Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

187 – Bringing the Second Wife Home

187 – Bringing the Second Wife Home

Three days and four nights blurred together as I gave Sylphy a lifetime's worth of loving memories.

...Emphasis on 'loving.'

And at the end of it all...

Sylphy let out a content sigh and placed her hand over her belly. "To think that the fruit of our love is growing here..."

Right. Sylphy got pregnant too. Though, it would have been strange for her not to with all that we did.

I walked around to open some windows while I let Sylphy relax on a chair in the living room.

The air was kind of... yeah. We needed ventilation, and also a lot of clean up after making those memories.

Sylphy wasn't in any shape to do that, so I walked around to clean things up.

A bit of wind magic to clear out the air, some water magic to scrub places down...

And then I was done, and the house was squeaky clean.

...Well, unless you looked at it with a UV light, but those didn't exist here, so it should be fine.

Anyway, I glanced over at Sylphy and saw that she was still sitting there, a silly smile on her face as she held her belly.

Seeing that, I smiled too and said, "You seem happy, Sylphy."

"Of course!" Sylphy got up and then ran over to hug me. "Why wouldn't I be?" She squeezed me tight and then said, "It's real now. We're a family."

I hugged her back and then said, "We've always been family. Now we'll just have a family of our own."

Sylphy smiled and then grabbed my right hand. She slid it down over her belly and then looked up at me, smiling. "Which would you rather have, Rudy? A son, or a daughter?"

"I would love either one. But since Rolo is here, I think it'd be nice to have a daughter."

Sylphy nodded. "Me too! While I'd love to have a son as handsome as you, I think a cute baby girl would be fun to spoil."

I kissed Sylphy on the cheek and said, "It'd be nice if she was as cute as her mama too."

Sylphy giggled. "Well, I'll try my best? Oh! But what about a name then?"


On the spot again?!


I placed my hand on my chin to think, pretending to be calm.

But on the inside...

Alright, come on. A name, a name...

Rudy... Sylphy...

Ah! There.

"What about Ru- I mean, Lucille? The 'Lu' is from my name, and the 'Cille' would be from yours?"

Sylphy leaned against me and traced her finger on my chest, humming. "That's a pretty name... But what if it's a boy?"

"Knowing my luck, it's probably not."

By this point, I was sure that the Greyrat bloodline was the butt of the universe's jokes, so the most funny outcome would come true.

And clearly that would be giving a guy like me a bunch of princesses to wrap me around their fingers after marrying so many beautiful and competent women.

Sylphy giggled and said, "True." She reached up to poke my forehead and said, "The world will definitely punish a bad man like you with the most precious baby girl."

I chuckled. "I've accepted my fate already. But a son, huh?"

Since this was a different timeline with different events, it was unlikely that my son would end up to be Roland. Or rather, 'Sieg' as he was born in the other timeline.

Well, unless there were convergent points across different timelines with lives and stuff.

I think that my presence breaks even that though, so better to not get expectations up.

Anyway, if I did have a son...

Sylphy hummed and said, "Should we name him Roland as well?"

I shook my head. "Absolutely not. Naming children after heroic spirits is asking for trouble."

Considering the multiverse existed, and considering past precedents, I would rather not have my son whisked away because he happened to be named after a famous hero.

Sylphy frowned. "Well, what do you have in mind then?"

I paused to think about that a bit.

A son... Would he look like me?

No, seeing Roland, he would likely take after Sylphy more. And I'd bet that he'd probably be just as beloved by the wind too.

So in that case...


Sylphy blinked and then giggled.

I felt my face heat up and said, "What?"

"You're surprisingly bad at name, aren't you, Rudy?"

I frowned and said, "It's a great name."

"Oh, I agree! Just..." She giggled and said, "It's clearly inspired from my name, isn't it?"

I paused.

Sylphy... Zephyr...

...Okay, I could see the logical jump there.

Sylphy giggled and then reached out, tracing a heart on my chest. "It's fine. Zephyr or Lucille... both are good names." She paused and then let out a sigh. "I'm envious of Eri though." She frowned and said, "I only get to give you one child this time..."

"Well, it's hard for elves or part-elves to have children anyway, right? Don't worry about it."

Sylphy giggled and said, "Oh I'm not worried. I'll just have to try that much harder next time!"

I subconsciously scanned the house at those words.

...I don't think it's physically possible for you to try harder, Sylphy...

Sylphy reached up to stretch and then reached into the air to pull out a fresh white dress to wear. After that, she paused and looked at her wedding gown, tossed aside and covered in stains.

I noticed and coughed, averting my gaze.

