

Stella nodded. "Yeah!"

"Alright." Ruijerd kept moved back to the path and continued walking. "It's about time I check in with those girls as well."


"Yes." Ruijerd laughed and said, "I seem to have a knack for finding troublesome human children these days. They were planning to run off to become adventurers themselves, so I decided to take them in as my proteges."

Wata laughed and said, "Sounds like something Fai would do."

Fai stuck out her tongue and said, "Would not!"

Stella sighed.

Was this why magical girls only had one mascot character? This constant bickering was starting to get on her nerves...


Part 2

A small and modest one-room house on the outskirt of the Adventurer's village. Something that looked almost like a hut rather than a house.

Ruijerd opened the door and walked inside. The moment he did, a girl called out.

"Master Ruijerd! You've returned!"

A beautiful young girl with pristine white skin. She looked around ten or so and had long black hair that trailed behind her as she ran up to Ruijerd. As she did, her heavy white armor clanked while the sword at her left side banged against her armor. A bit awkward, but the bright smile on the girl's face excused it.

"How was the Distortion, Master Ruijerd? You easily beat up all the monsters, right?"

Another beautiful young girl, around the same age as the first. However, instead of armor, she wore a simple leather tunic and matching pants with a sword sheathed on her left. Her skin was also a bit darker, the shade of chocolate rather than the pure white of the first girl's. She also had flowing dark blue hair that was tied in a ponytail, unlike the first girl's long hair.

Ruijerd smiled and said, "Isolte. Nina. Have you two been well?"

The black-haired girl, Isolte walked forward and nodded. "Yes! We've only been doing D-ranked requests and escort missions as you said!"

The blue-haired girl, Nina, grumbled and said, "We absolutely could have done C-ranked missions."

Isolte looked at Nina and frowned. "You remember what the White Knights said! C-ranked missions are for adults!"

"And we're as strong as adults!" Nina huffed and said, "Besides, that Cliff guy or whatever is just a kid too, isn't he? Who does he think he is, bossing us around like that when he's just an Advanced-rank magician."

Ruijerd closed the door behind him and said, "He is the grandson of the current Pope of Milis. And he is also not just 'an' Advanced-rank magician. He is an Advanced-rank magician in every branch of magic. For an ordinary human child, it's fairly impressive."

Stella huffed and said, "Nii-cha is betta."

Ruijerd chuckled and said, "Of course. But your brother is not an ordinary human child, even if he says he is. Especially after his recent exploits aged him."

At that time, Isolte and Nina finally noticed Stella.

"E-Eh?" Nina's eyes widened and she looked up at Ruijerd. "Master Ruijerd! Did you have a child?"

Isolte's eyes sparkled and she waved at Stella. "Aren't you adorable? And smart too!"

Stella smiled back and did a small wave.

Isolte giggled and let out a bright smile.

...Were children always this easy to amuse? Or was she that adorable of a baby?

Come to think of it, had Stella ever looked at herself in a mirror? Maybe she really *was* that adorable. Considering how handsome Onii-chan was and the fact that Sylphy said that Eos looked like Zenith... which should be the name of Stella's mom.

Wait, was Stella part angel? Zenith was definitely the sort of name that an angel would have.

And if their mother was an angel... That would explain a lot?

But then what kind of man was her father to marry an angel? A hero who slayed the demon lord?

Wait! Was that why there were so many monsters attacking when she was born? Was Stella the descendent from a legendary hero and an angel like in Dr*gon Qu*st?

And her big brother said that there was a god after them, and he even became a demon lord to keep Stella safe...

And Stella's name was 'Stella,' like the stars...


It suddenly made sense. Why Onii-chan was so strong and everything. And why he had so many girls around him!

That's it! Stella had reincarnated in an otome game!

...Wait. But did that mean that her Onii-chan was a target?

He was handsome and everything, but... ew.

Ah. But wait, Onii-chan was definitely a reincarnator too. So then...

...Stella's head hurt.

She blinked and then realized that while she was thinking, Ruijerd had grabbed a stack of papers and a silver necklace with a small card dangling on it.

An ID tag? Was that what adventurers used?

And where did Wata and the others go?

*Hiding! You never know if bad guys are around!*

*For once, I agree with Fai. And we need to make sure you're safe if Adventurers are going to be around.*





...Mister random omnipotent being that gave her a second life? Could she get an exchange? At least on her spirits?

Nina walked up to Ruijerd's right side and said, "You never answered, Master Ruijderd! Is that your kid?"

Ruijerd shook his head. "No. I had a child once, but Stella is not mine. She's Lord Rudras's younger sister."

Nina flinched and said, "That scary guy has a baby sister!?"

"Yes. Which is why you should be good or else Stella will tell her older brother. Isn't that so, Stella?"

