Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 134: Brotherhood Base Falls!

Chapter 134: Brotherhood Base Falls!

Apart from a few mutants with stronger abilities, most of them have weaker abilities.

These people were sheltered because Magneto always wanted to establish a nation for mutants in the future. A kingdom needs subjects, so he absorbed all mutants who were loyal to him, regardless of their abilities. Of course, Magneto preferred those with stronger abilities.

This is why this Brotherhood base was established.

Mutants live happily here. Although built on an island, it essentially functions like an ordinary small town with all necessary living facilities, including doctors.

These doctors are not traditional medical professionals but have healing abilities, albeit not very powerful, capable of curing various illnesses.

Under the leader's protection, the base appeared peaceful, even harmonious.

However, Magneto's death brought significant changes to the island.

The magnetic field that had always covered the island suddenly disappeared, causing unease among some mutants within the base.

People did not understand why the protective magnetic field disappeared. If the leader did not remove it voluntarily, the most likely reason was that he had died.

Since the base was established, Magneto had never voluntarily removed the magnetic field, whether he was inside the base or outside. This magnetic field was the base's greatest protective barrier and a source of security for everyone within.

Therefore, if it was not removed voluntarily, the only possibility was that the leader was dead.

This suspicion quickly spread among all the mutants, and panic and fear gradually spread. It was manageable for a day or two, but after several days, this fear accumulated to a breaking point.

Without the protection of the magnetic field, it felt like a naked woman exposed, bringing immense anxiety.

They felt that the military could discover them at any moment, attack the island, massacre them, or secretly take them to experimental bases to physically eliminate them.

The sense of unease spread, breaking the original peace and harmony within the base.

Some mutants tried to flee the base but were forced back by the guards established by Magneto. The fanatic guards could not believe that anyone could kill the great leader.

In the eyes of the guards, attempting to escape was undoubtedly betrayal.

For this reason, they killed a few mutants who tried to escape, further increasing the fear among the other mutants in the base.

The atmosphere grew more intense over time, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any moment.

Meanwhile, a hundred nautical miles outside the island base, a carrier battle group consisting of an aircraft carrier, three air-defense missile cruisers, three anti-submarine air-defense destroyers, two nuclear-powered attack submarines, and two logistics support ships, a total of eleven vessels, was eyeing the island base.

Moreover, thirteen Quinjet transport aircraft and eight Apache attack helicopters were stationed on the aircraft carrier, ready to take off at any time.

On the carrier, a robust white man with short white hair, dressed in combat gear, was observing the island base through a specially made telescope in the combat command room.

"Sir, should we launch an attack?" suggested a nearby agent in combat gear.

"We have not received authorization. Even if we want to launch an attack, without Colonel Douglas' cooperation, it is impossible to execute the mission. Wait," the white-haired man said in a deep, powerful voice.

"Understood, sir," the agent realized.

Standing beside him, the agent stole glances at the man, who was a legend, G.W. Bridge, real name George Washington Bridge. He had no superpowers but was agile, battle-hardened, skilled in firearms, and proficient in combat techniques. He had completed countless life-threatening missions.

Every time he completed them perfectly, making him one of the best agents in the bureau.

Personally appointed by Director Nick Fury to handle mutant affairs, this was his first mission.

Bridge calmly observed the island. As a battle-hardened agent, his mental fortitude was beyond ordinary people's imagination.

He had received direct orders from Director Nick Fury to deal with the Brotherhood base but did not launch an attack, patiently waiting for the Brotherhood members on the island to fall into disarray. If he had attacked on the first day, the mutants with remaining morale would have inevitably caused casualties. To handle this perfectly, it was best to avoid that.

He was a patient hunter and commander, waiting for fear and despair to spread completely before seizing victory.


As time passed, Bridge observed the smoke and running crowds on the island base through his telescope. His eyes lit up when he saw mutants trying to stop the chaos.

He immediately picked up the communicator and issued orders.

"Attention all units, proceed to the target. Air units, take off and surround the island. Objective: capture all mutants."

Following the order, the entire carrier battle group activated.

The carrier battle group belonged to the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D.). With its massive size, it naturally possessed formidable naval military power.

In fact, this was not the only carrier battle group.

The carrier battle group sped towards the island, with numerous Quinjet fighter jets carrying fully armed agents, Apache attack helicopters, and fighter jets all taking off, roaring towards the Brotherhood island base.

A one-sided battle was about to unfold.

All weapons specifically designed to target mutants were brought. Without Magneto, the strongest combat power, the Brotherhood island base had no chance of winning this unfair war.

The arrival of the military also caught the attention of the Brotherhood mutants on the island.

The massive scale, the sky filled with fighter jets, overwhelmed the mutants on the island, causing them to lose control.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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