Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 893

Episode 893

‘This is why false information is so dangerous.’

Lee Han promised that from now on, he will think twice before spreading false rumors.

“If that’s true, then they are truly evil and disgusting intruders!”

“Is that so? By the way, junior. “There’s no reason to be more evil just because you stole the principal’s treasure…”

Caton was perplexed as to why the always cool-headed senior in his grade was so angry.

Jo Woo-rin explained in a low voice next to me instead.

I think it’s because Lee Han was a disciple of Gonadaltes.


To Caton, Headmaster Skull was an archmage with a strange personality who was not very close, but it was understandable that a former disciple would be angry at such a theft.

“Even though your junior may seem cold-hearted, he seems to be secretly affectionate.”

Jo Woo-rin thinks so too…

“What are you doing there? Please come quickly!”

Lee Han got angry when Caton and Jo Woo-rin did not move and were whispering behind him.

* * *

Wizards were basically a weak race.

Of course, the magical power they used was powerful and destructive, but the wizards themselves were ultimately weak and weak mortals.

That’s why seasoned adventurers weren’t so afraid of wizards. There was even a saying like this among adventurers.

-Rookie adventurers tremble at the mere mention of a rumor that there is a wizard, but seasoned adventurers calmly prepare.

There were various ways to deal with them.

Interfering with the casting of a spell, surprising it before casting it, confusing it, breaking its concentration or clouding the magic around it…

[Kangla’s Foreshadowing] adventurers who infiltrated Einrogard naturally also had to deal with wizards. These were people with deep teeth.

Moreover, since they were invading Einrogard, didn’t they come in with much more preparation?

But here was something the adventurers had never experienced before.

That was more than a dozen wizards pursuing them, using any means possible.

-Keep calm. Although there are a lot of them, they are kids who have never experienced combat. It’s enough to fool you…

-There’s an intruder! There’s an intruder!

-Shit! My device found it first! My device found it first! Hormasi! Can’t you hear me?

-I can’t hear you! My dog found it first! Kill it!


The confidence I had tried so hard to have at first disappeared in a matter of minutes.

Einrogard’s students began tracking down the adventurers in an instant.


“Isn’t that Cerberus!? Why are they raising that at school?! “It would have been prohibited by imperial law?!”

“Now is not the time to discuss that. Sword holder! Run this way! “Tear up the fog spell book so they can’t chase you!”

“The spell doesn’t work!”

-Kitchen Club blocked the order book! Everyone saw it, right?! It’s our ball!

-What kind of condescension are you making with that? Don’t even think about getting a reward for it!

“You insolent brats! “If you look at it, it will climb endlessly!”

After being chased by so many young students, one of the adventurers ended up exploding. As they only gathered evil people, their patience was not very deep.

The swordsman pulled out the sword hanging from his back and chanted a spell.

“Drink blood and tear the enemy apart!”

As the sharp blade grazed the knife handler’s fingers, drops of blood formed. As the blood was absorbed, the sword trembled violently and gave off a faint red color.


With a shout, the swordsman swung his sword. The beam of light from the artifact that was flying from afar disappeared as it was.

This sword was also a powerful artifact that erased low-level magic.

The knifeman held his breath and disappeared. While hiding among the bushes, he stabbed the unlucky student running in front with his sword.


The knifeman was confident of success due to the feeling he felt at his fingertips.

“Do you see those wizards? Keep following along. “I’ll make it look like this…”

“Gotcha! “I got it!”


The student, who must have lost his breath, chuckled and grabbed the knifeman’s wrist.

He then cheered to his other friends that he had caught it. The creepy sight sent a shiver down the knifeman’s spine.

“What is this crazy…?”

The swordsman pulled out his sword in haste. Other wizards were already approaching. This was not the time to waste time.


With the spell, the tree branch near the knife holder turned into a blade and aimed at the intruder’s neck.

At the same time, the stones on the floor turned into sharp stones and flew up. The swordsman swung his sword to erase the magic.

However, like before, the magic was not erased. When I opened my eyes and looked up, the light that the sword was emitting had suddenly disappeared.

“No way… Wow!”

“Gotcha, you bastard! “Give me the treasure!”

“hey! I caught them all! “I sealed that sword!”

“Anyway, even if we didn’t block it, we could have caught the guy who believed in these artifacts and made a fuss about it, right?”

The students fought over who would take the treasure as the swordsman was completely subdued.

The student, who still had a large hole in his body, grumbled and said.

“I tried to block the sword by transforming it into blood…”

“Hmph. If it were me, I would have caught it right away without getting stabbed. “What if we couldn’t catch it first?”

“hey. How well did this bastard hide! “How can I even find that with the transformation magic applied?”

“everyone. Let’s stop fighting and go find the treasure.”

The knifeman glared at the students with bloodshot eyes, but to the Einrogard students, the knifeman was already an object of no interest.

The upper-year students at Einrogard have been through too many dangers to be afraid of such an adventurer.

“There is no treasure!?”

“Shit! You got it wrong! “For some reason, I felt like I was going to come out and attract attention!”

“wait for a sec. friends. “What do you think the intruder here wants to say?”

As the tightly bound swordsman muttered his mouth, the students were filled with anticipation and briefly relieved their paralysis.

“Are you trying to tell me where the treasure is hidden? If you tell me, I will give you some extenuating circumstances…”

-I will kill you all! You little wizard bastards!

