Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 93: A pinkish shade of curiosity.

Case 93: A pinkish shade of curiosity.

Soon enough, the banquet ends on a rather chaotic note as people rush out to deliver what the emperor has just announced in his speech. Sensing Luxia's wanting to be alone with me for some moments, I chase Chloe and Nydia to go do their work and lead the saintess to a quiet corner of the academy.

Still wearing her party dress, Luxia, even with her usual brattiness, feels a bit mature tonight. That matureness is instantly broken the moment she turns to me with her big, curious eyes.

''Boss, boss.''


''Let me in the Backrooms again.''

...Am I your transport vehicle?


''Yay~! I'll have to go back to Neveah soon to attend Bishop Linsey's ascension ceremony, so I want to meet everyone one last time.''

So that is what it is. Reasonable, I suppose.

Although Luxia has only seen my horror party twice, she is already developing a strong fascination with them. Like the curious child she is, my comrades were poked a lot.

What troubles me is that she can't seem to view them as people just yet. A bit cold-bloodedly, she admits that they are more similar to exotic creatures to her, which I wish will change in the future.

In any case, if we want to enter the Backrooms, I'll have to teleport back to the cave to access the door I placed beforehand. Peln's body doesn't have the authority to open the gate.

''Let us go.''

''Ah, wait!''


''I almost forgot this, but...''

For a moment, Luxia's hand holding mine twitches ever so slightly, indicating her nervousness. Yet, her face leaves only space for a passionate curiosity and somewhat determined eyes.

''I wanna try kissing!'' She utters. 

''Are you serious...?''

''Yes! I've never tried it before!''

Okay, there are several problems with this girl's head. Still, I guess it adds to her uniqueness... But that doesn't mean she is allowed to do whatever she wants.

Using my index finger to push her forehead back a bit, I narrow my eyes lightly.

''Firstly, you don't just 'try' kissing.'' I say sternly. ''It's an act done by people who love each other romantically. You and I are far from it.''

''...Is that so?'' Luxia tilts her head. ''But... Like others, I also hang out with you, and I like spending time with you. Do you not want to see me?''

''I do. I also like spending time with you, but that's just friendship.''


I'm not quite sure I am even qualified to say these things, but I have a feeling I can't let this girl have her way yet. In the first place, I am still unsure if I am in love with either Nydia or Chloe or not. Being comfortable doing skinship doesn't equal being in love... I think. 

It's a mess, but I have no retreat here. Let's continue.

''For the other two, they look at me with different eyes.'' I continue. ''They approach me to a much more intimate distance—they want much more from me than just simply spending time or having fun together.''

''It's confusing... So... If I also start doing that, can we kiss, then?''

''What kind of logic is that?'' I raise my eyebrow. ''Do you want to? In the first place, why me?''

''Mhm... I dunno!''

Well, she gave up, it seems.

''But I still wanna kiss...!''

...Just give up.

Sighing helplessly, I gaze at the starry sky for a moment. Then, I gently cup the pretty girl's face before closing in. Surprised by my action, Luxia's body shudders, and her eyes shake vigorously.

When our breath finally intertwines as our distance is sufficiently close, I quickly turn her head to the side and press my lips on her smooth cheek. As soon as I feel the blazing hot heat transferring onto my lips, I pull away.


Luxia stares blankly at me, blinking her eyes at an unnatural speed.

''No more dilly-dallying.''

Just like that, I grab her hand, and we teleport to Skely's room inside the cave. Even after entering the Backrooms, I can still see Luxia dazing a bit, her eyes wandering toward my face.

Ignoring that, I quickly greet my friends.

''I'm back.''

''Welcome back~!''

''Welcome back, Lady Aurora.''

''Good day to you, ma'am.''


As Smiley runs up to me with his tongue out, I take a look at the room once again.

In the corner, Skely and 049 are playing chess with Ariel as an observer. Above them, a lone orca can be seen lazing about in the air with a bunch of giant owls on her back. Mister Slen seems to be out again.

It's a lively day as any other, hm. After petting Smiley for a bit, I teleport Peln back to the academy before switching to my main body. As soon as I come out of my room, a rather unfortunate scene greets me.

''Oh, you don't know, miss. You don't know how much I want to gauge those curious eyes of yours and closely examine them...''

''Nyahahah~! What an unfunny joke! As if you can!''

''You seem to think I can't?''

''I do. So what?''

Somehow, a fight between Luxia and 049 has begun. The two confidently size up each other, glaring at their opponent's eyes. As the tension rises, I can't help but be curious about the reason for it.

When I approach Skely and present my question, some of my fluffy siblings jump down from Nova's back and try to cuddle with me. Although they have just recently found out about this hideout of mine, their visiting frequency is quite high.

As I begin to stroke one of them, Skely beside me lets out a sigh.

''...Lady Luxia poked the doc, saying that his attire was too 'stuffy.''' He says. 

''Man, saintesses nowadays are different.'' Ariel chimes in. ''I couldn't imagine myself doing that to him.''

Now I know why. 049 is a weirdo, after all.

Before the fight escalates, however, I quickly walk up to them and shut it down. As a result, 049 goes back to his lab while seeming a bit frustrated. As for Luxia, she's currently force-hugging a fluffy owl for herself as she pouts in the corner.


It's quite a cute sight. It feels like I'm having a daughter all of a sudden.

After playing in the Backrooms for a while, Luxia returns to her escorts, leaving behind a battlefield of her mischievous doings in the Backrooms.

''What do we do now, Aurora~?''

As my friends gather around me, waiting for my lead, I once again organize the information that I've received from Chloe. Even though I want to proceed with the conquer plan immediately, tonight is already a busy night for Chloe, so I don't want to interrupt her rest.

''...Today is a rest day.'' I speak up. ''Everybody, play as much as you want.''

As for me... Well, I still feel a bit overwhelmed by the kisses I gave earlier. Unconsciously, I find myself glazing my lips with my thumb.

Although there was that one time Chloe and I accidentally kissed, I can honestly only remember the smell of alcohol. Who could have thought kisses felt this good?

Soft. They were so soft. Like puddings... Wait.

Weren't those done with Peln's body...?

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