Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

183 – Family Matters

183 – Family Matters

An intimate three days and four nights with my beloved wife passed. A lovely time where Eri and I found out that she was actually a pure maiden at heart who was pretty shy when there wasn't someone pressuring her into things or turning it into a competition.

It was adorable and cute. Something that I didn't expect from Eri, but something that I really, really loved.

And as proof of that love...

Eri placed her hands over her stomach and said, "I still can't believe it." She looked up at me from the bed and said, "You're sure, right?"

I kissed her and said, "I'm absolutely certain, Eri."

The result of Eri's eagerness and proof of our love. It was faint, but two little lights were mixed in with Eri's mana. Twins, and likely fraternal judging from the slightly different colors.

Apparently, the Greyrat blood worked fast...?

Either way, it was too early to tell the gender at this point though.

Eri sat up, leaning against a stack of pillows and then let out a silly smile. Hugging her belly, she said, "I'm going to be a mom. I'm really going to be a mom...?"

I hugged her and then gave a light kiss on her cheek. "And you'll be a great one. But first." I leaned back and said, "Anything you want to eat?"

Eri nodded and said, "Could you make me something sweet? Ah! But healthy!"

"Of course." I smiled and said, "You relax and I'll set the table for breakfast."

"Thank you, Rudy. I... I l-love you." Eri blushed and then looked to the side.

I took a deep breath to calm down the fuzzy warm feeling in my heart from hearing that along with the urge to scream and hug her. And then I walked around to head towards the kitchen.

...Well, the kitchenette.

I didn't really think it through, so we didn't have a proper kitchen in the house. But a bit of conjuring and mana shenanigans fixed that.

I heard Eri get up and start up a shower.

While she was doing that, I started pulling out ingredients to whip up a quick breakfast.

Something sweet, but healthy... hm.

Well, you could never really go wrong with pancakes and syrup. I could add some fresh blueberries and strawberries to make it healthier too... yeah, let's do that.

I conjured up the usual basic ingredients and then pulled out some fruit that I tossed into a pocket subspace I picked from around Arcadia a while ago.

Never underestimate the power and utility of an inventory space with stopped time.

But anyway, I started whipping up the batter, slicing the fruits, and got the pan ready for cooking.

A few stacks of pancakes later, and Eri was finished with her shower. Wearing a loose bathrobe, she walked over to the table, beaming with happiness the entire way. After sitting down, she shook her head and said, "I still can't believe this is real." She looked at me and let out a bright smile. "We'll be a family, Rudy."

I set down a stack of blueberry pancakes with some fresh cut strawberries in front of her. After that, I reached out to massage her hand and said, "We're already family, Eri. ...But yes, soon we'll have some little ones running around."

"Wow." Eri shook her head, a silly smile still on her face. "I still can't believe it."

Hearing that, I couldn't help but laugh.

Eri pulled her hand away from me and then pouted. "What's so funny?"

"It's just..." I grabbed a plate of pancakes for myself and then said, "It's funny you're surprised considering how hard you worked, you know?"

Eri turned a bright red and then said, "S-Shut up, Lewd."

I held up my hands and said, "This knight only did what Milady asked of him. ...And she asked a lot."

Eri huffed and pointedly ignored me, starting on her food.

I smiled and started cutting into my pancakes as well.

Mm... not too sweet, but just enough with the syrup. Strawberries were fresh, so it complimented it well too.

I'd add some cream to finish it off, but I figured that might give Eri some ideas, so I played it safe-


I flinched, wondering if Eri read my mind.

But she continued on and said, "Um..." She looked away, acting shy, and then said, "Do... you have any names in mind?"

I paused to think about it.

...Honestly, it was still a bit surreal for me too.

I didn't expect to be thinking about fatherhood so soon.

I got the easy pass with Ena, Eos, and Roland since they skipped the infant, baby, and mostly toddler stages.

But a baby of our own... No. A pair of babies. Either two sons, two daughters, or a son and a daughter.

...And they wouldn't be the first either.

Come to think of it.

Assuming that- No, knowing that all my lovely wives want kids, I'll be met with a batch of them all at once.

Odds were high that my wives would go into labor around the same time too.

Mm... Might need to figure out a range and time-limited spell so I could be with them all. Something like the timeturners from H*rry P*tter.


I blinked, caught off guard by the name. But then I laughed and said, "You really like calling me that, don't you, Eri?"

Eri blushed and said, "S-So what if I do?" She crossed her arms and said, "It's true, isn't it?"

I smiled and then snuck a quick kiss on her lips.

Eri blushed and then said, "Stop that!"

I laughed and said, "Whatever you say, Wifey. But as for names... Hm. For a girl, how about Christina?"

