Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

122 – A Possible Resolution

122 – A Possible Resolution

Back in my tower, on the first floor which had been repurposed into a makeshift meeting room.

I had planned to use the usual meeting room or my office, but both were still being cleaned due to recent events involving my lovely and very eager Sylphy.

So the first floor it was.

I made a new crib and bed for Stella to sit in while we talked and set her down far away from us.

Mostly as a timeout and lesson to *not* use the emergency button I gave her so nonchalantly.

...Then again, she *was* still a baby even if she was a genius, so I cut her a bit of slack.

After all, I'd probably do the same. Never hurt to be overcautious than under.

Still... I was starting to think that Dad's choice to name her Stella was acting like a good luck charm, because she sure seemed to be making my wishes come true recently.

After fighting with Grey, I was worried about Sylphy and Eris. Then the next thing I knew, both were here and with Norn as a bonus.

But there was a problem now. One that I always figured would come up, but didn't expect to have to deal with for ten years or so while I laid down the groundwork and had Mom, Mama Lily, Laws, and Miss Rose to help with.

And that was...

Eris slammed her hand on the table and said, "That's not fair, Sylphy! We talked about it! Rudy's my husband and you're the second wife!"

Sylphy crossed her arms and said, "Well I don't want to be! I love Rudy more than you anyway!"

"W-What?! Like hell you do! Rudy's the only real family I have!"

"It's not my fault you don't get along with your parents. And besides, there's Norn, Aisha, Mister Paul, Miss Zenith, and Miss Lilia too. Or do they not matter now?"

"Of course they do, but...!" Eris looked at me and then blushed before pointing at Sylphy. "You're being childish!"

"And you're not?!"

A loud and heated argument, continued from the one started at the inn run by Master Roxy's dad.

Which reminded me that we were probably going to have to do this whole thing again with her too...

But anyway.

We were seated around a mockup of the round table I had upstairs, except that I had a regular chair instead of a throne.

By 'we,' I meant me, Norn, Sylphy, Eris, Rika, and this timeline's Rika. Or rather, 'Kishirika' since it seemed like she hated being called Rika.

Which made me wonder why Rika allowed it at all... But that was a side tangent.

At the moment, I was seated at the head of the table... as much as there could be a head of the table when it was a circle.

Sylphy had taken the seat directly to my right, while Eris took the seat directly to my left in retaliation.

Both of them would have been fighting for the seat on my lap, if not for the fact that Norn beat them to it.

My baby sister- No. She wasn't a baby anymore. Outside of my sight, and in such a short time, she had already grown to be about as old as I was when I saw her last.

Years that I missed due to the time distortions cause from Being W's shenanigans.

And all the more reason to look forward to teaming up with Orsted and whatever allies we could get to beat the crap out of that guy's ugly white face until his beady red eyes actually bled out.

But that was later.

Anyway, Norn was sitting on my lap, happily swinging her legs and just content that I was nearby again. Though she *did* seem a bit troubled by Sylphy and Eris arguing. But since I was here too, it seemed like she was letting her worries fade away due to her trust in me.

As for the last members of this conversation...

Rika and Kishirika were seated across from each other on the other sides of the table, ninety degrees from me on either side.

It was odd seeing them, actually.

I'd gotten used to Rika's current appearance because of how closely we worked together to run the kingdom that I forgot about how she initially appeared. And I'd also gotten used to the changes gradually, so I never really noticed just how much she had changed.

Kishirika was still just a kid, and one that looked even a bit younger than Norn. Also one who was wearing an outfit that would lead cops and FBI agents to asking everyone she ever met to find out why she was dressed like that and who they could arrest.

On the other hand, Rika was pretty much a teenager now. She was still a bit petite and she hadn't grown very much up top, but she was a few heads taller than Kishirika. Not only that, but she also gave off a more mature vibe as well from her glasses and the fact that she was wearing a proper business suit tailored to cover her body instead of bare it to the world.

The two also had a weird vibe going on, similar to how me and Grey were when we saw each other.

A sort of faint acknowledgment but simultaneous rejection of the person they were seeing in front of them.

In short, another tense situation apart from the one with Sylphy and Eris.

And also the reason why I had Ruijerd, Roland, and Astolfo cordon off the tower while I secured it myself to prevent sound from escaping past the walls of the tower. A new skill born of necessity since Sylphy's arrival.

Speaking of Sylphy...

"*I'm* being childish? *Me?!*" Sylphy pointed at Norn and said, "You brought Norn all the way to the Magic Continent by yourself! And from how old she is now, you went dungeon diving with her too, didn't you?"

