Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

186 – Turning Point 3

186 – Turning Point 3

The day after Sylphy's wedding, while the kids were already out of the house, the adults were sitting around the living room enjoying a light breakfast.

Paul, Zenith, Lilia, Laws, Rose, and Eri were seated around the kitchen table.

Paul was on one side, with Zenith on his right and Lilia on his left, while Laws, Rose, and Eri were on the other side in that order.

Paul took a look around the room and then chuckled as he grabbed a piece of freshly baked bread. "That kid is hard at work again, huh?"

Zenith elbowed Paul and then glanced over at Eri.

Paul winced and then cleared his throat. "Er... Sorry."

Eri picked up a spoon and then stirred the bowl of soup in front of her, blowing on it to cool it down. After that, she looked at Paul and smiled. "Don't worry about it, Paul. We're all family anyway... and it's not like it's news to me."

Laws flinched and looked over. "P-Pardon?!"

Rose looked over as well and said, "Y-Yes. What do you mean by that, Eri?"

Eri blinked and then started to turn red. "N-Nothing!" She grabbed a piece of bread from the basket and then started eating.

Paul laughed and said, "What Eri's saying is that Luffy actually takes after her grandmother a lot- OW!"

Lilia lifted her heel from Paul's foot and then looked towards Rose. After that, she bowed her head and said, "Thank you for preparing breakfast for us, Rose."

Rose smiled. "You're welcome, Lily. You and Zenny were hard at work cleaning everything after last night, so it was the least I could do." She paused and then sighed. "Though I wish I could have congratulated Luffy this morning..."

Eri dipped a piece of her bread into the soup and took a bite. After that, she said, "You should hold your congratulations for when they get back, Miss Rose."

"Hm?" Rose looked over and said, "I plan to... but why?" She tilted her head and said, "Am I missing something?"

Eri shook her head. "No. Just that Sylphy will definitely be pregnant when she and Rudy come back."

Rose frowned. "And how can you be sure about that."

Eri blushed.

Laws cleared his throat and said, "P-Perhaps that is not the best question to ask, Rose..."

Rose blinked and then turned a bright red. "Y-Yes! A-Apologies..."

Eri coughed and said, "A-Anyway, this bread is delicious, Miss Rose!"

"T-Thank you..."

Zenith smiled and then let out a soft sigh. "It's nice that we could sit together and have breakfast like this. Though I wish that Hilda and Philip were here too..."

Paul wrapped an arm around Zenith and then said, "Don't worry, Zenny. We can have a big get together after all the weddings." He laughed and said, "It's going to be a huge crowd though at the rate Rudy's going."

Lilia smiled and said, "That is a good thing. A lively house creates a warm atmosphere, after all."

Zenith nodded. "I agree! Especially with all the kids that will be around soon!" She placed her hands on her cheeks and let out a content sigh. "So many cute babies to hug and take care of..."

Rose smiled. "I think so too." She let out a soft sigh and said, "It's been wonderful helping Mother-in-law take care of little Lunaria."

"Ooh!" Zenith sat up and said, "Is she cute? I haven't had a chance to visit Lina recently."

Rose nodded. "Lunaria is adorable. Very precocious too."

Zenith sighed. "It makes me wish I had more time to dote on Stella when she was a cute baby..."

Laws frowned and then looked over at Paul. "Why don't you and Zenny have another child?"

"Hey." Paul crossed his arms and said, "It's not like I haven't tried, alright? Ain't that easy. You know how hard it is, right?"

Laws coughed and then looked away, his ears red. "I-I suppose that's true."

Rose blushed as well and then looked away too.

Eri groaned and said, "Could we stop talking about sex at the breakfast table?"

Paul nodded. "That's absolutely right." He smacked his hand on the table and said, "This is a Milis-friendly household, dammit."

Zenith snorted.

Paul looked at her and said, "What? It's true! Hell, even the Pope's trying to marry into the family, you know?"

Zenith rolled her eyes and then looked towards Laws and Rose. "Are you two heading home any time soon?"

Laws shook his head. "There's nothing back for us in the Central Continent, so we've been thinking about finding a place near here."

