Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

182 – After the First

182 – After the First

Sylphy hugged a giant plushy modeled after Rudy and let out a deep sigh. "I know it's selfish and mean... but I can't help but be upset. You understand, right, Rolo?

Roland nodded. "I understand, Mother." He gazed off into the distance, reminiscing on the past. "Even when I was a kid, although all of my moms got along well, there was still a bit of jealousy at times."

"Right?!" Sylphy jumped to her feet and said, "It's only natural!"

"...Yes." Roland slowly nodded.

Sylphy was in her room with Roland.

After going through the draining events of the day, she needed some quiet time to relax, recuperate, and recharge.

And of course, she dragged along her son to help her with that.

Well, Roland wasn't *really* her son, but he was proof that she and Rudy were meant to be one way or another.

Unlike Eri, who didn't have physical proof that she and Rudy were meant to be together.

...Ah. That was the jealousy speaking again.

Sylphy would need to get better at that...

Rudy wouldn't like it. And she couldn't live if Rudy started to hate her...

Not that he would.

Rudy was nice, and kind, and loving, and understanding.

Even though he knew that Sylphy was a bit broken, he still accepted her, flaws and all.

So she would try to be better- No, she would BE better.

For him. For the man she loved more than anything else in this world...

Except for Roland, of course. She loved her son too, even if he technically wasn't hers.

So that was fine.

Even so, Sylphy couldn't help but think about it.

Sylphy was in Rudy's house. But he wasn't here right now. And Eri wasn't either.

Instead, the two of them were off somewhere else being intimate in a home that the two called their own.

It was only for a few days.

Sylphy knew that. And she also knew that it would be her turn to have Rudy to herself next. But even so...

She let out a deep sigh and looked at Roland. "I don't understand how your mother did it, Rolo. Even after meeting and talking to her..."

That Sylphy was the first wife, and yet she compromised for Rudy and allowed more. Not only that, but she had been content with just being Rudy's wife, even if she couldn't stand beside him.

A saint. Sylphy couldn't help but think that Roland's mother had been a true saint.

Because Sylphy couldn't comprehend it.

That Rudy had been in even more dangerous situations. Faced more terrifying foes while being far from as strong as her Rudy.

Even so, that Sylphy stayed home and just waited for him.

She was content to just be the 'anchor' in his life. The one constant.

...But Sylphy couldn't do that.

The thought that Rudy might disappear again somewhere she couldn't see. That she would be left alone again, even though she KNEW that wouldn't happen...

Sylphy let out a deep sigh.

Roland looked at Sylphy and then nodded. "My mother was indeed a saint." He paused and then said, "Technically a goddess too, according to my father. But I wouldn't discount your own efforts, Mother."

Sylphy smiled at Roland and then said, "You're too nice, Rolo." She set her plushy of Rudy aside and then walked over to hug Roland. "...But thank you."

Roland hugged Sylphy back and said, "You're welcome, Mother."

Sylphy paused and then stepped back, frowning. "...Are you really fine with calling me and Rudy your parents though?"

Roland let out a relaxed smile. "Of course. Even if the time may be different, you two are still my parents. And besides, I'm needed here more than I ever was before."

Sylphy stared at Roland for a while and then said, "I hope my son is even as half as reliable as you, Rolo."

Roland shook his head. "I would hope my younger brother be seen for himself, not what he could be." He paused and then said, "...Though a few faint expectations would be good. It's easy to mistake freedom for indifference."

Sylphy nodded. "I'll remember that, Rolo."

Roland smiled and then said, "In any case... Are you finished with your preparations, Mother? Is there anyone you wish to invite or anything I can do to help?"

Sylphy placed a hand on her chin and hummed. "I don't think so... Everyone in my family is here for the wedding, and the preparations are mostly done for the ceremony. I guess I could invite some friends...?"

Sylphy didn't have many friends, but she had a few acquaintances.

There was that small adventurer party she helped back when she was crossing the Northern Lands. Counter Bow or something?

Then there was that Sol... Sold it? Soldier? Something like that.

