Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 92: The race to the Holy Sword.

Case 92: The race to the Holy Sword.

[Astra Magical Academy] is an RPG game.

That means that it will inevitably have some sort of progression system implemented—character levels, skill trees, equipment, and perhaps most importantly, weapons.

In the game, players can gradually upgrade their gear by obtaining materials from quests and mapping monsters to craft them into items. Still, it is not guaranteed that every player will be able to do these steps, so the game also gives players gear as they complete the main quests.

In fact, the final quest in the Neveah quest chain does give out some dragon scales, which can be used to craft some allegedly strong armor. Now, there is no quest system present for me, but I was able to harvest the dragon's head, so I do have some scales. The only problem is that I will need to commission the best blacksmith in the empire, who is completely loyal to the emperor, for the armor to be done.

If I do that, I will be exposed right away. It's quite a waste, but I don't want to be hunted down by grandmasters.

For the moment, however, I can aim for the next arc's reward—the secret heirloom of the Astra family. Information about this item is gradually revealed as the player progresses with the chapters. Still, since I have two formerly Astra family members on my side, not to mention Chloe, there is no need for that.

The heirloom comes in the shape of a sword—a holy sword, allegedly. Its name is Moon Devourer, and it has a grade of [Legendary].

Like many holy swords in fiction, this one chooses its owner, yet fortunately, does not possess an ego. I don't want to hear my sword babbling in my ears. In the game, it can only be wielded by the player, so there is a good chance that the present me, who has player perks, can hold it.

If it still chooses Claire... Well, I will have no choice but to yield. As for the method of acquisition, it will be revealed shortly here at the banquet hall.

Standing proudly on the stage, the emperor clears his throat, signaling that his speech is about to begin. Immediately, the hall falls into complete silence.

''...As you might have known, there have been unfortunate incidents happening around the world. In just a few months, several cases relating to demons have occurred in our motherland.''

Predictably, the atmosphere in the hall gets quite serious as the emperor mentions these events.

''Some of you would surely have noticed... The era is changing. Soon, the world as we know it will transform drastically, and as the ones leading humanity—the proud people of the Astra Empire, we need to be prepared for any adversity moving forward.''

Right then, an attendant steps forward and presents the emperor with a golden scroll. The old man, with his starry eyes determined, opens it and begins to read out loud—

''Heed the imperial decree!''

As the emperor's voice full of authority rings in the air, everyone quickly abandons everything they've been doing and uniformly kneels—except me, of course. Luxia is also exempted as she is not the empire's citizen.

But don't wink at me like that, idiot. They'll notice.

How did she find out my position in the first place?

''From the moment this decree is announced, the following mandates shall become valid: First, every authority in the empire shall cooperate with the imperial palace to officially hold the eighteenth Hero Selection Period.''

Albeit small, I can already hear gasps of surprise spreading among the crowd. After all, the Hero Selection Period only appears when the government judges that a country-level threat is already looming.

''Second, every citizen shall be granted the right to participate as a candidate, no matter the age, gender, and class.''

By the way, this kind of event is held separately by other countries as well—as long as they have a suitable item like the Moon Devourer to center it around. These are quite rare in themselves because if they give out mythic weapons too easily, some heroes will inevitably harbor ill intent and harm the country.

''Third, the imperial family shall reveal and offer its heirloom—the holy sword, Moon Devourer—as a weapon for the hero.''

With that, the emperor puts aside the scroll and clears his throat once again.

''These are the messages I want to deliver tonight.'' He says. ''Soon, each and every one of you will receive specific notices stating your work, so do them accordingly.''

'''' Yes, Your Majesty!! ''''

''Let the banquet resume.''

Then, he promptly returns to his chair.

After everything is settled, people naturally begin to discuss this bombshell of a statement from the monarchy, some surprised, some in disbelief, and some in excitement.

''Woah... I didn't expect that at all.'' Nydia exclaims, resting one hand on her chest. ''Hm? Now that I think about it, did you kneel properly??''

''I did. I was behind you.'' I reply.

''Ah, okay...''

Of course, I faded away from existence at that time. If they saw me not kneeling, I would be struck for treason.


Ah, it's Luxia... And Claudia? What are these two doing together?

''Greetings, saintess, Lady Heisenberg.'' Nydia bows respectfully.

''Mhm.'' Claudia nods lightly.

''Good day—oh?''

Suddenly realizing something while looking at Nydia, Luxia wears a flabbergasted expression for a moment. Then, as if winning the lottery, she trots toward me and nudges my side with her elbow—repeatedly.

That annoying smirk...

''You're eating good, hm~?'' She teases. ''Not one, but a whole two...!''

''...I had no choice.''

''Nyahahaha...!'' Luxia laughs, then gets closer to my ear. ''Wanna get a Neveah citizenship? We do allow polyamory there.''

...I didn't know that.

''Please stop, saintess.''

As I feel weird gazes from Claudia and Nydia, I quickly signal Luxia to stop. Fortunately, the crazy-head is reasonable for once and obediently retreats. Settling down at a table, talks naturally begin to emerge.

''Lady Heisenberg, may I ask a question?'' Nydia asks.

''Go ahead.''

''I was wondering if I could inquire about Lady Scarlett's whereabouts...''

I wanted to know that as well. I hope it's not for some stupid reason, like Claire's, which is to rest because she got too exhausted after binging a whole series of novels. This doesn't happen in the original plot, by the way. It's a butterfly effect.

In any case, Claudia, after hearing the question, shrugs lightly.

''That silly girl is out training again. It seems she felt helpless because of the previous incidents.''

''Ah... I see. Thank you.''

''Sometimes I wish she would stop being so obsessed with strength.''

Claudia sighs, causing Nydia's brows to furrow.

''I think Lady Scarlett is admirable.'' She says. ''In truth... I, like her, often wish I were stronger.''

''You can enroll in the academy, then.'' Claudia smirks. ''Here doesn't lack a place for the talented.''

''You're joking...''

She's not joking, Nydia. If everything goes according to plan, your job as a maid will end pretty soon. Befitting a secret capture target, Nydia's origin is nothing to scoff at.

In any case—hm?

Right as I am about to grab a piece of muffin for myself, I notice the pink-headed beside me doing something quite strange. As is it, she stares intently at the piece of bread that she is holding, seemingly deep in thought.

Then, she pouts her pretty lips and shuts her eyes closed before pressing the bread onto her face, effectively simulating a kiss—like a curious child who just learned of the act.


What did I just witness?

Crap. She's turning this way.

Please don't look at me with those curious eyes...

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