Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 892

Episode 892

Just as a herbivore instinctively senses the approach of a wild beast, Lee Han also instinctively sensed the professor’s evil plan.

At first glance, the fact that the professor at Einrogard is worried about Lee Han may seem kind, but in the end, it is rarely a good thing.

“What are you worried about? Are you wondering how to creatively defeat me?”

“oh. “How did you know, junior?”


When Caton quickly agreed to the words he had thrown in hopes of being denied, Lee Han sighed in despair.

Jo Woo-rin asked regretfully.

Lee Han. Jo Woo-rin sent a petition to the imperial nobles…

“It’s okay. no. More than that, Professor Ingalldell is also really showing his true colors. “I thought you were one of the few kind professors in Einrogard!”

Professor Boladi expressed sympathy for his student’s cries.

Since there were few friendly professors at Einrogard (Professor Boladi himself included, of course), it was natural for his student to say something like that.



“I heard that you took your friends to the Spirit King’s realm to solve a simple task in class…”

“That’s a misunderstanding.”

Lee Han answered without changing his expression.

The visit to King Gwangmok’s territory was due to a combination of coincidences, and it was not Lee Han’s initiative to aim for it.

Jo Woo-rin looked at Lee Han with strange eyes.

‘Strangely enough, I feel like Lee Han is becoming more and more self-employed these days… Wow! Einroguard’s magic may be confusing Jowrin!’

Jo Woo-rin shook his head. Einroguard’s powerful magic seemed to distract Joulin’s judgment.

“Hmm. Anyway, Professor Ingalldel says he has a lot of concerns. “I wonder if I’m disturbing you for no reason…”

“No. Professor Ingalldell would never consider this a disturbance. “Let’s go and ask!”

Lee Han shouted, full of intention to interrupt.

Whatever plans Professor Ingalldell was planning, I planned to find out first and thwart them if possible.

* * *

“This is truly a difficult task.”

The elf professor, wearing a prosthetic leg and arm, expressed his difficulties to the visiting knights.

Contrary to Lee Han’s misunderstanding, Professor Ingaldel said, ‘How dare you pass my assignment so easily? I wasn’t thinking, ‘We’ll wait and see during the test.’

Rather, he was thinking about a test that the boy from the Wardanaz family could also embrace.

The crazy Professor Einrogard might have simply thought, ‘Why not just make the boy from the Wardanaz family take a different test?’ But Professor Ingalldel had not gone that far yet.

If you set the difficulty level to normal, it will be too easy for Lee Han, but if you set the difficulty level high, it will not suit other students…

“Who knew that teaching would be this difficult?”

“I respect you. “Professor Ingalldell.”

“We support you, professor.”

Several visiting knights and swordsmen from groups that were close to Professor Ingaldelle, such as the [Knights of the White Tree], [The Fire Watchers], and [The Brotherhood of the Cross Swordsmen], cheered on Professor Ingaldelle.

They offered various creative opinions to help the professor.

“What if, after the many-to-many duel, the knights gathered here attack that student individually? “You’ll be so confused you won’t notice.”

“I will add a potion to the student’s water to drink before the exam. “Your limbs will become heavier, so it will be appropriate training.”

Ingenious suggestions were constantly coming out that, if Lee Han had heard, he would have sent Jo Woo-rin to write a letter to the emperor right away.

Professor Ingalldel seriously wrote down the suggestions and pondered them.

How can we give appropriate tests to all students?


“What’s going on everyone?”

Professor Ingaldel was puzzled as the Moradi family’s Blasttan and the Ukim family’s Palga came knocking urgently on the door.

It is rare for upper-grade students from White Tiger Tower to come to visit in such a hurry.

“Is it because of the exam? But they must be in different grades…”

“That’s not true. Could you possibly help me? “These guys aren’t usually that quick when it comes to tracking down intruders from outside.”


The powerful men of the empire inside raised their eyebrows.

The fact that there was an outside intruder was surprising, and the fact that the students were chasing it with their own hands was also surprising.

A knight from the [Fire Watch] who didn’t know much about Einroguard shouted as if it was nonsense.

“There are intruders in Einrogard? “But why is it so quiet?”

“yes? “Oh, that’s…”

Balpatan was rather taken aback by that cry.

Einrogard was originally a place where outside invaders came in and disappeared periodically.

“…But who is this person?”

“He is from the [Fire Watch].”

“indeed. … yes?? You mean [Fire Watchers]?!”

Balpatan was even more surprised at the name of the empire’s famous knights.

It might have been different under normal circumstances, but now there was reason to be surprised. Isn’t it exam time soon?

Just by looking at falling leaves, students at Einrogard thought, ‘The falling leaves are predicting my grades!’ They had no choice but to react sensitively to such visits from outsiders.

“I am from the [Brothers of the Cross Swordsmen].”

“I am from the [White Tree Knights]…”

“Professor Kyo. Did we do something wrong? “Why on earth are these people?”

Blast Bomb wondered why Professor Ingalldel was like this.

Wasn’t the test clearly a large-scale chimera hunt with a petrification curse and a deadly space-moving freezing poison?

Could it be that there were other tests that the blast bomb didn’t know about?

“ah. No need to worry. Moradi. “I didn’t come here for the 4th grade exam.”

Then this time Palga, a third year student, grabbed his chest. His face became pale, as if he was about to collapse at any moment.