He said that he owed her a favor, so maybe he could come visit?

It might make Rudy a bit jealous too.

That was a bit mean, but Sylphy would like it if he did get a bit jealous for her, like he did for Eri with that Luke guy...

Roland nodded and said, "Alright. Should I round up the knights to go look for them?"

"No." Sylphy shook her head and said, "It's fine. I'll go get them myself."

Roland blinked. "Right now?"

Sylphy waved her arms, changing out from the formal dress she wore for Eri's wedding into an adventurer outfit.

A loose white tunic, furry white boots, a gray scarf, light blue gloves and leggings to cover her arms and legs.

After holding her arm out again to summon a glittering blue ice sword that she hung on her left side, she smiled and said, "Yep! Mommy needs to get her mind off some things, and an adventure to find some friends sounds like just the thing!" She paused and then said, "Do you want to come with, Rolo?"

Roland hesitated, but then he said, "Father would be upset if I just let you go off on your own, so I will."

Sylphy pouted and said, "Do you like Daddy that much more than Mommy?"

Roland shook his head. "No. I just don't want to get lectured by him later for leaving a lady alone even though she's more than capable of protecting herself."

Sylphy laughed and said, "Rudy IS a bit of a hypocrite like that... But okay!" She ran over to grab Roland's hand and said, "Let's go on a trip to meet Mommy's friends!"


It was the day after Onii-chan's wedding with Eri nee-chan.

The adults were busy cleaning and reorganizing the house for Erofu nee-chan's wedding, so there wasn't much she could do inside.

Not to mention that Onii-chan and Eri nee-chan were off somewhere doing loveydovey stuff too, so the house had a weird atmosphere.

So, instead of hanging around all day, Stella immediately left the house to go hunt down Akito.

It could be a look alike. Weirder things had been happening in Stella's life. But even so, Stella wanted to confirm it.

He was easy enough to find. With Fai, Wata, and Wyn sweeping through the city in spirit form, it only took a short while for her to locate him.

It turned out that Akito had rented a home not far from Onii-chan's house.

Or maybe Onii-chan rented one close by for him? Onii-chan definitely knew how and why Akito was here, so that was probably likely.

But in any case, it was time to confront him.

Wearing her usual clothes, a loose black t-shirt and jeans, along with her usual adventurer bag filled with useful tools, she headed over to Akito's house with Leo in tow.

Fai, Wata, and Wyn were there too, but Stella made sure they were in spirit form for the day. Just to make sure they didn't raise any weird flags by accident.

Not to mention that a cute toddler with a puppy was more disarming than a toddler with a bunch of spirit pals.

Stopping at the house, Stella tried the door and found it unlocked.


Akito was still as reckless as ever.

Still, since it was unlocked, Stella let herself inside.

The house was small. Just a single floor with a living room and a pair of bedrooms. There was also a door that led to a bathroom or something too.

There was basic furniture there, like a table, chairs, and stuff. But it was pretty empty otherwise... except for all the random notes and paper laying all over the ground.

Glancing at it, Stella felt a bit nostalgic.

Even though it was a different place, Akito acted the same.

And just like back then, Akito was sitting at a table, idly sketching out notes amidst a mess of books and papers.

Stella closed the door behind her.

Akito flinched and glanced over. For a second, he was panicked. But then he saw that it was Stella and let out a relieved sigh. Smiling, he stood up and said, "Good morning, Stella! What are you doing here? And where are your friends?"

Stella walked over, plastering on her best cutesy toddler smile and said, "Morning Mister Akito!"

Leo wagged his tail and then ran up to Akito. "Wan!"

Akito smiled and crouched down to scratch Leo's ears. "Hello again to you too, Leo. Keeping Stella safe?"

"Wan wan!"

Stella adjusted her bag and then said, "Can I play here today, Mister Akito?"

Akito picked Leo up and then said, "Sure! But..." He frowned and said, "Are you sure you want to play here? It's kind of boring."

"It's fine!" Stella smiled and said, "I don't think Mister Akito is boring! ...And everyone else is busy."

