MMORPG: Genesis

Detect Herbs

Detect Herbs

"Hey welcome back kid, I hear you completed the test?" 

"Yup I got the herbs you wanted." John replied. 

"Nice job let me see them and I will consider it as complete." Mossey instructed. 

John took the Herb Pouch out of his inventory and withdrew from it all the herbs he had gathered. 

"Wow what do we have here, 6 peacebloom, 7 silverleaf and 5 Stranglekelp." 

"You did better than expected and even got some Stranglekelp, good job kid here is your reward." 

Mossey said before handing John a letter at which point notifications started to sound and windows appeared. 

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Help mossy gather her alchemy materials (Ordinary)] 

[Being a human in foreign land you cannot gain entry to any town or city without a letter of introduction or invite.] 

[Mossy has taken a liking to you and is willing to give you a letter of invite into Yesta Village if you help her collect the materials she needs for her alchemy] 

[Quest success rewards:] 

[20 exp Rewarded] 

[Letter of invite to Yesta Village] 

[Exp: 50/200>>70/200] 

John inspected the letter. 

[Letter of invite to Yesta Village] 

[Description: A letter of invite to Yesta Village written by the village alchemist Mossy.] 

[Bound to: Vincarna] 

"Thanks Mossy." John said with a smile 

"No problem kido, why don't you give those two your letter and you will be allowed entry, then we can talk about these excess herbs you goatherd," 

John nodded before turning to the two guards and asking. 

"I can enter the village now, right." 

"Since you have a letter of invite that is indeed the case, just pass us the letter and we will mark you as able to enter from now on." Beluar answered. 

"Mark me how?" John asked as he handed over the letter. 

"Like this." Beluar replied before closing his eyes and saying. 

"lmë alatulya si súlë mina Yesta masto" (Translation: We welcome this soul into Yesta Village) 

As Beluar finished speaking the letter of invite burst into flames before turning into particles of light and entering John's body 

[You have been marked as a friend of Yesta Village] 

"With this you will always be able to gain entry to our village, however, be warned that this can also be taken away if you break our rules." 

John nodded in understanding before Mossy spoke up again. 

"So now that you can enter our village, I suppose I should get you name?" 


(Oh, shit wait I'm in Genesis, I should be using my character's name.) 

"Vincarna," John said quickly. 

"What you have two names?" Mossy asked, getting more confused. 

"Just call me Vincarna, John was a name I used back in the Eastern continent, but I gave it up." John said, making up a story on the spot. 

"Hmm ok Vincarna it is,the elf word for renewed, good name." 

"Ok so these excess herbs, I could just pay you for them, let's see peacebloom goes for ten copper each, silverleaf also for ten and stranglekelp is actually a silver each, so in total that would be five silver thirty copper." 

"Or I could give you a spell." 

"A spell?" John asked, interested. 

"Yup, it's a spell called Detect Herbs, as the name suggests it will detect any herbs around you and pinpoint them to you in your mind." 

"I want the spell." John said straight away for two reasons. 

One if the herbs were worth as much as Mossy said it would not take him long to make that money back, and two if what Sarah had said before was correct, he would start earning a lot from the two percent the Dawnscape guild has to start paying him. 

"Ok a spell it is, here you go." Mossy said before flying up to his face and pressing her finger on his forehead. 

[Learned Passive Spell: Detect Herbs] 

[Detect Herbs: Will automatically detect any herbs around you and show you their location when you look in that direction, the image of the herb gets clearer the closer you are.] 

After reading the notification John decided to look towards the forest where he now saw several indistinct outlines of what looked like the shape of peacebloom, slilverleaf, stranglekelp and several others he did not recognize. 

"Cool" John said, 

"I guess that means it's working." Mossy said with a smile. 

"Come on then let's go in and welcome to Yesta Village." After saying that Mossy led John into the village. 

Finally, inside John could make out what was below all the houses in the trees, as he suspected there were not as many buildings, but they were bigger. 

There was a forge with smoke coming out of the roof, what was obviously a pub with several people of different races drinking outside it, what looked like a small Colosseum and a few other buildings including shops. 

"So, the inn is over there where all those people are sitting outside drinking and talking." Mossy began to explain some of the places. 

"That Colosseum looking place is the Weapons Hall where you can train in different weapons." 

"I won't bother explaining the forge." 

"My shop is down that way so if you ever want potions or more work in finding herbs come see me down there." 

"My first advice is to head to the inn and book a room." 

"I have no money." John said flatly, making Mossy gape at him. 

"Damn boy how did you even make it here in the first place sheesh." 

Mossy thought for a moment before saying. 

"Fine then I advise you explore the village and try to find people who need help with things or visit the Wapons Hall. They teach unarmed combat as well as weapon training so that might help you a bit with hunting monsters before you get a weapon." 

"I guess I can give you another job also since you did so well with the last one." 

"Hmm let's see." Mossy went into thought for a moment before a cheeky grin appeared on her face. 

"I know, I am in need of some Briarthorn, can you go get me some?" 

[Quest Notification] 

[Ordinary: Help Mossy gather Briarthorn] 

[Mossy the Alchemist of Yesta Village is doing a good deed by asking you to gather Briarthorn for her since she knows you need money.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Briarthorn: 0/5] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[20 copper] 

[Minor Healing Potion x 5] 

[Quest Failure punishment: None] 

[Do you Accept or Decline the Quest?] 

[Accept] [Decline] 

John moaned before saying. 


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