Sylphy giggled. "Don't worry, Rudy. I'll clean it up later." She kissed me and said, "Let me wash up quick and then we can head back, okay?"

"...If you say so."

Sylphy smiled and then walked towards the bathroom.

Since she would probably take a while, I decided to step outside for some fresh air.

And when I did, I saw a familiar face.

At first, I thought it was Mom. But then I saw that her build was a bit different, more toned and slim... both in terms of muscle and up top.

And then I realized that it was actually my aunt.

I lowered the barriers around the house and walked towards her. "Aunt Therese?"

Aunt Therese flung up her hands and said, "Finally!" She shook her head and then pointed at me. "You! Nephew!"


Therese stomped her foot and said, "Why didn't you invite me to your wedding?"

"Huh?" I blinked and said, "I did invite you though?"

I had been wondering why she wasn't around, but I figured she was just busy dealing with the stuff Cliff left behind.

"Yes, but no one picked me up! How am I supposed to head from Milishion to the Central Continent in less than a week?!"



Not everyone could teleport or knew about the Anywhere Doors.

...Why did Cliff not just bring her along though...?

Hm. Maybe he was being considerate in his own way?

Aunt Therese sighed and said, "Anyway... Congratulations." She walked up and then gave a hesitant pat on my shoulder. "...While I can't be completely sincere as you're marrying multiple women, I wish you the best regardless."

I smiled. "Thanks, Auntie. It means a lot."

Aunt Therese smiled. "You're welcome! After all, Miko's been writing about how well you're taking care of her, so it's the least I can do. ...Not to mention that Sis will beat me up otherwise."

"...Is that why you've been avoiding visits?"

"O-Of course not." Aunt Therese shifted her gaze and said, "L-Like I said, it's difficult for an ordinary paladin like me to travel to the Central Continent..."


"W-What? It's true!"

"I believe you, Auntie."

"Rudy?" Sylphy called out and then walked out of the house. "Did you step out for some- Oh!" She smiled at Aunt Therese and said, "Hello! You're... Rudy's aunt, right?"

Aunt Therese waved and said, "Hello to you too. Sylphy, right? Congratulations!"

Sylphy smiled. "Thank you!"

Aunt Therese looked back at me and said, "Anyway... You two are here for your honeymoon, right? Will you be around for a while? If so, Mother and Father would like to meet you."


I totally forgot that I had living grandparents on Mom's side.

I probably should meet them, but...

I shook my head and said, "Another time. We've actually just finished up here, and I'm heading back for another wedding in a few days, and then another the week after."

Aunt Therese's eyes widened. "Really?" She paused and then said, I suppose it is the season for weddings. And attending a friend's wedding is important..."

I coughed.

Aunt Therese paused and then looked at me. "...It's a friend's wedding, right?"

Sylphy giggled.

I averted my gaze.

Aunt Therese blinked and then made the sign of a cross over her chest. After that, she clicked her tongue and said, "I knew that Asuran Thug was a terrible influence..."


Aunt Therese waved her hand. "Well, it's fine." She pointed at me and said, "Don't forget about me this time, okay? Even if we're not that close, we're still family. I'll attend your wedding, even if it may go against Milis doctrine."

"I'll remember, Auntie."

Aunt Therese nodded and then said, "I'll head back to work then. Congratulations again!" After one more wave, she left.

Sylphy watched where Aunt Therese left and then said, "She's nice."

"She is... Though I see where the spunk in the family comes from now."

Sylphy blinked. "Spunk?"

"Yeah. You know, how Mom can get a bit feisty when she gets mad at Dad, and how Norn and Stella can get a bit of a short fuse and hold grudges."

"Oh! I can see that." Sylphy nodded. "...I thought they just got that from you though? When you were younger-"

I coughed, feeling my face heat up. "W-We don't talk about my younger days, okay?"

"But you were cute!"

"I-It's getting late, so let's get going." I held out my left arm for Sylphy.

Sylphy giggled and wrapped her arms around it before stepping close. "Fine~ I'll let you change the subject..."

"Love you."

"Love you more!"

I smiled and then focused back on the courtyard in my house at Sharia. Then, in a single step, we were back.

And met by the sight of Eri screaming, tossing a bucket of clothes in the air, and then instinctively flinging a boot at my face.

I caught it and then scratched the back of my head. "Um... sorry to scare you, Eri?"

Eri caught the bucket and the clothes before they fell to the ground. After setting it down, she huffed and said, "Sheesh! Let us know before you come back like that! It's bad for the babies to scare me!"