"Oh. Right..." Akito nodded. "I bet they would be... Well, you can hang out here if you want." He set Leo back down and said, "I'm working on a project your brother gave me, but feel free to look around. I think there's some snacks in the fri- icebox if you're hungry too."

"Kay~! Thanks Mister Akito!"

Akito smiled and then walked back to his table, looking back over his notes.

Stella took the time to walk around the house, looking at everything like a curious toddler would.

Wata's voice echoed in Stella's head. <You know, you're getting really good at playing cute.>

Fai's voice echoed after that. [Right?! Stella's adorable!]

Wyn's yawn echoed next before she spoke up. -That's because it's Stella's true nature to be the cute little hero.-

'Wan wan!' Leo's bark echoed and he chimed in too. 'I agree! Stella's the cutest bestest hero!'

Stella blushed and then whispered, "Could you be quiet?!"

"Hm?" Akito looked over and said, "Did you need something, Stella?"

Stella smiled and said, "No! I'm fine, Mister Akito! Just talking to myself!"

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything!"

Stella let out a sigh of relief, doing her best not to pout at the laughter echoing in her head. Instead, she walked around and took a look at what Akito was working on.

There were a lot of magic formations and stuff. But there were also a lot of weird notes with comments like 'unraveling the nature of divinity through knowledge to create a golden sword that severs it' and 'reaching the root of existence to acquire a grand true sorcery surpassing divinity and worldy logic.'

...It was a bit chuuni, actually.

Stella remembered Akito was a bit of an otaku, but...

Fai sighed and then spoke up. [Is this really the guy you liked in your past life, Stella?]

Wata hummed. <He seems kind of pathetic.>

Wyn chimed in as well. -He really is. His fate is so weak I'm surprised he hasn't dropped dead.-

And of course Leo had to get in his two cents. 'Wan! Stella needs a stronger man than that!'

'Shut up! I'm thinking!'

Stella shook her head and then snuck a few glances towards Akito while she walked around.

...He was definitely the same person. That face, that same goofy expression he had while concentrating on a project. The messy house and weird notes...

Stella was sure now. This was Akito.

But she didn't know why or how he was here.

Did Onii-chan bring him here, knowing how important Akito was to her?

...Wait. Did Onii-chan even know?

Stella never actually told him about Akito, right? And unless Onii-chan was a god or something that could read her mind, he wouldn't know who Akito was.

<Rudy isn't a god, but he's definitely stronger!>

'Wan. I agree. I haven't met the Beast God, but I can't imagine he's stronger than Rudy!'

-Mmhm. If Hitogami didn't usurp the role of Human God, Rudy would have obtained that role a long time ago.-

Stella blinked, processing the casual comments dropping giant lore bombs. And when she processed them, she huffed and muttered. "Not cool dropping this stuff randomly like this. You could have said something earlier! Hah..."

At that time, Akito paused in his note-taking and glanced over. Letting out an apologetic smile, he said, "Sorry for being boring, Stella."

Stella waved her hand and said, "I'm not bored! It's just..."

She wracked her mind for an excuse and then said, "...I just miss Onii-chan a bit."

Akito froze. "...Onii-chan?"

Stella flinched and started to sweat.


[Ooh! So it really is in the blood!]

'Wan. Stella...'

<Do you really have to keep up that character even in telepathy, Leo?>

'Wan. I have pride in being a real dog, wan wan. Unlike a certain fake cat.'


Stella pursed her lips and then forcibly weakened the connection between her and her spirits for a bit.

Akito laughed and then said, "That's cute!" He smiled and then said, "Did Rudy teach you some Japanese?"

Stella laughed. "Th-That's right! Onii-chan said he used to sing to me in Japanese and stuff. I liked how it sounded when I was a baby."

Please buy it, please buy it...!

"That's adorable." Akito smiled. "Rudy's a great older brother."

"Mmhm!" Stella nodded. "He really is!"

There was a comfortable silence for a moment.

Sensing an opportunity, Stella decided to try something.