Rose nodded. "Yes. And we would love to be involved in our grandchildren's lives. Ah, and Laws' new baby sister as well."

Paul's eyes lit up. "Oooh, right! Lina's kid WOULD be your sister. And then since Sylphy married Rudy... Hm." He frowned. "Wait, that would technically make Lina my mother-in-law through marriage? Ugh, I get what Pierre meant about complicated family tree now..."

Zenith stared at Paul and then decided to ignore him. Instead, she looked at Laws and said, "Have you found a home yet then?"

Laws shook his head. "I've got a bit saved up, but right now we're staying with Mother and Father-in-law."

Paul shuddered and then looked at Laws. "You call Pierre your father-in-law?"

Laws smiled and said, "Funny. You have the exact reaction Pierre did when I called him that."

Paul shuddered again.

Lilia hummed and then looked at Zenith. "That reminds me, Zenny." She looked at Paul next and said, "Since Rudy is married and starting his own family, we should begin looking for our own home, should we not?"

Paul raised his hand to his chin. "Mm... that's a good point. We're all adults now, so it's a bit awkward... What about the kids though?"

Zenith blinked. "...We're talking about the kids."

Paul waved his hand and said, "I mean Aisha, Norn, and Stella." He frowned and said, "It'll be awkward for them staying around too, right?"

Lilia shook her head and said, "They will be fine. Since they attend Ranoa Magic Academy, they already primarily reside in the dorms."

Paul nodded. "True. But there's still Stella, isn't there?"

Zenith puffed her cheeks and said, "I want my baby girl to come live with us. But she's really attached to her big brother..."

Lilia smiled. "Well, Rudy did raise her up to be a fine young girl by himself. I'm sure Stella practically sees Rudy as her father after all they've been through."

Paul stood up and said, "But what about me?! I'm her real dad!"

Zenith pulled him back down and said, "Stop acting so childish. Your son has already grown up and grandchildren are on the way. Man up, Husband."

Paul paused to think of that and then slowly nodded. "Right. That's a good point." He smiled and then pumped his fist in the air. "Since cool Dad is a lost cause, I'll become the cool grandpa! Better than that old geezer Sauros, at least!"

Eri pointed at Paul and said, "Hey! Grandpa was alright! Just..." She paused and said, "...A little unstable and violent."

Paul blinked. "A *little*?"

Eri blushed and then went back to eating.

There was a comfortable silence as everyone ate for a bit.

But after Paul finished eating, he slid his bowl forward and then stood up.

Zenith looked over and said, "What are you doing?"

Paul stretched and then said, "House hunting. The sooner, the better, right?"

Lilia got up as well and said, "Then I will come with you. Considering your lack of money sense, I worry about the properties you will choose..."

Paul frowned and said, "...Good point. But I'm a Sword God, you know? Not like anyone's going to try to cheat me."

Lilia shook her head. "Never underestimate the stupidity of people in the face of greed."

"...And this is why I love you, Lily." Smiling, Paul reached over and gave Lilia a quick kiss on the cheeks.

Zenith rolled her eyes and said, "And THAT is why Rudy is the way he is, Husband."

Paul leaned back and let out a nervous chuckle.

Zenith shook her head and then looked at Lilia. "Keep an eye on our idiot, alright Lily?"

Lilia nodded. "You can count on me, Zenny. Then please keep an eye on our cute new daughter-in-law."

Eri blushed and then said, "I-I can take care of myself, you know!"

Zenny laughed and said, "Just let us spoil you, Eri."

Laws stood up and then turned towards Paul. "Well, if you are leaving, I will join you. Since we are staying, I need to go find a new occupation in any case, so I would like to take a look at the local adventurer parties."

Paul's eyes lit up. "That's a good idea. Though, maybe I should revive the Fangs of the Black Wolf. There's a lot of dungeons around, so I bet we'd make a killing."

Laws walked over to Paul and said, "If you do, I'd be honored to work with you."

"Please, Laws. We all know you're the one who'd be saving my sorry behind from traps with how good your eyes are."

"You said it, not me."

With those words, Paul, Lilia, and Laws left.

Rose stood up and started collecting the dishes. "I'll get started on cleaning up, Zenny."

