Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 133: Brotherhood is in Crisis

Chapter 133: Brotherhood is in Crisis

His character is flawed, but only in terms of personality; it has little to do with Thor's own growth rate.

Due to his berserker attributes, Thor is the type who becomes stronger when faced with stronger opponents.

Even so, Thor is already thousands of years old.

But what about that human called Bi Xiao?

He has only lived for twenty years, and his total time of transformation and growth is less than five years. How many five years does Thor have?

In just one five-year period, the other party has far surpassed Thor by countless measures.

The other party can already kill two Sky Fathers, an experience that Frigga has never heard of, unlike those born with the blood of the gods, who reach their peak at birth.

There is simply no comparison with Bi Xiao.

A mortal's bloodline, a mortal's genes, constantly leaping and growing without any foundation, although there is the help of a Supreme Sorcerer to consolidate and accumulate his strength, is also a matter of opportunity. Regardless of whether it is luck, it ultimately turns into strength, and this is beyond doubt.

Thinking of this, Frigga thought about her two good sons.

One is a brute who likes to solve everything with a hammer, no matter the situation; the other likes to play mind games and schemes, thinking himself clever while plotting everywhere, looking like a gloomy person on the verge of corruption.

The gentle queen suddenly wished to see her husband's iron-fisted education.

The gap is just too big.

She wondered when her two worrisome sons would truly grow up.

Frigga muttered to herself, considering whether to design some scheme to give her two sons a harsh lesson.


Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Professor X, who had been immersed in grief due to the death of his old friends Magneto and Mystique Raven, gradually broke free from his sadness over time.

Professor X is undoubtedly very rational.

So rational that despite his inner dissatisfaction with Bi Xiao for killing Magneto and Mystique, he suppressed this emotion with reason, knowing that Magneto died at Bi Xiao's hands due to his own pride and arrogance, which cannot be blamed on Bi Xiao.

What kind of person is Bi Xiao?

He clearly distinguishes between gratitude and grudges, has his own bottom line, and possesses kindness; otherwise, he would not have stormed Stryker's experimental base to save those innocent mutants.

At the same time, he is also a butcher, one who hates villains.

Is Magneto a villain?

To many mutants, Magneto is not a villain but a savior who has rescued and recruited many innocent mutants. He is a charismatic leader.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, he is an evildoer. Magneto shows little mercy and compassion to those outside the mutant community.

If necessary, he would kill any innocent person without hesitation.

Many innocent lives have been lost in Magneto's many conflicts with the government, which is one reason the government attacks mutants as dangerous, because Magneto indeed cares little about the lives of ordinary people.

Mystique is the same; she once knew mercy but could also ruthlessly kill anyone obstructing her mission to execute Magneto's tasks.

Her hands are equally stained with blood.

Facing such people, the outcome with Bi Xiao could only be one, with one side inevitably facing death.

In Bi Xiao's eyes, there is no distinction between mutants and ordinary people; they are all just humans. As long as someone is a villain, he will kill them equally.

This trait is excellent, making Professor X wish that everyone in the world could understand equality as Bi Xiao does, which would make the position and living environment of mutants much less awkward.

However, because of this character and ability, his old friends have died.

Professor Charles feels some self-blame and resentment, but he will not blame Bi Xiao.

He buries his sorrow deep in his heart.

Charles knows he must emerge from his grief because, since Magneto's death, he has known one thing: the Brotherhood left by Erik has become a ticking time bomb.

Those who followed Erik are equally extreme.

Without Erik's suppression, these people will explode in despair due to the loss of their protector, causing social chaos.

This will make the environment for mutants even more awkward, with ordinary people hating mutants even more.

Realizing this, the professor, awakening from his grief, immediately took up the Cerebro amplifier, spreading his psychic powers across the world to locate the Brotherhood's base. With Magneto gone, the magnetic field in the base disappeared, and he immediately found the Brotherhood's base location.

However, the professor also discovered that a large unknown army was lurking far from the base, seemingly ready to attack at any moment.

They were fully armed with all kinds of weapons and equipment.

Professor Charles hoped to use his psychic powers to probe their memories. To his surprise, he found that many specialized devices in the army's center greatly interfered with his psychic powers.

It must be noted that he was using Cerebro, which made his psychic powers the strongest on earth.

Those devices could interfere with his psychic powers, clearly using materials and technology far beyond his imagination, backed by a powerful force that alarmed him.

The professor realized that all the mutants in the Brotherhood's base were in crisis.

He immediately took the simplified Cerebro amplifier made by Beast, boarded the Blackbird jet, and with the X-Men members, flew to the Brotherhood's base.

Professor X would never allow anyone to control the Brotherhood members.


On a Pacific island base, the island was very large, like an independent kingdom with land, mountains, lakes, and houses; this was a base.

Originally, the base was covered by a magnetic field that could distort light, making it invisible to the naked eye and even shielded from military satellites in the sky to avoid detection.

This island was a base established by Magneto.

The base housed 4,831 people, mostly mutants who were fervent followers of Magneto.

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