"W-We had Demon Empress Kishirika to help us!" Eris looked at Kishirika and said, "Tell her!"

"Hmph." Kishirika crossed her arms and put on a smug look. "Of course! This One is so great that even deadly dungeons become like flower gardens to This One and her companions!" She laughed and said, "There is nothing that these eyes cannot surmise!"

Rika cringed and turned to look at me. "Rika apologizes. It seems that Rudy endured many hardships."

I chuckled and said, "It's fine, Rika. You put up with me, so we'll call it even."

A tense silence. Rika's sudden interjection changing the mood and direction of the conversation.

Suddenly, I found myself facing down the stares of both Eris and Sylphy.

Eris pointed at Rika and said, "Who is she, anyway?"

Sylphy nodded and said, "That's right. You never said what Rika was to you, Rudy." She crossed her arms and then looked over at Rika.

Even Norn chimed in and said, "I overheard a lot of people say that the 'Ever Beautiful and Peerless Mind' was really close to Lord Rudras. Since you're a Demon Lord... is Miss Rika your wife?"

A sudden shift in attention, turning to outright hostility.

Sylphy pursed her lips as she eyed Rika, slowly evaluating her body figure. After that, Sylphy subtly crossed her arms under her chest.

Eris eyed Rika too, though she focused more on Rika's face and the fact that she was wearing glasses. Like Sylphy, Eris pursed her lips as well. But unlike Sylphy, Eris fiddled with her sword, as if seeking comfort in that.

As for Rika...

"Pft." Rika laughed and said, "Rika? Rudy's wife?" She shook her head and said, "Rika already runs his kingdom. If Rika married Rudy, Rika would have even more work to do." She paused and then gave me a sly look. "Though Rika *has* considered it since Rudy is so handsome..."

A sharp tension, like a piano wire set to snap at any moment.

Sylphy glancing back at me with self-doubt clear on her face.

Eris staring at me with frustration and regret.

Norn giving me a judging look... One mirrored by Stella in the corner of the room.

I thought I'd let them clear the air a bit more first, but at this rate we'd be clearing the room from the fallout. So instead of letting everyone stew, I shook my head and said, "That's enough joking around, Rika."

Rika's smiled and tilted her head. "But Rika was serious?"

"Then I seriously reject your offer."

Mostly because she'd definitely find a way to use it to rope me into doing more bureaucracy and I was *not* about to get into that mess.

"Pity." Rika faked a sigh and said, "Rika will be the envy of the Magic Continent when she matures."

"Just make sure to not draw any people that would make things troublesome for me."

"Of course, Rudy." Rika adjusted her glasses and said, "That is what you summoned Rika for." She paused and said, "...Though Rika is beginning to think that trouble finds itself to you regardless of your efforts..."

Me too, Rika. Me too.

But anyway, resolving the situation with Eris and Sylphy.

That exchange with Rika seemed to help calm them down a bit, but I could tell that both of them were still unsure of where they stood in terms of our relationship.

It was pretty easy to see why.

I told Sylphy that I loved her when we were kids... Which to me wasn't that long ago. And we spent all the time together when we were younger with a lot of wholesome cuddling and physical contact.

Now that we were older though... Physically for me and actually for Sylphy, that wholesome cuddling had become a lot more intimate. The habits we had back then had a different context now and it was too easy to just go with the new flow.

And Sylphy seemed to have noticed that. She was well aware of the time difference between us and tried to slow down. But at the same time, she had clung onto her love for me this entire time and just couldn't.

Honestly, out of context, it would be enough to scare anyone away. There was a hint of desperation in it that wasn't healthy. And that was because *Sylphy* wasn't healthy. Whatever she had experienced since we last met had changed her, and not for the better.

She was strong and competent now externally, but on the inside she was even worse than when I first met her, shying away from the world and everyone around her.

But I knew all of that. I knew all of that and wanted to make her happy. I wanted to make Sylphy happy and see the smile that cheered me up again all the time in the past.

So there was no way I was giving Sylphy up.

As for Eris... That was complicated too.

We definitely didn't get off on the right footing. Her first impression on me... and her family in general definitely wasn't a good one. Especially considering that our first encounter was after she was fighting Sylphy, who I definitely cared for a lot even at that time.

But, as much as I hated to admit it, Dad was right. Eris just needed some time and space away from her toxic home environment to grow into her own. And after spending time at Buina village with us, I saw that for myself.

The way she got along with Sylphy and became best friends. How she still acted prickly, but cared for me and my family like it was hers. How happy she was with all of us and just how *different* she was compared to the girl I first met.

And seeing her again now, she was even more different. Time had treated her well, softening the harsh looks she had as a child. Not only that, but she had a calm aura around her. Mature and confident.

