Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 142: Death of Quoggoth!

Chapter 142: Death of Quoggoth!

It's over.

Inside the light prison, Quoggoth struggled helplessly and angrily. He had tried many methods to escape this damned prison, even dissolving his physical manifestation in an attempt to split his consciousness and escape.

Unfortunately, he was still blocked by the light prison.

Bi Xiao floated in mid-air, analyzing and observing all the methods Quoggoth had used, examining the defenses of Atlas Light Prison, and being satisfied with the efficiency of energy absorption and conversion. Then, he stretched out his palm and clenched his fist violently.

Quoggoth let out an inexplicable, shrill scream.

Because he smelled the scent of death, true death, a feeling he had never experienced since his creation.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The densely packed golden light spheres lit up, and golden rays continuously shot out from the golden light spheres. Each ray did not shoot randomly but hit the corresponding golden light spheres inside, then reflected. From one, to two, to dozens, hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands.

The number increased, and the speed accelerated. As the rays moved, the absorbed and reflected energy grew larger.

The densely packed rays moved around, and Quoggoth tried to use all his energy to block and destroy them. However, once destroyed, the rays would quickly shoot again at an astonishing rate.

In the end, Quoggoth couldn't defend against them, getting pierced by the rays, erasing part of his consciousness. Once this happened, it would repeat a second, third, and hundredth time.

Ultimately, when the densely packed golden rays move at light speed, the entire light prison seemed to be in a state of stillness, with the central area inside presenting a golden-rendered light due to the light speed movement, creating a visual error.

Of course, this error was limited to ordinary people.

To someone like Bi Xiao, he could clearly see every movement trajectory of the golden rays.

He also saw Quoggoth's manifested body being completely shattered, with countless cancer-like consciousness being pierced and erased by tens of thousands of golden rays, splitting and reorganizing, and being pierced and reorganized again.

This process is repeated hundreds of thousands of times per second.

The light speed energy movement also generated an extremely high temperature inside, gradually approaching the temperature of a star's core.

In such an environment, only an immortal creature like the Cthulhu monster could survive.

If Thanos or any demon lord were thrown inside, they wouldn't survive for more than three seconds.

The power was beyond Bi Xiao's imagination.

He quietly watched the brutal killing of the Cthulhu, contemplating how to improve this magic. The power was surprisingly great; even a god would die unless Odin, with tens of thousands of years of accumulated divine power, exploded the light prison with pure violence.

Otherwise, it would be a dead end.

The drawback was the slowness. By the time the stars aligned, any enemy would have escaped if they weren't foolish.

This monster had just awakened, seemingly not fully conscious, and had never encountered such a level of magic, so it was trapped in the light prison due to his delay.

Other enemies wouldn't be like this. Every god-like being was cunning, with exceptional danger perception.

Before improving this magic, other means were needed to assist and use other powerful spells to cover Atlas Light Prison for successful release.

As he pondered, the ocean below churned, and the aircraft carrier fleet that had escaped early stayed over a hundred nautical miles away. Captain Douglas took out a communicator to report to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Fury received the news immediately, mobilizing military satellites and connecting to the cameras on the carrier fleet's Quinjet, observing from multiple angles.

Zooming in on the computer, the scene made Fury's single eye narrow.

He immediately locked down his office, forbidding anyone from entering or exiting, and set the computer data to the highest access level, only accessible by him.

"Is Bridge still alive?"

"I'm sorry, sir. When we retreated, the island was already blown up. Agent Bridge and other agents sank with the island into the sea."

"I think their chances of survival are very low."

Douglas reported everything in detail, his tone carrying some regret.

As fellow agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the sacrifice of thousands of agents moved him, even if human lives were not always valued highly.

Moreover, Bridge, whom he had interacted with, was straightforward with a tough veteran demeanor, which he greatly admired.

The first mission ended in burial at sea. Naturally, Douglas felt touched.

Hearing Douglas's report, Fury was silent for a moment, heartbroken to the point of being unable to breathe. Although a thousand agents were a small number compared to the vast numbers of S.H.I.E.L.D., Bridge was one of the top agents with extraordinary combat skills, among the best in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Otherwise, Fury wouldn't have appointed Bridge to handle mutant affairs and even planned to provide him with an overseas base.

And those thousand elite agents sent were valuable assets of S.H.I.E.L.D., buried at sea with their commander Bridge, without a trace. Fury's pain was immense.

The resources and time required to train Bridge and these elite agents were vast.

"What the hell is that damned monster?"

Fury looked at the computer screen, seeing Bi Xiao and the mysterious polyhedral light prison. The golden-rendered areas inside the prison were growing, indicating the monster was not dead, or Bi Xiao wouldn't still be there.

This video would inevitably be analyzed by the department, and Bi Xiao's combat power would be reassessed.

Fury had given up the idea of recruiting Bi Xiao.

The uncontrollable factors were too many. According to Douglas's report, Bi Xiao blew up the entire island along with over four thousand mutants and a thousand agents upon first contact. This decisive and ruthless character, coupled with his unimaginable power, made Fury doubt he could recruit him without being cut down.

Better to keep observing.

Fury murmured to himself.


In the Kamar-Taj training ground, the Ancient One appeared to watch the training sorcerers, but her eyes were vacant, her focus on the Brotherhood base in the Pacific.

Seeing Quoggoth resurrect and die tens of thousands of times per second in the modified Atlas Light Prison, she twitched.

She knew how talented Bi Xiao was, reading and remembering all the magic in Kamar-Taj, including her private library, in two years and even integrating it into his knowledge. Such talent was unprecedented. She believed that even the promising future Sorcerer Supreme Strange would fall short in comparison.

