MMORPG: Genesis

Find the animal killer

Find the animal killer

"Sorry about that." John said after they both left the bank. 

"You have nothing to apologize for, those people are just jealous of you, that's all." Silver Oracle said with a smile before saying. 

"Oh, by the way if in the future you need to transfer money between Genesis and Atlantia it is done in the banks also." 

"Now let's head over to where the magic circle was discovered." 

Silver Oracle led the way towards where the magic circle was discovered and as they went, they passed by a tree that was almost as big and thick as the one the royal family lived on in Asyath Serin,

This tree had a grand temple entrance molded into the side of it. 

"That's the temple for 'The Order of the Mother Tree' that I am part of, it is the second largest tree in Thamethalas after the one the royal family lives on." Silver Oracle pointed out. 

"Looks impressive, wait you're the royal family here in Genesis also?" John asked, surprised. 

"Of course, Genesis is the second world to Atlantia so the rulers and influential individuals in each race are the same here as in Atlantia." Silver Oracle explained. 

"While there are differences between Genesis and Atlantia the core foundation stays the same so that any issues that would end in violence can be settled here." 

"Any individual in Atlantia that has a certain level of power over there race, or even other races as recognized by Tia is given the same level of power in Genesis." 

"Also, if said individuals are demoted or removed from power, or if some new individual gains a powerful enough position in Atlantia or Genesis then they need to be given the same position in the other world as per Tia's instructions." 

John thought for a moment before saying. 

"So, for example if that council member Elashor Petvalur lost his position in Genesis, he would lose it in Atlantia also and vice versa?" 

"I wish but that is correct." Silver Oracle confirmed before saying. 

"Anyway, this is the abandoned building that I was telling you about." 

She pushed open the door and led them inside. 

The inside was just as you could imagine from an abandoned building. 

It was dark, quiet, dusty and had empty boxes and other miscellaneous items thrown here and there on the floor. 

"That's the remains of the magic circle." Silver Oracle said, pointing to a burnt outline of a magic circle on the floor. 

"Do magic circles normally leave behind something like this?" John asked as he examined it. 

"No, that's what's strange, well that and them using blood to make it, look there are patches of dried blood just there and there also used to be rat carcasses as well, but it looks like something took them away." Silver Oracle said before pointing out some dried blood patches. 

"Hmm, another animal to eat perhaps, well the layout is different to the magic circle that the monster controlling Vulred was trying to corrupt, that one was for traveling to the Emerald Enclave." John said before continuing. 

"This magic circle looks nothing like that one except that animal blood was used to make it, also it does not appear to be a teleportation magic circle." 

"Oh, you can tell that?" Silver Oracle asked, impressed. 

"I have already seen a few different teleportation magic circles and they all had certain parts that were the same." John answered. 

"Correct, while all teleportation magic circles have the same base design, certain parts are different which determines the destination." Silver Oracle explained before saying. 

"Well, it was a long shot that you would find anything other than the blood similar, let's go ask some local animals if they saw anything." 

"Any animals in mind?" John asked. 

Silver Oracle giggled but did not reply before leading John outside and heading back towards the temple. 

"Wait at the temple, am I allowed in?" John asked. 

"Of course, the temple is open to all those who seek guidance and advice, though the part we are heading to is normally off limits to those who are not members of 'The Order of the Mother Tree'." 

"That won't be a problem for you though since you're with me." 

As they entered the temple John saw that it was filled with many other clerics all wearing similar robes to Silver Oracle though they were not nearly as nice looking. 

As they passed the clerics all stopped what they were doing to offer a small bow or greeting to Silver Oracle before resuming what they were doing. 

"Why is it that anywhere you go people bow to you?" John asked. 

"What can I say once a princess, always a princess." Silver Oracle replied while giggling before saying. 

"Seriously though I have been playing Genesis far longer than you have and my position in 'The Order of the Mother Tree' is rather high." 

"I see." Was all John said before going silent as Silver Oracle led them both across the grand entry hall before exiting through a door that led out into a large garden that seemed to circle around the large tree the temple was built into. 

They approached what appeared to be a small offering plate that rested right up against the tree and Silver Oracle pulled out some small nuts and berries before placing them on the plate and stepping back to wait. 

John looked around wondering what that was all about but noticing that Silver Oracle did not seem concerned he decided to wait and a few minutes later John heard a noise as if something was climbing down the tree before a large squirrel approached the plate and started to eat from it. 

"Greetings Lord Ratatoskr." Silver Oracle said with a small bow. 

"Squeak" Ratatoskr responded and that was all Silver Oracle heard, however John heard differently. 

"Hello kind elf, thank you again for the food." Ratatoskr said. 

"He thanks you for the food." John said, turning to Silver Oracle. 

This made Ratatoskr stop eating and look at the human in the green cloak it paid no attention to before. 

"You understand me, human boy?" Ratatoskr asked. 

"I do Lord Ratatoskr, it's a pleasure to meet you." John replied. 

"How? No human has ever been able to understand me." 

"Because I possess the Language of Beasts." 

"Language of Beasts? That's a gift only given by powerful beasts of the wild or if you're a druid." 

"It happens to be both; I am in fact a Druid, but I was given the Language of Beasts by Lord Ursa Minor before I became one." 

Ratatoskr looked at John and studied him for a while as he continued to eat the food. 

"Interesting, a human Druid, never heard of that before and also recognized by that starry bear Ursa." 

John just smiled but did not reply. 

"So, what can I do for you both, I highly doubt the nice elf lady gave me food and brought a Druid here to speak with me just because she wanted a chat." Ratatoskr asked. 

John translated Ratatoskr's message to Silver Oracle who replied. 

"We wish to ask if you know anything regarding the dark magic circle that was made in that warehouse over there a few days ago." 

"Hmm I did sense this dark magic you speak off, when I focused on it, I saw that the human cleric was trying to perform some kind of spell, though what it was I don't know because it appears to have failed as he got very angry before leaving and not returning." Ratatoskr began to explain. 

"He sacrificed many animals, not just the rats whose carcasses he left behind but also many stray cats that often visit this temple to find scraps." 

John translated it before Silver Oracle said. 

"Hmm now that you mention it there have been a lot less cats around here." 

[Class Quest Notification] 

[Find the animal killer (Epic)] 

[You have learned from Ratatoskr that a human cleric has been killing many cats and rats to use their blood for his evil magic circle.] 

[The slaughter of so many animals goes against the balance of nature and therefore it is your duty young Druid to correct this balance.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Find the Human Cleric who is disrupting the balance and stop him at any cost.] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[Might find knowledge regarding these dark magic circles that keep appearing.] 

[Epic (Purple) Item] 

[Quest Failure punishment:] 

[The evil Cleric will continue to disrupt the balance and if not stopped he may succeed in his evil plan and cause a great disaster to befall Thamethalas.] 

[Loss of 3 Levels.] 

[Do you Accept or Decline the Class Quest?] 

[Accept] [Decline] 

(Accept) John thought so as not to disrupt Silver Oracle who was asking for information about this human. 

"Can you give me any information on who this Human Cleric is Lord Ratatoskr? Silver Oracle Asked. 

"Sorry but I can't help with that. all humanoids look the same to me, I tell them apart by the feel of their magic, best I can tell you is that he is currently in the temple over in the east wing" 

"I see, thank you for your help." Silver Oracle said after John translated. 

Ratatoskr ate the last of the food before disappearing into the tree. 

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