Zenith smiled. "Thanks, Rose."

After that, it was just Eri alone with Zenith.

Zenith walked around to sit next to Eri and then said, "How have you been feeling, Eri?"

Eri shrugged and grabbed another piece of bread. "I've been feeling fine. A bit hungrier than usual, but nothing else. I mean... I did miss 'that,' but I already knew it was coming. Or not coming."

Zenith shook her head. "That's good to hear, but I'm not asking about that. I mean about Sylphy and Rudy."

Eri paused for a moment and then silently ate her bread. After another moment, she said, "I've accepted it." She sighed and said, "My husband is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve." She frowned and said, "Although it's a bit upsetting that pieces of it were given out to other women, we all love Rudy, and Rudy loves all of us." She ate another piece of bread and then said, "It'll be weird getting used to it all, but we'll make it work."

Zenith sighed and pulled Eri in for a hug. "I'm sorry, Eri. All of this happened because we didn't teach Rudy enough. It really should have just been you and Sylphy..."

Eri smiled. "It's fine. Rudy is Rudy. And besides. Um..." She glanced over at Rose and then gestured for Zenith to lean forward.

Zenith blinked and then did as Eri asked.

Leaning close to Zenith's ear, Eri whispered, "Rudy can keep going for days on end, so I think it's better if we have more people..."

Zenith leaned back in shock, her face turned red. "Oh my! Really? My little Rudy?"

Eri coughed, her face turning red too. "W-Well, he's certainly not little..."

Zenith fanned her face.

Eri coughed and said, "A-Anyway..." She placed her hand over her belly and said, "Is there anything I should know about being pregnant? I asked my mom, but she said she didn't really pay much attention and just waited until it was over..."

Zenith's eyes lit up. "Right! We should talk about that!" She nodded and said, "First, it's important to stay a little active and eat right. You should also avoid certain foods, like undercooked meat and fish..."


An ancient monument that stood weathered by time. One that was more than a few millennia old.

And upon this monument, there was a towering tablet, crumbling but intact.

Rika stood in front of that tablet and stared at it with her Demon Eyes. For a moment, her irises and pupils shifted through every color of the rainbow. But then she put on a pair of glasses, and they returned to a plain violet hue.

"This is definitely a few thousands of years old. Everything from the stone to the writing."

After saying that, Rika turned around.

She wasn't alone. Since this was an important matter for Arcadia as a whole, Eos, Ena, and Ruijerd were there as well, along with a squadron of the White Knights.

Ruijerd walked over to the tablet and frowned, scanning it up and down. "...Could it be Magic God Laplace, like you suspected?"

Rika shook her head. "I had thought so. But it cannot be." She looked at the tablet and frowned. "This writing and the lingering mana signature is definitely Rudy's. But it is also slightly different." She frowned and then said, "I just cannot pinpoint why."

Ena raised her hand and said, "Is it from a distortion then?"

Rika shook her head. "No. I have seen plenty of items from distortions, and they all have a hazy mana signature." She turned back towards the tablet and frowned. "This does not." She stepped forward and placed her hand on it. "...It is definitely something from this world. And though it traveled through time, it did so in the normal course of it."

Eos used a recording device to take a few images of the altar and the tablet. Afterwards, she looked at Rika and said, "Should we tell Father?"

Rika hummed and then started gathering up her mana.

Ruijerd's eyes widened and he held out his hand, "Rika-"

Rika waved him down. "It's fine."

A faint violet light spread from Rika to the tablet.

Everyone grew tense, waiting.

And then nothing happened.

Ruijerd let out a sigh.

Rika smiled and said, "See? It's safe. And with that, we have confirmed that it is an ordinary stone tablet."

Ruijerd frowned and said, "Even so, that was unnecessarily reckless." He crossed his arms and said, "You are getting married soon."

Rika waved her hand and said, "We all know that the marriage is mostly a political move than for love. Even if something were to happen to me, the formality of it is sufficient."

Ruijerd frowned. "...I think Rudy would disagree."

"Well, my word is final until he is here. Now." Rika turned back to look at the tablet and said, "I cleaned it up a bit. Look at this and tell me what you all see."

