MMORPG: Genesis

Daratrine’s Balance

Daratrine’s Balance

[Item Phanta has successfully upgraded too Uncommon (Green)] 

[Phanta (Druid's Mantle) (Growth Item)] 

[Rank: Unique (Black)] 

[Current Rank: Uncommon (Green)] 



[DEF: 4] 

[INT: 1] 

[Requires Level: 5]



[Daratrine's Balance] 

[Soulbound to Vincarna] 

[*Notice* Now that you have successfully ranked up item Phanta it will automatically upgrade its stats every 5 player levels starting when player reaches level 15] 

[Daratrine's Balance: Using the powers of the demigod Daratrine left in Phanta you can once a week change the level of one enemy at Champion rank or below as well as the party you're in to match your own. (There stats and gear will readjust to match their new level)] 

[Time Element] 

[Instant Cast] 

[No Cost] 

[Cooldown: 1 Week] 

[*Notice* Exp gained from defeating the enemy is calculated as if they are your level, you also will not be able to loot the enemy you defeat.]

[Daratrine was the first ever Druid and she is believed to have been a demigod and daughter to the earth Goddess Gaia.] 

[Rank up requirements for Rare (Blue):] 

[Reach Level 25: Not complete] 

[Assist a friend in their class quest: Not complete] 

[Obtain your second Wild Morph Ability: Not complete] 

[Merge 10 Rare (Blue) Shoulder Pieces with the Druid's Mantle 0/10] 

John looked at the new information before his mouth fell open and he froze on the spot as his brain shut down. 

"Vincarna you, ok?" Silver Oracle asked when she saw that John was frozen. 

John did not respond so she started to wave her hand in front of his face, but he still did not respond. 

Eventually she gave him a slight push which gained a reaction. 

John slowly turned his head to face her, but all she heard was a small sound as if air was leaking out of a balloon that came out of his mouth. 

"What the hell is going on with you?" she asked this time pinching his side to gain more of a response." 

"What the fuck is this." That was all John said before he selected Panta and shared the new stats with Silver Oracle. 

"Holy" Was all she could say before she also froze as her brain shut down. 

The two of them stood there in shocked silence as both their brains slowly rebooted, it was a good thing the isolation barrier was still up as who knows what would have happened if people saw Silver Oracle like this. 

Eventually after who knows how long Silver Oracle said. 

"That's way to fucking broken, how is that even possible for a level five player?" 

"You could basically go solo any Champion ranked boss in Genesis once a week with this ability, that's so fucking broken." 

"I know right, what the hell is this, have you ever even heard of an ability like this before." John asked. 

"Never, I have heard of many powerful abilities and even I have a few, but I have never heard of any skill that can force an enemies' level to match your own." 

"I wonder if it works on players as well?" John thought out loud. 

"I don't know, theoretically it's possible, since a player's rank goes up each time they rank up in their class that would mean they would be equivalent to champion rank after three class missions." 

"Or two missions if they have 'First in the world' title." John pointed out. 

"That's true but considering that everyone of age in Atlantia plays Genesis that is a small number of people." Silver Oracle pointed out before continuing. 

"Also let's not forget to mention that it's a Time Element spell as well." 

"The council leaders said before that only certain individuals can use time and space magic." John remembered. 

"That's right, those two elements are very rare, not only because of the fact that not many players or npc's can use them but also the fact that not many of their spells are known to exist." 

"And what's with this rank up requirement?" 

"The level requirement and the merge requirement make sense as they are similar to before, but getting another Wild Morph skill?" 

"That's not so easy, as I said plenty of Druid's don't even have one Wild Morph skill and you need to get a second." 

"There is the 'Assist a friend in their class quest', what's the deal with that?" 

"You did say before that living armors are intuitive." John pointed out. 

"I said 'they also seem to have an almost intuitive ability to know what you need most at the time of the rank up' emphasis on almost." Silver Oracle stressed before continuing. 

"I have never heard of a rank up requirement being to assist a friend." 

"What are they normally then?" John inquired. 

"Depends on the gear that is the growth item, if it's a weapon it's normally to kill x number of a type of monster or enemies." 

"Armor like yours is normally protect npc's or heal them if your class has healing abilities." 