Well, that and she had matured 'that' way as well.

Right now, she was a lot younger than Sylphy, but Eris could definitely compete with her on even ground in terms of their assets.

That aside, I cared for Eris a lot too. While I teased her a bit by hustling her in sports, I genuinely admired how hard she worked to make up for her flaws and how she always stayed true to her words. Then there was the fact that she was aware of how I was with Sylphy and did her best to not step over any boundaries.

But there was that very important wrinkle of her being my betrothed. And considering that she seemed to have passed the age of maturity, it wasn't just 'betrothed' and had turned into wife.

Not only that, but the budding childhood affection from back then seemed to have blossomed into real love. Or at least the idea of love on Eris's part. Moreover though... she really didn't have anyone else that she *could* love. At least, not for her.

I still didn't know the full context, but I could make a reasonable guess that Eris was probably famous now back at home. There were probably people clamoring over themselves to try and win her affection or convince her to nullify the betrothal contract since I was missing.

But she hadn't. Not only that, but from how she introduced herself as 'Eris Notos Greyrat' to Rika when we got here... and from the happiness on her face when she said it as she looked at me...

It was a mess.

And I realized now what Mom and Mama Lily were always sighing about when they talked about me and girls.

The Greyrat bloodline definitely ran true. Without really intending to, I'd managed to grab the hearts of both Sylphy and Eris. And judging from the way events seemed to be unfolding... and knowing what I did about Rudeus's timeline, I could anticipate that to be true about Master Roxy as well.

Dammit. I really *was* dense, wasn't I? Just like one of those MCs in a Shounen manga.

And if this was a Shounen manga, this would be the part where I chose one of the heroines and sent the other packing with a broken heart.

Still, this wasn't a Shounen manga. This was life. Reality.

And to me, reality could be whatever I wanted it to be. Not only that, I wasn't like Dad. When it came to love, I could be sincere about how I felt without taking appearances into account. So...

I looked at them again. Sylphy and Eris. Two women who I cared about a lot- No. Who I cared about as much as the world. Two women who I couldn't imagine my life without since the time we started playing together back at Buina village.

...I also couldn't imagine my life without Master Roxy, but that was a concern for later.

Right now...

Sylphy's desperate fragility.

Eris's regretful frustration.

Both of them weren't in a good mental state. And both of them wouldn't be happy in the long run at this rate.

Even if one or the other was chosen, eventually, the one chosen would feel guilt and regret.

Both of them were just that kind, after all.

So this was my responsibility. My problem to solve. And the solution to that...

Well, I had already tutored someone on it a long time ago and brought up a failing grade to passing.

For me though...

I lifted Norn up and set her down behind me.


I motioned for her to step back.

She did, though she seemed a bit confused.

After that, I stood up and adjusted the collar on my coat, taking care to keep my face neutral.

Both Sylphy and Eris flinched at that.

It seemed like all the practice I'd been putting in with my 'Demon Lord' expression was paying off.

...Rika wasn't buying it though and was doing her best to keep her own straight face.

Kishirika didn't bother, grinning the entire way like she was watching a soap opera.

And Stella was giving me her usual blank look, as if expecting me to do something ridiculous again.

Well. I didn't blame her.

I turned to Sylphy first. "Sylphy."

"Y-Yes, Rudy?" She looked at me and then quickly lowered her gaze, not able to meet my eyes.

Alright, me. You can do this. Remember, you aren't Dad. And remember, you have a natural scamming face. It was great for playing innocent when you were still a kid, but now you're handsome man that could put any model to shame AND you're worshipped and adored by countless people in a practically utopian kingdom you brought up from scratch in a war-torn and desolate land.

You've got this. So first...

I reached out to Sylphy and hooked my index finger under her chin, using it to raise her head. "Look at me."

She did, but I could see her green eyes flutter. Making eye contact with me because I asked, but wanting to do anything but. Nerves strung until they were raw and self-doubt and guilt built up enough to explode with the wrong nudge.

I smiled and then reached out to place my hand on her cheek. "What are you worried for? I said it already. You're mine, and I won't let you leave. Even if you wanted to, it's too late."

Sylphy froze and then her eyes started to water. "Rudy...!" She reached up to grab my hand, leaning against it.

"I-!" Eris suddenly spoke up, as if she wanted to reject it. But she quickly bit her tongue.

Just like back then, she held herself back.

I gently pulled my hand away from Sylphy and then turned to look at Eris.

She stared back at me, glaring. Well, she tried to glare at me. But her crimson eyes were watery. A familiar crying expression, just like the one she always had back then after she lost. After declaring that it wasn't fair. That the rules were rigged against her.

