MMORPG: Genesis

Hot rabbit action

Hot rabbit action

“Very good, since my daughter needs time to recover from her incident I will remain here, I trust the Druids don’t mind?” Bengal stated before turning to the listening Druids to ask.

“Of course not Lady Bengal, you are more than welcome to remain here.” Tiriana replied with a small bow.

John nodded before he started to practice moving around again.


A few moments prior as Sarah moved away she pulled up her friends list to contact her cousin by video chat and soon a beautiful red head appeared with a smile.

Ice Blue Queen: Hey cuz you available to talk?

Red Rose: Hey cuz, I thought you were busy with the new dungeon John Michaels found?

Ice Blue Queen: I guess the information has not reached you yet, the Genesis News Network is losing its touch.

Ice Blue Queen: We just cleared.

Red Rose: Damn that was fast for a team of three, but then again you are OP.

Ice Blue Queen: Not just me, John and Vulxis are also OP for their levels, especially John.

Red Rose: Oh how did they get so strong?

Ice Blue Queen: For Vulxis you can ask her yourself and I am sure she will tell you, however in John’s case you will need to wait till I speak with aunt.

Red Rose: With mother? Must be important, I look forward to hearing more.

Red Rose: Now why the sudden call cousin?

Ice Blue Queen: Pride Rock.

Adria frowned when she heard that before saying.

Red Rose: Why do you want to speak about that annoying place?

Ice Blue Queen: What’s the latest?

Red Rose: Same as before, Mother was pressured by some ministers to assign me the role of being the first to capture Red Rock while secretly they plan to make me fail so the imperial family looks bad.

Red Rose: Those ministers that pressured us think we don’t know they are secretly on the anti imperial family side whose members include the Marks and Sanders families two name but two.

Red Rose: Stacey has also informed us that the group lead by Daniel Sanders has secretly allied with the Necromancer faction to prevent my team from claiming Pride Rock.

Red Rose: They will then apparently decide who gets Pride Rock in a one v one duel.

Red Rose: That’s why my team can’t progress, those bastards have groups especially for ambushing and killing us.

Red Rose: Now are you going to tell me why you're asking?

Sarah did not reply because she was distracted by a loud roar that caused her to look back towards John and Vulxis.

She expected to see Bengal upset about something but what she saw instead was a third white tiger that had appeared where John was.

Red Rose: Sarah?

Adria asked when she noticed her cousin was distracted. 

Ice Blue Queen: So handsome.

Sarah couldn’t help but say.

Adria giggled before saying.

Red Rose: Look cuz I know you fancy John but surely you're not still getting distracted by his good looks are you? 

Red Rose: I mean you have been with him for over half a day now.

Sarah came to her senses at Adria’s remark before she said.

Ice Blue Queen: Don’t be so sure.

After which she took a photo of John and sent it to Adria.

Ice Blue Queen: Picture Attachment.

Adria’s eyes widened when she say the white tiger.

Red Rose: Wow you're right that tiger is very handsome, is that the one you saved?

Ice Blue Queen: That’s John.

Red Rose:….

Sarah saw her cousin's eyes open in surprise.

Red Rose: Sorry I think I got some lag there, it almost sounded like you said that was John.

Sarah smiled at her cousin when she said lag, Genesis never had lag since it was just one magic spell.

Ice Blue Queen: I did because it is him, he just made a bond with the white tiger we saved.

Adria’s amazement increased upon hearing that.

While Adria was processing what she had just been told, Sarah now had her attention split between her cousin and John because John had just translated that Bengal wanted him to pick a reward in their party chat.

She was curious what he would receive, after all any reward from a world boss had to be special.

Red Rose: So why did you ask about Pride Rock.

Adria asked after recovering from her amazement.

Ice Blue Queen: Read this and you will understand.

Sarah then sent Adria a copy of the blessing she had just received.

As Adria read the information her eyes went wide again before she replied.

Red Rose: You actually received the blessing of The White Tiger of the West?

Red Rose: Also this would make Pride Rock a piece of cake, you could basically solo it and shut those bastards up.

Ice Blue Queen: That’s the idea, also I thought of inviting Vulxis and John since they also got the Blessing.

Ice Blue Queen: Though we won’t be able to complete most of the quests since we are way to low level, we can at least complete the main unique quest and steal it away from those bastards.

Red Rose: I agree, it’s just a shame I won’t be able to join you.

While Adria was looking slightly disappointed Sarah was reading John’s latest translation in party chat.

Ice Blue Queen: I wouldn’t be so sure.

Sarah replied with a knowing grin.


While John was walking around getting used to moving like a tiger Ciliren returned carrying a large wooden box.

When she saw that another white tiger had suddenly appeared and was now walking around rather awkwardly she stopped in surprise, white tigers were rare to begin with and seeing two was already fortunate, yet now a third had suddenly appeared.

“Where did this white tiger appear from?” Ciliren asked the other council members before adding.

“Also where did Vincarna go?” 

The other council members looked at each other as they were still processing that a druid had bonded with a white tiger, this was a first for all druids, sure there had been druids who had bonded with other tigers before, however never a white tiger.

“That is Vincarna.” Ascal finally managed to say pointing at the white tiger walking around rather awkwardly..

“Padon?” Ciliren said with a confused face.

“Ascal is correct, that white tiger is actually druid Vincarna who just performed the bond with the white tiger he helped rescue.” Tiriana confirmed.

Ciliren looked towards the white tiger, then back at her fellow council members before looking back at the white tiger again.

“Bullshit.” Ciliren finally replied before adding.

“No white tiger has ever been willing to bond with a druid in the past.”

“That is because in the past no druid has ever proved to be worthy to bond with my kin.” Bengal suddenly said while still watching John practice walking around.

For some reason she found it very amusing and enjoyable to watch the human druid as he learned to move like her kind, also she had long noticed that her daughter’s eyes had never left him while her tail swished ever so slightly now and again.

“Is it because he saved your daughter Lady Bengal?” Ciliren asked.

“That is one of the reasons, another is because he has proven himself to be trusting and loyal to those he calls friends.” Bengal replied.

“I see.” Ciliren said before turning to John again and calling out to him.

“Vincarna come over here and see if you can wield the druid’s Naginata”

Everyone threw each other looks that soon turned into smirks as they could predict that Ciliren was about to be disappointed.

John turned to Ciliren and walked slowly over in his tiger form.

“Hurry up and change back to your regular form so that you can try to wield the druid’s Naginata.” Ciliren instructed impatiently.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that right now.” John replied apologectically.

“What, why not?” Ciliren asked confused.

“Lady Bengal has challenged me to stay in my tiger form for twenty-four hours, if I manage to do so she will grant her blessing to my friends.” John answered honestly.

“You can’t be serious?” Ciliren asked dumbfounded.

“Afraid he is sexy elf lady, my bro needs to do this so he can get some hot rabbit action going on.” Bandit suddenly spoke up.

“Hot rabbit action?” Ciliren asked confused.

“You know, make babies.” Bandit explained.

“WHAT!” Ciliren said in outrage before she went on a rant.

“You made me go fetch the druid’s Naginata so that we can see if you can wield it, only to now tell me you don’t have time because you want to earn lady Bengal’s blessing for your female friends so that they will reward you in bed?”

Sarah, Vulxis, the druid’s who were listening in, Bengal and even the white tiger started to laugh at the confusion that Bandit had just caused.

“Bandit.” John said with a sigh.

“What bro? I only told her like it is.” Bandit replied defensively.

“No, you told her how you think it should be.” John replied before having to spend the next twenty minutes trying to calm Ciliren down enough to explain the situation while everyone watched and enjoyed the show.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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