A message written in stone and from thousands of years in the past. Something related to Rudy, with his handwriting as well.

Everyone stepped forward to take a closer look.

As they did, Rika crossed her arms and read the words on the tablet... at least the few that she managed to restore.


My name is Rudeus Greyrat.

I leave this tablet behind as a record of what once was and what will come to be after my choice.

In the beginning...


Rika frowned and stared at the tablet. But as much as she did, the fact that the words after 'beginning' were worn out didn't change.

Eos shook her head and then looked over at Rika. "Do you suppose this is something Father intended? Or a leftover from one of his experiments?"

"That would be wonderful if true. But..." Rika looked at the tablet again and frowned. "Something about this feels off."

It was similar to looking at a slightly distorted reflection. Although it seemed 'normal,' Rika felt that something about it was off. That it didn't belong.

"...For now, keep guard around this site." Rika spun around and said, "We will inform Rudy after everything is settled."

Eos saluted Rika. "Understood."

Ena nodded. "Got it, Rika!"

"Yes, yes." Rika waved them off and said, "Now, you two have yet to find a proper formal gown, have you? Don't waste time dawdling here and hurry off to the tailors already."

Eos nodded. "Then I'll head off first." After that, she spread her wings and flew off.

"A-Ah!" Ena ran after her and then spread her wings too. "Wait for me!"

That just left Rika, Ruijerd, and the White Knights.

Of course, as true professionals, the White Knights immediately set out to secure the perimeter and set up camp.

Since that was the case, Rika took some time to stare at the tablet some more.

And then Ruijerd called out. "Are you certain about this marriage, Rika?"

Rika blinked and then turned to look at Ruijerd. "What do you mean?"

Ruijerd frowned and then said, "I know that the circumstances are different now... but Kishirika Kishirisu loved Badigadi. Do you not still hold him in your heart?"

Rika was silent for a moment. But then she said, "While I adore my former fiance, this is how demon royalty works." She smiled and said, "The strong take all, and the weak flock to the strong. My marriage to Rudy is a matter of course. And, while it would be a lie if I said I loved Rudy as deeply as his other wives... I am still quite fond of him."

Ruijerd smiled. "I see."

Rika nodded. "Mm. Seeing that boy grow up to become a competent ruler, working alongside him to raise a kingdom soon to be an Empire... It's quite pleasant. Furthermore, he has a decent face, possesses wisdom... most of the time. And almost foolishly cares for people he shouldn't concern himself with... like myself." She looked at Ruijerd and said, "It would be hard to find a better husband, no?"

Ruijerd chuckled. "I suppose that's true. But... good." He smiled and said, "I just wanted to make sure." Putting on a serious face, he said, "At this point, both of you are essential to Arcadia... and both of you are my dear friends. I wouldn't want either of you to be unhappy."

Rika waved her hand and said, "Even if I start unhappy, I'll find a way to make us both happy."

Ruijerd laughed and said, "Of course. What else should I expect from the Mistress of Solutions?"

Rika blushed and said, "Do not call me by that title!"

Ruijerd chuckled. But then he paused and said, "On a different note... have you seen your other self recently?"

Rika paused. "Kishirika? ...No, I have not."

"Strange." Ruijerd frowned. "It's been a while since anyone has seen her around. And there also have not been any sightings of Badigadi."

Rika waved her hand. "It is probably nothing." She sighed and said, "My younger self and Badigadi have always been the adventurous sort. I'm certain they are simply roaming the land on some adventure or another. But enough about that." She smiled and said, "Let us discuss you, Ruijerd."

Ruijerd blinked and pointed at himself. "Me?"

Rika nodded. "Yes. Is there any maiden who has caught your eye?"

Ruijerd shook his head. "No." He paused and said, "With Rudy's weddings, I had considered searching, but now that I know there are survivors of the Supard, it's no longer a priority."

Rika waved her hand. "Forget about your tribe. I am discussing Ruijerd as an individual." She frowned and said, "With all the women looking up to you, surely one has caught your eye?"

Ruijerd chuckled and said, "They're all children to me, Rika. And I'm content with remaining single until the end of my life." He smiled and said, "The knights and my disciples carry my legacy, so I'm content."

