Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

96 – Child’s Play

96 – Child’s Play

I stared at the bag of magic stones and coins that Sylphy handed me. After that, I looked back at her and said, "...So you went adventuring all by yourselves. Fought monsters, did tasks for the villagers... just to get me some gifts?"

Eris cleared her throat and said, "It wasn't *my* idea. I just wanted some training! But Sylphy said that you needed some things too, so..." She mumbled and said, "...I thought I might as well help get you something to cheer you up."

It was early morning. The day after the party to celebrate my return to normalcy... Or whatever was considered normal for me according to Mom.

I personally thought it was a bit excessive, but everyone had fun so I played along with it.

And now today we returned to our normal routine. At least, that was the plan.

I hadn't gotten the chance to spend much time with Sylphy and Eris, so I wanted to grab the two of them early in the morning and do some fun games to just enjoy the nice summer weather. Maybe shoot some hoops, knock down some bowling pins, or some other makeshift game I could think of.

Except, the two showed up first thing in the morning to wake *me* up instead and dragged me outside before handing me that bag of magic stones and coins.

I looked between Sylphy and Eris before frowning, lost in thought.

This was definitely different. Unexpected too.

I didn't expect them to get along so well. Or so easily.

I mean, Eris *really* didn't give a good first impression. And Sylphy seemed like she was planning to hold that grudge against Eris for a long time.

But it seemed like they made up and were best friends now.

Well, Eris thought that at least. Verdict was still out on what Sylphy thought about Eris, but it seemed like she wasn't mad at Eris.

Anyway, magic stones and coins.

It was a good amount of both. Definitely not an amount you could get by just half-heartedly playing as adventurers and helping out the villagers.

No, this was the result of honest and diligent hard work, all for my sake.

Thinking about it like that...

I coughed and scratched my nose, trying to avoid the heat rushing to my face. "T-Thanks. B-But don't do it without me next time, alright? It's dangerous going out by yourself."

Sylphy let out a bright smile and then rushed over to hug me. "Yes! Rudy's coming adventuring with us next time, Eri!"

Eris walked over with her arms crossed. Glancing at me, she blushed and then looked away. "O-Of course! It's obvious he would. I mean, it's probably boring just sitting around like that all day, right- Wait!" She rounded on Sylphy and said, "Since when did I let you call me Eri?!"

I spun Sylphy around a bit after she hugged me and then set her off to my side. After that, I looked at Eris and said, "What's wrong with Eri?"

"T-That..." Eris stumbled over her words and then said, "I-I just don't like it, okay! Call me Eris! Eris, not Eri!"

Sylphy pouted. "But Eri is cuter."

The red on Eris's face spread to her ears. After that, she huffed and said, "W-Whatever! Anyway!" She pointed at me and said, "Rudy!"

I looked back at her and nodded. "Eris."

"Sylphy said you played a bunch of games with her in the past!"

I raised an eyebrow and slowly said, "I did... And?" I did my best to keep a straight face and said, "Did you want to play too?"

"M-Me? Play a game?!" Eris crossed her arms and said, "A-As if! I just... Don't believe you! Right, I don't believe you! So you have to show it to me! Like that hoop game thing!"

My lip twitched. Seeing her do her best to pretend not to be interested was too funny to not react.

Was this why Sylphy changed her mind about Eris?

Looking at her like that, I was really tempted to bully her a bit. I *really* wanted to mess with her and see how she cracked under the pressure.

But that would be mean.

Besides, while she was having fun right now, officially she was sold out by her dad to be my fiancee and was living with us because it was supposedly a foregone conclusion.

Taking her circumstances into account, that would be cruel and immature to bully her. Especially since she didn't have a say in any of how it turned out.

...Though I was reaaally tempted.

But now. I would be a mature and responsible young adult... child. Kid? Kid. Definitely still a kid.

So instead of laughing at her antics, I gave a serious nod and said, "Alright. Then... How about we make a bet?"

Eris looked at me and frowned. "A bet?"

