MMORPG: Genesis

Bengal’s Test

Bengal’s Test

"lmë car si naxa san i lmë cé tulco máca exa sangiessemman, n essë le Fanya." (Translation : We form this bond so that we may support each other in our necessities, I name thee Fanya)

[Bonding with Fanya Complete] 

[Class Ability Learnt: Wild Morph: Tiger] 

[Upon Wild Morph: Tiger your INT stat points will redistribute as 3 STR, 1 DEX for every 4 stat points] 

[Any bonus ATP stats you gain from gear will be kept]

[You will be unable to cast spells in the Wild Morph Tiger form and instead will gain new skills.] 

[Mana resources will change to Energy.] 

[Energy resources start at 100 and generate at a state of 10 energy per second.] 

[You can have a maximum of 100 energy.]

[Tiger skills cost energy to use.] 

[Tiger Skills available.] 

[Claw: 15 + P ATP Damage]

[Cost: 25 Energy]

[Bite: 30 + P ATP Damage]

[Cost: 35 Energy]

[5 sec cd]

[Shred:  30 + P ATP Damage]

[Cost: 25 MP]

[Must be behind]

[Stealth: Become invisible to everyone around you who is not in your party.]  

[Tiger Pounce: While in your wild morph tiger form this skill allows you to pounce at the enemy over a large distance, if used from stealth the enemy is knocked to the ground for 2 seconds.]

[You have been granted White Tigers Blessing]

[White Tigers Blessing: The White Tiger of the West Bengal has blessed you in thanks for helping her daughter.]

[Effects: No cat species of any kind will attack you unless you attack them first, also any cat species that comes across you when you are in a fight will aid you in that fight.]

[Quest Update] 

[Learn 3 Wild Morphs: 3/3]  

“Wild Morph Tiger” John said.

As he finished speaking his body dropped forward like with the bear form and his muscles started to change and thicken in his legs, his body streamlined, a tail grew out just above his ass while his jaw extended out while his ears lengthened.

Fur started to cover his body with whiskers coming out of his cheeks and his eyes became cat like.

[You have Wild Morphed into the Tiger] 

[Your INT stat points will redistribute as 3 STR, 1 DEX for every 4 stat points] 

[INT: 113>>1] 

[STR: 82>>166] 

[DEX: 97>>125] 

After transforming John arched his back looking towards the sky before letting out a tiger's roar.



[Name: Vincarna]

[Race: Human]

[Titles: Weapon Master, First in the world, Creator]

[Class: Druid]

[Class Rank: Initiate of the 1st Circle]

[Level: 19]

[Exp: 49,153,421/52,428,800]

[HP: 1460/1460] 

[Energy: 100/100]

[P ATP: 207 (166+41(25%)) (Physical Attack)]

[M ATP: 52 (1+51(M ATP)) (Magic Attack)]

[END: 100 (65+30(DEF)+5(5%))]

[Stat Point Breakdown:] 

[SPI: 73 (61+12)] 

[WIS: 91 (86+5)]

[STR: 166 (61+21+84)]

[INT: 1 (102+11/4)]

[VIT: 65 (60+5)]

[DEX: 125 (96+1+28)]

[Stat Point Allocation: 3 points to each stat on each level up with extra 3 added to INT, 2 to Wis and 1 to DEX.]  

[Passive's: Detect Herbs, Basic All Weapon Mastery, Language of Beasts, Protection of the Wild, Veil] 

[Skills: Inspect, Parry, Herb gathering, Skinning, Multicast] 

[Spells: Lightning Bolt, Daratrine's Balance, Chain Lightning]

[Class Abilities: Wild Morph: Bear, Guidance, Wild Morph: Jackalope, Wild Morph: Tiger]

[Bear Cass Skills: Maul, Mangle, Growl, Bear Charge]

[Jackalope Class Skills: Stealth, Speed Burst, Enhanced Jump, Enhanced Sight, Enhanced Hearing]

[Tiger Class Skills: Claw, Bite, Shred, Stealth, Tiger Pounce]

[Class Spells: Moonfire, Teleport: Emerald Enclave, Earth Skip, Entangle, Healing Spirit]

“Wow” Vulxis said as she looked at John.

Sarah, who was a bit away on a call with someone, was distracted from her call as she stared at John looking like a true white tiger, white fur with black markings and his blue eyes enhanced his handsomeness.

“Very handsome indeed Vincarna, perhaps I will even need to consider what that jackalope said about you becoming my daughter's mate.” Bengal said.