Eri lit up and said, "That's a pretty name! I like it!"


Definitely wasn't because Eri had red hair and the thoughts I had on time travel reminded me of a certain mad scientist and his assistant with the same name.

Eri hummed and said, "What about for a son then? And what if we have two daughters or sons?"

"Hm... Well, I think Ares would work for a son, right?"

It was cool, strong, and fitting.

Eri blinked and then snorted.

"What?" I frowned and said, "Is it that bad?"

Eri shook her head. "No. I like it, but... It's just my name but for a boy, isn't it?"

I paused.

That... was true.

Ares was basically 'Eris', but just shifted around a bit.

I mean, semantically it was different. But in terms of how it sounded and stuff...

"...That's a good point."

Eri giggled and said, "That's fine! Ares is cute... And I'm happy that I'm the only thing on Husband's mind right now."

"Can't deny that." I smiled and said, "Then, I'll have those as my names for the kids. But if we have two sons or daughters, we need two more names, right? So it's your turn."

"M-Me?" Eri pointed at herself and then shook her head. "I-I'm not good at naming though..."

I waved my hand and said, "It's fine. It's our children, so whatever name you decide is just as valid as mine."

Eri hesitated for a bit and then said, "O-Okay. Then, if it's a girl... Um..." She looked at me and then said, "W-What about... Ruri? We take the 'Ru' from your name and 'Ri' from Eri..."

I gave her a thumbs up and said, "Cute! I love it."

Encouraged, Eri smiled and said, "That's good. Okay. Then for a boy... Um. Rudy... Rudeus... Eri. Eris... Dieri... Dees... Ru-De-Us. E-ri-su..."


I gave her a blank look and said, "Are you really just combining our names together?"

Eri blushed and said, "It's romantic, okay?! A-And our kids will be a bit of me and you, so have the name be a bit of both works too, doesn't it? ...Ah! And Deri!" She smacked her fist into her palm and said, "If it's two sons, we can call the other one Deri."

"...I hope for our children's sakes that we don't have two sons."

Eri huffed and stuffed a strawberry into her mouth. After eating it, she muttered, "You're terrible."

I laughed and went back to eating.

We shared a happy and quiet time just eating together.

But after a bit, I pulled out a pocket watch to check the time and said, "We should probably get going soon. I still need to teach *some* classes, and you still have to find a dress for Sylphy's wedding."

Eri hesitated.


Eri sighed and then let out a soft smile. "I'm fine. Just..." She looked at me and said, "There will be more times like this in the future, right? With just me and you?"

I walked around to hug Eri and said, "Of course. Even though I'm not just marrying you, I'm still married to you. How could a husband not make private time to be alone with his wife?"

"...Okay." Eri smiled. "Then I'll get changed. I still need to talk with Mom, Miss Zenith- Oh." She blinked and said, "I guess she's Mom now too. And Miss Lilia..."

"I say that you just call them Mama Zenny and Mama Lily. Your Mom will always be your Mom."

Eri nodded and said, "It'll take some getting used to... but I'll try."

After that, we finished our breakfast and Eri changed into some casual clothes. A white t-shirt, light blue jeans...

...Hm. That outfit reminded me of a certain 'blue' sorcerer...

But anyway, after that, I held out my left arm to escort her back. "Ready to go?"

Eri glanced at her wedding dress hanging on the mannequin nearby. "...Is it fine leaving this here?"

"Of course." I nodded and said, "This is our house. Yours and mine." I smiled and said, "Unless you say otherwise, no one else will ever come here except for us and our kids, Eri. So don't worry."

Eri's eyes widened and then she walked over to grab my arm. After leaning against me, she said, "You always know what I'm worried about, don't you?"

"I'm not a mind reader, so no. But I'd like to hope I can tell at least a little bit."

Eri smiled. "Okay. Then... Let's get going."

I nodded and walked her out of the house. After we turned to look at it one more time, we took a step away and warped back to our home in Sharia.

We appeared right in the middle of the courtyard. And the moment we did, Mom's voice called out.

"Rudy! Eri! Welcome back!"

I turned around with Eri to see Mom and Mama Lily walking over. It seemed like they were in the middle of doing some laundry.

Eri shyly waved at Mom and Mama Lily. "G-Good morning, M-Mama Zenny. M-Mama Lily..."

Mom froze.

Eri tensed.

And then Mom let out a squeal and ran to hug Eri. "Oh Milis! You're so adorable Eri!"


"Yes! Call me Mama Zenny more!"

Mama Lily sighed and then walked over, expertly peeling Mom off from Eri. "Apologies, Eri."

Eri took a deep breath and waved her hand. "I-It's fine..."

Mama Lily smiled and said, "I have to agree that you are adorable, however."