Ah. Guess I can't help it after all...

I flicked my wrist and changed the surrounding area. The grassy plains smoothed over before hardening into something like asphalt. A stone pillar shot up before forming the familiar shape of a basketball hoop, along with the backboard and a small net made of loose grass fibers.

With that done, I held out my right hand and made a basketball from my mana... Or something close to it.

Still wasn't used to that whole 'mana is everything' axiom that Rudeus discovered. I couldn't just visualize and create super detailed things just yet from raw mana, but an ordinary rubberish ball was definitely possible.

And like that, one of those bouncy kickballs spun into existence in the palm of my hand.

Sylphy's eyes widened after taking everything in and then she clapped her hands. "Amazing, Rudy!" She looked at me and said, "Did you get better at magic? You must have figured out a lot of cool things studying, didn't you?"

"...Something like that." I bounced the rubber ball on the ground, testing the rebound.

It was a bit less than I wanted, but it should be enough for this.

I spun it around in my hand and then looked back at Eris. "How about this? We play a small game trying to toss the ball into the hoop. We'll take turns trying to match each other's shot, and whoever misses three first loses."

Eris scoffed. "That's it? Easy!"

"Right?" I nodded. "It would be. So then let's raise the stakes. The winner gets to have one 'wish' granted by the loser."

Sylphy's eyes suddenly flashed, thoughtfully eyeing the ball and the hoop.

I quickly interjected before she got any strange ideas and said, "You're the referee Sylphy."

"Aw..." Sylphy frowned and said, "I wanted Rudy to grant my wish though..."

"But I would do that anyway?"

"Really?!" Sylphy hugged me and said, "Rudy's the best! That's a promise, kay? No takebacks!"

...I feel like I just made a terrible mistake.

But at the same time, I also felt like I dodged a bullet.

...Was this because of Dad? I feel like this was because of Dad. It's gotta be his influence or something... Did he tell too many tall tales about the Asura Kingdom to Sylphy before he left when he was trying to explain why I got engaged to Eris?

Speaking of Eris, she stared at me and then slowly nodded. "Fine. I'll play. But if I win, I want you to teach me!"

I blinked. "Teach you what?"

"That thing!" Eris swung her sword around and said, "The swooshswoosh! Paul said that you gave him a secret technique to let him do it, so I want that!"


Didn't know what she was talking about, but it wouldn't matter anyway. Not like I would lose.

"And if I win..." I thought about it for a bit and then nodded. "If I win, you have to learn how to read."

There. Something not too embarrassing while also being useful. That was fine, right?

Sylphy blinked. "Eh? Read?" She looked at Eris and said, "You don't know how to read, Eris?" She paused and then her eyes lit up in understanding. "Oh! Is *that* why you think reading's boring? If you didn't know how to read, you should have told me! We can read stories together and I can teach you!"

Eris didn't respond to Sylphy. Instead, she glared at me, her long crimson hair actually swaying in the wind from her killing intent... Or so it seemed.

In reality, it was just a summer breeze idly passing by.

The killing intent was real though.

Eris deliberately unhooked the sword she always carried and set it off on the edge of the court. After that, she walked over to me and crossed her arms. "So? Let's start already!"

I bounced the ball a few times and then nodded. "Alright. Then... Should I go first or-"

"Give me that!" Eris snatched the ball away from me and then bounced it a few times to get a feel for it. Then she raised it up, aimed, and...

Completely missed the rim.

Don't laugh.

Definitely don't laugh.

You absolute can't-


"Just take your turn already! Dummy!"

I laughed and held my hand out to summon the ball back.

Well, 'summon' by conjuring winds to push it back.

"You're supposed to shoot it like this, Eri."

I held the ball up like a basketball and then jumped.

A perfect swish.

I turned to her and smiled. "See?"

Eris gnashed her teeth and then stomped off to grab the ball.

...Oh yeah. This was going to be fun.

A bit mean, but...

I mean, she apparently beat 'me' up all the time in another timeline, so this was just fair play, right?

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