A serious voice.

But Stella could tell that Mister Ruijerd was joking. Even so, she played along and said, "Kay."

Nina paled... Well, as much as she could with her skin color. "T-There's no need for that, baby- I mean, Stella... Er, Lady Stella? Princess Stella?"

Seeing her panic, Stella decided to tease a bit and said, "Pwincess Stewwa."

"P-Princess Stella! D-Don't let your brother kick me out! It's not my fault my father tried beating up his!"


"Hm?" Ruijerd paused and looked at Nina, frowning. "...What do you mean?"

"Huh?" Nina blinked and said, "Um. Lord Rudras is really Sword God Paul's son, isn't he? That's what the girl said when she showed up with that bratty demon lord and that swordswoman..."

Demon Lord? Sword God?

...Her dad's name was Paul, wasn't it?


Uu. Okay. Maybe she should wait to ask Onii-chan about this. Her head felt like it was going to explode- Ah. No. It felt more like she was about to open the lid on something she didn't want to accept. Like her rational mind was telling her to not think about it for just a little bit longer.

Ruijerd's frown deepened and he looked at Isolte. "Is that true?"

Isolte nodded. "Yes. That's what she told us after she beat Nina in a spar."

"I-I didn't lose! That girl cheated!"

Isolte shook her head and said, "It was a fair win, Nina. And I warned you that you should not underestimate the girl just because she was small."

"H-Hmph." Nina turned her head to the side and muttered, "I didn't underestimate her. Just what kind of person would expect a kid like that to be able to imbue magic in her sword and body?"

"Hm..." Ruijerd looked down at Stella and said, "Do you mind if we go meet them, Stella?"

"No? Is okay. ...Bu why?"

"Because I think your brother would be interested in them."

Ah, Mister Ruijerd was being the ever dutiful recruiter for Onii-chan. That made sense.

Ruijerd looked at Nina and said, "Where did you meet them again?"


"Ruijerd!" A kid with blue hair and matching eyes waved at Ruijerd. Letting out a smile, he said, "How have you been?" He glanced down at Stella and then said, "Ah. Did Lord Rudras entrust you with Lady Stella today?"

Ruijerd nodded and said, "Hello Rowin. And yes. I'm just taking her to explore the kingdom today."

The kid, Rowin, nodded and said, "That's good. Young ones get too restless cooped up at home."

"Yes. Now..."

While Ruijerd talked with the kid, Stella took the time to look around.

It was a packed place. Something that looked right out of a game. Gruff adventurers sitting around and laughing while clutching wooden mugs of foaming beer. Some of those adventurers were human, but a majority weren't. Some beastfolk, some demons, a few that looked like monsters but were apparently also demons.

...Demons were weird in this world.

But anyway, it was a lively place. A lobby filled with all sorts of different people.

There was also a chalkboard sign up, with some weird symbols written on it.

Stella couldn't read it, obviously. But from the picture of the bed and then another picture of a bed and some food, this place looked like an inn?

*That is what the sign says, yes.*

Wata's voice echoed in Stella's head.

Right. Of course that's what the sign-

Wait. You can read? Since when?


Stella let out a deep sigh. Just as she did, she noticed that Ruijerd was moving again.

She blinked and then looked up. "Mista Rui?"

He patted her head and said, "This will be quick, Stella. I just need to confirm something."

A boisterous atmosphere. As Ruijerd passed by, it dimmed a bit as people called out to greet him. But for the most part, they just let him be.

And then they reached the corner of the room where three people were seated around a table.

Three people that included one who Stella was very familiar with.

First, there was a swordswoman with long crimson hair. She kept it tied in a neat ponytail, but some long strands framed her face. She was also beautiful, with looks that could pass for a princess. She also wasn't that old. While Stella called her a swords "woman", she actually looked more like a teenager. Though one who was very 'mature' up top.

Second, there was a young girl with blonde hair and green eyes. Her hairstyle was the same as the swordswoman, except her ponytail was a lot shorter. And she was also carrying a sword... So technically she was a swordsgirl? She looked around primary school age, so she couldn't be more than ten... She seemed a bit younger than that though. Maybe seven or so?

But third, and most importantly, there was the person that Stella recognized. A person who should definitely not be there at the moment or dressed like she was.

Before Ruijerd could speak, Stella pointed at that person and said, "Rika? Why aw you smol?"

Right. It was Rika, but she looked like she had when Rudy first summoned her. Not only that, but she was wearing that ecchi outfit again with all the ropes and chains.

Rika froze and then looked up at Stella. She slammed her hand on the table and said, "You dare to call This One by such a childish name?! Even if you are an infant, I will not-"

"Great Demon Empress Kishirika Kishirisu."

Ruijerd's calm voice cut her off.

