MMORPG: Genesis

Tia’s Investigation

Tia’s Investigation

Tia was confused.

For the greatest self-aware artificial intelligence on Atlantia this was a new experience that she found rather interesting. 

Everyday Tia did a scan of the user base of Genesis to record who was logged in, who was logged out, when someone last logged in, how long they spent in Genesis each day and many other factors. 

For the past several months she had been paying particular attention to one specific new user John Michaels to see when he would finally log in. 

She remembered that he had told her at his initiation that he was not likely to be playing Genesis to which she thought he was trying to get her attention as so many had attempted to do before. 

If she was a betting AI, she would have put money on him logging in within 48 hours max as no one had ever gone over that without logging in unless they were in prison. 

Prisoners lost their access to Genesis as part of their punishment which is one of the main factors for the drop in crime over the last 112 years. 

Even people who were unconscious in hospital could access Genesis, this was done to help keep the individual's brain active while their body recovered from whatever injury or illness they had. 

But now a new user who was still a school student had never logged into Genesis since his initiation over four months ago, this was why Tia was confused as everyone loved Genesis. 

Trying to understand the situation she decided to try contacting John Michaels via the communication function all modern access bands had, however when she tried, she could not manage it. 

She was able to connect to the access band and read all information on it from his student ID and his citizen ID that showed he should have the latest access band that all new users received, but if that was the case why could she not contact him.

Then there was his bank account information which was another thing that confused Tia. 

Tia could see from John's information in the human government database that he was an orphan, and orphans according to the Genesis agreement were supposed to receive financial support from the government. 

However, after looking at John Michaels bank statements via his access band for the past 11 years since he became orphaned and got his own bank account there was no evidence of him ever receiving any financial support. 

The only income he received was in pitifully small amounts, most recently from some building company. She could not understand why a student would receive money from a building company in such a small amount, she would have suspected he was working for them if not for the money he received being well below minimum wage. 

After not finding anything in his bank account history Tia accessed the human government database, specifically the department for financial support and then focused on Dawnscape city where she searched for John Michaels. 

Here she found that a John Michaels with a citizen ID and student ID that matched the one she knew was receiving financial support every month from the city council; however she noticed it was going to a different bank account under the name John Michaels. 

This bank account was not registered to an access band so Tia could not do a normal search, instead Tia had to access the bank in question's main server and pull up the financial records from there. 

She saw that it was indeed receiving the financial support however its outgoings were strange. 

Instead of normal household bills and other essential needs, the money was spent at restaurants or clubs or brothels, only in the last four months had this spending slowed down though it was used at a brothel two nights ago. 

After this she checked the address for where he was registered to live on his citizen id, school information, and both banks and they all showed the same address which had not changed since he was born. 

However, when Tia accessed the housing records for Dawnscape city she found that this address was registered under a different name, and they had been living there for many years. 

Next Tia accessed his schools server and did a search for John, what she found was very little, he was registered as a student and that was basically it, there were a few sporadic test results but when compared to other students who had a full history of test results and teacher reviews it was as if they forgot about John. 

By now Tia knew that something was going on here with John Michaels and she was not happy about it. 

As the AI of Genesis was created specifically to be impartial between the races so that no one race got above any other by cheating and underhanded means, only by hard work and if they earned it, she did not like a new user of Genesis being mistreated even by his own race. 

Tia needed firsthand information from John Michaels himself to confirm her suspicions before she passed down judgment in Genesis, however with him not having an access band that she could contact him through she needed a third party she could trust and who would not be overly biased towards their own race to meet him. 

Tia accessed the GPS positioning that all modern access bands had and limited her search to the Eastern continent around Dawnscape city. 

Several thousand results popped up however only one caught her eye, Sarah Lapis. 

Sarah Lapis was better known in Genesis as Blue Ice Queen, it appeared she was on an aircraft that was currently flying over Dawnscape city. 

Tia had asked Sarah Lapis to investigate a few things for her in the past and she always did good work, she never hid anything from Tia even if it was damaging to the human race in Genesis. 

Sarah Lapis understood that if Tia learned of someone lying to her to protect their race far worse reproductions would follow. 

With that decided Tia searched for the location of Blue Ice Queen in Genesis and then went to meet her. 

If the current leader of the human race Empress Alexia IV knew what punishment Tia was about to pass on the human race, she would have ordered everyone who was involved to be executed already.

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