Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 141: Bi Xiao vs Quoggoth

Chapter 141: Bi Xiao vs Quoggoth

To what extent must the body be strong? The bones and muscle fibers are harder than the hardest steel in the world.

In his memory, Xiao was very strong, possibly to this extent?

No wonder he could kill a monster like Magneto.

Only a monster could kill another monster.

However, the more monstrous thing was that disgusting entity, which could completely recover even after being chopped into powder, making one's spine shiver.

Putting oneself in their shoes, if it weren't for Xiao's sudden appearance, they wouldn't have been able to kill that monster no matter what they did. Instead, they would have been turned into the monster's slaves, becoming walking corpses.

Professor X had already recovered. He looked at Xiao with a complex expression, unable to help but sigh inwardly.

In the real world, Xiao held a sword in his right hand and extended his left hand to the side, summoning the golden Seraphim shield. The large magical shield displayed stunning defensive power as Quoggoth's massive tentacles continuously struck it. Each tentacle exerted a force of several thousand tons.

Any reinforced concrete building would be like foam before his tentacles.

Yet, the strikes on the Seraphim shield did not cause any damage to the magical shield. On the contrary, due to the special nature of magic, each strike burned and destroyed the tentacles like a piece of red-hot iron.

Quoggoth didn't care about losing his tentacles, as they would regenerate in an instant. His main goal was to repel the human in front of him.

The pressure Xiao exerted was too strong, leaving him with no ability to resist, continually cycling between death and regeneration.

He had no concept of death, but the process was tedious and frustrating for him.

Quoggoth was very hungry. Yes, he could feel hunger, and so could his creator. Otherwise, they wouldn't have used human ancestors as food in ancient times.

Hunger was a significant issue because it weakened Quoggoth.

Especially when Xiao continuously erased his consciousness while he was in a state of hunger, further weakening him.

While it wouldn't lead to death, recovering from this weakness would require a lot of time and food.

Quoggoth was furious at the human who kept entangling him.

He was very hungry and needed food, a lot of it, to become stronger and resist the potential return of his creator.

Quoggoth knew that his awakening would inevitably attract the attention of his creator, Shuma-Gorath.

He didn't want to be sealed in that tomb again; he wanted to surpass Shuma-Gorath.

Quoggoth had to get rid of the dangerous human in front of him.

The world twisted as vast chaotic energy surged, rolling like waves. Terrifying beams of light shot from Quoggoth fourteen eyes, each beam containing the power to destroy a city.

These beams were directed at Xiao.

In the twisted space of energy, they aimed to bind Xiao and destroy him with energy rays. Quoggoth methods were few but effective.

At least, most people would not be able to resist this combination of attacks from Quoggoth.

However, Xiao was not among these people.

His physical strength was such that the chaotic energy could not bind his actions. It was as if a dragon was hidden within him, and no amount of pressure could affect him.

Facing the oncoming beams, Xiao made a hand gesture, placing his hand in front of him.


The beams were swallowed by the fractured space just a meter away from him, forming transparent crystals like shattered mirrors. Xiao then pushed forward with his right hand, sending the rotating crystal petals back towards Quoggoth.

Quoggoth continuously released energy to block them, but the crystals consumed the energy. Eventually, the crystals pierced through him, and as they did, they shattered completely, cutting his body with the sharpest knives.

Quoggoth let out a painful scream as the world trembled.

Xiao stared at Quoggoth with cold eyes.

By now, he was certain that his magic inherently countered these Cthulhu-like monsters.

It was a suppression of the higher over the lower; once pierced by his magic, Quoggoth, an entity formed by countless consciousnesses, would be truly erased.

However, a small part of the consciousness would survive and rapidly regenerate.

It wouldn't die but would become weaker.

In this way, using magic to kill this monster repeatedly, the monster would eventually die, but it would take a very long time, requiring continuous use of his magic.

This was the most brute-force method.

Yet, it was not the most effective. The monster was strong, not only in its immortality and mental pollution but also in its basic ability to release energy rays and shockwaves, powerful enough to destroy a city.

And its energy seemed almost infinite.

It was a tanky and controlling type, with high durability, mental pollution control, and offensive capabilities.

This thing was a low-end version of Shuma-Gorath, with the high-end version of Shuma-Gorath being far stronger in every aspect.

This battle allowed Xiao to confirm his suspicion: if his magic could kill this monster, then it could also harm Shuma-Gorath, another Cthulhu-like entity, and potentially kill it.

Thus, the Eye Demon Shuma-Gorath could be added to his hunting list.

The Eye Demon Shuma-Gorath was of a very high level. As the Lord of Chaos, its power was greater than that of the Ancient One and capable of destroying galaxies.

This level of power surpassed that of the Sky Fathers.

Due to the ancient gods' contract and dimensional barriers, its power would be suppressed if it descended to Earth.

At least on Earth, Xiao was not afraid of it. However, to completely kill it, he would need to surpass the Sky Fathers.

While Xiao was contemplating the Eye Demon Shuma-Gorath, Quoggoth continued his antics, releasing dense energy rays from his fourteen eyes towards Xiao.

Xiao's longsword vanished in a golden flash, and he formed a triangle with his index fingers and thumbs in front of him.

A dazzling large golden magic circle appeared, blocking the attacks. The magical shield sparkled, but it did not waver. In fact, golden energy spheres appeared in the sky, forming a starry river.

These energy spheres surrounded Quoggoth in a mysterious arc.

Seeing this, Quoggoth felt a sense of impending death. Realizing the danger, he tried to escape using chaotic energy.

However, the golden energy spheres connected, forming a polyhedral space with a diameter of nearly ten thousand meters, enclosing both Quoggoth and Xiao.