Rika frowned. "...Tch. I suppose I will need to work harder to play matchmaker."


Rika shook her head and said, "Come. There are quite a few preparations left before the wedding." She walked off and said, "We still need to complete the Magic Continent unification under Lord Rudras's banner. There is also preparing the magic formations to broadcast the ceremony."

So much to do, so little time...

But such was the life of a Demon Empress.


At a small beach on the shore of the Ringus Ocean, a tall man stood, gazing off into the sea. He stood there, one pair of arms folded while his other two pairs rested behind him.

Badigadi, the Demon Lord of Immortality and Wisdom.



A young female voice called out from behind, followed by the sound of footsteps across the sand.

Badigadi turned around and then grinned when he saw who it was. "So you came, Kishirika."

Kishirika stumbled across the sand before landing with a plop in front of Badigadi. She flipped herself back on her feet and then hugged Badigadi. "Of course!" She looked up and grinned. "You asked, so I came! That's what a fiancee is for!"

Badigadi nodded and then patted her head. After that, he turned to look at the sea with a somber expression and muttered, "I'm sorry."

Kishirika frowned. "For what, Badi?"

Badigadi was silent, and then he said, "We have to do one more favor for that man."

Kishirika froze and then shook her head. "No! I hate it! I don't want to!"

Badigadi nodded. "I know. But after this, that man promised to set us free."

Kishirika hesitated. "...How do you know it's real?"

"That man swore on his godhood, so it should be."

"Really?" Kishirika perked up and then said, "Alright. Then... I guess we can help this last time. But what did that man ask for?"

"Retrieving the Fighting God Armor."

Kishirika flinched. "That scary thing?! For what?!"

Badigadi sighed and said, "For a great 'ally' who can use it the best against the monster that will devour this world."

Kishirika paused to think about it. But then she gasped and said, "Are you talking about that handsome bastard? The one that hag is marrying?"

Badigadi nodded. "Yes. Rudeus Notus Greyrat... The thought of that man sends my blood boiling." He chuckled and said, "I'm extremely curious about his strength... but it seems that we are not meant to clash. Now." Badigadi held Kishirika in his arms and started walking into the ocean. "You may die a few times, Kishirika, but I am counting on your eyes."

Kishirika nodded. "It's fine, Badi! I trust you!"

"Then... Let us begin."

Badigadi kicked off the ground and dove into the ocean.


The Chaos Breaker, the floating castle sailing across the endless sky.

There, Perugius quietly sat on his throne.

A man with a fox mask and golden hair knelt before Perugius. "Preparations are nearing completion, Lord Perugius. 'That man' who offered his assistance has informed us that the Fighting God Armor will be arriving shortly."

Perugius nodded. "That is good to hear, Arumanfi."

Arumanfi hesitated and then looked up at Perugius. "...Not to doubt your judgment, Lord Perugius. But should we trust that man?"

Perugius shook his head. "No. That man is clearly using us. But regardless, we share a common enemy." He raised his gaze and looked off into the distance. "I have confirmed Laplace's revival, and I have confirmed that he had sided with Orsted. I know not why... but regardless, I will kill him."

"...Laplace? Or-"

"Both, if necessary." Perugius's eyes narrowed and he said, "I will eliminate Laplace. And this time, I will raze the Magic Continent to the ground to prevent his revival."

"...Is that why you seek the Fighting God Armor, Lord Perugius?"



Perugius narrowed his eyes and said, "You seem against this."

Arumanfi nodded. "I and the others worry. That armor drains the user's life energy and mana. Though we do not doubt your capacity, Lord Perugius-"

Perugius laughed.

Arumanfi flinched.

Perugius smiled and said, "Worry not. I am not foolish enough to don the armor without preparation. Nor am I fool enough to be devoured by a mere tool."

Arumanfi stared at Perugius for a while and then nodded. "As your will."

Perugius nodded. "You are dismissed."

Arumanfi vanished, fading into a streak of golden light.

Perugius stared off into the distance.

...One year. That should be sufficient to dismantle and refine the Fighting God Armor. After that...

"...It will all finally end."

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