Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 135: Confrontation between X-Men and G. W. Bridge

Chapter 135: Confrontation between X-Men and G. W. Bridge

Roars and explosions continued without end.

The terrified screams and people fleeing in all directions broke the tranquility of the entire island. Many mutants tried to escape to the island's docks, but unfortunately, there were special agents already waiting there.

The mutant guard team established by Magneto consisted of twelve people, all with considerable abilities.

They caused quite a bit of trouble for Bridge's side.

Particularly one blonde man, who seemed able to instantaneously burst out terrifying energy from his body, destroying many fighter jets with his power.

Cooperating with other members of the mutant guard team, along with some rebellious mutants, they were able to hold on for a while. Other than some being caught, the rest were captured alive by the agents using special equipment designed for the task.


The surging blast waves exploded, disorienting the heavily armed agents gradually surrounding from afar. Although the explosion was powerful, the casualties were minimal due to the special combat suits they were wearing.

Bridge, as the commander, also landed on the island from the mothership, standing at the rear with a weapon. Seeing the situation, he immediately took out a communicator to instruct the fighter jets circling in the sky to prepare to attack at any time.

If these guards were too difficult to handle, he planned to eliminate them.

The director had given him a large quota for casualties, not caring about these few.

"Danny, their numbers are increasing, we are being surrounded."

A woman with roses painted on her eyes and black lipstick yelled at the leading blonde man.

"We once swore to dedicate our lives to the great cause. Whether the leader is alive or not, I will not surrender. There are only fallen guards, no surrendering guards."

Danny's body was ablaze with fierce red energy, like flames. His fury seemed capable of evaporating everything in front of him, but his voice was cold, contrasting sharply with his raging power.

The other guard members, hearing Danny's words, said no more. Being chosen by the leader to join the guard team meant they were not only powerful but also fanatically devoted.


The woman stood still as the entire island began to tremble slightly. Facing the dense gun barrels over a hundred meters away and the incessantly patrolling fighter jets in the sky, she walked over to Danny's side.

"We will not disappoint the leader, right."

"Right." Danny turned to look at the woman, understanding the meaning behind her words. His eyes flickered for a moment before becoming firm again.

The expressions and exchange between Danny and the woman made Bridge, standing a hundred meters away, suddenly feel a strong sense of unease.

He instinctively lowered his gun slightly.

"No matter what they plan to do, Black Hawk, bombard the target indiscriminately, quickly."

Bridge decisively shouted into the communicator.

"Yes, sir, indiscriminately bombarding the target point."

After the standard response from the pilot squad on the other end of the communicator, they were about to press the missile launch button. However, at that moment, the sky suddenly darkened. Rolling dark clouds began to rage, obscuring the bright sun and light.

Lightning flashed and thundered, winds picked up, and tornadoes started to form around the island base. The powerful winds affected the fighter jets in the sky, causing them to sway and lose their lock on the target area.

The surrounding magnetic field also subtly changed.

This sudden change immediately drew the attention of both the mutants and agents within the island base. Danny and the woman shielded themselves with a hand, struggling to look at the sky amidst the blowing winds.

At some point, a blackbird jet slowly descended vertically from above.

It finally landed on an open space in the distance. Members of the X-Men, dressed in black uniforms, pushed Professor X, who was in a wheelchair, down the ramp from the cabin, forming a triangle with the mutant guard team and Bridge's agents.

Storm, with her eyes white, controlled the weather, trying to disrupt the fighter jets in the sky.

"Professor X." Bridge, who handled mutant affairs, immediately recognized Professor X...

And naturally, the other mutants were well aware of Professor X's name.

Danny and the woman exchanged a glance, slightly relaxing their previously firm resolve.

"They are not bad people, officer."


"Mr. Bridge." Professor X smoothly responded. He earnestly looked at Bridge and said, "They just want a stable and peaceful environment. They have suffered and faced injustice before. Could you let me take them away?"

"I believe they prefer a peaceful life rather than returning to the past."

"You can't guarantee that." Bridge bluntly refused without any tact, pointing at Danny and the other guards.

"They are the most fanatical remnants left by Magneto. They are filled with dissatisfaction with the world, with humanity. My responsibility is to eliminate this potential threat."

"Do I need to remind you, Professor X, that over the past three years, each one of them has followed Magneto, causing bloodshed around the world, all of which is vivid in our memories."

The atmosphere tensed again with Bridge's words.

Danny and the guard members' expressions turned fierce, their eyes full of killing intent towards Bridge and his people.

This caused Professor X some headache. He couldn't claim Danny and the others were completely innocent, as they indeed had done many harmful things over the years.

After a moment of silence, he said, "But more people are innocent, aren't they?"

"Could you give them a chance? Their past experiences have made them distrust the world. They need a mentor to guide them on the right path."

Professor X was still making efforts.

But the response he got was Bridge's sneer: "They need to be judged for what they have done. Wrongdoing needs to be repaid, which is why I am here."

"What kind of judgment will they face?"

"A prison specifically built for them, and I am in charge of it.”

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