Luminary Institute

39: Unfortunate Restaurant Meeting…

39: Unfortunate Restaurant Meeting…

“Not really...” Nyssa trailed off after a few seconds of hesitation. “I still think having a room wouldn’t be the worst idea. That way I don’t have to follow my dad’s schedule when going home. It also frees me up to hang out later in the night.” 

She shaded her eyes with one hand. Making a left after reorienting her mental map of the school to where they were, she shrugged. “The problem is I really like my bed. A little too much probably. That, plus my natural tendency to drag my feet means I haven’t made much progress with moving in.” 

Everyone ended up giving a few agreeing murmurs after she finished speaking. Because hunger pervaded their minds, each comment ended up without too much substance. Celeste, in particular, though, patted Nyssa on the shoulder. “It’s fine, the dorms aren’t that special.” 

“They really aren’t much,” Albion stretched his arms behind his back. “We live in one of the auxiliary Class One dorms, which means we do run into a lot of Class One students. One positive thing is that we all get singles.”

Following his comment though, the conversation fell to silence once more. Nobody had anything else to say. As a group, they enjoyed the evening breeze and ventured across campus. Albion had called ahead to make a reservation—just in case—so they kept their walking speed brisk to make the time. 

Once the sun disappeared behind the horizon, taking its last rays of light with it, they arrived at their destination: one of the square plazas on the left side of campus. Establishments of all sizes dotted the plaza. Students and a few select staff streamed in and out of every store’s doors, while even more sat around the plaza. Young couples cuddled on the grassy area and friend groups unwilling to use restaurant seating congregated around the public tables. 

The pasta restaurant Albion had recommended saw the most amount of foot traffic. Two stories tall, it boasted an exposed terrace dotted with tables. 

“Our reservation is not up there,” Albion clarified before anyone could ask. “It’s being reserved for a birthday party right now. I still got one upstairs though because I’m antisocial.” 

“Glad you have that self-awareness,” Titus chuckled while patting Albion on the back. Ignoring the glare he got from Albion as they walked through the double doors, he came to a stop by the podium. A hostess came over a couple seconds later and Titus, deciding to help Albion out a bit, glanced back at the party. “Group of five, reservation’s under Albion.” 

“Ah, I see, follow me,” The hostess nodded and checked off the name before picking up menus and leading them upstairs. 

“So... efficient,” Nyssa murmured to Celeste as they followed the three boys. “I wonder how much memorization they have to do...” 

“For tables, menus, reservations?” Celeste tapped her chin. “I guess so. I’m not too familiar with how much work goes into it though. I’d assume a fair amount though.” 

“I’m not too familiar either, but... yeah, I’d guess a decent amount too,” Nyssa agreed as they began walking through the partitioned areas in the upper floor. As they walked, she let her eyes wander through the gaps in the partition. Unlike full walls, these half partitions allowed for airflow while still providing a semblance of privacy. 

After a half second of looking around though, Nyssa froze up and dearly wished for full wall partitions. In the corner sat two men, one much older than the other. Enveloped in their own world, they seemed blind to the outside world. 

To her dismay though, both of these men had familiar faces... 

“Oh... oh no,” she whispered to herself, hiding behind Celeste for a few seconds. 

“Hmm? What’s up?” Celeste looked back, surprised to see an unfamiliar face behind her. “Nyssa?” 

“Shh!” Nyssa glanced forward with her eyes as her hair dyed black. “I’m... uh... uh... Nyx.” 

“Nyx...?” Celeste raised an eyebrow as she turned her attention back forward. Following her new friend Nyx’s gaze, the light of enlightenment dawned on her. “Headmaster and Slade, I see, now.” 

“How are you not nervous...” Nyssa’s quiet voice came from behind Celeste. Now morphed into a different person, she had even shrunk to become a little shorter. 

“I... don’t know? They don’t feel like real people to me,” Celeste shrugged, ruffling Nyssa’s hair as they continued to walk closer and closer to Slade and Kaiser. “Maybe you should stay at this height more often, Nyss- Nyx. You’re so cute!” 

“Hey!” Nyssa glared at Celeste in mock anger before shrugging. “I don’t like being mistaken for a middle schooler. So my actual appearance is good enough.” 

“True, true, that is a valid concern,” Celeste agreed, whispering a “don’t worry about it” to the confused Albion, Conrad, and Titus as they paused. The hostess began checking tables, leaving them to stand there—like fish laid hung to dry. 

“It’s our friend, Nyx,” Celeste winked before pushing Nyssa forward. “I assure you, although she’s very cute, she’s a high schooler. Yep yep.” 

“I’m just trying to avoid Slade and Dad,” Nyssa trailed off as she used her thumb to point towards the two in question. “It’s embarrassing to like... be seen with you guys. Well, to be seen with you guys sounds wrong, but like... it's harder to be myself when I know they’re right there. I just... yeah, I don’t know...” 

Getting a few understanding pats on the shoulder... and, for some reason, a few understanding pats on the head, she gave them a quiet thank you—along with a light glare to those who patted her on the head. 

After their conversation wandered away to discussing plans after dinner, the hostess had returned. Passing the menus to everyone in the party, she motioned for them to take a seat... next to Slade and Kaiser. 

“This will be your table, especially near the corner for a greater amount of privacy,” The hostess smiled. “I understand groups like you all prefer something a little more secluded, so I specially chose this table.” 

Nyssa just wanted to cry. Or... maybe pull her eyelids down. GAH!


Why did the heavens have to toy with her like this... 

Celeste, very much so not oblivious to her struggles, just giggled while covering her smile with a hand. “It seems luck has not been on your side today... Nyx.” 

“It hasn’t...” Nyssa grimaced, choosing the seat furthest away from Kaiser and Slade. 

“Alright, I’ll be back in a few moments to take your order,” The hostess bowed before backing off. As she left, she cleared her throat. “Take your time though, and I’ll be returning with some water and bread to get you all started.” 

“Thank you,” Conrad nodded while motioning a thumbs-up with his hand. After perusing the menu for not even a second though, he leaned in and gave the worst demonstration of short-term memory in the history of mankind. “So... Nyssa, how does it feel knowing your family’s right here?” 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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