"I have never heard of a requirement to help a 'friend' with their quest." Silver Oracle used air quotation marks when she said friend. 

John shrugged before saying. 

"Well either way it's good for me since I am already going to help you out." 

"Status" John said as he thought about checking it out now that he had his new gear and Phanta had upgraded. 

[Name: Vincarna] 

[Race: Human] 

[Titles: Weapon Master, First in the world] 

[Class: Druid] 

[Class Rank: Aspirant] 

[Level: 5] 

[Exp: 960/6400] 

[HP: 540/540] 

[MP: 250/250] 

[P ATP: 33 (27+6(25%)) (Physical Attack)] 

[M ATP: 50 (30+20(M ATP)) (Magic Attack)] 

[END: 48 (25+21(DEF)+2(5%))] 

[Stat Point Breakdown:] 

[SPI: 26+1] 

[WIS: 25] 

[STR: 26+1] 

[INT: 28+2] 

[VIT: 25] 

[Stat Point Allocation: 2 points to each stat on each level up with extra 3 added to INT and 2 to Wis] 

[Passive's: Detect Herbs, Basic All Weapon Mastery, Language of Beasts, Protection of the Wild, Veil] 

[Skills: Inspect, Parry, Herb gathering, Skinning] 

[Spells: Lightning Bolt] 

[Class Abilities: Wild Morph: Bear, Guidance] 

[Bear Cass Skills: Maul, Mangle, Growl] 

[Class Spells: Moonfire, Teleport: Emerald Enclave, Earth Skip, Entangle, Healing Spirit] 

"Wow, my magic attack power hit fifty." John said before whistling. 

"Fifty magic attack power at level five? My god you're so overpowered for your level." Silver Oracle said while shaking her head. 

"It's a good job I'm on your side then." John said with a smile while Silver Oracle just gave him a dead look before saying. 

"Boy don't get full of yourself, you may be OP for your level but even as a healer I can kill you in one spell with our level difference." 

"Ok ok my bad princess I apologies." John said, raising his hands in defeat. 

"Good boy, don't forget who is the all-powerful one here." Silver Oracle said with a gloating grin before canceling the barrier and saying. 

"Right, let's go ask some animals about a magic circle." 

As the two walked along the streets of Thamethalas Silver Oracle once again attracted everyone's attention, however she just ignored this because she was used to it and pointed out the important locations for John. 

"That's the Inn for if you want to sleep in game or just fancy a drink and something cheap to eat." 

"There are plenty of other more expensive restaurants around if you want something fancier." 

"That's the Guild Hall where guilds need to go to register and also get guild missions and access their guild bank." 

"You have the Adventures Hall over there, that's the easiest place to pick up quests from; however their rewards are just so-so but it's a quick way to farm experience." 

"Ah, down that street you will find most of the places you can learn professions, you already know skinning and herbalism, but there is also mining and Alchemy, Leatherworking, Tailoring and more." 

"That's the bank in case you want to store your gold or valuable belongings, actually let's head there now as you have way too much gold on you." 

The two went into the bank as Silver Oracle explained. 

"While money is deposited in the bank there is no chance of it dropping should you get killed, only the money on your will drop then, also if you buy anything in the future from the auction house or shops in a town or city you can tell them to take the money from you bank instead of needing the amount on you." 

John approached one of the open counters and was greeted by the clerk. 

"Welcome sir, how can I assist you." 

"I would like to deposit some money into my bank account please." John asked, thinking that it was a strange feeling asking to deposit money in an account when in the past all he ever did was get refused money by the banks. 

"Of course, sir and how much would you like to deposit?" The clerk asked. 

"Nine thousand four hundred gold," John said, getting a surprised look from everyone near him when they heard the amount. 

"Silver Oracle is too nice, she must have given him some starting funds." 

"That's an awful lot of starting funds, what sort of relationship do you think they have?" 

They both ignored the crowds' comments before the clerk said. 

"All done sir is there anything else I can help you with?" 

[Money: 9,482 Gold 7 Silver 4 Copper>>82 Gold 7 Silver 4 Copper] 

[Bank Money: 0>>9,400 Gold] 

"No, that's everything, thank you." John said before they both left. 

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