Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

184 – The Dreaming Bride’s Reality

184 – The Dreaming Bride’s Reality

Time passed in a blur, and then it was time for wedding number 2, Electric Bugaloo.

Well, it was time for the night before the wedding, at least.

Once again, I was gathered at the little bachelor pad I bought with the guys. Sadly, Eri's parents (my new in-laws) had gone home already because they had to take care of business back in the Strife Zone, and Ruijerd had some business in Arcadia.

Ruijerd at least would be back tomorrow. But as a result, the only people here were me, Dad, Laws, Orsted, Pierre, Cliff, Akito... and a couple of Sylphy's old adventurer friends.

The first adventurer was a guy named Soldat who had similar vibes to Dad. Blonde hair, a 'cool guy' vibe that was only reliable in a pinch.

The second adventurer was a reserved and kind-looking guy called Timothy.

Apparently, they were both leaders of some adventurer parties that Sylphy helped out by chance in the past.

And speaking of Sylphy's friends...

Soldat drained a mug of beer and then brushed aside his blonde bangs. Raising his mug towards me, he said, "I figured that the guy marrying Miss Sylphy had to be ridiculous, but I didn't expect this." He waved his hand around the group and then glanced over at Orsted and Pierre. Wiping off a sheen of sweat on his forehead, he said, "It's a pretty stacked crew here for the groom and his groomsmen, eh?"

Timothy nervously sipped on a glass of wine and said, "It's incredible. I'm honored to be here... but it's quite terrifying if I'm being honest."

Dad laughed and looked towards me. "See that kid? Finally, the respect I deserve!"

Pierre covered his face and said, "They're talking about Orsted, you idiot."

I watched the exchange and just smiled.

So these were the friends that Sylphy made, huh?

No, just two of them considering she was acquainted with their adventurer parties.

...It made me feel a bit upset that Sylphy had more friends than me.

Not that I wasn't her only friend, but that she somehow made more friends than me when I was surrounded by people.

Was this why they said the royal road was lonely...?

At that time, Orsted shook his head and said, "I apologize for the disturbance."

I waved my hand. "There's no need for that, Orsted." I smiled and said, "You're a great pal, so you've always got a place here."

You're also technically my only real pal, even if we barely hang out, so please don't go.

Laws nodded. "Indeed. You are an honored guest, Orsted, and we are happy to have you. However..." He frowned and said, "Is it fine to remain in Sharia for so long?"

Orsted scoffed and said, "The fools in the kingdom are attempting to isolate Princess Ariel by sending her to study in the Ranoa Magic Academy." He shook his head and said, "She is already registered to attend beginning next semester. As her journey is meant to conclude here, there is no harm in my lingering for a few festivities. Instead..." He glanced over to Cliff and said, "Is it fine for the future Pope of Milis to stay here?"

I paused and then said, "Right." I glanced over at Cliff and said, "Uh... is it fine for you to be celebrating a multiple marriage, Cliff?"

Timothy coughed and looked over at Cliff. "F-Future Pope?! You?!"

Cliff smiled and waved his hand. "It's nothing so grand. The one who bears the title of Pope is still a man in the end. But in any case." He looked at me and said, "There may be some squabbling, but there is no chance I would miss my future Father-in-law's weddings."

"F-Father-in-law?!?!" Timothy's eyes widened.

...I was getting the sense that Sylphy didn't tell her friends about me at all.

Soldat whistled and said, "Hot damn. We got ourselves a bigshot over here, huh?"

I shrugged. "It's complicated. But enough about me." I poured a few glasses of wine and handed one to Soldat and then Timothy. "How do you two know Sylphy again?"

...I wasn't jealous or paranoid or anything. Really. Just curious.


Soldat took the glass with a smile and said, "Miss Sylphy's helped out Stepped Leader a few times when she was in the Central Continent." He chuckled and said, "We tried to convince her to stay for a while, but she was crazy about finding her lost love in the distortions." He shook his head and said, "We told her that guy was probably dead, but she didn't give up." He paused and said, "Probably a good thing since she found you, eh?"

I frowned. "...Sylphy went through a lot, huh?"

I knew it from the scars and could infer from what she said, but she never went into great detail about it...

Soldat put on a serious expression and said, "You should be grateful. There aren't many women who would go through hell and back to find even a trace of her love's existence. Right Tim? I'm betting she did some crazy stuff when she was with you guys too."

Timothy nodded and said, "After helping us in the Northern Lands, we wanted to pay her back for saving Sara. But she just left to explore the distortions alone. And when she came back..." He frowned and shook his head. "Well, she came back. But... Rudy, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah?"

