Manuke FPS

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The current conversation so far tells me that those who approach in order to become adventurers are expected to pay taxes

I, who fell into a different world, paying taxes? How do you expect me to do that?

This may be rather bad. I may end up incarcerated for tax evasion. That being said, tax payment records are necessary to become an adventurer. Why in the world is it so hard to become an adventurer [tear/tears/lachrymal secretion/sympathy]?

Seeking freedom, from country to country, the world perfects the art of hunting demons. Though there doesnt seem to be many local officials? Or do adventurers hold that sort of qualification? The name Kurt Merga is attached to the front of the guild, and in this alien world, the adventurers guild was an institution separate from the country. It was created by the country, but is not managed by it, so this is essentially the Public Employment Office? Well, this does make some sense.

Honestly, of my, parents, accident, death, it does, not heard, the story around that.

Oh, I am terribly sorry, that was rude of me. Then, for now will you act as an adventurer and pay the tax in the future?

Yes, intention, is.

So, the 10% from the rewards will be turned in as tax and the last year worth of taxes amounts to 100,000 Orr, and a total of 200,000 for this years taxes, and the 10% tax on rewards will continue until the taxes are paid off. But please be careful and note that this years tax deadline is 12/30, in 3 months. If it is not paid by the deadline, please be careful, because you may face jail time or public humiliation AND execution.

Oh. I took that pretty well. Iya, but should I put my faith in this lie? But with age it is obvious that one must become an adult and mature, and tax payment is usually left to the parent unless there is a case like this, but since I said my parents died in an accident, it would be convenient for others to believe that excuse.

No Perhaps death in this strange world is not uncommon.

Dangerous monsters live throughout the world, whether it be from a labyrinth, or people insisting on causing strife, security and safety in this world is fundamentally bad. And now, with the current conversation, it seems that one year is 12 months and January is 30 days. If anything, I will have to ask Ashley.

Yes, I understand.

I replied to all of Mirimarias questions and maintained a straight face. When I looked to the side, I saw Ashley staring at the registration form. There were so many blanks. I wonder if there was something wrong with that.

Ashley, the paper, please. Black-san, please register with your biometric information with this crystal. Its fine if you just drip a drop of blood on top of it. Please use this needle.

Mirimaria produced a crystal about 20cm in diameter on top of a pedestal of wood. I couldnt see it well from here, but it seemed that there was some sort of operating panel on the other side. I watched as the paper was inserted into the control panel. I took the needle and readied the hand I intended to stab. I probably have to stick it at the skin of my fingertip, and it only has to come out of the glove, but.

This body was this body even human? When I stab myself, and blue blood pours out, would I be hated?

I prick my finger. While a bit puzzled by this, I gingerly stick it into my finger,. My blood seems to be red, somehow or another, and I dropped it onto the crystal, which blinked white when it received the drop. The light quickly subsided. The bleeding stopped immediately.



What, why are they doing that? Did I do something funny? The air solidified and a card about the size of a pass came out of the pedestal from where the crystal rides.

Black-san, it is the adventurers registration card. Please verify that there arent any mistakes, and please be sure that the blanks are filled in later.

I picked up the card and verified the information on it.

<table><tbody><tr><th colspan="2">~~ ADVENTURER REGISTRATION CARD ~~</th></tr><tr><td> Name</td><td>Black Powder</td></tr><tr><td> Age</td><td> 24</td></tr><tr><td> Birthplace/Hometown</td><td> VMB</td></tr><tr><td> Main Weapon</td><td> None</td></tr><tr><td> Main Magic Attribute</td><td> None</td></tr><tr><td> Skills</td><td> None</td></tr><tr><td> Abilities</td><td> None</td></tr><tr><td>Tax Payment Method</td><td>Adventurer Reward</td></tr><tr><td>Rank</td><td>G (0/20)</td></tr></tbody><tr><td colspan="2">~~~~~~~~~~~</td></tr></table>

What is this My name became Black Powder. How did they come up with my team name from my original world, P0wDer?! And my hometown is VMB! That is to say, this world has acknowledged the existence of VMB? And although my weapons, magic attribute, skills and abilities should be known, it is listed as none..?

Is there a problem? If not, your registration is complete. Then, do you want a description of adventurer terms?

Y, yes, problem, no, regards, thank you.

So then, the adventurer system is easy to explain. Adventurers can accept an order or request in the general guilds main building, but each request is given a set rank. This prevents reckless adventurers from being injured or killed by taking too highly ranked requests. There are 10 ranks, from the bottom there is G, then F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS.

In order to raise in rank, requests gives guild points upon completion, also set for each requests, and they are also added upon presenting proof of subduing monsters and sub-races. Please note that you should sell it to the general guild. In addition, there is a rank up examination from D rank. When one reaches rank D, they can also apply to become an explorer. Is everything fine up till that point?

The ranking system was a popular template. However, I wonder if the presentation and sale of suppression proof is in order to prevent repeated presentation of items by many people? Well, there is no point in worrying about it. And becoming an explorer at rank D, I wonder why it is limited?

Why, explorers, rank, D?

Exploring labyrinths underground is dangerous, and those who die have their soul and magic stolen to sustain the labyrinth. The labyrinth brings a variety of benefits, but we must subdue the evil it produces. To prevent reckless challenges by those inadequate or people trying to get rich quick, and in order to prevent the sub-races and magical beasts from overflowing, the general guild manages it and does not recognize ability below rank D as capable, so they are not permitted to enter.

I see, understand, I do.

But, to continue, it can receive requests in this building, give completion reports in, and you can receive a receipt of remuneration from the sale of loot next door. Thank you for listening, Im finished describing it. I an looking forward to Black-sans success.

Its over! Black-san, lets quickly go and sell the obi, then lets go eat!

Listening to that speech had gotten me tired, and I hastened when Ashley said this, got up, and headed next door to the annex. My ear buds captured Mirimarias muttering, and she had likely seen the back of them, but didnt understand their meaning.

Truly an idiot

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