Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

97 – The Kind Mother’s Relief

97 – The Kind Mother’s Relief

Zenith smiled as she stared at Rudy playing with Sylphy and Eris in the distance. Sitting on a chair in the courtyard and enjoying the warm sunlight, she let out a soft sigh and rested her hand over her belly. "I'm relieved. It looks like everything will be going back to normal before you get here."

Her son had returned back to his lively and playful self. And instead of holing himself up and constantly looking like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, he was acting like a kid again. Playing games, acting carefree with his friends...

Though Zenith *was* a bit concerned for when he and the girls got a bit older. Rudy seemed to be taking more after Paul with every day.

Not in terms of intelligence, of course. Thankfully, her son seemed to have gotten his brains from her side of the family instead of the Greyrats. Unfortunately, he also seemed to have picked up that infamous Greyrat charm with none of the lecherous traits...

Paired with his striking looks due to his white hair as well as the inevitable trained body he would have when puberty hit...

"They look like they're having fun, aren't they?"

A calm and mature female voice.

Zenith looked up to see Rostelina walk over, carrying two steaming mugs.

Rostelina raised one and said, "Tea?"

Zenith smile and took the mug. "Thanks, Lina."

Rostelina leaned against the wall and looked out at Rudy and the girls before smiling. "Looks like he's back to the cute baby boy you gushed about, isn't he?"

Zenith stared back at Rudy and nodded. "He is, thankfully."

In the distance, Rudy was playing a ball game with Eris, bouncing it against the ground before shooting it into a standing hoop.

...It was mildly concerning about how he seemed to be able to continually do ridiculous feats with magic, but Zenith took it as par for the course at this point.

What was important was that her son was finally acting like an ordinary kid again. The child that he was instead of the mature adult he had been trying to act as until now.

Zenith sipped on her tea, enjoying the warmth. Both from the beverage, the sun, and the peaceful sight of watching Rudy play. After watching for a bit though, she glanced back at Rostelina and said, "Are Norn and Aisha still sleeping, Lina?"

"Yep." Rostelina nodded and said, "Roxy is keeping an eye on them right now while Rose is preparing breakfast."

Zenith sighed and said, "You three are lifesavers."

She couldn't even imagine how things would be if it was just herself right now...

Ah, no. She could imagine.

Rudy would still be acting as mature as he could and fussing over her because he would be worried about her pregnancy. And then he would also be taking care of Norn and Aisha, probably burning the midnight oil to work on his training in the meanwhile...

Rostelina patted Zenith's shoulder and said, "Don't worry about it. After all, we'll be family in the future, right?"

Zenith gave Rostelina a blank stare. "...I hope you mean that because of Sylphy, Lina."

Rostelina rolled her eyes and said, "For the last time, I'm not a cradlerobber, Zenny. Or a homewrecker."

Zenith kept staring at Rostelina.

Rostelina coughed and added, "T-These days at least. I have a proper man who is everything I always wanted, so it's fine."

Zenith sipped on her tea and then nodded. "Yes. The mysterious man who still has yet to make an appearance."

Rostelina sipped her own tea and said, "Well, he's a busy man working on great things."

"If you say so, Lina."

"I do say so. And speaking of men..." Rostelina reached into her blouse and pulled out a letter. "Your hubbie wrote a letter for you."

"Hm?" Zenith set her tea on the ground and took the letter. "A letter? Already?"

It was about a week's journey to Milbotts. Even if Paul sent a letter by carrier pigeon, it should still be a few days until it arrived.

"Yep." Rostelina nodded and said, "You can thank my beloved for that. He's a fantastic magician... When he has the energy for it." She paused and said, "I hope he's still topped up from our little quickie. Then again, if he isn't... Hehehe..."

Zenith decided to ignore Rostelina for the moment. Instead of paying attention to the still lewd older elf woman, Zenith flipped open the letter and started reading.

Sure enough, it was Paul's handwriting. And mixed in between that, there were notes in Lilia's handwriting too.

It wasn't some prank that Lina was playing on her then.

Zenith still had questions on how exactly the letter got here, but she decided to worry about that later.


Hey Babe! Don't worry about us. A lot of crazy things happened since we got here, but everything got resolved pretty quickly.

*Paul is understating a lot of what occurred, but rest assured, everything is settled.*

Right! What Lily said. Wrote? Wrote.