Perhaps in the future, when Strange might have the opportunity to become a God Of Magic, he could catch up.

She couldn't predict how much Bi Xiao would grow by then.

Bi Xiao's talent was immeasurable. A seemingly useless high-level spell could be improved into a god-killing weapon.

Such learning and creativity were terrifying.

The Ancient One considered that if she were trapped in the light prison like Quoggoth, her only chance of survival would be using the Time Stone's time magic.

If Bi Xiao learned time magic through the Time Stone, who knew what terrifying magic he could create.

Quoggoth was once the ruler of ancient Earth, now awakened, only to encounter a monster like Bi Xiao, being brutally tortured. With her deep insight, the Ancient One saw how Bi Xiao's magic restrained Quoggoth.

A being she couldn't guarantee to kill met the only person on Earth capable of doing so—just bad luck.

Quoggoth awoke at the wrong time.

"This magic is interesting and complex," the Ancient One saw Bi Xiao's modified Atlas Light Prison and had a notion.

This magic seemed effective against her old friend Dormammu.

The Ancient One thought the magic could be improved further. As Bi Xiao's mentor in magic, she needed to invest more, such as helping him optimize the Atlas Light Prison.

Of course, in the process of optimizing, learning this magic herself and further improving it for her use was reasonable.

What sorcerer wouldn't be interested in such a powerful offensive, defensive, and controlling spell?

The Ancient One pondered offering her help.

As for Quoggoth, he was doomed. Given Bi Xiao's nature, if he knew about the Eye of Shuma-Gorath, he might be interested. These highly dangerous demonic gods were better off being killed by Bi Xiao.



The Pacific scene kept surging, with hundreds of meters high waves crashing. Bi Xiao stood in the sky, watching the golden light in the prison reach its peak, with the rays' quantity and speed maximized.

The temperature inside was now at the core of a star.

Without the space isolation of the light prison, the sea would have evaporated in an instant, scorching the earth, and burning through the ozone layer.

In such an environment, Quoggoth could no longer survive.

Silently, the cancer-like indestructible consciousness was erased. At this moment, the universe's hardest-to-kill cancer cell was eradicated on Earth, witnessed by many.

When Quoggoth was erased, a completely different essence appeared. It wasn't the blood-red life essence but a nearly transparent liquid-like spherical energy mass entering Bi Xiao's body.

As Bi Xiao was still in surprise, he felt his spiritual world, soul, and will uncontrollably begin to transform.


A terrifying invisible mental power swept across the Earth, even beyond, reaching the moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The mental power grew rapidly, expanding to the stars.

In the moon's blue area, an unknown city to Earth existed, where many lived. Their peaceful life was disrupted at this moment.

In a luxurious palace within the city, a beautiful red-haired woman was strolling in the garden but suddenly looked up, eyes flickering.

"Such power, is it some kind of cosmic storm? So strong."

"Where does this source come from? Does it pose a threat to Attilan?"

The woman hesitated, sensing the vast mental power. She didn't dare to contact it with her mental waves, knowing it would be fatal, tearing her brain apart.

She turned and walked inside the palace.

She was uneasy about this sudden phenomenon and needed to understand the source. If it was an unknown enemy, the mental storm's intensity meant no one in Attilan, including Black Bolt, could resist.

Unbeknownst to her, her actions and the once hidden city of Attilan were completely exposed to the mental storm's owner.

On Earth, the rapidly growing mental power and soul process finally stopped.

Bi Xiao floated in the sky, experiencing this miraculous change for the first time. His mental power, initially enough to cover Earth, now expanded to the entire solar system.

He could project astral projections or directly communicate with intelligent beings in the solar system.

The mental power's growth rate was incredible, beyond his expectations, with an exponential increase.

Moreover, it was his first time extracting essence related to spirit and soul.

Although his body changed somewhat, it was due to the soul's enhanced feedback.

For the first time, there was an imbalance between body and soul.

This imbalance made Bi Xiao feel his body control somewhat sluggish.

This had never happened before. Every transformation was comprehensive, and he had never experienced difficulty controlling his strength, only fine-tuning.

But now it was different; his soul was too strong, surpassing his body.

Bi Xiao raised his hand and clenched his fist, causing a blast of air.

"It's really a strange experience." Bi Xiao sighed. Just now, he merely clenched his fist, but the imbalance caused him to control his strength poorly, resulting in this phenomenon.

Fortunately, adapting shouldn't be too difficult. After all, he was an expert in this area.

He had never relaxed his training.

"Are Cthulhu creatures fundamentally different from other demons?" Bi Xiao thought of Quoggoth. He didn't know Quoggoth's identity but confirmed he was a Cthulhu being.

A life form of special consciousness born from chaos.

No flesh, no genes, bloodline, or organs, purely a body formed by countless manifested consciousnesses, still essentially a consciousness entity.

Thus, after being killed, the extracted essence was all spiritual and conscious.

"This is interesting." The surge in mental thoughts made Bi Xiao's thinking speed reach an unbelievable level. The world he saw now was different, able to see more microscopic details.

In a trance, he seemed to see another dimension.

A dimension composed of more microscopic matter.

In this dimension, a large amount of information emerged. But when he tried to look closely, it was still blurry.

"What is this?"

Bi Xiao tried to observe but still saw vaguely, so he stopped and began to think. It seemed to be a dimensional observation requiring certain conditions to see clearly.

He couldn't help but think of Thanos.

Thanos, with his innate super-intelligence, spent a lot of time acquiring knowledge and gazing into the Infinity Well, learning the secrets of the galaxy. He was one of the most learned beings in the universe, able to see the embodiment of death and even the OAA, an entity beyond everything.

What did this mean? Who was the OAA? The true God of the universe.

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