Quoggoth chaotic energy surged as he tried to teleport away, but in this polyhedral space, space was completely locked. In this state, escaping through spatial means was impossible.

This polyhedral space was a perfect prison.

Xiao had modified a high-level spell called the Atlas Light Prison, which he found in the Ancient One's private library at Kamar-Taj. It was originally a spell created by an ancient sorcerer named Atlas, designed to lock space and imprison enemies.

This spell was highly complex. At Kamar-Taj, only the Ancient One could use it because it required extensive magical knowledge and immense energy to maintain.

As an imprisoning spell, it was highly mana-intensive and inefficient.

However, Xiao immediately took a liking to it and made numerous modifications.

After significant improvements, it became what it is now. Xiao had ample mana and could use it to lock and continuously attack enemies, ensuring they had no way out but death.

Just like Quoggoth, who was trapped and struggling.

Finding that he couldn't escape through spatial means, Quoggoth frantically released energy rays and chaotic energy. But when these hit the seemingly thin polyhedral golden walls, they were decomposed and converted into energy.

Indeed, this spell also absorbed and converted energy.

No matter how Quoggoth attacked, it only strengthened the spell.

Its defense was astonishing. Even the explosion of three hundred nuclear bombs wouldn't break the spell's barrier. Instead, the explosion's energy would be absorbed.

This spell was one of the top-tier spells in Xiao's magical arsenal.

It was the most effective spell for one-on-one combat.

Its only possible flaw was its slow casting speed. From the moment he encountered Quoggoth, Xiao had been casting this spell until the golden energy spheres were formed.

Thus, while powerful, its complexity far exceeded that of the original Atlas Light Prison.

To address this flaw, Xiao was considering further improvements.

Each energy sphere was solidified in a certain form, containing multiple complex magical circuits. A minor error could cause an internal imbalance and explosion.

Its power wouldn't be less than that of a nuclear explosion.

It's meticulous work.

However, that's for later. Inside the light prison, Quoggoth wildly flailed his tentacles and released energy rays and chaotic energy relentlessly. But the polyhedral barrier did not budge.

Even when struck by tentacles with a force of a thousand tons, the kinetic energy was absorbed and reflected back.

No matter how Quoggoth struggled or attacked, it had no effect.

His vast, polluted mental power was also isolated.

Xiao was no longer inside the light prison but outside, coldly watching Quoggoth struggle.

High above, in the polyhedral light prison with a diameter of ten thousand meters, the terrifying monster Quoggoth was imprisoned, struggling and resisting. This scene made everyone in the virtual world breathe a sigh of relief.

"He’s practically a god. Has he come to save us?"

"No, he is a god."

"Is he a mutant or not?"

"Such power isn’t common even among mutants, not even their leader."

"He trapped that monster. He’s saved us all.”

Mutants and agents discussed, seemingly forgetting their previous identities.

"I like that kid."

Wolverine Logan puffed on his cigar, leisurely exhaling smoke.

"His character is hard to grasp. He is a butcher, but he also saves people," Jean said in confusion. She was good at observing people, but she had never clearly understood the true nature of the mysterious Asian boy.

"He is a butcher, but also a butcher with a bottom line and compassion," Cyclops Scott said in a low voice.

Initially, Scott did not like Xiao. Their first meeting left an impression of arrogance, rudeness, and villainy, especially since Xiao almost fought with his teacher, Professor X.

However, the incident at the Stryker base, where Xiao saved many innocent mutant children and even used some method to regrow their lost limbs, changed his perception.

Though arrogant, Xiao had a kind heart and did not discriminate against mutants, showing compassion.

So, Scott did not oppose subsequent transactions with Xiao, such as purchasing the Blackbird from the academy.

Magneto's death was none of his business; he only worried about Professor X.

Saving them this time made Scott even more favorable towards Xiao.

Other mutants, including Beast, nodded in agreement.

But Logan shook his head and said, "NO, he is not a butcher. He is a hunter, a born hunter who chooses his prey and hunts mercilessly."

"At first, it was gang members, vampires, Stryker, and now this monster. All his prey are monsters, either those with monsters within or actual monsters."

As a fellow hunter, Logan sensed a similar but more terrifying and advanced aura in Xiao.

He far surpassed Logan, who was also a hunter.

"I am more concerned about what that monster is. Professor, do you know what it is?" At this point, the person in charge of mutant affairs, Bridge, walked over, asking with a calm tone, despite the X-Men's cautious looks.

Bridge didn't care about Xiao or consider it his place to do so. He knew that if Xiao had any ambitions, news related to him would have been all over the place.

Xiao had saved everyone on the island during a crisis, making him a person of ambiguous morality at the very least.

Such a person was dangerous but not as dangerous as that monster.

A monster like a virus, which almost turned everyone into zombies without even showing its face, was his main concern.

He needed to know if this monster was unique or part of a species, the former being a singular threat, the latter a more significant danger.

In Bridge's view, no mutants or wars were as dangerous as that thing.

So he asked Professor X.

Professor X gave him a predictable answer: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bridge, I've never seen such a creature."

"Your feeling is correct; that monster is dangerous and possesses the most terrifying power in this world. None of us understands it. The only thing I might know is to never, ever encounter that monster."

"Then, Professor, do you know that gentleman?"

Bridge didn't feel disappointed. He looked at the figure standing outside the light prison, which was his real question.

Professor X's eyes were profound.

"Perhaps Mr. Bridge should ask your director. He knows the answer."

"Director?" Bridge's eyes flickered, then he stopped pursuing the matter: "Thank you for your answer, Professor. I think my mission has failed, but those mutated mutants need to be isolated, including all of us."

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