“See, wasn’t I right that John is perfect to give you grand kittens.” Bandit suddenly said as he jumped up on John’s back to speak.

Bengal looked at Bandit before saying.

“Perhaps, now young Vincarna, let's talk about your reward.”

John was walking around trying to get used to his new body while everyone watched him when he stopped and looked at Bengal asking.

“What reward?”

Bengal tilted her head to the side before saying.

“Why your reward for saving my daughter of course, I have already given your friends their rewards, however I can’t give you my blessing since you already received it.”

“I see but honestly I think being able to become a white tiger is reward enough, I have been wanting an attacking wild morph form and being a tiger is awesome.” John replied.

“Bonding with my daughter was her reward to you not mine, so what do you suppose I should give you as a reward?” Bengal asked.

“Your letting me decide?” John asked with surprise.

“Perhaps, I want to know what you think is a suitable reward for you.” Bengal said as her mouth showed a small smirk.

“Oh I know I know.” Bandit suddenly spoke up while jumping up and down on John’s back.

“No Bandit.” John said.

“Why not? Come on bro you gotta get more in tune with your animal nature now that you can become one.” Bandit replied.

“I don’t want women to fuck as my reward.” John said in a deadpan voice.

“Bro we gotta learn to cut loose, if you're going to learn to be an animal you gotta learn that animals only really care about three things.” Bandit said.

“What three things?” John asked cautiously.

“Finding a safe place to sleep, finding your next meal and finding a good mate to breed powerful offspring with.” Bandit said sagely.

“Seriously.” John sighed.

“I have to admit that in this regard Bandit is correct, only powerful animals like myself or those under the protection of someone powerful have time to consider other things.” Bengal confirmed.

“See even the great lady Bengal agrees, now get to fucking those ladies and impregnating them.” Bandit said proudly.

“Honestly I don’t know how it’s possible but I think you're perhaps even more sex made than your queen Jackalope.” Bengal said with a sigh.

“Oh you know my aunt the queen?” Bandit asked surprised.

“Of course she is after all a fellow world boss.” Bengal replied before adding.

“Though I’m not surprised your related to her since you both constantly talk about sex, but then again the way you rabbits fuck your probably all related to each other.” 

“While it’s true we Jackalopes like to fuck and make babies often the queen will only pick the best and strongest to mate with.” Bandit stated proudly.

“The way your speaking with such pride, have you fucked your own aunt by chance?” John asked.

“What!” Vulxis asked in shock.

John had once again not been translating because the conversation was kind of awkward to repeat.

“Ummm this topic is kind of awkward to repeat.” John said awkwardly.

“Is that guy talking about sex and trying to set you up again?” Vulxis asked while giving Bandit a dark look.

“Yup” John said with a sigh.

“Putting aside this perverted rabbits' deluded ideas, what would you like as a reward?” Bengal asked.

“Whose ideas are deluded? You said yourself I was correct.” Bandit replied defensively.

“About animals' natural instincts, not about me rewarding Vincarna with lots of females to breed with.” Bengal replied with a sigh.

“Bah that’s the best sort of reward any male would want.” Bandit scoffed.

“Honestly I have no idea what to ask for from you lady Bengal, so maybe just for you to grant your blessing to another of my friends.” John replied.

Bengal showed slight surprise before she grinned and asked.

“You would sacrifice a reward for the sake of your friend?”

“Before them I never had any friends, so yes.” John replied.

“Interesting, let’s make a deal.” Bengal replied before continuing.

“You need to adapt to your new form, so if you remain as a white tiger for 24 hours I will agree to bless your friends in the future as long as I don’t see anything wrong with them.”

[Class Quest Notification]

[The White Tiger of the West’s Test (Ordinary)]

[Bengal the White Tiger of the West has challenged you to remain in your new tiger form for twenty-four hours so that you can adapt to your new form]

[Quest Goals: Remain in your tiger form for 24 hours]

[Quest Success Rewards:]

[Bengal will agree to grant her blessing to your friends in the future as long as she sees nothing wrong with them.]

[Quest Failure Punishment:]

[You will lose Bengal’s respect and interest.]

[*NOTICE* If you accept this quest you will be unable to leave Genesis for 24 hours, if you do your character will automatically revert back to their natural form upon returning to Genesis]

[Would you like to accept?]

[Yes] [No]

“I accept.”

[Quest accepted]

[Time remaining: 23:59:59]

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