She blinked and then looked up at Ruijerd. "You... This One recognizes you. Were you not fighting with the Demon God in the war all those years ago?"

Stella tilted her head and frowned. "...Rika nee-cha?"

Rika huffed and said, "Stop calling This One by that name! This One is Kishirika Kishirisu!"

The crimson-haired swordswoman sitting next to Rika let out a deep sigh and bopped her on the head. "Shut up, you brat. You already caused enough of a mess the other day when you got into it with that girl."

"Gah." Rika rubbed her head and said, "This One already apologized!"

"Then stop causing trouble." The swordswoman shook her head, causing her ponytail to sway. After that, she looked up at Ruijerd and said, "Sorry about her. We're still getting used to things around here. Can I help you- Hm?" She paused, staring at Stella.

As she did, Stella noticed that the swordsgirl was staring at her too.

Stella stared back and then frowned.

She hadn't met the girl. Stella was sure of it. But as she stared at the girl, Stella couldn't help but feel like she was familiar. Really familiar.

Something about the shape of the eyes, her cheeks and that nose-



The girl stood up and said, "Stella... Yes. You're definitely Stella. You have to be." She looked over at the swordswoman and said, "Right, Big Sis?"

The swordswoman sighed and said, "Norn. We can't go around thinking every baby with blonde hair and green eyes is your baby sister. Besides, she'd have to be a few years old by now, right?"

"But look! That necklace has Rui's mana!"

"Hm?" The swordswoman frowned and looked at Stella. As she did, the swordswoman's eyes flashed green. And then they narrowed and she looked at Ruijerd. "...What was your name again? And whose child is that?"

A tense situation. The swordswoman slowly reaching for her sword. Not only that, but the girl called Norn was reaching for hers as well.

Rika... No, the Rika look alike had also turned serious, staring at Ruijerd and Rika with glowing green eyes that had spiral pupils.

This was bad. At this rate, there'd be a big fight.

*I'll protect you, Stella!* Fai's voice.

*Wait a minute, you idiot! Stella has a plan!* Wata.


Right. A plan.

At this point, there'd be a big fight.

Stella didn't really know why those two were on edge, but she knew that it had something to do with Onii-chan.


*Wait. Stella. Miss Eos said you shouldn't-*

Stella grabbed her necklace and then shouted. "Nii-cha! Hewp!"

Ruijerd's eyes widened. "Stella, no-"

The sound of shattering glass. Not only that, but a gust of frigid wind blowing out through the entire inn.

Some people screamed and started running away. The more seasoned warriors stood up, putting hands on their weapons. Even the innkeeper kid with blue hair grabbed a sword from underneath the counter.

But Stella didn't pay them attention. Instead...

A pillar of crimson light, surrounded by rainbow spirals. A handsome man with slicked back silver hair and mismatched eyes, one white and one green.

His white coat billowed from the force of the pillar. As it did, grains of black sand appeared from thin air, turning into a sword in his left hand.

But he wasn't alone.

Wrapped around his right arm was a beautiful elf woman with blue-tinged silver hair. Her glowing green eyes were sharp as her deep blue dress emitted snowflakes, causing the space to distort wherever those crystals moved. While her left arm was occupied holding the man, her right was free and held a glowing blue orb. One that had crystalline blades floating around it, ready to attack at any time.

Onii-chan and his ero elf girlfriend, showing up with an overdramatic entrance.

...But Stella had to admit that it was pretty effective considering how scary the two looked.

A tense silence.

Nobody moved.

During that time, Onii-chan took in the surroundings before checking on Stella and Ruijerd.

Sylphy stood there, simply waiting on Onii-chan's words.

And then he spoke. "I have been summoned. Who dares-"

"RUI!" An ecstatic voice that cut right through the tense air.

"R-Rudy?!" The swordswoman's confused voice. "And Sylphy- Wait. Why are you all grown up now?"

"E-Eris? U-U-Um... That's..."

"And why are you clinging onto him like that! He's supposed to be my husband!"

"Y-Yeah? Well... He's my man! And I'm his woman!"


A sudden genre change, turning from shounen to slice of life. A tense situation suddenly changing to comedic chaos.

Sylphy argued against that crimson swordswoman.

The blonde swordsgirl ran up to Onii-chan, hugging him like she was afraid he was going to disappear and sobbing into his shirt.

The Rika look alike sat there with wide-eyed terror as she looked at Rudy and Sylphy.

And as for Onii-chan...

Rudy blinked and then turned to look at Stella with an accusatory gaze.

"Nii-cha?" What the heck was that look for?

"Stella. Do you like trolling your Onii-chan that much?"


It was unintentional, but...

...It was kind of funny.

*It is!*

*Oh dear.*


Rudy sighed and then focused on patting the swordsgirl's back.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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