...She probably shouldn't, but she really wanted to know how he felt.

So, putting on her best innocent expression, Stella walked over to Akito and said, "Hey, Mister Akito?"


"Do you have a wife like Onii-chan too?"

"W-What?" Akito flinched. "No!"

"Well..." Stella shifted in place and then said, "Do you have someone you like then?"

Akito paused. After that, a wistful smile crossed his face. "I do... did."

Stella froze. At the same time, she felt her heart race.

Then. After that, did Akito still...?

Akito sighed and shook her head. "She's far away from me now though." Looking up at the ceiling, he said, "If I had a chance, I'd apologize to her for leaving her behind. But... it's too late now." He paused. "...Well, I mean I guess I just talked to her, but I really do need to properly apologize."


Stella blinked, realizing something was off.

Akito reached up to scratch the back of his head. "It's a bit complicated, but the last time I saw her, we had a big argument and she ran away. It was dumb, and she almost got ki- hurt real bad. But I managed to save her... I think. At least I remember grabbing her before the truck- Er, I mean a big metal monster hit her."

Stella stared at Akito.

Akito let out a nervous laugh.


...It wasn't him.

Stella felt her stomach churn a bit.

She should have realized it with the weird timeywimey things going on.

But the Akito there wasn't 'her' Akito.

...That made sense.

There was no way he would be so happy and go-lucky like this if it was her Akito.

...But even though it made her feel a bit sour, Stella felt relieved.

Because she thought her death didn't mean anything to him.

If Akito had really been acting like this even though Stella had died to save him... She didn't know what she'd do.

But this wasn't her Akito.

Then... it was fine.


Stella plastered on a bright smile and said, "Then I hope you and your lover make up soon, Mister Akito!"

Akito blushed and said, "S-She's not my lover, she's my girlfriend!"

Stella decided to tease him a bit and then played dumb. "But I'm your girlfriend?"


Stella tilted her head and said, "I'm a girl, and I'm Mister Akito's friend. So I'm your girlfriend, right?"

"No, that's not- I mean, technically, but... Really, that's not what the word means..."

Stella giggled at seeing Akito stammer.

Was this how Onii-chan felt bullying Eri nee-chan? No wonder he did it so often.

...But still.

After seeing Akito again like this, Stella couldn't help but wonder.

Why was she born in this world? And why was this Akito here?

...If she was a hero, did that mean the time for her to fight was coming up?

...And if so, would she be meeting her Akito in the future soon too...?

Akito cleared his throat. "A-Anyway... Let's just play a game for a bit." He stood up and walked over to pick up some pieces of paper on the ground. "I have some magic formations here that make things float. I think they should be fun..."

Stella hopped over and smiled. "Okay, Mister Akito!"

...Well, whatever.

Stella would think about that later. For now...

...Even if it wasn't her Akito, and even if Onii-chan didn't intend it, she would be able to get a bit of closure like this.


Zenith hummed to herself as she hung freshly washed laundry out to dry in the courtyard.

Beside her, Paul folded some laundry that was already dried and put them in a basket.

Meanwhile, Lilia sat on a chair nearby, washing more clothes in a tub.

After finishing his batch, Paul looked at Zenith and Lilia and smiled. "It's been a while since it's just been us three."

Zenith brushed her hands against her clothes and then smiled. "It has, hasn't it?"

Norn and Aisha were at school along with Miko. Stella went out to play with her spirit guardians. Sylphy and Roland were out sending wedding invitations. Eos and Ena were back in Arcadia to catch up on work...

And then Rudy and Eri were on their honeymoon.

Zenith walked over to Lilia and then let out a sigh. "It's a bit bittersweet though." She shook her head and said, "To think I missed Rudy's cute years and Stella's baby years... Not to mention Nornie and Aisha."

Lilia drained the bucket of clothes before handing it to Zenith. After that, Lilia said, "That's true." She sighed and said, "I wish that we could have been there for Rudy when he was growing up." She frowned and said, "We could have prevented this disaster if we knew."