“…Oh really. No matter what you picked, why did you pick this guy?”

“Tie it back up and tie it up. “Let’s send it to the Death Knights.”

“It’s a waste, but can’t I use it for magic experiments?”

“Don’t make a big deal out of it. “The skeleton principal is going crazy.”

“Why on earth is it okay to conduct magic experiments on students themselves, but not on outside intruders?”

“I think the principal wants to keep all the fun to himself.”


It was the first time I knew that a calm conversation could be more frightening to a knifeman than an outrageous threat.

I’ve often heard that the wizards of Einrogard are on a different level from the wizards of other places, but I never thought it would be like this.

It was so different from what I had thought of as a wizard.

* * *

“no. “Have you caught this many??”

Lee Han, who arrived late, was surprised to see his seniors hanging out the intruders at the foot of the mountain range and taking a light rest.

A lot more intruders were caught than expected.

‘Has Antagondals been defrauded?’

I thought these adventurers whom Antagondals trusted were great people, but so many of them have already been captured.

“ah. It could be that only a small number of people were caught here, and there are many more intruders left…”

“Huh? It’s not. Torture… No, I interrogated them and they caught almost everyone. “There are only a few people left.”


Lee Han began to get confused as to whether his seniors were great or if the adventurers here were just average.

[Kangla’s Joyoung] The party literally disintegrated. Since most of the people were caught once and instantly, it was a good thing even if they collapsed.

The preparation I brought in had no meaning. Even if they were blocked once or twice, the students continued to push forward without stopping.

If you block the tracking of the magic creature with a spell book, you can track it with a magical creature. If you block the tracking of the magical creature with a flower incense, you can track it with a search artifact…

This is the result just by being discovered once. It was truly unfair for the intruders.

“hmm. After all, they may be unremarkable adventurers. Antagondals may have been defrauded…”

Hmm. Maybe so.

Jo Woo-rin stood next to him and agreed with Lee Han’s guess.

Since Antagondals was a magic criminal, there would have been a limit to the number of adventurers he could hire.

Besides, who would want to join Einrogard?

So, even those with low skills had no choice but to force them to be hired…

Lee Han and Jo Woo-rin had an insulting conversation that would make adventurers shed tears of blood if they heard [Kangla’s Joyoung].

“By the way, have you seen Professor Ingalldel?”

“Professor Ingalldell? “I heard you went inside earlier to catch the intruders.”

“As expected, professors are different. “We’ve given up halfway, but you’re going to catch us till the end.”

The seniors were impressed by Professor Ingalldell’s persistence.

The students gathered here had half given up on the treasure of the headmaster’s skull, which did not appear even though they had caught so many.

However, Professor Ingalldell continued the chase regardless. It was a choice that was only possible if there was a greed to obtain the treasure unconditionally.

Is this the difference between students and professors?

“…no. Are you saying it’s because of real treasures? why? “If it’s the principal’s treasure, shouldn’t the principal step forward?”

“I think exactly that too! “Isn’t it against the law for a professor to enter competition?”

All students expressed agreement with the outstanding junior’s comments.

Honestly, as a professor, I shouldn’t have been greedy for the skull principal’s treasures. I had to make concessions for the students.

‘Should I just give up?’

Lee Han was slightly worried.

Considering the number of intruders caught by the seniors now, even if Professor Ingaldel catches all the remaining intruders, it won’t be that many.

Then, even if those intruders appear on the midterm exam, it won’t be that difficult…

‘What kind of crazy idea am I having? It’s dangerous enough with just one person.’

Fighting with adventurers who had experienced difficult situations outside was not something to be relieved about even though the numbers were small. It was right to just block it at all costs.

“I didn’t know Professor Ingalldell would be this greedy.”

“It could be because of the exam.”

“That’s even more terrifying.”

Lee Han was disgusted by Professor Boladi’s words.

It would be even scarier if they were doing it purely out of greed to use Intruder during the midterm exam rather than out of greed for treasure.

-Intruder found!


While Lee Han was worrying, a shout came from afar.

Then the seniors started fighting at the same time.

“Shadow, cover the enemy’s eyes!”

“Land! “Tie it up!”

“Fog, direction…”

Why why are you doing that?!

For a moment, Jo Woo-rin wondered if the students had fallen under some kind of magic. Caton kindly explained it.

“I’m trying to keep others in check and go first. majesty.”


Jo Woo-rin, who was looking pitifully, looked at Lee Han and asked.

But if you’re looking for Professor Lee Han Ingalldell, shouldn’t you go over there?

“Ah… I was thinking about giving up because it seemed too late.”

Lee Han was thinking about giving up and having to face the intruder in the midterm exam.

The fight among the seniors is so fierce, how difficult would it be to stop Professor Ingalldel?

…Lee Han! You can’t give up! Lee Han must get Gonadaltes’ treasure first!

‘That’s a rumor.’

Lee Han wanted to prevent Professor Ingalldel’s intruder from being captured, not to take the treasure.

However, Jo Woo-rin didn’t care and spread his wings long and forcibly picked up Lee Han.

Let’s go! Jo Woo-rin will take you!

The seniors who were fighting each other looked up at the sky in surprise at the sight of the dragon flying into the air.

Soaring on a dragon?!

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