Manuke FPS

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

After finishing registering as an adventurer, we went to the General Guild Annex room.

There were artisan shops lining the commercial center, and what seemed to be the Main Guild buildings for the Magic Guild, the Magic Hall, the Commerce Guild, having the Commerce Hall, and there was a museum, a training school, a management ridge, and many other buildings. It felt like a general office building.

In the annex, it was similar to the main building. There was a check in counter with tables to spread out the materials, and there was a waiting area.

The presentation table is over there

Ashley pointed to a table that we went to. Behind the window was an old gentleman with a mustache and a monocle.

Welcome. I am the appraiser Lesmond. Please present your guild card and suppression proof.

Yes, thank you.

I passed the guild card and the Goblin Mages obi to Lesmond. Lesmond put the card at the base of a crystal on a pedestal on the counter and spread out the Goblin Mages obi, touching it lightly. Will you know from doing just that?

Lesmond has the Appraisal skill. Besides, at level 3, it becomes Analysis.

Thanks to Ashley I understood what was going on. But it was Appraisal? I wonder if such a thing would develop in me? And it evolves after reaching a certain level

It is a stunning Goblin Mages arm band. The purchase price in 55 silver, 55000 OL?. You will receive 300 points for defeating a Goblin Mage, so Black-sama will be promoted from rank G to rank E. Congratulations.

E? What about F?

Yes, from G to F requires 25 points. However, from F to E it is 250 points.

I see, from 300 there would be enough for the 275 from G to E, and 25 left over on the way to D.

Thank you very much

Black-san, you are now rank E! Though, please do try not to overdo it.

Ee, thanks, Ashley.

I accepted the card from Lesmond and checked it.

<table><tbody><tr><th colspan="2">~~ ADVENTURER REGISTRATION CARD ~~</th></tr><tr><td> Name</td><td>Black Powder</td></tr><tr><td> Age</td><td> 24</td></tr><tr><td> Birthplace/Hometown</td><td> VMB</td></tr><tr><td> Main Weapon</td><td> None</td></tr><tr><td> Main Magic Attribute</td><td> None</td></tr><tr><td> Skills</td><td> None</td></tr><tr><td> Abilities</td><td> None</td></tr><tr><td>Tax Payment Method</td><td>Adventurer Reward</td></tr><tr><td>Rank</td><td>E (25/500)</td></tr></tbody><tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr></table>

So it seems for E rank I will need 500 points, and I will confirm tomorrow if I can do it in a single request.

So, shall we go the the inn? [Raises/lowers eyebrows] The sun has already begun to set, and Remi is probably tired waiting.

Black-sama, I look forward to your return.

Ashley showed me the way out of the annex, and to the inn Remi recommended.


Ah, the key isnt working.

Excuse me, its General Guild Investigator Remi. A stray goblin was suppressed in Mairal Village.

After I separated from Ashley and Black-kun, immediately went to the Office building of the General Guild, had come to the Director of the Research Office.

The office was very simple, just an office desk and bookcase. But on the wall hung a lance, used by the Director during his adventures.

Indeed, I understand. An investigation committee will be dispatched to Mairal Village, and perhaps a troop of knights depending on when they set off and the severity of the problem. If it was just a low class monster, it should be tasty prey.

The Director raised his head and laughed. Garubasu Byuritsu, He was a beast-man, with brown hair, pale yellow eyes, in his 50s. Though his body didnt seem to be getting any weaker. So he pressed Remi to continue.

So, this man called Black, is he a matter of concern?

Yes, he has no armor, has never seen magic, doesnt know about the Kurt Merga Kingdom, and has no common sense. He is likely a fallen aristocrat from another country.

Dont be so roundabout. Which one?

Excuse me. Judging from the performance of his tools, the short walking stick, his weapons look like the musical instruments from the Baishuban Empire.

The Ice Wolf Emperor has crushed more than half of the upper nobility, and the fallen have been coming to the Kurt Merga Kingdom.

Is it all right?

The Ice Wolf Emperor will not interfere with a boy who fled from the former nobility. As for Mairal Village, organize an investigation committee and find the labyrinth!

This inn, is this the place Remi recommended?

Yea, its the White Labyrinth Flower Cottage. Lets go in.

The inn that Ashley had brought me to was distinctive: it had 3 stories, white walls of masonry, and stone floors. We went inside and immediately in the front were the reception desks made of wood. There was a aunty sat down at the desk with a cute smile.

Welcome, would you like to have a meal? Or would you like lodging? [or perhaps]

Good evening, Milana-san

Ara, Young Lady Ashley, welcome! Would you like a meal?

Yes, also, please stop saying young lady! And I would like a meal and a room, please.

Yes, yes. Lodging with a meal is 1500 OL. One week will be 10000 OL and 1 month will be 40000 OL due to discounts.

1 Month was quite a discount. Because I only have 55000 OL.

Then, one week please.

Yes, You are in room 203. Breakfast is between the 6~9 bells in the morning and dinner is between the 18~21 bells in the evening. In the morning at 7 oclock, the wash water will be warmed and again at 19 oclock for wiping.

OK, please, take care, of me, thank, you.

So, lets go eat. The uncle heres cooking is very tasty.

Landlady? When the money is paid to Milana, we received the key and went to the dining room on the first floor

The dinner served in the dining room was certainly delicious. In this alien world, reminiscent of medieval Europe, in both building and in culture, though it is unlikely that the spices that were so valuable at that time would be valuable in this different world.

There were many spices, including pepper and sugar. Perhaps, the level of the cooking skill of this inns chef is high, but regardless, future meals at this in may become what I look forward to every day.

Ashley and I had not had a decent meal since leaving Mairal Village in the early morning, and she quickly finished her meal in silence. Ashley doesnt seem to talk too much during a meal, and just watches while munching silently, smiling when she took a bite.

Ahh~~! Its pretty late.

Remi-senpai! Thank you for your work today. Im sorry, Black-san and I have already finished eating.

Must be tired, you look.

Waa~ It cant be helped. Ill just eat alone. Ashley, return to the dormitory first, Well be re-investigating the area around Mairal Village tomorrow.

Tomorrow?! The Directors decisions are always well, after all, it is a labyrinth

I am sorry that I invite you during a meal, Black-kun. Going to Mairal Village will be a hassle tomorrow, so rest tonight, you must be tired.

Than you, investigation, take care.

Remi and Ashley were going to Mairal Village tomorrow, and I must raise my guild rank and make money, though for the time being I will relax and inspect the VMB system I brought into this world.

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