Zenith received the bucket and sighed. "Right? I had been hoping that with Milis' teachings, Rudy would just stick to Sylphy and Eri. But to think our cute little genius is marrying not just two, but four beautiful women..." She paused and then glared at Paul. "And all with big breasts too."

Paul held up his hands and said, "Hey! It's not my fault! It runs in the Greyrat blood!"

Zenith scoffed. "You'd better hope that the 'Greyrat blood' only runs true in men then. Otherwise you'll have a hell of a time when the girls grow up more and start chasing men."

Paul froze and then covered his face. He groaned and said, "This is karma, isn't it?"

Lilia dried her hands with a towel and then said, "Absolutely."

Paul sighed and walked over to the next batch of dried clothes. As he took them off, he said, "I'm surprised that Rudy took Eri away for a honeymoon though." Expertly folding them into a pile with a flick of his wrist, he walked back towards Zenith and said, "I would have thought he'd just have us all clear out."

Zenith shook her head. "Rudy couldn't do that. Sylphy already claimed having the honeymoon here."

Paul blinked and then said, "That does seem like something Sylphy would do..."

Lilia shook her head. "I still cannot believe the changes the children went through. And poor Sylphy most of all..."

Zenith sighed. "I know. She doesn't talk about it, but the scars on Sylphy..."

Paul shook his head. "You shouldn't feel sorry about it. Apparently, Sylphy's proud of them." He laughed and said, "She calls them her proof of love for Rudy."

Zenith blinked. "How? No, why?"

Paul shrugged. "I don't know all the details, but apparently Sylphy spent thousands of years or something delving in dangerous dungeons looking for Rudy, barely coming back alive each time. But she eventually found him, so she's really proud of it."

Zenith grabbed Paul's shoulders and said, "Sylphy did what? For how long?!"

Paul blinked. "Aha... W-Well, I think maybe it was only a few hundred years? A thousand might be an exaggeration... Though I think Rudy mentioned he spent a few thousand years meditating-"


Paul blinked and then said, "...Is this a bad time to say that he might as well be the founder of the Milis religion at this point?"

Zenith took a step back, feeling faint.

Lilia let out a long suffering sigh and then said, "...I need to stab that Being W a few times." She paused and then said, "He is male, correct?"

Paul nodded. "...I think so? That's what Rudy said."

"Good." Lilia nodded. "Then I can practice my sausage peeling techniques on him."

"Sausage-" Paul shut up and then said, "Never mind."

Zenith shook her head and said, "To think that both Sylphy and Rudy endured so much..."

A tense silence filled the air.

After a bit, Paul coughed and said, "On another note..." He frowned and said, "Has it sunk in yet that we're going to be grandparents? I mean, Eos, Ena, and Roland are nice. But we'll have babies around soon. Rudy's babies. Real grandkids... Not that Eos, Ena, and Roland aren't. But you know?"

Lilia frowned. "...You could have phrased it better... But yes." She sighed and placed her hand on her cheek. "Only a short while ago, Aisha, Norn, Rudy, Sylphy, and Eris were still small children. And now..."

Zenith nodded. Holding out her arms, she let out a sad smile and said, "I still remember holding Stella when she was just a baby. But in the blink of an eye..." She pulled her arms back, hugging herself. "...I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad. And to think that Rudy is grown up now with kids of his own soon... Babies too... And that both Norn and Aisha aren't far from being adults too..."

Zenith laughed and shook her head. "Well, I suppose it will be fun visiting my parents? They'll definitely have a heart attack seeing their grandchildren and great grandchildren."

"I think it's a bit late for that," Paul said. "Rudy's already being seen as a patron saint of the True Milis Religion since Cliff is the pope-to-be and treating him like one."

Zenith blinked. "...What?"

"Didn't I explain it? Since Rudy rescued so many people in the Magic Continent and created Arcadia, he's seen as the reincarnation of St. Milis-"

"But St. Milis is a woman!?"

Paul shrugged. "People have been liberally interpreting the holy texts these days. But anyway..."

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