Luminary Institute

40: The Consequences of One’s Actions

40: The Consequences of One’s Actions

Not even a second later, Conrad suffered the consequences of his actions. One of Albion’s and one of Celeste’s hands covered his mouth. His body hit the wall with a “BANG” as they pushed him back and turned away from Slade and Kaiser. 

“Oh?” Slade laughed as the commotion grabbed his attention. “How are you all, Nyssa’s friends correct?” 

“Y-Yes...” Titus scratched the back of his head. As his hands tapped against the table, he crossed and uncrossed his legs a few times. “Nice to see you again, Mr... Ravenstein...s.” 

“It’s fine, just refer to us by our first names,” Slade leaned back and laughed. He patted Kaiser’s arm. “Look at us go, never would’ve thought I’d be put in the same category as a legend like you.” 

“You deserve it,” Kaiser chuckled, turning in his seat to face Titus as well. “I’m just a headmaster these days, not many still know my past.” 

“A shame really,” Slade shook his head. “Those recordings are crazy. I don’t think Roxanne or I could beat you.” 

“... Anyway,” Kaiser cleared his throat after a pause. A faint hint of red tinted his ears as he scanned the table of five. “Apologies, Titus. We’re just a little too talkative. How’s Nyssa?” 

Titus, left alone to deal with both Slade and Kaiser, tensed every neck muscle he had to not glance at the others. As sweat began appearing near his temples, he coughed a few times before a stammering chuckle left his lips. “Y-yeah, she’s doing well. We’re just... you know. Having dinner... yeah.” 

“Indeed, what is youth but hanging out with your friends,” Slade winked at Kaiser as they shared a knowing glance. “I wonder, though, who that fifth person could be. She’s not part of Class Zero, since I met all of you this afternoon.” 

“Well, she doesn’t look like a student,” Kaiser added, as he drummed his fingers against the table. “I’ve memorized every student’s face, and that’s an unfamiliar one...” 

“Ah! Must we call security then?” Slade exclaimed while making a fake scared expression. “How could there be an intruder?” 

“I know right, what a shame,” Kaiser shook his head, unable to suppress the laughs slipping through his lips. “Hmm... where’s the security phone numbe-” 

“Fine IT’S ME! Happy now?” Nyssa grumbled, crossing her arms as her body untransformed back into her normal form. Her hair dyed itself white once more as her body grew. “What is this weird prank you’re running?” 

“Well, it wouldn’t hurt, you know?” Slade clutched his stomach, smacking the table while laughing. “We both saw you long before you saw us. We watched the transformation with our own eyes!” 

“Ack...” Nyssa stretched across the table, grabbing onto the now-laughing Celeste’s arm. “A failure...” 

“It was already over when Conrad said what he said,” Celeste pat Nyssa’s head. “Don’t feel bad.” 

“Hey! Hey, hey, trust,” Conrad motioned with his arms. He puffed his chest out. “It wasn’t me, it was the slam more than what I said. Plus, they knew about it already anyway! I know I might’ve lacked a little subtlety-” 

“A little?” Albion retorted as everyone—including Kaiser and Slade—looked at Conrad.

“... Okay, I know I might’ve lacked a lot of subtlety,” Conrad cleared his throat. “But it’s fine!” 

“Alright, sure man, whatever helps you sleep at night,” Albion shook his head. As murmurs agreeing with what he said came from other people, he nodded towards them with a laugh. As the conversation settled though, he looked towards the others with an awkward smile. Mouthing a “do we invite them?”, he waited for the others to answer. 

One awkward situation later, where nobody could understand what he said—because no one could read lips well—followed up by him texting the group chat to clarify, they did get an affirmative from everyone. Nyssa included, even if hers was laced with a scent of despair. 

Another stammering invitation from Nyssa later, and the two tables combined into one. Sat in the corner of the restaurant, they hadn’t disturbed any other party during the move. Bar the waitress who laughed when she came with water and bread, every other party continued on with their own conversations none the wiser. 

The waitress took their order, scrawling down each of their requests on a small notepad before walking off. Left to their own devices once more, they made some more... awkward conversation. Kaiser and Slade kept quiet to not disturb the students too much. 

Their actions though, left Albion, Titus, Celeste, Conrad, and Nyssa fidgeting. Their conversation stunted as their brains struggled to come up with anything of substance. 

“So... how’s class...” Conrad nodded his head, motioning to everyone else. 

“Great! I’m having a wonderful time learning, I just learn so much every day,” Nyssa added with a frozen smile. 

“It’s just such a great time being at this institute, wouldn’t you agree?” Titus gave a thumbs-up, looking towards Celeste, “I just can’t wait to see you all every morning.” 

“Totally, our teacher is just so great at explaining,” Celeste followed up behind Titus, flashing a thumbs-up of her own. “There’s no time where I ever worry about going to her for help or support when I need it. It’s just such a great learning environment.” 

“What is this goofy-ass teacher evaluation sounding conversation you all are having?” Slade facepalmed while laughing. “I’m not that old, just treat me like... an older brother.” 

“It’s a little hard,” Celeste confessed, lacing her fingers together. “You’re quite famous, you know? We all look up to you. It also doesn’t help that you're the child of the principal, and you’re sitting here with him.” 

“Ah, yes, I’m quite familiar with the effect I have on students,” Kaiser mumbled as he stared at his plate. “A shame, really.” 

“It’s because you’re built like a tank, and are a war hero, dad,” Slade reached over and patted his hand. He turned back to the group of students and pointed to Nyssa—who had now looked away while pretending she had no physical body. “But how am I any different from Nyssa?”

“Beyond the fame?” Albion raised an eyebrow. “I mean... a lot?” 

“She doesn’t quite give off a very pressuring atmosphere,” Celeste answered with a diplomatic smile. Memories of a certain cat napping on her lap made it hard to harbor any sort of fear or hesitation when it came to Nyssa. 

“What can I do then to close the gap a little between us?” Slade drummed his fingers against a plate. He stared off into space for a few moments as Kaiser elected to stay quiet. Age and fame made it hard to close the gap—but what kind of brother would he be if he didn’t try to get close to his younger sister’s friends?

... Probably an average one, but he wanted to be a good brother. 

“How about this,” Slade sat up after a few seconds, “How about I retell some stories about Nyssa from childhood. I’m sure she hasn’t told you all anything. An easy way to get to know your classmate better.” 

“Not interested.” 

“It’s fine.” 

“I’m not much of a child person.” 

“I’m not inter... Well, actually,” Celeste paused, ignoring Nyssa’s pleading hand tugging at her sleeve. “Albion, let me switch seats with you, I want to hear this.”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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