MMORPG: Genesis

Blood of the Immortal Phoenix Pearl

Blood of the Immortal Phoenix Pearl

Inside Genesis in a huge forest lay the capital city of the elves Thamethalas.
It was truly a sight to behold as the elves had managed to blend their city with the forest without damaging it at all, houses, shops and many other buildings grew out of the side of giant trees and long walkways connected the trees together for players to cross.
In the very center of the city was the tallest and mightiest of these trees, however it only housed one building as only one family was worthy enough to live against this tree.
A huge palace stretched all the way around the trunk of this giant tree, it would take over half an hour to walk the entire circumference.
Inside one of the rooms of the grand palace two beautiful women sat having tea, what was unusual about this pair was the fact that one was human while the other was an elf.
The human female had long blue hair that seemed to be the color of ice, bright blue eyes and a blue tattoo under each eye, her beauty was without question, and it was no surprise why she was the most famous human female player Blue Ice Queen.
The elf on the other hand had long silver white hair with golden brown eyes and if anyone saw her, they would recognize her instantly even among the other races, she was one of the most famous Elvin players Silver Oracle.
The two girls were actually friends having adventured together in Genesis a few times they became close, though it was almost impossible for two beings of different races to get along before Genesis it was now more common though still very rare as the races still held deep distrust for each other.
"That damn bastard Snake, I can't believe he cheated on me with that tramp." Blue Ice Queen complained before taking a sip of tea in a very elegant ladylike manor.
"I tried to warn you about him." Silver Oracle said before taking a sip herself also in a very ladylike manor, it was obvious both these ladies had been raised in wealthy families.
"Yes, yes I know, but if you told me what you knew before all this happened it could have been avoided." Blue Ice said while glaring at her friend.
"Don't glare at me like that, it's not like I had a vision about him, why would I even want to? It was obvious when I first saw him on TV that he was no good, you have always been rubbish at picking boyfriends."
"Excuse me, what would you know 'miss having been single all her life', how would you know a good man when you saw one, also how do you know about my relationship history?"
"Red Rose told me about it last time she paid me a visit, we spoke about how we both knew your relationship would not last and she mentioned about how all your past boyfriends have been scum who only wanted to use you to get close to your family or to have you as a trophy piece before they have their way with your body."
"Damn bitch telling all my secrets, and what's with you both bad mouthing me behind my back?"
"Is it bad mouthing when it's correct, I mean we were right where we were not?"
"Humph" Blue Ice added before taking a sip of her tea and continuing.
"At least I got 'that' before I left, though how I'm supposed to finish it now without a guild I don't know."
"Can't you get your family's Lapis guild to help you get the final piece you need?" Oracle asked.
"Ha, do you think I'm that foolish? My family's guild may appear calm to everyone on the outside but there are always internal power struggles and secret plots happening to underhand each other, it's one of the reasons I quit it in the first place."
"That's true, you humans are far too devious even to your own kind and supposed allies." Oracle said with a frown.
"Oi don't lump me in with them lot, you know I don't like that whole deviousness thing, and only do it when I have to."
"I know sweetie, I know it was just a general comment, my apologies."
The room was quiet again for a moment as they drank more tea before Oracle spoke again.
"Why don't we take a look at it and see if we can't gain some insight from its description?"
"I guess we have no other real choice right now." Blue Ice sighed before opening her inventory in front of her and retrieving something which she placed on the table between them.
It was a giant pearl that appeared to have flames inside it that rotated between blue and red in color.
"Beautiful" Oracle gasped before opening the information panel of the item.
[Blood of the Immortal Phoenix Pearl]
[Rarity: Legendary (Gold)]
[Phoenix blood Drops 7/8]
[Using this Item will grant your character rebirth depending on the odds shown below, setting your character back to level zero and moving you back to the starter village.]
[Current rebirth chances.]
[Successful Rebirth grants you double increased starting stats and double stat gain on level up: 65% chance]
[Normal Rebirth grants you double increased starting stats: 30% chance]
[Failed Rebirth grants you a character that has failed to be reborn and is therefore damaged and your character will start with less stats than a normal player: 5% chance]
[A beautiful pearl made from numerous drops of phoenix blood, it is said that the pearl will grant rebirth to anyone who uses it and the more phoenix blood it contains the more successful the rebirth shall be, legends claim a perfect pearl will grant a perfect rebirth.]
"That is ridiculously overpowered." Oracle sighed.
"I know but what could it mean by a perfect rebirth, do you think there is something better than triple increased starting stats and double stat gain on level up?" Blue Ice asked
Oracle was about to answer when a beautiful voice beat her to it.
"Would you like to find out?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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