Timothy gave me a serious look and said, "Take good care of Miss Sylphy. She really went through a lot to find you."

Laws let out a deep sigh.

Dad nodded and muttered, "Sylphy always was a bit too serious for her own good..."

The atmosphere got a bit strange, so I took the time to pour myself a glass of wine.

...Wished it did something for me right now, but I suppose the thought counted. Maybe...

Akito cleared his throat and then glanced over at me. "Um, Rudy... Should I really be here?"

I nodded. "It's safer than anywhere else, so yeah."

"Well, I know that. But... I'm just an outsider, so it's a bit weird."

Soldat laughed and then clapped a hand on Akito's back. "Cheer up! Tim and I only knew Miss Sylphy for a bit, and we got invited. If anyone, we're the odd ones out. You're part of the groomsmen, so don't worry about it."

"...Right." Akito slowly nodded. But then he froze. Glancing at me, he said, "I-I'm not going to be the best man again, am I?"

Soldat paused. "...Again?"

Dad laughed and reached over to ruffle my head. "This kid's a bonafide lady killer. We're at two of four, you know?"

I sighed and brushed off Dad's hand. "That's not something you should be bragging about, Dad."

Soldat stared at me and then said, "Hey. Do you even love Sylphy?"

"Of course I do." I glared at him and said, "What's it to you?"

"Mm..." Soldat shrugged and said, "Fine. Not like I have any right to protest. Still..." He glanced at Timothy and said, "Not quite like how we thought Miss Sylphy would end up, right?"

Timothy nodded. "We thought she'd find her one true love. To hear that she's just one of four is..." He shook his head. "Well, she seems happy, at least?"

...I was going to get this reaction from people a lot, huh?

Pierre chimed in and said, "Enough chatting. We're here to drink and make merry, right? So let's get started."

Dad chuckled and said, "Never thought I'd hear that from you of all people, Pierre."

Pierre grabbed a bottle of champagne and cracked it open. After that, he said, "And I'd never thought I'd have to be contemplating this weird family tree either, so... Bottoms up!" He raised the bottle and took a deep swig.

Orsted chuckled. "I suppose we should enjoy ourselves then."

Soldat raised his glass and said, "I'll drink to that!"

...Alright, we're DEFINITELY skipping the next few of these...


Sylphy's room at the Greyrat home. There, Aisha, Rose, Rostelina, and Roxy were helping the bride with her last-minute preparations.

Adjusting the dress, tidying up her hair, rehearsing her vows.

And finally...

"I still can't believe this is real..."

Sylphy stared at her reflection in the full-length mirror in front of her.

Her silver hair had been done up in an intricate braided ponytail with a blue ribbon woven in. She wore a beautiful wedding gown with fluffy lace that looked like drifting snow. And then pristine white gloves covered her arms, hiding her scars.

Sylphy thought she looked like someone else. A real snow princess, like from the fairytales. Not her.

Reaching out to the mirror, she said, "Is this really me?"

Rose sniffed and then wiped away some tears. "It is! Our little Luffy is finally becoming a bride..." She sniffed again and said, "I'm so happy for you...!"

Rostelina smiled and walked over to fix the black choker around Sylphy's neck. "You look radiant, Sylphy. Believe it."

Sylphy let out a shy smile and lightly tugged at her choker. "...Really?"

She could see it, but Sylphy also knew it was just a cover up. Unlike Eri, Rika, or Roxy, her body was covered in scars. And while she was proud of them, at a time like this...

Roxy tightened a light blue sash around Sylphy's waist and then said, "Be confident, Sylphy. This isn't a dream, but reality."

Hearing that, Sylphy smiled and said, "Thanks, Roxy."

Roxy smiled back. "Don't thank me yet. I'm being nice now, but I'm not pulling anything when it's my turn."

Sylphy smiled and said, "Then I'll just make sure to do my best to make Rudy forget about you before then."

Roxy laughed, but her eyes were sharp.

Aisha sighed and said, "Stop messing with her, Roxy."

Roxy flinched and said, "R-Roxy? What happened to Big Sis?!"

Aisha smiled and said, "Well." She pointed at Sylphy and said, "Since she's actually getting married to Big Brother in a bit, she's my Big Sis now. You're just a family friend right now."

Roxy froze.

Rose giggled.

Rostelina laughed.

And then there was a knock at the door.

Sylphy glanced over and then smiled when she saw who was there. "You can come in, Papa."

The door opened and Laws walked inside. Wearing a tailored black suit with a blue pocket square and tie, he smiled and said, "It's almost time, Luffy."