Eri's expression brightened and she idly twirled a strand of her hair. "R-Really?"

Mom nodded. "That's right! It must by the honeymoon glow!" She smiled and said, "It's almost like you're a new mother or something!"

I coughed.

Eri blushed and then glanced at me. "T-That's because I am...?" Saying that, she subconsciously placed her hand over her stomach.

Eri! Come on! The room! Aaaaaahhhhh.

Mom and Mama Lily immediately turned to look at me.

I instinctively took a step back.

In a flash, Mama Lily was in front of me, patting my head.

At the same time, Mom stood in front of Eri, placing her hand over Eri's stomach. She concentrated for a bit and then gasped before pulling Eri into a hug. "Congratulations Eri!"

"T-Thank you, M-Mama Zenny..."

Oh good. So we're in the clear.

Mama Lily smiled at me and said, "Good job, Rudy. You did it in one go, unlike your father."

I frowned and said, "I'm not sure that's something I should be proud of." I paused and then said, "...And I guess it's a good thing I know how to keep it in my pants?"

Mama Lily nodded. "Yes. And that alcohol does not affect you. If you were anything like your father..."

I thought about that for a bit and then shuddered.

Yeah, no.

At that time, Eri rushed over and hid behind me.

Mom ran over and then stopped, pouting in front of me.

I pulled Eri around for a one-armed hug and then said, "The hug monster scares off even grown women, huh?"

Mom huffed and said, "I just like to hug people!"

Mama Lily nodded and said, "I understand, Zenny. But you must understand that it is dangerous with your assets."

Mom frowned and then grabbed her breasts, frowning. "Maybe I should reduce them. Paul likes them, but they have been getting in the way a bit..."

I cleared my throat and said, "I'm heading to work now. My students are probably tearing the academy down..." I glanced at Eri and then said, "Is it fine if I leave you hear with my moms?"

Eri playfully rolled her eyes and said, "Leaving me as soon as you're done with me, huh? What a husband you are..."

I kissed her and said, "Well, at least you know I'll come back?"

Eri blushed and then shoved me away. "Just go to work already, you pervert."

I laughed and then looked at Mom and Mama Lily. "It's fine if Eri stays here, right?"

Mom nodded. "Of course! Eri's our daughter now too!"

Mama Lily smiled. "Indeed. Eri is as much our child as you are now. And furthermore..."

Mom grabbed Eri's hand and said, "We have a lot to talk about!"

Eri blinked. "D-Do we?"

"Yes! Girl talk! So." Mom waved at me and said, "Run off now, Rudy!"

I laughed and said, "Alright. Then I'll see you guys later."

With one more wave, I walked off, heading towards the academy.

Now, the automated lectures and stuff should have been working.


...Pop quiz time.



At the Survey Corps HQ in Arcadia, Eos sat behind a desk, flipping through reports.

She had been worried about leaving those kids alone for so long, but it looked like they did well.

With Orsted and Pierre going around the world to fix the distortions, the Magic Continent's spatial-temporal flow had stabilized. Because of that, the Survey Corps were free to map everything.

And while the terrain and geography was still a giant jigsaw puzzle with various microclimates and dungeons, at the least they had a complete and updated map of the Magic Continent now.

That was a good thing. With that settled, Eos could begin working on the plans for building infrastructure.

Since the Magic Continent was both stabilized and mapped out, the next step of building supply lines and organizing territories could commence.

And that was Eos's forte. Logistics, economics, strategizing...

She had hoped she could do a bit of it for Father's weddings, but since she was denied, she could at least begin organizing affairs here in Arcadia.

So, with that decided, Eos sat back in her chair and leaned back, making herself comfortable.

Now, which of these would be the optimal pathing for merchant paths and roads...

At that time, the window opened and a gust of wind flew in. Right afterwards, Ena landed on the ground.

Eos sighed and then set her papers down. Looking at her sister, she said, "You could just use the door, Ena."

Ena folded up her wings and then brushed down the loose black tunic and pants she wore. After that, she turned towards Eos and said, "Sorry Eos. But I haven't gotten to fly for a while, so I was missing it. And monsters aren't attacking people in the air now, so it was a nice relaxing flight!"

Eos perked up and said, "Really? In that case, I might go flying in a bit too."

Ena clapped her hands and said, "That'd be great! We can go flying together!"

Eos smiled. "That would be nice. It's been a while now."

Ena walked over to an empty chair and sat down. After that, she unbuttoned the top of her tunic, letting out a relieved sigh.

Eos frowned and said, "You know we have uniforms that fit you, right?"

Ena nodded. "I know! But these help things from flopping when I fly."

Eos raised an eyebrow and said, "You could just wear wraps?"