I took a step towards her.

"W-What?" Eris sniffed and then crossed her arms under her chest. Probably to make it seem like she was tough. But in reality, it just looked like she was trying to keep herself together.

"Do you love me?"

Eris froze. Her sadness and frustration vanished for a second as her entire brain worked to process what I said. And then she turned a deep red and said, "W-W-What kind of question is that?! Idiot! Dumbass!" She pointed at me and said, "J-Just call it off already! I-It's fi-"


I finished Eris's sentence for her.

She flinched, shock and a flicker of pain in her eyes.

But before she could think about anything else, I continued and said, "Since you won't answer, I'll take that as a no."

"S-Since when is it no?" Eris looked at me and said, "You don't get to decide how I feel!"

"Right." I nodded and said, "So that's why I want to know. Is it yes?"


Eris stared at me and then shifted her gaze to Sylphy.

Sylphy stared back and then let out a soft sigh before looking away.

Eris's eyes widened and she looked back at me. But then she lowered her head and mumbled, "...You bully. Making me do weird things again..."

"So is it no?"

Eris stepped forward and punched my chest. But it wasn't hard. Just a light tap. After that, she mumbled, "Of course I love you. I wouldn't have called myself your wife and come all the way here if I didn't, you bastard."

"Good." I reached out to lift her head up with my finger, just like how I did with Sylphy.

Eris stared at me. Unlike Sylphy though, she pointedly looked away, though her eyes kept coming back to look at mine.

I smiled and said, "Then I'll do my best to love you too. Enough that you'll forget all about the loneliness you felt growing up in the Boreas family. Enough that you won't ever doubt that you're loved. Enough that you'll be happy until the end of time. ...And enough that you'll forget how much of a brat you were as a kid."

Eris scoffed and then wiped her tears away, smiling. "You bastard. Why'd you have to ruin it near the end there?"

"Well. I only dodged the deadline of being a bastard by a few months, so I'll take it."

Eris snorted. And then she started coughing from getting snot down her throat. "Gah. Dammit!" She coughed and sputtered.

I laughed and patted her back, subtly using healing magic to clear it. "There, there. Let it all out, Eri."


"Is that what you're planning to call me in bed? That's a bit kinky, but..."


I placed my finger on her lips and said, "Just kidding, Eri."

Eris blushed and then huffed and sat back down in her chair.

...Though I noticed that her blush didn't fade and only seemed to stretch down her neck. Not only that, but her breathing was starting to get a bit heavy as she reached up to touch her lips-


...Eris had Greyrat blood in her too, didn't she? And she was always the sort of person to be more prone to her instincts than I was...

A dangerous situation. A weird glint starting up in Eris's eyes.

Before it could explode... Or rather, before Eris exploded, I reached out to ruffle her hair and said, "Honeymoon later, Eri. Not in front of the kids."

Eris flinched and quickly glanced around the room, settling her gaze on Norn and Stella for a bit. After that, she cleared her throat and said, "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

She said that, but when her hand went back to her sword hilt out of habit, she tensed. And then thoughtfully started stroking it.

...Note to self: Check if I'm emitting weird mana pheromones. And if I'm somehow offloading the horny through mana emissions and making other people horny.

That aside, I smiled at Eris and said, "Whatever you say, Wifey."

Eris shuddered and then pointedly placed her hands on the table, as if doing all she could to not move them somewhere else.

Seeing that, Sylphy laughed.

Eris glared at her and said, "What's so funny?!"

"Nothing~" Sylphy smiled and said, "You'll find out later, I guess. It's a lot more fun 'playing' together now, you know?"

Eris turned a bright red.

Norn looked at Sylphy and Eris and then pouted. "That's not fair!" She hopped back onto my lap and then hugged me. "I want to play with Rui too!"

Rika choked.

Stella gave me a blank look.

Sylphy blushed and said, "U-Um, Norn... Th-That's..."

Eris stood up and said, "No! Absolutely not!"

Norn stared at Eris and said, "Why not?! You got to play with him all the time when you were younger, Big Sis! I only got to play with Rui a little! I wanna play!"

Eris flinched and then scanned the room before settling on Stella. "W-Well, what about your baby sister? Are you going to hog Rudy from her too?"

Norn pouted and then turned to glare at Stella.

Stella quickly held up her hands and said, "Nee-cha ca pway. Stewwa is happy if yuwa happy!" After that, she let out a bright smile.

A clearly forced bright smile.

Eris pointed at her and said, "See? Now you're scaring her!"

"Am not!" Norn crossed her arms and said, "She said she's happy!"