Sylphy took a deep breath and turned towards him. "Alright, Papa."

Rostelina brushed herself off and then smiled at Sylphy. "We'll head off first then, Sweetie. Relax, and enjoy!"

Aisha waved at Sylphy and said, "Good luck, Big Sis!"

Rose hugged Sylphy and said, "We'll be watching!"

Roxy nodded and said, "See you soon."

After that, the girls left, leaving just Sylphy and her father.

At that time, Laws walked over and smiled. "You look beautiful, Luffy."

Sylphy walked forward and held out her right arm to her father. "Thanks, Papa."

Laws smiled and then hooked his left arm with Sylphy's.

Sylphy stepped close towards him and held his arm. After that, the two started walking towards the courtyard.

Sylphy's room was on the second floor, so there was still quite a bit to walk.

Enough time for Sylphy to reflect a bit on her life.

...Even though she was constantly reminded, she still couldn't believe this was reality. Not quite yet.

Maybe it would truly sink in at the altar. But right now, she just felt... giddy.


Sylphy blinked, drawn out of her thoughts. Glancing over, she saw her father staring at her with a serious face.

"Are you sure about this?"

Sylphy blinked and then said, "Sure about what?"

Laws hesitated and said, "I know you love Rudy. And I know Rudy loves you. But..." He sighed and said, "You have the blood of elves running through you. Though not quite as strong as my own, you will live far longer than a human will. And even if you have children..." He trailed off, unable to finish his words.

Sylphy blinked and then realized what her father was getting at. But then she smiled and said, "I'm thankful that you're worried, Papa. But I've already considered it. And I've talked to Rudy about it too."

Laws sighed. "You have. Of course you have... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. I am just worried about you."

Sylphy nodded. "I know Papa. But don't worry, Rudy already figured out how to live forever, so it doesn't matter."

"I know that it's going to be painful, but I'll always-" Laws froze, suddenly catching what Sylphy said. "Hold on. I must not have heard properly..."

Sylphy giggled and then put on a serious expression. Looking at her father, she said, "You know, Papa. By the time I met with Rudy again, my lifespan was already almost over. I could feel it."

Laws paused. "Luffy..."

Sylphy shook her head and let out a faint smile. "It wasn't anyone's fault. I selfishly and recklessly chose to dive into distortions and look every nook and cranny for Rudy and Stella." She laughed and said, "Still, I didn't think it would take so long." She reached up to rub her neck and said, "It's a strange feeling, you know? To not only know the end is near, but to feel it creep up on you." She slowly lowered her hand, placing it over her heart, and then said, "Death is a creeping chill. Slow, insidious, and colder than any ice or spell imaginable."

Laws started to tear up. "Luffy...!"

Sylphy brushed the tears from her father's eyes and said, "Don't cry, Papa. Like always, Rudy made a miracle, you know?" She giggled and said, "I was lucky enough to find him before the end, and he fixed me. Not only that..." She let out a sigh and said, "Even though I became a broken, twisted, and jaded woman, he still accepted me. And now I'm going to be his wife! So... I'm happy. Really."

Laws pulled Sylphy into a hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, Luffy. I swore to be there for you, to become the parent I never had, but...!"

Sylphy patted her father's back and said, "It's fine, Papa. This is how life plays out. And I'm happy." She smiled and said, "Every day is like the best dream. But more importantly... I think today is when I wake up."

Laws stepped back and wiped away his tears. After that, he said, "Wake up?"

Sylphy nodded. "Mmhm. Whether this is a dream or not, whether I'll wake up still in Rudy's arms or in the depths of a dark dungeon alone..." She placed her hands on her heart and said, "I'll accept it all after today."

Laws stared at Sylphy and then shook his head. "...You're strong, Luffy."

Sylphy smiled and then grabbed her father's left arm again. "We should get going, Papa."

"...Of course."

After that, the two continued on their way.

And as they reached the stairs, Laws said, "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, Sylphy."

"Don't be, Papa." She smiled and said, "You did your best as a Papa along with Mama. And, not to brag, but you're the reason I have one thing over the other girls, you know?"

Laws blinked. "Really? And what's that?"

Sylphy smiled and said, "You and Mama taught me what it means to love someone from the bottom of your heart."

Laws froze, and then he let out a warm smile.

Sylphy smiled back and then said, "Come on, Papa. They're waiting."

The two continued on their way. And then they arrived at the entrance to the courtyard.

Standing there, Laws took a deep breath and looked at Sylphy. "Are you ready, Luffy?"

Sylphy nodded.