Anyway, we're fine and on the way back home. Pierre said that he'd magic this letter over somehow, so by the time you get this we should already be on the road back.


Zenith stopped reading and looked up at Rostelina. "Is Pierre the name of your 'man', Lina?"

"Well." Rostelina sipped on her tea and said, "It's not his *name*, but it's what he's calling himself these days. A bit like how I used to go by Elinalise."

Like Elinalise, hm?

Zenith was still skeptical, but she went back to reading.


Mission was a complete success! Probably too successful. Rudy definitely overprepped us. Did you know that the sword he made me can tear space apart? It's crazy! And let's not get started on the bracelet he made for Lily.

*It was fun. And quite amusing to see the reactions on rude nobles after they faced Rudy's wrath. Indirectly, of course.*

Lily says amusing. I say a boatload of trouble, paired with a lot of scolding by Philip. Still funny though.

But anyway, we saved the girl. The Purplehorse family owes Philip a debt now. My bratty younger brother also got ousted as the Notos head because of being involved in the kidnapping.

There was a bit of a scuffle about me immediately becoming the next head, but Uncle Sauros is sorting that out. I think he's going to be the temporary leader for a while since he's technically half-Notos.

Obviously, those stuffy nobles weren't happy about it. But it turns out that the girl we saved is Princess Ariel's best friend and she was there visiting, so it somehow worked out.

Well, Orsted's appearance helped settle things pretty quickly too. Thank our kid for pulling that ace out his sleeve when you get the chance, alright?

...Though I'm wondering how he got in contact with Orsted without any of us knowing, but I'll bug him about that when we get back.


Orsted? That rude and dangerous guy who showed up to attack everyone?

He went to help Paul and the others with the mission?

Zenith frowned and glanced back over at Rudy.

...It seemed like she might need to have another chat with her son about secret plotting again.

"Something wrong, Zenny?" Rostelina glanced over and said, "Is Paul being an idiot?"

"The answer to that is yes." Zenith looked back at the letter and said, "My beloved husband is always an idiot. A good intentioned one, but still an idiot. Though he seems to be self-aware these days at least."

And from how it seemed to go, having Lily there to rein him in was definitely the smart thing to do.

...Though it seemed like she went a bit wild as well.

But they were probably just perverted Asuran Nobles, so Zenith couldn't blame her.

Now, what else was there...?


Anyway, 'that person' looks like he tried some things, but we pulled through. Let Rudy know so he can relax, alright? And tell him that Dad's going to rub it in his face as soon as I get back.

Ooh! And we're coming back with some guests. Philip and Hilda wanted to check up on Eris, so they're coming. Ghyslaine is coming back too, of course. Gisu slipped off somewhere during the trip to meet an old friend, so he's not coming. But we've got a few more interesting people tagging along who want to meet Rudy.

*That is because Paul does not know how to say no.*

Hey! I tried!

*I suppose.*

In any case... Be back soon! We brought souvenirs too!

Love you lots!


*I will make sure to keep him grounded, Zenny. Rest assured.*


P.S. For our new kid, what do you think about Stella? Knowing my luck, it's probably a girl. I was thinking about names and we really need a wish right now, so since you're the heavens, how about Stella? You know, like a shooting star?

...On paper, that sounds kind of weird, doesn't it? Hm...

And, uh. She hasn't been born yet, right? Hopefully? Maybe? If she has... um...

Either way, love you, Zenny!


Zenith finished reading the letter and sighed. "You're the same as always, Dear."

Rostelina glanced over and said, "So an idiot."

"Mm. Seems like he's getting better." Zenith folded the letter and tucked it away. "Though if he was aware of the risk of our child being born before he got back, he should have put more thought into a name before he left."

"Pft." Rostelina laughed and said, "Did he just think of one in the letter."

Zenith nodded. "Yes. Though..." She placed her hand over her belly and said, "It's not too bad."

Stella. Like a shooting star...

Rudy was already her lucky charm. Zenith's miracle baby boy that led to her having everything she ever wanted.

But at this time...

"We really could use a wish right now."

A soft thump. The baby kicking a bit, as if responding to Zenith's feelings.

She smiled and then picked up her mug from the ground, sipping on her tea as she watched Rudy play in the distance.

...Well, more like watched Rudy tease Eris by showing her up in whatever game they were playing.

...Her son's teenaged years were going to be just as eventful as his father's, weren't they?

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