"She's not even one!"

"She got to study with Rui, and it looks like she's as smart as Aisha was when we were babies! She knows!"

Stella looked at me with an expression that clearly said she wanted nothing to do with this mess.

Rika was started to look exasperated as well.

Seeing that, I placed my hand on Norn's head and said, "That's enough, Norn."

"But Rui!" Norn looked back at me, pouting.

I smiled and said, "We'll have all the time in the world to play together, alright? I've got a lot of time to make up, remember? And birthday gifts too."

Norn's eyes sparkled and she said, "Really?"


"Yay!" She hugged me and said, "You're the best, Big Brother!"

"Obviously." I laughed and then turned my gaze back towards everyone else. "Now... With all of that settled." I put on my serious face and said, "Let's get down to business. First of all..." I looked at Kishirika and frowned. "...Where did you come from? And why are you with Eri and Norn?"

Kishirika stood up and let out a smug expression. "This One was wondering when you would ask! You see, after a great slumber of over a thousand years, This One was awoken by a great evil and-"

Eris cut her off and said, "Orsted summoned her and commanded her to keep us safe until we arrived here."

"Tch." Kishirika pouted and sat back down in her chair. "This One was not 'commanded.' This One merely acquiesced to the summoning because of our common foe."

Rika cringed and said, "Rika acted like that? So immature?"

Kishirika glared at Rika and said, "You are the immature one! Dressing up and hiding the natural beauty the world bestowed, have you no shame?"

"Have *you* no shame walking out like that?" Rika shook her head and said, "The number of men who would dangle fresh food out to capture you to sate their desires... Rika is surprised she managed to stay alive long enough to be summoned now that Rika reflects on her past..."

Norn looked between Rika and Kishirika and then frowned. Looking back at me, she said, "Um. Big Brother?"

"Yes, Norn?"

"Is Rika the big sister to Miss Kishirika?"

"...Something like that. But more importantly... Where's Dad? And have you found Mom and Mama Lily yet?"


Norn looked over to Eris.

Eris looked back and then pursed her lips.

I frowned. "Eri?"



A picture was worth a thousand words. And while people said that the pen was mightier than the sword, the reverse was true in reality.

At least, Paul thought so. But...

"A mere Region Lord dares to go against the proclamation of the Pope?"

A haughty archbishop wearing the entire formal regalia. A platoon of paladins from the Holy Order of Milis behind him.

"...Hey man." Paul glanced at the only support he had in this fight and said, "You sure this is the right play?"

A man with a plain white mask and violet hair. One with a crimson sword sheathed at his right side that almost perfectly matched the one that Paul had on his left.

Paul shifted his gaze back to the Inquisition Squad getting ready to take them in by force. After that, he looked out at the crowd of people as well as the image still being projected up in the sky.

A ruined port, filled with undead. Rudy floating above them all and laughing beneath a bloody moon.

"...I don't think that cutting our way out of here will do anything to deny us being related to that incident there. Especially since we were the ones putting up pictures of Rudy and the others."

Pierre drew his sword. "Don't worry. These guys are the bastards helping those nobles keep victims of the Spacetime Rend as slaves anyway."

Paul drew his sword too and said, "One of these days you're going to have to tell me how you know all these things. And why you dyed your hair violet. ...Also how the hell you turned Elinalise into a saintess who won't even look at another man anymore."

"Men! Take them in!" The archbishop flung his hand out.

A roar echoed from the paladins, matched with the sound of drawn steel.

Pierre slowly walked forward and said, "All in due time, Paul."

A sudden barrage of light spells flying from the distance. A mage platoon backing up the paladins.

Paul stepped forward and casually swung his sword.

A slash that seemed slow but somehow moved faster than light. An attack that seemed to go wide, but somehow hit every spell at the same time.

"Personally, I like space more."

Pierre snorted and said, "Less banter, more killing bad people to save the good people."

Paul cut down a paladin that charged at him and said, "Reeeally starting to think we're the bad guys here, Pierre. But eh." Paul kicked the corpse away and said, "Always was more of a thug than a hero anyway. I'll leave that bit for Rudy... After I set him straight. Us Greyrats have a lot of kinks, but I'm going to have to draw the line at dead people."



"Just out of curiosity, what do you consider a- Never mind."

"O-Oi. You don't just throw out a comment like that and- Gah! Fuck it." Paul swung his sword, shattering the King-ranked barrier spell blocking the paladins and said, "I'll just ask Lina later. She's pregnant, so you have to listen to her, right?"

"That's playing dirty!"

"I'm apparently the father of the Demon God himself, so whatever! Now take your own advice and start killing these bastards!"

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