I flinched and then immediately hopped into the Greyrat forgiveness pose number 1, slamming my head on the ground. "I'm so sorry, Eri. Please forgive me. I won't do it again."

"H-Hey! Ugh!" Eri walked over and pulled me up. "Why do you always jump to extremes, idiot?!"

I hugged her and said, "Are you okay? Are the kids?"

A quick look and scan made it seem like they were okay, but...

"I'm fine! And do a bit more thinking! Sylphy's right there!"

I flinched and stepped back, looking at Sylphy.

Thankfully, Sylphy just giggled and shook her head. But after that, she walked over to Eri and said, "Sorry about that, Eri. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Eri puffed out her chest and said, "Me and the kids are made of tough stuff! But still, Rudy shouldn't be making a habit of stuff like that."

"Mmhm!" Sylphy smiled and said, "I'll remind him."

Watching them interact, I suddenly realized what Dad had been going through since he married Lilia.

...Right. In a relationship like this, I was often going to be outnumbered, wasn't I...?

"Anyway!" Eri hugged Sylphy and said, "Congratulations, Sylphy!"

Sylphy flinched. But then she let out a bright smile and hugged Eri back. "Thank you, Eri! It's only one though, so you win..."

"Eh?" Eri stepped back, confused. But then she gasped and said, "You're pregnant too! I mean, I should have expected it, but congratulations!"

"O-Oh. I thought you were talking about that already... But thanks?"

Eri pulled Sylphy into another hug and said, "You're welcome! And no talking about winning or losing." She stepped back and placed her hands on Sylphy's shoulders. "We're one big family now, remember? And there's proof now that you and Rudy love each other... so no more getting worried, okay?"

Sylphy blinked and then started tearing up. After that, she pulled Eri into a hug and said, "Eri! I'm sorry! You're such a great person!" Sylphy started sniffing and then broke down into a full-on sob.

"H-Hey! Stop that! Personal boundaries! A-And this isn't something to cry about! R-Rudy! Get over here and help your wife! Both of them!"

I chuckled and then walked over, gently pulling Sylphy away. "Relax, Sylphy. Everything's fine."

She sniffed and then leaned against me. "I'm sowwy..."

"It's fine." I patted her back and said, "Eri doesn't mind, and I don't either. Take your time."

Sylphy nodded and then leaned against me, slowly calming down.

I took a quick look around and then glanced at Eri. "Is everyone out?"

Eri nodded. "Yeah. Roxy and the kids are at school. Paul, Mama Zenny, Mama Lily, and Mister Laws are out working as adventurers. And Stella is with Miss Rose, helping to take care of Miss Rostelina's baby."

"That's about what I expected- Wait." I blinked and then said, "Dad and everyone is out clearing dungeons?"

Eri nodded. "Yeah. I wanted to go too, but they said it was too risky since I was pregnant."

Sylphy suddenly pulled away and looked at Eri. "That's true! You shouldn't do anything to risk your babies!"

Eri held up her hands. "I know! I'm just a little bummed out." She sighed and fiddled with her wedding ring. "I miss exploring dungeons... and I'm also a bit broke from spending all my money buying Rudy's ring..."

I walked over to hug Eri and said, "And I love you for working so hard for that."

Eri blushed.

Sylphy puffed out her cheeks.

I let out an awkward laugh and stepped back.

Sylphy giggled and said, "I'm just teasing, Rudy."

Eri laughed and then poked my cheek. "You are going to be in so much trouble figuring out if we're teasing or not, Rudy."

"...Yes." I nodded. "But I'll do my best."

Eri and Sylphy giggled together.

After that, Sylphy let out a sigh and cleaned her face. She looked at me and said, "Since everyone else is busy, you should get ready too, shouldn't you? Rika's wedding is in Arcadia, and there's a lot to prepare, isn't there?"

I nodded. "That's right."

Making the rounds to the other Demon Lords to make treaties, making railways, laying down magic formations to broadcast everything, installing railways...

A lot of logistics were in the works that I still needed to tidy up.

"...Is that okay?"

Eri rolled her eyes and shooed me away. "Go get ready for your next wife already, Husband."

Sylphy giggled and said, "Right, Husband! We'll keep the house warm for you!"

"...I don't think I'm going to get used to that." I kissed Eri and then walked over to kiss Sylphy. "I'm definitely the luckiest man alive."

Eri smiled and said, "And don't forget it!"

I gave one last wave to both Eri and Sylphy, and then I prepared to warp to Arcadia-

Ah, wait. First, gotta check in on my students real quick to make sure the system is still working.

Good job, past me. Smart thinking in prerecording lessons and having self-grading assignments...

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