Ena shuddered and said, "I... have a bit of trauma on wraps now, so..."

Ah. Right.

The 'grandfather' incident...

Ena walked over to the fridge in the corner of Eos's office and opened it, pulling out a bottle of strawberry milk. Afterwards, she sat back down in her chair and said, "Are we heading back soon, Eos? It's almost time for Mama Sylphy's wedding, right?"

Eos nodded. "It is. But we don't have much to do regardless. Since Grandma and Grandma Lily picked out enough dresses for all the weddings, we're fine just showing up dressed on the day of the wedding."

"Okay, Eos!" Ena smiled and then placed a straw in her strawberry milk. After that, she sat there and happily sipped on it.

Eos watched Ena for a bit and said, "By the way, Sister."

"Yes, Eos?"

"...When are you going to stop acting cutesy?"

Ena blinked and then laughed. "You noticed?"

Eos rolled her eyes. "Of course I noticed. I wouldn't be your sister if I didn't. And while Father has been tolerating it... isn't it shameful?"

Ena shrugged. "It's a little embarrassing. But people treat me nicer when I'm cute. And they underestimate too." She smiled and said, "It makes it easier to eliminate any pests after Daddy."

Eos sighed. "There haven't been any though, sadly..."

Ena pouted and said, "I know!" She slurped her strawberry milk and said, "Daddy got so strong that he scared off all the idiots... I wanted to beat more people up."

Eos raised an eyebrow and said, "And you haven't been beating up the idiots flirting with you?"

Ena shook her head. "If I do that, people won't think I'm cute and weak anymore, right?"

"...So you've just been taking advantage of that and messing with everyone? Like Rolo?"

Ena giggled. "Well, it's fun! And we DID need to take notes on everyone." She reached into her shirt and pulled out a small notebook. "So far, it looks like Mama Eris fits Daddy the best and keeps him grounded. Mama Sylphy is dangerous and desperately in love with Daddy, but it seems like he can control her." She flipped a page and said, "Rika is Rika. She's a good fit for Daddy because they work well, but I don't think Daddy likes her as much as the others..."

Eos nodded. "That's to be expected. Rika doesn't completely like Father as well because she still thinks about her former fiance."

"Mmhm! I think they'll eventually like each other though! And as for Mama Roxy..."

Eos frowned. "She's dangerous, right?"

Ena nodded. "Yep. I don't think she's a good fit for Daddy. She doesn't seem to get along as well with the other Mamas, and her personality is pretty strong too... but Daddy is a miracle worker, so it should work out."

"Hm..." Eos nodded. "We don't have to pull the needy daughters card then?"

"Probably not!" Ena smiled and then said, "Did I do good?"

"...Yes, though I could do without the cutesy act." Eos sighed and said, "No wonder the research team is wrapped around your fingers..."


Eos shook her head. "I can't fathom it."

Ena smiled. "Like I said, it's fun! Especially the reactions I get out of people like Cliff!"

Eos nodded. "Speaking of that guy-"

Ena blushed and said, "W-We won't!"


"W-We're not talking about him, okay?!"

Eos blinked. And then she smirked at her sister. "You really-"

"K busy bye!" With those words, Ena flew off, rushing back out the window.

Almost immediately after, the door opened and Ruijerd walked in.

Eos glanced over and said, "You heard all of that, didn't you?"

Ruijerd let out an apologetic smile and said, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

Eos waved her hand and then got out of her chair. "It's fine. You're family anyway, Uncle Ruijerd."

He smiled and said, "I'm honored."

"But what brings you here?" Eos frowned and said, "Is something wrong?"

"No. I just heard rumors from the Survey Corps that members of the Supard Tribe were found?"

"Ah, right." Eos nodded. "I just saw that. Give me a bit..." She picked up her papers and started flipping through. But then something caught her eye. "Hm?"

Ruijerd frowned. "Is something wrong?"

Eos shook her head. "No. But..." She pulled out the paper and slid it across the table. "The handwriting on this image... it's Father's, right?"

Ruijerd stared at the picture and frowned.

It was an ancient stone monument, degraded by time and almost crumbling. There were words written on it, a bit hard to read from the image alone. But from the little that could be read...

Ruijerd's frown deepened. "...There's no doubt. But..."

"Is this something Father made?"

Ruijerd picked up the paper and carefully looked at the monument. Afterwards, he shook his head and said, "I'll take a look. But for now, let's not inform Rudy just yet. Let him focus on his happy married life."

Eos nodded. "Alright. Then I'll leave it to Arcadia's General."

Ruijerd smiled.

"Anyway, here's the info about the Supard tribe member sightings. They've found a small displaced village somewhere around here..."

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