"Then... it's time." Laws walked through the door, escorting Sylphy by his side.

Sylphy took a deep breath and then looked around as they crossed the doorway.

A beautiful scenery. Unlike Eri's wedding with marble and roses, teh courtyard was decorated with crystalline pillars and arches. Around those, wreathes of blue forget-me-not flowers were hung.

Looking around, Sylphy saw plenty of people. Familiar faces as well. But the moment she stepped onto the aisle paved in blue petals, she only had eyes for Rudy.

A fairytale prince. That was the only way she could describe him.

Was it because he wanted it to be like the times back then?

Unlike with Eri, Rudy's hair was the nostalgic light brown that Sylphy remembered. His eyes, the lovely emerald hue reminiscent of the grassy plains where they used to play together.

And then Sylphy was standing in front of him, hand in hand.

There was a priest talking, but Sylphy didn't hear him. Instead...


Rudy's voice echoed in her mind.

Sylphy smiled and shook her head. 'I'm happy.'

And she was.

A dream that she thought would remain just that until she reunited with him. Days that she still worried were dreams instead of reality every now and then.

But now that she stood there, looking into Rudy’s eyes. She felt like she had finally woken up. That this was reality, and not another fake.

Realizing that, Sylphy smiled. A weight she carried for countless years was fading.

Rudy held a ring in his right hand. A beautiful intertwined silver and gold, just like the tree back at their home before the distortions began. And atop a crown of golden leaves, a forget-me-not carved out of a glittering blue gemstone.

Smiling at her, Rudy slipped the ring onto Sylphy's left finger and said, "With this ring, I vow to bring you love and happiness. For now, for the future, and forever."

It was different than what he said to Eri. Something subtle that people who didn't may much attention to words would miss.

But she didn't.

A ‘pledge’ was on one’s honor or duty.

But a ‘vow’ was sacred.

Sylphy sniffed and then said, "I accept this ring."

Motions that she had envisioned before. Dreams that she had repeated in her head multiple times.

The priest handed Sylphy a ring as well and prompted her to make her vows.

Sylphy took it and glanced at the ring.

A ring modeled after a golden dragon, one clutching a pure white diamond. Something that she crafted long ago and held onto ever since she set off to find Rudy.

Unlike Rudy's ring, hers was old. Although gold, it was a bit faded and marred from time.

Even so...

Suppressing the anxiety in her heart that the dream would end like it had countless times in the past, Sylphy slipped the ring on Rudy's left finger and pledged. "With this ring, I vow to love you for now and always. No matter the time, no matter the place…" She pulled his hand up against her chest and closed her eyes, trembling. "...Even if you don't remember me. Even if this is a dream. I'll remember you, Rudy. Because I love you. Always."


For a moment, Sylphy was afraid to open her eyes.

But then she heard the priest speak. "You may kiss the bride."

Sylphy opened her eyes.

Rudy was standing there, a teary-eyed smile on his face. But he shook his head and then stepped forward, pulling Sylphy close.

Sylphy leaned forward, but before he kissed her, she whispered, "This isn't a dream, right? I... won't wake up?"

Rudy smiled. "Even if this is a dream, I'm taking you back with me. So..." He kissed her.

Sylphy's eyes widened and then she closed her eyes, holding Rudy tight.

Unlike the kisses they had before, this was chaste. Pure. But maybe because of that, Sylphy felt it was different. Real.

The crowd cheered.

Sylphy opened her eyes and saw Rudy staring at her with a smile.

And then he suddenly scooped her up into his arms.


Rudy smiled and then looked out at the crowd. "Sorry, but we're skipping the reception."

Sylphy gasped and said, "W-Wait! You can't do that, Rudy!"

Rudy grinned at her. "I can, and I will. Now." He looked around and said, "Thanks for coming, everyone! Enjoy the food!"

"Wait, Rudy-!"

The next thing Sylphy knew, the surroundings blurred, and Rudy had whisked her away to somewhere else.


Paul laughed. "Well I'll be damned. Rudy actually went through with it."

Zenith glared at Paul and said, "Did you know about this?"

Paul grinned. "Course I did. The kid and I planned it in secret last night. Can't make the wedding the same for every girl, right?"

Zenith frowned and said, "That's... true. But-"

Paul waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it, Honey. Now..." He walked into the center of the courtyard and flicked a nearby pillar.

A loud ringing echoed, bringing the chaotic area to silence.

After that, Paul said, "You heard my son, right? As much as it'd be great to give blessing to the bride and groom, it seems they're in a rush to give us grandkids-"


"So enjoy yourselves and the food- Owowowowo!"

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