“…It’s not even a 3rd grade exam. “I was worried about my second year exam, so everyone came to help me.”



The seniors seriously wondered what on earth the sophomores had done this year to be visited by such powerful people.

Even if they attempted to assassinate the principal, I don’t think they would be punished to that extent…

“Rather than that, a student. Just tell me about the intruder. “I don’t think this is the time to be calmly talking about exams when an intruder comes in.”

A swordsman belonging to the [Brothers of the Cross Swordsman] spoke in a serious manner.

Since an outside intruder entered a place where there were weak wizards, the entire territory had to be put on alert and security had to be strengthened.

Students should only gather and roam around during the day and not come out at night…

“Hmm. “Einrogard doesn’t handle things that way.”

Professor Ingalldell slightly cleared his throat and spoke to his friend.

“You mean they don’t handle it that way?”

“So… um… there are a lot of intruders in Einrogard… and the students are all strong…”

Although he felt a bit out of place, Professor Ingalldel did his best to explain Einrogard’s rules. .

Since intruders visit on a regular basis, they don’t make a fuss if they come in one or two!

“no! How can you treat the best wizards in the empire so poorly?”

“hmm. Ingalldell’s words also make sense. Doesn’t that give you confidence that Einroguard’s magic and wizards are excellent? “It’s really cool how proud these wizards are that they can solve it on their own.”



The two students muttered to themselves, ‘No, the headmaster was forced to decide.’

“is it? I’m afraid that Einrogard’s rules are too lax. What if the wizards are attacked? “I can’t believe someone as wise as Prince Gonadaltes would set such rules.”


“Look at the amazing students here. Didn’t you step up first for your juniors? “I don’t think you need to worry too much.”

The two, who had been murmuring because of the ban, stopped and exchanged glances.

“That’s right. “The seniors at Einrogard all lead by example for their juniors.”

“indeed. Is there a reason why the rules seem loose and strange… Even so, Professor Ingalldell. They say an intruder has come in. As a member of the Swordsman Corps, I can’t stay silent. “I want to help students.”

“It worked out well because the students already asked me to help them. Let’s go together. everyone. “Did you say the intruders were fast?”

“Oh yeah… but…”

As the powerful people of the empire, including Professor Ingalldel, stood up, Balpatan and Palgar hesitated slightly.

In fact, the reason the two came to see Professor Ingalldell was not because of a sense of responsibility to deal with the intruder for their juniors.


‘This is the guy who got the principal’s treasure. I can never lose it to someone else…!’

‘We have to catch it first…!’

In Einrogard, there were fewer students than expected who were greedy for the skeleton headmaster’s treasure.

This was because any student with even the slightest sense of intellect would know very well how difficult and dangerous it was.

But what if another student wants to challenge the Skeleton Headmaster’s treasure?

Einrogard students cheered and supported everyone, including me.

Once the Skeleton Headmaster’s treasure is released, won’t it be taken or stolen again?

This intruder case was similar.

We can’t forgive intruders, but since they already stole the Skeleton Headmaster’s treasure, our students will use it for them!

Since there were more than one student with such thoughts, it was natural for White Tiger Tower students to visit the professor.

In order to win in fierce competition, ordinary methods are not enough.

“Why are you two doing this?”

“…Oh, that’s it. I went out of my way to help my juniors, but I wonder if it’s right to get help from outside customers…”

“Hahaha! These are truly wonderful seniors. Einrogard’s students will be happy to have seniors like these!”

Professor Ingalldel’s friends opened the door and went out, laughing heartily.

Palga hesitated and then spoke to Balpatan.

“Seniors. “We don’t look too much like the Blue Dragon Tower…”

“Shh. Be quite.”

* * *

Professor Ingalldel,

out for a moment due to a search for an intruder,


Lee Han was surprised to see the writing on the door.

The intruders were probably (if no more were added in the meantime) adventurers sneaking in to rescue Antagondals.

“But why did the professor come forward?”

“Junior. “I think the professor is probably trying to catch the intruders and use them for exams.”

“What does that mean…”

Lee Han, who was about to say something, looked at Professor Boladi and trailed off.

There was someone in front of me who did something similar last year.

“…I think it makes sense when I think about it.”

Is that so?

Jo Woo-rin tilted his head, not understanding why Lee Han was convinced.

No matter how you look at it, it seems strange…

“I guess there’s nothing we can do about it now that it’s like this. Junior. Now…”

“No. Let’s go after Professor Ingalldel. Let’s chase after him and disturb him… or ask him a question about the test.”

“Do you really need to go that far?”

Caton was not convinced, but he could not break his junior’s iron will.

Lee Han told all kinds of rhetoric and tall tales about magic and insisted that Caton’s magic would improve later if he found Professor Ingalldel and learned from him right away.

“I understand. “If my junior says so…”

“Please believe me. I don’t understand more than that. “If other seniors don’t know, why is Professor Ingalldel personally moving to catch the intruder?”

The professors at Einrogard were never idle people. This was especially true during the period leading up to the exam.

I couldn’t understand why he would step into a situation where leaving it to the Death Knights wouldn’t be enough.

“Hmm. “I have a guess.”

“What is it?”

“I heard that an intruder stole the headmaster’s treasure. I think it’s because of that. If it’s an important treasure, it wouldn’t be strange for the professor to come forward in person…” ”


As the nonsense he created came back to him, Lee Han deeply reflected.

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